91 Women Empowerment RSS feeds
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📡 50/50 Women on Boards RSS feed
50/50 Women on Boards is the leading global education and advocacy campaign driving the movement toward gender balance and diversity on corporate boards.
URL: https://5050wob.com/feed/
📡 A2Empowerment Blog | Empowering Women through Education RSS feed
A2Empowerment, Incorporated is a charity that provides educational scholarships and support to girls and women so that they may increase their knowledge and empower themselves to lead healthier, more productive lives.
URL: https://a2empowerment.org/blog/feed/
📡 African ChangeMakers Initiative (ACi) - Women Empowerment RSS feed
Our mission identify, spark new ideas, nurture creative innovation and develop an engaged change-making leaders and communities that will bring about transformation and impact across Africa and beyond.
URL: https://africanchangemakers.org/category/women-empowerment/feed/
📡 American Heritage Girls Blog - Female Empowerment RSS feed
Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.
URL: https://americanheritagegirls.org/category/female-empowerment/feed/
📡 AyabaConnect RSS feed
AyabaConnect is a platform whose sole mission is to empower, inspire and connect strong and beautiful women everywhere. Through inspirational stories, events, and empowering content, we hope to push you to becoming the best you, while providing a community of women doing the same. What originally started off as a motivational blog has now expanded, and it is set to break molds and change lives everywhere.
URL: https://ayabaconnect.com/feed
📡 Barefoot College | News Blog RSS feed
We've designed new ways to nurture and support a journey to empowerment, one village at a time, one woman at a time. We demystify and decentralize technology and put new tools in the hands of the underserved, with the objective to spread self-sufficiency and sustainability. With a geographic focus on the Least Developed Countries, we train women worldwide as solar engineers, entrepreneurs and educators, who then return to their villages to bring light and learning to their community.
URL: https://www.barefootcollege.org/about/media/feed/
📡 BlogHer | Economic Empowerment for All Women RSS feed
Since 2005, BlogHer has pursued the mission to change the ratio of women-led businesses in the US. Serving a vast community of entrepreneurs, small businesses, and content creators, BlogHer has pioneered the business ethos of women supporting women.
URL: https://www.blogher.com/feed/
📡 Brown Girl Magazine RSS feed
The mission of Brown Girl Magazine is to empower millennial women through features, interviews, stories, and discussion, we aim to create a community that helps young women see their strengths, develop self-confidence, and become well-rounded, independent leaders.
URL: https://www.browngirlmagazine.com/feed
📡 Career Girl Daily RSS feed
Lifestyle and career articles to support and empower women to live their best lives and get stuff done. Tips, tricks, and inspiration delivered every week.
URL: https://www.careergirldaily.com/feed/
📡 Cherie Blair Foundation for Women | News Blog RSS feed
At the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, we help release the potential of women entrepreneurs, so they can redefine the future. We deliver training, facilitate mentoring and share knowledge, inspired by the women involved in our work around the world. We open doors to finance, markets and networks and use technology to help womenlearn, and to start, sustain and grow their businesses & press for change to stop women being held back.
URL: https://cherieblairfoundation.org/feed/
📡 ConnectHER Blog RSS feed
Connecther inspires global change through women's stories and projects. ConnectHER envisions a world where women and girls are seen, heard, and encouraged to reach their full potential.
URL: https://www.connecther.org/blog/feed/
📡 Daring Woman RSS feed
Daring Woman Media is about giving women a platform to share their stories of inspiration, heartache, love and experience. Here women can showcase their expertise and know that their words are giving someone else the hope, knowledge and motivation they need. It is about making a difference in the lives of as many women as we can.
URL: http://daringwomaninc.com/feed/
📡 Dr. Christina Hibbert's Blog RSS feed
You can not only overcome whatever life brings your way, you can become and even flourish. Life is Change, Growth is Optional.
