83 Minimalist RSS feeds

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📡 365 Less Things RSS feed

I'm Collen. I am a forty something year old mother of two grown children and in my third decade of being wife to my darling hubby. A blog about Reducing our stuff one day at a time.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/365lessthings 📑


📡 A New Life in Wales RSS feed

Enjoying a good life on a frugal budget.

URL: https://agoodlifeintydd.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 A Small Wardrobe RSS feed

A Small Wardrobe is a blog about my minimalist wardrobe. Here I hope to tell you how I have created a small wardrobe, and how you can do the same.

URL: https://www.asmallwardrobe.com/home?format=rss 📑


📡 Aisle One RSS feed

An inspirational resource focused on graphic design, typography, grid systems, minimalism and modernism.

URL: https://feedpress.me/aisleone 📑


📡 Alisa Wong RSS feed

Beauty, greenery and minimalist lifestyle blog. Get inspired to live your best life!

URL: https://alisawong.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Andrea Dekker RSS feed

Andrea Dekker is a brand, a business, and a blog that focuses on simplifying REAL life for real families with real budgets, real schedules, real homes, and real lives.

URL: https://andreadekker.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Antimaximalist RSS feed

A minimalist blog for the unconventional (and conventional) minimalist. Eric Owens writes tips on self-help, minimalism, and personal development.

URL: https://antimaximalist.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Balance Through Simplicity RSS feed

Covers articles related to practical inspiration to declutter your home, simplify your life and create space and time for what really matters to you.

URL: https://balancethroughsimplicity.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Be More with Less RSS feed

If you've been searching for a place to help you simplify your life, declutter your mind, and connect with your heart, welcome home. I'm Courtney Carver and started this website to share my story and help you discover the joy in less. I've been making big, and small changes to live my life on purpose.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/BeMoreWithLess 📑


📡 Becoming Minimalist RSS feed

Own less. Live more. Inspiring others to journey towards minimalism in life, discovering the joy of intentionally living with less and realizing what that means for your unique lifestyle.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/becomingminimalistcom 📑


📡 Born Again Minimalist RSS feed

A blog about the journey to less, to let you do more. Minimalism is a lifestyle characterized by priorities and only having those things in your life which are beautiful and meaningful to you.

URL: https://caitlinlizfisher.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Break the Twitch RSS feed

Break the Twitch is about intentional living through minimalism, habits, and creativity. Join Anthony Ongaro as he shares his experiences through the blog. A personal blog from Anthony Ongaro about living with intention and aligning actions with values.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/breakthetwitch 📑


📡 Brittany Taylor RSS feed

Brittany Taylor, creator of Simple Living and Travel shares about her experiences and insights on minimalism, lightweight travel, simple living practices, philosophy and more.

URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=sophiefire13 📑


📡 CREATE: minimalism RSS feed

Financial minimalist coach real estate investor - I live and write in a log home with 6 wild, beautiful children.

URL: https://www.createminimalism.com/blog?format=rss 📑


📡 Change The Code RSS feed

This website is about how I have managed to change the code of my internal programming and in turn how I have managed to change my life for the better. I believe that you can do the same.I hope you will find something here that helps you or maybe even inspires you to take action to live a more minimalist lifestyle.

URL: https://minimalistlifestyle.wordpress.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Chi Being Chi - Minimalist RSS feed

I love sharing stories and lessons I've learned from my life from my experience as a refugee to minimalism and eco-conscious living in order to help you make the most of your beautiful life. I blog about an advocate for life long learning, grow, share, get financially fit, value time and freedom, not stuff, and retire debt-free.

URL: https://www.chibeingchi.com/minimalist-blogs?format=RSS 📑


📡 Daily Bread RSS feed

Hi I'm Jill, I blog about minimalism and simplicity.

URL: http://jill-foleyjourney.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Defeat Your Limits RSS feed

Move. You've been made for that. Bike, ski & climb. create, tune & ride.

URL: https://defeatyourlimits.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Designsetter RSS feed

Designsetter is a Minimalist Design Lifestyle and Interior Design Magazine for Design Enthusiasts and Professionals.

