43 Venture Capital RSS feeds

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📡 280.vc | RSS feed

Authored by Rob Coneybeer, Founder of Shasta Ventures, a Sand Hill Road based venture capital firm investing in early-stage technology companies. Connected hardware investor.

URL: https://280.vc/rss 📑


📡 AVC RSS feed

Hello, I'm Fred Wilson. I am a VC. I have been since 1986. I write something here every weekday and sometimes on the weekends too. I've been doing that since September 2003. I hope to keep doing it as long as I can write. This is my diary where you'll get musings of a VC in NYC.

URL: https://avc.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Academic VC RSS feed

Stephen Fleming's blog about academia, venture capital, and spaceships. As a venture capitalist, Stephen has over 15 years of private equity experience at the General Partner level. Prior to his venture capital career, he spent 15 years in operations roles at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Nortel Networks, and LICOM (a venture-funded startup).

URL: http://academicvc.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Aleph VC RSS feed

Aleph is a venture capital fund focused on partnering with great entrepreneurs to help scale them into large, meaningful companies and globally recognized brands. It is an Equal Partnership of Eden Shochat, Michael Eisenberg and Aaron Rosenson.

URL: https://medium.com/feed/aleph-vc 📑


📡 Ben Horowitz Andreessen Horowitz RSS feed

Andreessen Horowitz backs bold entrepreneurs who move fast, think big, and are committed to building the next major franchises in technology. Founded by Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, the firm provides entrepreneurs with access to expertise and insights in innovation, executive and technical talent, market intelligence, policy and regulatory affairs, business development, and marketing.

URL: https://a16z.com/author/ben-horowitz/feed/ 📑


📡 Boost VC - Medium RSS feed

We are a Family of Founders making Sci-Fi a Reality! VR, blockchain, bots, space, AI - Medium

URL: https://medium.com/feed/boost-vc 📑


📡 Both Sides of the Table RSS feed

Perspectives of a 2x entrepreneur turned VC at @UpfrontVC, the largest and most active early-stage fund in Southern California. Authored by Mark Suster.

URL: http://www.bothsidesofthetable.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Christoph Janz The angel VC RSS feed

Thoughts on Internet startups, SaaS and early-stage investing from Christoph Janz @ Point Nine Capital.

URL: http://christophjanz.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 Dave McClure 500 Hats RSS feed

One of the members of the PayPal mafia (early employees at PayPal) who has had an amazing track record. He was Director of Marketing at PayPal from 2001 through 2004. He launched and ran marketing for Simply Hired in 2005 and 2006. McClure gained attention both for his opinionated blog 500 Hats (as of 2011 one of the ten most-read blogs on venture capital finance).

URL: http://500hats.com/feed 📑


📡 David Teten RSS feed

Keep up with articles from David Teten.

URL: https://teten.com/feed 📑


📡 DubaiBeat.com | Middle East Private Equity & Venture Capital Investors RSS feed

Insight, analysis and research on Middle East investors. Covering Private Equity Investors, Venture Capital Investors, Family Offices, Institutional Investors and Sovereign Wealth Fund Investors from the Middle East - including Dubai, Abu Dhabi and UAE

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/dubaibeat 📑


📡 Feld Thoughts RSS feed

I'm a VC at Foundry Group. I live in Boulder, Colorado, invest in software and Internet companies around the US, run marathons, and love to read. -Brad Feld.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/FeldThoughts 📑


📡 First Round Review RSS feed

First Round is a seed-stage venture firm focused on building a vibrant community of technology entrepreneurs and companies.

URL: https://review.firstround.com/feed.xml 📑


📡 For Entrepreneurs Blog RSS feed

For Entrepreneurs is a blog by By David Skok, a serial entrepreneur turned VC, of Matrix Partners. Skok often posts proprietary industry survey results and provides great details on SaaS startups, especially. Enterprise and general B2B startups should get a lot out of this blog.