URL: http://www.drchristinahibbert.com/feed/
📡 Dr. Nancy O'Reilly's Blog RSS feed
Motivational Speaker on Female Empowerment. Follow for Information to help women create the satisfying and purposeful lives they want to benefit themselves, their families and their communities, provided by WomenConnect4Good.
URL: https://www.drnancyoreilly.com/feed/
📡 Empowered & Poised | Female Health & Empowerment Blog RSS feed
Empowered & Poised empowers and educates girls and females on how to be beautiful from the inside out through discover of social, mental, and physical components. The Life of an Empowered & Poised Female Blog features women's stories in hopes of encouraging and empowering each other.
URL: https://www.empoweredandpoised.com/new-blog?format=rss
📡 Empowering Ambitious Women RSS feed
At Empowering Ambitious Women we are dedicated to sharing the authentic stories of extraordinary ambitious women, their insights and ups, and downs on their journey toward success.
URL: https://www.empoweringambitiouswomen.com/feed/
📡 Empowering Women Network RSS feed
A professional women's organization focused on the advancement of women. As an industry leader EWN provides opportunities for professional women to succeed and companies to develop their female leaders. Always focused on the belief that truly successful women nurture their health and well-being as well as their careers!
URL: https://www.empoweringwomen.net/feed/
📡 Empowering Women Now RSS feed
Here, you will find positive messages and videos that uplift, inspire, and encourage the empowerment of women.
URL: https://empoweringwomennow.com/feed/
📡 Female Entrepreneur Association's Blog RSS feed
The Female Entrepreneur Association is an online hub with the mission of inspiring and empowering women from around the world to turn their ideas into a reality, build wildly successful businesses. We believe that every single one of us has the ability to achieve incredible things and life is too short to waste the opportunity to make it happen.
URL: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/the-blog/feed/
📡 Feminist Focus Blog RSS feed
Feminist Focus is a blog of Girls Learn International (GLI), a program of the Feminist Majority Foundation. GLI is building a movement of informed advocates for universal girls' education and a new generation of leaders and activists for social change.
URL: https://feministfocus.tumblr.com/rss
📡 FemmAllure RSS feed
Your self-love, self-care, & self-acceptance bible. Learn self-love, how to be happy, the secrets to upgrade your mindset for success & get the best dating advice to find fulfilling relationships. Become the best version of yourself.
URL: https://femmallure.com/feed/
📡 Four Columns of a Balanced Life RSS feed
My goal and motivation with this blog are to empower women live a balanced life in the 21st century. I believe that Faith, Family, Finance and Food are the four columns of a balanced life.
URL: https://fourcolumnsofabalancedlife.com/feed/
📡 Foxy 107.1-104.3 | Women's Empowerment Blogs RSS feed
Posts about Women's Empowerment Blogs written by Victoria Said It! and foxync Staff.
URL: https://foxync.com/category/womens-empowerment-blogs/feed/
📡 GenderMatters.in RSS feed
Covers articles related to gender, development, society, culture and politics in India, South Asia and the global South. GenderMatters.in, a project from Centre for Social Research in New Delhi, India. Its core mission is to restructure gender relations toward a humane, equitable, gender-just society and focus attention toward empowering women, protecting and ensuring women's rights and understanding social issues from a gender perspective.
URL: https://gendermatters.in/feed/
📡 Generation W | Donna's Blog RSS feed
Find out how Generation W is supporting women's empowerment in Jacksonville Beach, FL. Generation W provides a platform for women around the world to come together to: Be educated, inspired and connected, Learn how to impact change for themselves, their communities and the world, Inspire women's leadership.
URL: https://genwnow.com/category/donnas-blog/feed/
📡 Girl Power Talk RSS feed
Girl Power Talk encourages and empowers women with opportunities to be Persistent, Strong, and Bold. Our mission is to mentor young girls and provide leadership opportunities.
URL: https://girlpowertalk.com/feed/
📡 Girl Spring Blog | Empowerment for Teen Girls RSS feed
GirlSpring provides access to reliable information, inspiring events and positive role models so girls & young women are empowered to reach their full potential. Join the online empowerment community built by girls, for girls.