URL: https://www.designsetter.de/feed/ 📑


📡 Exile Lifestyle RSS feed

Exile Lifestyle is the blog of author, entrepreneur, and full-time traveler, Colin Wright. I'm a minimalist in that I own very few things and am intentional in how I consume. This doesn't mean I'm anti-consumption, but rather that I'm careful about how I spend my time, money, and energy.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/exilelifestyle 📑


📡 Family Budgeting RSS feed

Covers all aspects of frugal family life, full of ideas for living creatively as a family on a budget. Top UK parenting blog written by Becky Goddard Hill, an award winning thrifty blogger.

URL: https://family-budgeting.co.uk/feed/ 📑


📡 Hej Doll RSS feed

Hej Doll is a travel, life, & style blog inspired by simple modern living in California and beyond. Jessica Doll is a professional photographer, avid traveler & stylish mama living in the San Francisco bay area.

URL: https://hejdoll.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Ikigai Simplicity | A Filipino journey of learning minimalism RSS feed

My name is Richelle JJ and I'm the author/owner of Ikigai Simplicity. My vision is to introduce Minimalism and Financial Literacy to every Filipino. I do not have the authority to teach anyone how to live a minimalist way of life. However, I hope I can help others learn in my journey of learning a zen inspired and minimalist way of life.

URL: https://www.ikigaisimplicity.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Jessica Rose Williams RSS feed

I'm Jessica. I'm a writer, photographer and minimalist lifestyle coach. I help people simplify their wardrobes, home interior, travels and lives so they can slow down and live a life that's only filled with what matters most to them.

URL: https://www.jessicarosewilliams.com/journal?format=rss 📑


📡 MappCraft - Tiny Closet, Tons of Style RSS feed

I am a working mom, wife, lifetime lover of fashion, reformed shopaholic and capsule wardrobe convert. I love styling outfits out of my tiny closet and writing about the process. I am inspired and hope to inspire you to take the plunge and create your own tiny closet. I blog about personal style, minimalist fashion and capsule wardrobe.

URL: https://www.mappcraft.com/jenn-mapp-bressan-ootd?format=RSS 📑


📡 Maximum Gratitude, Minimal Stuff RSS feed

A blog about minimalism, gratitude, contentment, and purpose in life. Follow the blog to know more about minimalism.

URL: https://www.maximumgratitudeminimalstuff.com/feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 Melissa Camara Wilkins RSS feed

Melissa Camara Wilkins is an award-winning blogger and host of an online community focused on exploring what it means to live true: more truly yourself, more truly awake, and more truly alive.

URL: https://melissacamarawilkins.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Messy Minimalist RSS feed

We're Rachel & Dan. We're quirky, nature-loving, high school sweethearts with a toddler and a house full of animals. We decided to ditch corporate America to live a simple life. So we bought an old motel on Lake Michigan. A blog about a glimpse into our innkeeping adventures.

URL: https://www.messyminimalist.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Mid-life Minimalist | Journey towards a more meaningful life RSS feed

Minimalism and simple living - how living with less can lead to a meaningful life with more calm, happiness, and fun.

URL: http://www.mid-lifeminimalist.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Minimal Blogs | Minimalistic Interior Design Blog RSS feed

We show an overview of the most interesting updates from minimalistic blogs on Interior and Architecture.

URL: https://minimalblogs.com/category/interior/feed/?x=1 📑


📡 Minimal Student - Minimalism RSS feed

Welcome to Minimal Student, a blog about living life fearlessly, constantly learning, and exploring what it means to be human.

URL: http://www.minimalstudent.com/category/minimalism/feed/ 📑


📡 Minimal Wellness RSS feed

Becca who found minimalism. Interestingly, minimalism helped unite many of her long-standing beliefs related to nutrition, health, and living The Good Life. I started Minimal Wellness to help people find, navigate, and enjoy the simple but not easy path to optimal health.

URL: http://minimalwellness.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Minimaldrobe RSS feed

Minimalist men's fashion and lifestyle blog. A blog about minimalist wardrobe based on values of simplicity, and what works for the individual rather than socially or advertising-dominated ideals of style.

URL: http://www.minimaldrobe.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Minimalism Co | A Minimalist Living Blog and Community RSS feed

Minimalism Co. is a creator and curator of ideas, resources and products related to minimalist design, style and living.

URL: http://minimalism.co/feed 📑


📡 Minimalism In Singapore RSS feed

Welcome to my humble blog of specially curated content for living the minimalist lifestyle in Singapore. You may read more about why I decided to be a minimalist here. Below are only of posts that are recent and relevant posts on minimalism, with a Singaporean twist.

