May 4, 2011

Frequency setting - What is it used for | Freeware Plugins | Support Forum


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Frequency setting - What is it used for
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April 11, 2019
12:49 am
Forum Posts: 5
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March 31, 2019
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I do not understand how the frequency system is managed. 
When I create a gallery, where is the frequency attribute associated to the gallery ? Does it catch new images present in the feed (URL) at the set frequency ? Or is it a different delay, to do something else ?
Can you explain briefly how it works please ? Do you have a simple example of using ?
Reading this post did not help me really to get it : Login to see this link
April 11, 2019
12:56 pm
Forum Posts: 3737
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July 2, 2009
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You can set the frequency of publication using the “Frequency” field of Gallery Magic. Say once per 10 minutes after some given date. The Gallery Magic does not parse feeds, so it can’t update anything. Only the existing galleries from the CSV dump will be added. On the other hand, the CyberSEO Pro pulls the feed every given period and imports all the new galleries from it.

April 11, 2019
1:25 pm
Forum Posts: 5
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March 31, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


Thanks for these precisions. Ok for the principle that this plugin does not update any source.

Then :

“You can set the frequency of publication using the “Frequency” field of Gallery Magic. Say once per 10 minutes after some given date.”

=> So let’s say I put 3 URLs with a Start-date at ‘Tomorrow’, with a frequency = ‘2 hours’. So from tomorrow, I need that every two hours, a new gallery is created. Is that right ? 

My tests showed that every URL links from the CSV list were taken in just one time to created new items (new posts, or new attachements). Is that normal ? I thought that the frequency system spread overt time the generation of galleries.
I have tried to change “Post type” and “Post format” but I did not succeed (I’ve tried with post, image, attachment).

My goal is to add automatically images (from created galleries) to new the Posts (separated from Gallery Magic), according to their Category. How is made the link between galleries and posts ? With what I say above, how to manage that ?

April 11, 2019
1:38 pm
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July 2, 2009
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Yes, the empty posts for these 3 galleries will be created instantly, but they will be Login to see this link, according to your settings. However(!) the actual images will not be uploaded to your server and the featured images will not be generated until someone opens these posts in the browser. It can be a Web surfer or a search engine bot for example. This is made to reduce the server resource usage.

April 11, 2019
3:22 pm
Forum Posts: 5
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March 31, 2019
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1/ You say the empty posts for these 3 galleries will be created instantly”.
=> So where is used the 2-hours frequency ?

Then, OK for the future automatic placement of the images into the post : Only actually generated once this post is opened. Before that, they remain in a “waiting mode”.
=> But… I still do not see where the 2-hours frequency is used.

Maybe could you please precise the different steps with their content and their trigger ? 

2/ I remind my use case :
Each time a new post is created, in a category ‘A’, this post contains an (or x) image(s) associated to its category ‘A’.
To do my goal, what is the best GM setting ? Post type = “Post” ? Or “Attachment” ?

3/ And what about the automation that places images from the gallery into my post : Adding the gallery shortcode is mandatory ? Or, as the category is precised in the gallery, this is fully automatic, with no need to add any shortcode into the post ?

Thank you

April 11, 2019
4:39 pm
Forum Posts: 3737
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July 2, 2009
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To generate the posts. Every post in WordPress has a date of generation. In your case all 3 posts will be created immediately but they will have different dates. So the first post will be dated as 4:00 am, the second post will be dated as 6:00 am and the 3rd one will be dated as 8:00 am.

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Depends on how you are going to use these posts. In most cases the post type must be set as post, because it’s actually… a post. But if you prefer pages instead posts or if your theme or some plugin needs a different type, you can assign it.

Post Types is a term used to refer to different types of content in a WordPress site. In 2003, WordPress was primarily launched as a blogging platform. Posts is a common blogging terminology that stuck with WordPress as it evolved into a robust content management system (CMS). When WordPress added different type of content, pages, they called it a different type of post hence post type. In the later versions, WordPress added the ability for developers to register their own custom post type. In all practical sense, post type is content type.

WordPress by default comes with the following types:

  • Post
  • Page
  • Attachment
  • Revision
  • Nav Menu

Theme designers and developers can add custom post types by using one of the many plugins or the register_post_type function. A common example of one is Portfolio. This post type is often registered by portfolio themes to have a custom display of portfolio items. Custom Post Types have really pushed WordPress towards a true content management system because now it is being used to power all type of different sites such as real estate sites, movie database, portfolios, etc.

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Yes, because it does contain the information about where to take the gallery content and how to generate the gallery when an empty post will be opened for the first time. When generated, the shortcode will be replaced with the actual gallery.

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