URL: https://www.girlspring.com/category/articles/feed/
📡 GirlTalkHQ RSS feed
A news media website created to Inspire & Empower Millennial Women daily with positive content. Follow this global headquarters of female empowerment stories & voices.
URL: https://www.girltalkhq.com/feed/
📡 Girls Can't WHAT? RSS feed
Girls Can't WHAT? was born shortly after Gretchen Cawthon was told that women can't do web design. Realizing the need to empower girls to achieve their dreams, she quit her job and built this site from the ground up.
URL: https://www.girlscantwhat.com/feed/
📡 Girls Empowerment Network RSS feed
Girls Empowerment Network's mission is to ignite the power in girls. By building their self-efficacy skills, we teach them how to thrive and believe in their ability to be unstoppable.
URL: https://www.girlsempowermentnetwork.org/blog?format=rss
📡 Girls For A Change RSS feed
Read articles on Black girls education and empowering Black girls.Girls For A Change (GFAC) is a nonprofit youth development organization with a mission to empower them to visualize their bright futures and potential through discovery, development, innovation and social change in their communities.
URL: https://girlsforachange.org/feed/
📡 Girls Globe | Voices of Women & Girls around the World! RSS feed
Girls' Globe is the media organization that amplifies the voices of women and girls to strengthen human rights, social justice and gender equality. We fight to create a sustainable world shaped by peace and solidarity, free from any discrimination, inequality and violence, enabling all girls and women to live up to their fullest potential.
URL: https://www.girlsglobe.org/feed/
📡 Girls Inc. | Inspiring All Girls to be Strong, Smart, & Bold RSS feed
Girls Inc. is a non-profit organization with the central goal of empowering and inspiring girls and young women.
URL: https://girlsinc.org/feed/
📡 Good Girl Mafia's Empower Blog RSS feed
Good Girl Mafia is an Encouragement, Empowerment & Entertainment Co for Women. This is not a one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter approach to empowerment. We co-create what empowerment means to YOU & take massive action implementing it into your dream life.
URL: https://goodgirlmafia.com/blogs/empower.atom
📡 Her Campus RSS feed
Her Campus is the top global community for college women, covering style, beauty, health, love, life, career, & more. Her Campus Media founders Stephanie Kaplan Lewis, Annie Wang, and Windsor Hanger Western met as Harvard undergrads while running a student publication for women on campus. The publication soared in popularity with college women across the country, who began asking for advice on starting something like it at their own schools.
URL: https://www.hercampus.com/feed
📡 Her Nexx Chapter RSS feed
Showcases the best inspirational stories, self-development, career advice, and healthcare information for women and by women. Her Nexx Chapter is a nonprofit female empowerment organization dedicated to forming long-lasting connections, mentorships, and nurturing for women's personal development.
URL: https://hernexxchapter.org/feed/
📡 In Her Shoes | Where the Fly Female Entrepreneur Shines RSS feed
Conceptualized by Renae Bluitt, founder of Crush Media, In Her Shoes was created to empower, enlighten and uplift women committed to realizing their dreams. As the title indicates, you'll have the opportunity to step into the shoes of some of the most driven, talented, inspiring and let's not forget, flyest female entrepreneurs on the planet.
URL: https://inhershoesblog.com/feed
📡 JAN Trust | Encouraging, Educating, Empowering RSS feed
A UK-based multi award winning charity that empowers disadvantaged women and youth in order to create positive and active citizens of society. It is dedicated to the cause of combating poverty, discrimination, abuse and social exclusion among Black, Asian, minority ethnic, refugee and asylum women.
URL: https://jantrust.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Jess Ann Kirby's Blog RSS feed
Welcome to JessAnnKirby.com, an online community fostering connection and confidence through honest story-telling and authentic conversation. We believe in living stylishly and unapologetically, that women can be as passionate about the finer things as they are about changing the world, and that staying informed leads us to feeling empowered in all aspects of our lives.