URL: http://www.forentrepreneurs.com/blog/feed 📑


📡 Gotham Gal RSS feed

Joanne Wilson is an angel investor who bets on companies founded and run by women. She also founded the Women's Entrepreneur Festival, an annual event in New York City dedicated to supporting a community of women entrepreneurs. In her blog, Wilson writes about investing, women in tech, food, art and other topics she is passionate about.

URL: https://gothamgal.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Grow VC Group RSS feed

This is the blog of the Grow VC Group, the global leader of fintech innovations, digital and distributed finance services, and digital infrastructures, of which Crowd Valley is part. Private transactions, both private equity and debt, have been inefficient and littered with information asymmetry due to the way the transactions have been made.

URL: https://group.growvc.com/news/feed 📑


📡 Hatcher | The Data-Driven Venture Investment Platform RSS feed

Hatcher is a next-generation, data-driven venture firm that uses AI/ML-based technologies to identify early-stage opportunities in partnership with leading accelerators and investors, worldwide.

URL: https://hq.hatcher.com/rss 📑


📡 Hunter Walk RSS feed

Hunter Walk's blog focusses mainly on how to create a start-up, get the ball rolling and guarantee success in your chosen field. He was also previously a product manager at Google. His blogs offers conversations with other leaders in the product management world as well as his own frank take on the issues facing product management in the current market.

URL: https://hunterwalk.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Jalak Jobanputra The barefoot VC RSS feed

Global Perspectives from a Female VC in NYC

URL: http://thebarefootvc.com/feed/ 📑


📡 LifeSciVC RSS feed

I'm Bruce Booth. I'm an early-stage venture capitalist. Like my partners at Atlas Venture, I enjoy working with great scientists and entrepreneurs to start new biotech companies. Blog covers articles on all facets of early stage biotech.

URL: https://lifescivc.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Mark Bivens' blog about venture capital, sumo, triathlon, reggae RSS feed

I am passionate about reggae music, sumo, and triathlons. For my day job, I pretend to be a VC, investing in promising digital media, mobile, and software ventures.

URL: http://markbivens.com/m/feed 📑


📡 Matt Turck VC at FirstMark RSS feed

Thoughts on the tech startup world and other things I find interesting

URL: http://mattturck.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Michael Smith Jr. Apprentice VC RSS feed

My startup, travel and VC rants...

URL: https://dreampipe.blog/feed/ 📑


📡 National Venture Capital Association - NVCA RSS feed

Venture capitalists are committed to funding America's most innovative entrepreneurs and working alongside them to transform breakthrough ideas into emerging growth companies that drive U.S. job creation and economic growth.

URL: https://nvca.org/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Paul Jozefak Babbling VC RSS feed

A German-based entrepreneur, originally from Slovakia, who grew up in the US. Having worked internationally in VC for close to 15 years, I use this blog to share my thoughts on my daily experiences.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/BabblingVC 📑


📡 Peak Capital RSS feed

Looking for startup funding? We're Peak Capital, a venture capital fund 100% funded and ran by experienced entrepreneurs. We back early-stage SaaS and Marketplace companies in Europe led by charismatic founders. We value eye-level conversation and boots on the ground cooperation. Founders, knock on our door.

URL: https://peak.capital/rss 📑


📡 Pedro Almeida VC RSS feed

Pedro Almeida is a VC at Armilar, a deep tech European Seed to Series A Venture Capital fund. His passion is to support founders scaling startups, leveraging my previous experience as a startup Executive, Investor, and Consultant. Pedro writes about Portugal and Spain startups

URL: https://www.pedroalmeidavc.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Playfair Capital Blog RSS feed

We're a leading seed-stage venture capital firm backing the founders of 50 companies inc CryptoFacilities, Mapillary, Ravelin, Stripe, Thought Machine & Trouva. This publication features the articles written by the Playfair Capital team and friends. - Medium

URL: https://medium.com/feed/playfair-capital-blog 📑


📡 Red Rocket Ventures Blog (Startup Lessons & Digital Consulting) RSS feed

A place for entrepreneurs to learn and engage on various topics and lessons with the Partners at Red Rocket Ventures. The blog is an executive's strategic 'playbook', with actionable 'how-to' lessons on a wide range of startup and digital-related topics, including business, strategy, sales, marketing, technology, operations, human resources, finance, fund raising and more.