URL: https://minimalisminsingapore.wordpress.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Minimalism Made Simple RSS feed

Hello, my name is Rebecca. I started my journey of minimal living 3 years ago when I decided to leave the soul-sucking corporate world and fit only my essential items into a small red carry- on, to fulfill my lifelong dream of traveling the world. I hope this blog inspires you to explore your own journey of minimal living, one that is not defined by others, but rather a journey that is defined by one person and one person only- YOU.

URL: https://www.minimalismmadesimple.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Minimalism: A Peaceful Life RSS feed

It is my approach to make people realize the basic value of a peaceful life, which I believe can be easily obtained by imbibing the values of Minimalism. This is a strong and profound philosophy of thinking better and living a simple life.

URL: https://theideaofminimalism.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Minimalissimo RSS feed

Minimalissimo is a magazine that celebrates the best of minimalism in design from the past and present. We curate exciting, original and engaging work from both established names and talented newcomers. We aim to deliver to our readers a diverse understanding of minimalism, touching on many areas, including art, architecture, fashion, industrial, package, and graphic design.

URL: https://minimalissimo.com/feed 📑


📡 Minimalist Baker RSS feed

Sharing simple, delicious plant-based and mostly gluten-free recipes. Minimalist Baker is about celebrating simple cooking with recipes that require 10 ingredients or less, 1 bowl, or 30 minute or less to prepare.

URL: https://minimalistbaker.com/feed 📑


📡 Minimalist Believer RSS feed

I'm CaReese, a writer enjoying this adventuresome writing life. A blog about minimalism and the Christian life

URL: https://minimalistbeliever.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Minimalist Lab RSS feed

In Minimalist Lab, we always believe that life is a gift. Our minimalist jewellery makes a treasured keepsake for a gift or remembrance, perfect to keep and give.

URL: https://www.minimalistlab.com/blogs/minimalist-lab-blog.atom 📑


📡 Minimalist Woman RSS feed

The Minimalist Woman blog began on Blogspot in January 2010 as a way to document her efforts at decluttering and simplifying her lifestyle. Meg's experience with decluttering brought about some surprising realizations and the blog's subject matter expanded to encompass thoughts on consumerism and its personal and cultural impact.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/minimalistwoman/xnFI 📑


📡 Minimalist at Home RSS feed

I created Minimalist at Home to share practical advice for families interested in minimalism. I am sharing my own experiences to help others discover the possibilities and calmness that minimalism can bring.

URL: https://minimalistathome.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Minimalist in the city RSS feed

We started this blog to chronicle our journey to minimalism. Both of us started our journey to minimalism at a different time and pace, but together as a family, we knew that this is something that we wanted to be, and could foresee ourselves living a life of minimalism, less yet more, simple yet beautiful. A blog about random thoughts and journey towards a minimalist lifestyle

URL: https://minimalistinthecity.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Miss Minimalist RSS feed

I'm Francine Jay, and I'm a minimalist. A blog about minimalist living and design - how to reduce clutter and consumption and lead a simple, beautiful life.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/missminimalist 📑


📡 Money Saving Mom Blog RSS feed

Hi there! I'm Crystal Paine, the blessed wife of Jesse and mom of four precious children. MoneySavingMom is my financial advice blog for moms since 2007 informing and helping on various topics such as Online Deals, Managing Money, Earning Income, and more.

URL: https://moneysavingmom.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Mostly Mindful RSS feed

Mostly Mindful is a not so hardcore blog about minimalism, decluttering, sustainability and eating a plant-based diet. Sometimes we'll talk about frugal living, but not a lot.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AngelaGayeHorn 📑


📡 Mostly Mindful | Minimalism Made More-ish RSS feed

Mostly Mindful is a not so hardcore blog about minimalist living. Mostly. We also offer tips on how to declutter your life and we love banging on about the health benefits of eating a vegan diet.

URL: https://www.angelagayehorn.com/feed/ 📑


📡 My Dubio RSS feed

MyDubio is an online platform for the minimalist style lover. From fashion to interior design: shopping guides, inspiring interiors and minimal outfit posts.

URL: http://www.mydubio.com/feed/ 📑


📡 My journey to simplicity RSS feed

Dominique is a writer and federal public servant.. She is a thinker and a minimalist who tries to live a happy authentic life. A blog about Dominique Joly journey to simplicity.