URL: https://www.jessannkirby.com/feed
📡 Jessica DW's Blog | Find Your Purpose RSS feed
Career and leadership coaching for professional women who want to discover their passions and life purpose, negotiate salaries with ease, and align their career with their strengths.
URL: https://jessicadw.com/blog?format=rss
📡 JustWomenWorld RSS feed
JustWomenWorld is a place where you will get solutions of all your problems. Here you will find a way to your empowerment along with tips to maintain healthy hair, skin, and body. This blog will cover all kinds of stuff that a woman needs.
URL: https://justwomenworld.com/feed/
📡 Kent State Women Center's Blog - Women's Empowerment RSS feed
Our vision of this blog is to allow collective voices across campus and the community to express, engage, question, relate and share in topics and issues that are relevant to the Women's Center.
URL: https://ksuwomenscenter.wordpress.com/category/womens-empowerment/feed/
📡 Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw Blog - Women Empowerment RSS feed
A pioneer of the biotechnology industry in India and the head of the country's leading biotechnology enterprise, Biocon, Ms. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw is a highly respected businesswoman. Follow the blog for latest posts on Women Empowerment by her.
URL: https://kiranshaw.blog/category/women-empowerment/feed/
📡 Leaders in Heels | Creating Female Leaders RSS feed
An online community created to nurture, inspire and empower female leaders. We create elegant, inspirational and purposeful stationery that helps women shape daily habits to nurture and empower the leader inside them.
URL: https://leadersinheels.com/feed/
📡 Love Happens Magazine - Women Empowerment RSS feed
The Love Happens magazineis all about everything women love in the world of luxury living, with the goal of inspiring and empowering women around the globe!
URL: https://www.lovehappensmag.com/blog/category/women-empowerment/feed/
📡 NCRI Women Committee | Women are Force for Change RSS feed
The Women's Committee of the NCRI is committed to be the voice of Iranian women. Attending UN Human Rights Council meetings and other international or regional conferences on women's issues, and engaging in a relentless battle against the Iranian regime's misogyny are part of the activities of members and associates of the committee.
URL: https://women.ncr-iran.org/feed/
📡 New Moon Girls | Giving Girls the Freedom to be Themselves RSS feed
We Help Girls Grow with Courage, Creativity, Compassion & Community. We amplify girls' opinions, activism, sisterhood, writing & art in both our magazine and online. We help girls, parents and allies fight sexism together in their communities.
URL: https://newmoongirls.com/feed/
📡 Red Shoe Movement - Women Empowerment RSS feed
The Red Shoe Movement is a leading company dedicated to the career and leadership development of women. Our mission is to help increase female representation at the highest levels of decision-making in all kinds of organizations. Diversity & Inclusion is in our DNA.
URL: https://redshoemovement.com/category/women-empowerment/feed/
📡 Rhonesha Byng Writing RSS feed
Rhonesha Byng is an award-winning journalist and the founder of Her Agenda ( https://heragenda.com/ ). Her philosophy in life is represented by her acronym of N.E.S.H.A. - No one Ever Slows Her Agenda,The site is a digital media platform that bridges the gap between ambition and achievement for millennial women. The site provides access to content and community that gives millennial women access to information and inspiration to help them get started or to move to the next level of their career.
URL: http://www.rhonesha.com/writing?format=rss
📡 Shaboard | Women & Girls Empowerment Blog RSS feed
Shaboard is a women and girls empowerment blog that shares stories about women in Technology, Women entrepreneurs and women in leadership and opportunities for women and girls to help them advance their lives and careers.
URL: https://shaboard.com/feed/
📡 Shakti.ism | A Women's Empowerment Initiative RSS feed
Shakti.ism is a social enterprise working to create employment for women from marginalised communities in India and Bangladesh. Read all about our women's empowerment journey at the Shakti.ism blog.