URL: http://redrocketvc.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 Seth Levine's VC Adventure RSS feed

Hi, I'm Seth Levine, a Boulder, CO based technology investor and managing director at Foundry Group. While I love technology I'm also a husband, father, avid cyclist, snowboarder and outdoors guy.

URL: https://www.sethlevine.com/feed 📑


📡 The Business of Venture Capital RSS feed

Blog by Mahendra R, Author, Optimist.....Igniting Security Startups.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/thebusinessofvc 📑


📡 The Twenty Minute VC RSS feed

The Twenty Minute VC takes you inside the world of Venture Capital, Startup Funding and The Pitch. Join host Harry Stebbings and discover how you can attain funding for your business by listening to what the most prominent investors are directly looking for in startups, providing easily actionable tips and tricks that can be put in place to increase your chances of getting funded.

URL: https://www.thetwentyminutevc.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Venture Alley RSS feed

A blog about business and legal issues important to entrepreneurs, startups, venture capitalists and angel investors. The Venture Alley is written by the Corporate & Securities Lawyers at DLA Piper and offers updates & legal insights in the VC space.

URL: https://www.theventurealley.com/feed/ 📑


📡 TheFunded.com: The Resource for Entrepreneurs. RSS feed

The resource for entrepreneurs to research, rate, and review funding sources worldwide.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheFunded 📑


📡 This is going to be BIG... RSS feed

Personal blog on startups, venture capital, entrepreneurship, etc. of Charlie O'Donnell of Brooklyn Bridge Ventures.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/thisisgoingtobebig 📑


📡 Thomas Grota A personal view on venture capital RSS feed

A personal view on Venture Capital - Opinions, Research and News about Corporate Venture Capital. Thomas Grota is Investment Director at the Corporate Venture Capital firm of Deutschte Telekom AG....

URL: https://thomasgr.tumblr.com/rss 📑


📡 Tomasz Tunguz | Venture Capitalist at Redpoint RSS feed

Tomasz Tunguz is a venture capitalist at Redpoint and writes about startups, fundraising, SaaS companies, and best practices for founders.

URL: https://tomtunguz.com/index.xml 📑


📡 VC Cafe RSS feed

Founded in 2005 by Eze Vidra, VC Cafe is a popular blog on technology and venture capital, dedicated to new Internet products and companies, venture capital funding, and deal flow with a spotlight on Israel, the Silicon Wadi. In addition to covering industry news, VC Cafe aims to bring founders valuable resources and thought leadership content.

URL: https://www.vccafe.com/feed/ 📑


📡 VatorNews | Voice of the Entrepreneur RSS feed

Vator (short for innovator) aims to help great entrepreneurs find funding, and for investors to get in on the ground floor of tomorrow's leading companies. Founded and run by award-winning journalist Bambi Francisco, Vator has a vibrant social network, events and news platform.

URL: http://feeds.vator.tv/vatortv/news 📑


📡 Venture Conjecture RSS feed

Welcome to Venture Conjecture, a unique blog from a diverse group of contributors here for you to explore all things Venture Capital including start-ups, funding, movers & shakers. Read on and enjoy.

URL: https://www.ventureconjecture.com/blog-feed.xml 📑


📡 _Underscore.VC RSS feed

News, opinions and updates from and about entpreneurs, the communities that support them and _Underscore.VC

URL: https://underscore.vc/feed/ 📑


📡 ithaca VC - VC and startup thoughts from Ithaca.... RSS feed

Zach Shulman is a partner at Cayuga Venture Fund in Ithaca, NY.

URL: https://ithacavc.com/feed/ 📑


📡 vcwithme RSS feed

Share the journey with a learning VC

URL: https://vcwithme.co/feed/ 📑


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