URL: https://www.myjourneytosimplicity.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Natalie Young RSS feed

Hi! I'm Natalie Young and I'm a wedding and lifestyle photographer. I hope you enjoy reading this little blog of mine where I'll be sharing our journey towards a healthier and simpler life, our adventures in homeschooling, new recipes I've tried and loved and other little bits and pieces of our everyday life!

URL: http://www.natalieyoung.ca/feed/ 📑


📡 New Minimalism RSS feed

When you simplify your life, a natural order, beauty, and sense of ease emerge and we want this for you!

URL: http://www.newminimalism.com/blog?format=RSS 📑


📡 No Sidebar RSS feed

A collection of articles on minimalism, simple living, and finding happiness. We want to help you figure out whats getting in your way, at home and at work. We want to help you let go of distractions, online and off. We want to help you turn down the noise that disrupts the quiet of your heart and mind and soul.

URL: https://nosidebar.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Nourishing Minimalism RSS feed

Hi, I'm Rachel Jones, a joyful space specialist and founder of NourishingMinimalism.com. Nourishing Minimalism is a blog created to help moms nourish their families by simplifying and embracing minimalism and real food.

URL: https://nourishingminimalism.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Our Beautiful Adventure Blog | Minimalism, Adventure, Parenting and more RSS feed

This blog is authored by Rachael, A photographer, writer and adventurer. Here you will find our beautiful adventure blogging about Minimalism, Parenting, Travel and Photography.

URL: https://www.ourbeautifuladventure.co.uk/blog?format=RSS 📑


📡 Quiet Habits | quiet habits for an extraordinary life RSS feed

Blog by nathan. Write about minimalism, simplicity, simple living, happiness, habit change, and more!

URL: https://quiethabits.net/feed/ 📑


📡 Raw Alignment RSS feed

I'm Alyse! I create videos to spread awareness of self-love, fitness, veganism, minimalist living and much more!

URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCzLQ_5hu5fuVSEHkMGEq7Vg 📑


📡 Reading My Tea Leaves RSS feed

A lifestyle blog, written by Erin Boyle, celebrating a practical and purposeful approach to a simple, sustainable life.

URL: https://readingmytealeaves.com/feed 📑


📡 Rethinking the Dream RSS feed

Eric West is a minimalist. I want to help you have more freedom to do the things you love and to create a more peaceful and tranquil setting in your home. This and more can be achieved through my Clutter Coaching.

URL: http://www.rethinkingthedream.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Rosie Leizrowice RSS feed

A blog by Rosie Leizrowice about minimalism, philosophy, travel, books, creativity and more.

URL: https://www.rosieleizrowice.com/blog?format=RSS 📑


📡 Silvrback RSS feed

Silvrback sought to provide users with a potent, minimalist writing experience that was easy to use, well-supported, and distraction-free all at a modest price.

URL: https://blog.silvrback.com/feed 📑


📡 Simple Days RSS feed

Minimalist lifestyle and simple living blog for mums. Decluttering, minimalism, living with less and the benefits of minimalist living. Create a better life with less stuff.

URL: https://simpledays.co.uk/feed/ 📑


📡 Simplicity Voices RSS feed

Simplicity Voices is a curated space for the web's best articles on minimalism, slow living, wellbeing and financial freedom. It is run by Claire, the creator of wantless.co.uk, a blog about ditching stuff, beating debt and getting a life.

URL: http://simplicityvoices.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Simplify & Pursue RSS feed

Hi! I'm Robin and thank you for visiting Simplify & Pursue. I'm a wife and mom striving to simplify our lives so that we can pursue what matters most to us.

URL: http://simplifyandpursue.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Simply Fiercely - Minimalism RSS feed

Simply Fiercely is dedicated to helping women build lives they love through simple and intentional living - minimalism, mindfulness, self care and more.

URL: https://www.simplyfiercely.com/category/minimalism/feed/ 📑


📡 Smallish | small space | small budget | small footprint RSS feed

Smallish explores intentionally living small. Intentionally living small means a commitment to moderation in three key areas: small space, small budget, a small footprint and increasingly, minimalism.

URL: http://smallishblog.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Squirrels of a Feather RSS feed

Hi there, I'm Marissa. A frugal, minimalist lifestyle helped my family crush $250,000 of debt and inspired us to declutter our entire home, sell or donate everything we own, and move to Europe with only eight suitcases. Now my passion is helping REAL families just like us live happier and richer lives with less. Follow me if you're ready to change your life!