URL: https://shaktiism.com/blogs/news.atom
📡 She Empowers You RSS feed
She Empowers You strongly believes that in order for societies to grow, women need to be given tools for personal, emotional and professional development. Our mission is to empower women by reducing gender disparity and enhancing their role in the professional world, through training, webinars and networking.
URL: https://sarfayesha.wixsite.com/website/blog-feed.xml
📡 She Takes on The World RSS feed
An award-winning business lifestyle blog for career-minded women and women entrepreneurs
URL: https://shetakesontheworld.com/blog/feed/
📡 She's Independent Blog | Empowering, Inspiring, & Connecting Womxn RSS feed
She's Independent is a women's empowerment community. Our blog shares inspiring stories from real women. We care about holistic empowerment covering the spectrum of the personal to the professional. Looking to level up in the workplace? Looking to reinvent yourself post divorce? Join us and Be Independent.
URL: https://shesindependent.com/blogs/news.atom
📡 SheHeroes RSS feed
SheHeroes empowers young girls of all backgrounds to dream big, explore their interests and passionately pursue non-traditional careers. Through our online content and video profiles, girls imagine their own potential by engaging with influential stories of exceptional, successful women role models across all fields.
URL: https://www.sheheroes.org/feed/
📡 StoryTale RSS feed
Believing in the power of giving a voice, StoryTale provides a space for women of all backgrounds to share their stories to the world. We are all StoryTalers.
URL: https://storytalej.com/feed/
📡 Sylvia Browder's Blog | Lifestyle & Business Blog for Women RSS feed
Thanks for visiting my site, Sylvia Browder's Blog for Women Entrepreneurs. Our mission is to provide professional and personal resources while uplifting and empowering women entrepreneurs through collaboration, education, mentoring, spiritual and peer support, leadership and networking.
URL: http://sylviabrowder.com/feed/
📡 TechnoServe Blog - Women's Economic Empowerment RSS feed
TechnoServe takes a business approach to fighting poverty by empowering smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs to build brighter futures.
URL: https://www.technoserve.org/what-we-do/women/feed/
📡 Teia Acker Resilient Blog RSS feed
Teia Acker is a resilient business-woman, author and media personality who relentlessly balances various aspects of entrepreneurship, motherhood and godly living. She serves a motivational speaker on various platforms.
URL: https://www.teiaacker.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 The BOSS Network RSS feed
Founded by Cameka smith, BOSS stands for 'Bringing Out Successful Sisters' and our mission is to promote and encourage the small business spirit and career development of women. The BOSS Network is an online community of multicultural professional and entrepreneurial women who support each other through conversation, online and event-based networking.
URL: http://bringingoutsuccessfulsisters.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Everygirl RSS feed
The Everygirl is the ultimate online resource helping shape the creative, career-driven woman to experience her life better lived.
URL: https://theeverygirl.com/feed/
📡 The Glasshammer RSS feed
The Glass Hammer is an award-winning blog and online community created for women executives in finance, law, technology and big business. Our goal is to Inform, Empower and Inspire professional women with our content and our network.
URL: https://theglasshammer.com/feed/
📡 The Latibule | Women Empowerment Blog RSS feed
The Latibule is a platform created to amplify the voices of young women expressing themselves through creative work, professional careers, or striving to be their best authentic selves. Through journal entries, reflections, and sharing inspirational stories, we desire to build a community where young women can continue to inspire and empower each other.
URL: https://www.thelatibule.com/blog?format=rss
📡 The Maiden Factor Blog RSS feed
Maiden is a Global Ambassador for the Empowerment of Girls through Education. The Maiden Factor Foundation works with and supports communities to enable girls into education and empower and support them to remain throughout their teenage years.
URL: https://blog.themaidenfactor.org/feed/
📡 The Women Journal - Women Empowerment RSS feed
Follow The Woman Journal for all the latest News & Stories on Women Empowerment, Entrepreneurship & Fitness.
URL: https://thewomenjournal.com/category/women-empowerment/feed/
📡 The Women's Consortium RSS feed
The Women's Consortium is a virtual events organizer and support group for ambitious, young women. Whether you want to start or grow your business, scale the corporate ladder, become a phenomenal musician, or build a growth mindset; we've got you, girl!
URL: https://thewomensconsortium.com/feed/
📡 The Women's Organisation RSS feed
When a woman is empowered, women are empowered. Each new achievement reinforces us all. We enable women to achieve success and greater prosperity, to become leaders and to connect with each other.
URL: https://www.thewomensorganisation.org.uk/feed/
📡 Tribe Called Woman Blog RSS feed
Welcome to Tribe Called Woman, we are a purposeful movement of women who choose to live life differently. We do this by creating heart-felt bonds and working on our sense of belonging, and community.This programme brings back sacred time and is committed to the empowerment, and wellbeing of women.
URL: https://www.atribecalledwoman.com/category/blog/feed/
📡 UN Women Blog | United Nations Entity for Gender Equality & Empowerment of Women RSS feed
UN Women is the global champion for gender equality, working to develop and uphold standards and create an environment in which every woman and girl can exercise her human rights and live up to her full potential. We are trusted partners for advocates and decision-makers from all walks of life, and a leader in the effort to achieve gender equality.
URL: https://www.unwomen.org/en/rss-feeds/updates
📡 United Women in Business RSS feed
The United Women in Business Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that is devoted to the professional and personal development for women across all industries. Our organization is also dedicated to inspiring and empowering women at all stages of their careers: ranging from undergraduate to graduate students, to young professionals, female executives, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders.
URL: https://www.uwibfoundation.org/female-founders?format=rss
📡 United Women's Empowerment | News Blog RSS feed
United WE advances all women's economic and civic leadership to make meaningful change. We envision a world where all women are empowered to strengthen America's economy and democracy. United WE tackles barriers to women's economic growth and unlocks women's economic potential through research, policy solutions and civic engagement.
URL: https://united-we.org/news?format=rss
📡 WILL Empower | Women Innovating Labor Leadership RSS feed
A bold initiative to identify, train and convene a new generation of women labor leaders.
URL: https://www.willempower.org/feed/
📡 WONDER Foundation | Empowering Women & Girls RSS feed
We are a woman-led charity dedicated to transforming the lives of women, girls and their communities through quality education. We believe in empowering women, girls and communities through education.
URL: https://wonderfoundation.org.uk/feed/
📡 Walker's Legacy RSS feed
Walker's Legacy is designed to enhance leadership skills, create networking and learning opportunities and bring exposure to emerging trends in business for aspiring and professional women. Establishing the future generation of enterprising female millionaires of color.
URL: https://walkerslegacy.com/feed/
📡 Womankind Worldwide | News Blog RSS feed
Womankind Worldwide is a global women's rights organisation working in partnership with women's rights organisations and movements to transform the lives of women and girls & make sure that every voice is heard.. We celebrate women in all their diversities and believe in addressing the multiple and intersecting ways women experience oppression.
URL: https://www.womankind.org.uk/news/feed/
📡 Women 2.0 RSS feed
Post on gender equality and diversity & inclusion in the tech by Women 2.0. They are a company that works to push conversation forward, and take and encourage action around gender parity.
URL: https://women2.com/feed
📡 Women In The World RSS feed
Women in the World is a movement dedicated to advancing women and girls through stories and solutions.
URL: https://womenintheworld.org/feed/
📡 Women LEAD | Building a Better World where Women Leaders Co-Create the Future RSS feed
We started Women LEAD because we believe the lack of female leaders around the world is one of the biggest inequalities of the 21st century. Our programs provide young women with intensive year-long leadership training, skills building, mentoring, and a peer-support network. Our vision of a better world where women leaders co-create the future.
URL: https://women-lead.org/feed/
📡 Women Of Worth RSS feed
Women of Worth (WOW) is a network of women across the city who believe that they can be agents of change. By empowering women and standing up for justice and equality in every facet of life and society, WOW seeks to help women to be the best they can be.