URL: https://www.squirrelsofafeather.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Style & Minimalism | Minimalist Interior Blog RSS feed

A London-based fashion, beauty, interior design & travel blog. A love of Scandinavian designers and minimalist interiors inspire her interior design projects and style; creating a home that is calming and welcoming.

URL: https://www.styleandminimalism.com/category/interiors/feed/ 📑


📡 Style Bee RSS feed

Style Bee is the creative hive of Lee Vosburgh, where she endeavours to explore the definition of personal style and share the best independent makers and brands from around the globe. Through Style Bee, Lee aims to inspire readers to shop thoughtfully with careful consideration about every purchase. The better we know ourselves, the better our choices will be!

URL: https://stylebee.ca/feed/ 📑


📡 The Design Files - Homes Minimalist RSS feed

Australia's most popular design blog. The Design Files covers Australian design in all its forms from architecture and interiors to gardens, food, fine art, and craft.

URL: http://thedesignfiles.net/section/homes-minimalist/feed/ 📑


📡 The Everyday Minimalist RSS feed

'Living with less, but only with the best'. I am on the path to applying a minimalist philosophy to all the areas of my life.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheEverydayMinimalist 📑


📡 The Exhoarder | Indian Minimalist RSS feed

The Exhoarder is a blog about minimalism,personal growth,essential-ism and how being clutter free leads to a simpler & a meaningful life.I will also teach how to lead a minimalist lifestyle.I will be writing things based on my experiences/research on minimalism,life,career & also personal growth. ONLY the essentials.

URL: https://exhoarder.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 The Life On Purpose Movement RSS feed

I'm Erica. The Life On Purpose Movement, a place for women doing life with intention. I blog about happiness, self-care, simple living & intentional parenting.

URL: https://ericalayne.co/feed/ 📑


📡 The Lifestyle Files RSS feed

Minimalist lifestyle blog: Make smarter choices, live a more intentional life, staying away from the clutter, turning simple moments into meaningful memories and Minimalist lifestyle, maximalist attitude.

URL: https://www.thelifestyle-files.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Minimalist Mom RSS feed

I'm an Author, almost Olympian, mom of three, apartment dweller, clutter buster. A blog about rich life with less stuff the minimalist mom. Simple and frugal living for families that want more time, money and space.

URL: http://www.theminimalistmom.com/blog/feed 📑


📡 The Minimalists RSS feed

Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus write about the challenges of minimalism in today's consumer-driven world. They help more than 20 million people live meaningful lives with less through their website, books, podcast, and films.

URL: https://www.theminimalists.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Tiny Life | Tiny House Living Blog RSS feed

Tiny Houses, Tiny Living: All about living small in Tiny Houses and the Tiny House Movement.The Tiny Life is a website dedicated to helping people learn about tiny houses.

URL: http://thetinylife.com/feed/ 📑


📡 This Family's Journey RSS feed

This family's journey from stressed out mess to a simpler, happier life. Find out how we do more of what we really love and live a more peaceful life through gratitude, mindfulness and a pinch of minimalism.

URL: http://www.thisfamilysjourney.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Un-Fancy Mindful style RSS feed

Unfancy was born in 2014 out of a desire to find Caroline's style and curb her shopping habit. Back then, I had a closet full of cheap clothes but 'nothing to wear.' So I decided to try out a capsule wardrobe and live with a small intentional closet of 37 pieces. After a year of living with a capsule, I found myself more content, more confident, and more joyful than ever.

URL: http://www.un-fancy.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Use less RSS feed

Style is not about having a lot of clothes; it's about having the right clothes. Join me on my journey towards a lifestyle with less waste and more balance!

URL: https://www.uselesswardrobe.dk/feed/ 📑


📡 Viectoria RSS feed

motherhood & minimalism. Hello, I'm Victoria, but you can call me to vie Brazilian, mom, minimalist, writer and (almost) vegetarian.

URL: https://viectoria.com/en/feed/ 📑


📡 Zero Waste Home RSS feed

The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying your Life by Reducing your Waste. I also provide consulting services on sustainable product conception, waste reduction, and minimalism.

URL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/hUMJY 📑


📡 minimalgoods RSS feed

Covers the best in minimal product design. Minimalgoods curates and reviews objects for the home and office, with minimalist design in mind. Bryan started minimalgoods out of a desire to find more simple, well-designed objects in the world.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/minimalgoods/sxrA 📑


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