URL: http://www.womenofworth.in/feed/
📡 Women To Women Blog RSS feed
Women to Women is a permanent grant making endowment at the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro dedicated to empowering women and children to create healthy families and vibrant communities in Guilford County. Each year we award high impact grants to programs, organizations and projects that create a positive and measurable impact on women, their families, and their futures.
URL: https://www.womentowomengreensboro.org/blog?format=rss
📡 Women Win | News Blog RSS feed
Women Win is the global leader in girls' empowerment through sport. We leverage the power of play to help girls build leadership and become better equipped to exercise their rights. Our end game is helping girls thrive as they face the most pressing issues of adolescence, including accessing sexual and reproductive health and rights, addressing gender-based violence and achieving economic empowerment.
URL: https://www.womenwin.org/feed/
📡 Women of Influence RSS feed
Empowering women to advance today - while changing the narrative to create a more inclusive tomorrow.Women of Influence has been dedicated to the advancement of women in the workplace through events, programs and media designed to inspire, inform, connect and engage.
URL: https://www.womenofinfluence.ca/feed/
📡 Women's Empowerment | Educate. Empower. Employ. RSS feed
Women's Empowerment educates and empowers homeless women with the tools & skills to get a job, create a healthy lifestyle, and regain a home for themselves and their children.
URL: http://www.womens-empowerment.org/feed
📡 Women's Rights and Empowerment Network Blog RSS feed
WREN, the Women's Rights and Empowerment Network, is a new organization whose mission is to build a movement to advance the health, economic well-being, and rights of South Carolina's women, girls, and their families.
URL: https://www.scwren.org/blog/feed/
📡 Women's Voices For Change | Redefining Life after Forty RSS feed
Women's Voices for Change is a news, commentary and opinion website that celebrates women's health, beauty, wisdom and vibrancy. We're here to remind the world how vital, versatile and powerful women over 40 are.
URL: https://womensvoicesforchange.org/feed
📡 Women's Way | Connects. Empowers. Invests. RSS feed
WOMEN'S WAY is the Greater Philadelphia region's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of women, girls, and gender equality. Our mission is to inspire and mobilize the community to invest in organizations and leaders that will advance the rights of and opportunities for women and girls, and achieve gender equality for all.
URL: https://womensway.org/feed/
📡 Women's Web RSS feed
Women's Web is India's leading website for women, with real & inspiring women's stories around women at work, parenting, women's health, social issues, women's finances & leisure. We are on a mission to build the largest platform of women's stories, and the most comprehensive as well as diverse one.
URL: https://www.womensweb.in/feed/
📡 Women's World Wide Web RSS feed
W4 works to promote girls' and women's empowerment in both developing and developed countries.The W4 crowdfunding platform enables users to support grassroots projects across the globe which are providing girls and women with access to education, training, microfinance, entrepreneurial opportunities, healthcare, access to Information and Communication Technologies and rights awareness.
URL: https://www.w4.org/en/feed/
📡 Womenpreneur Initiative | Where Women can flourish & Grow RSS feed
At Womenpreneur, we advise United Nations and the European Union, corporate and other international institutions on women's' empowerment, inclusion, diversity and gender policy. Our aim is to advance women's place in entrepreneurial scene, technology, innovation & society.
URL: https://womenpreneur-initiative.com/feed
📡 YWCA USA | Eliminating Racism, Empowering Women. RSS feed
YWCA USA is on a mission to eliminate racism, empower women, stand up for social justice, help families, and strengthen communities.
URL: https://www.ywca.org/feed/
📡 Your Dream Blog | Inspiration & Advice to Empower Women RSS feed
LiveYourDream.org is powered by Soroptimist, a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment. It is a movement fiercely dedicated to ensuring every woman and girl has the opportunity to reach her full potential, be free from violence, and live her dreams.
URL: https://yourdream.liveyourdream.org/feed/