32 UK Quilting RSS feeds
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📡 A Little Happy Place RSS feed
Hello, my name is Sarah, I'm a mum, wife, purveyor of pretty fabrics and trims, fabric addict, quilter, happy stitcher and home maker. My mission is to cherry pick the prettiest quilting fabrics, patterns, notions and trims possible.
URL: https://alittlehappyplace.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Angie Quilts RSS feed
Basically, this blog is a diary with pictures. It follows patchwork and quilting projects made by myself in my Quilty Quarters, and those made by all the lovely people who come to classes and workshops. There will be quite a few snippets about daily life in my very own quilt shop too.
URL: http://angiequilts.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Bluepatch Quilter RSS feed
Hi I am an enthusiastic quilter and love to share my love of this craft by teaching others. I started my blog as a way of keeping in touch with all the ladies who attend my classes. However, I have discovered the added bonus of a whole new community out there in blogland and am delighted to be taking inspiration and enjoyment from the many blogs I follow.
URL: http://bluepatchquilter.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Borderline Quilter RSS feed
I am a longarm quilter living in the beautiful Scottish Borders here on the family farm with my husband, our horses and all the other animals. For as long as I can remember I have always loved to sew, now I love to quilt!
URL: https://borderlinequilter.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Charm About You RSS feed
Lucy's passions are combining fabric, playing with quilt layouts and hand sewing. A quilter and blogger at 'Charm About You', she regularly teaches quilting classes and is a designer on The Sewing Quarter. Follow for projects, tips, patterns and tutorials.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/CharmAboutYou
📡 Fabadashery Longarm Quilting RSS feed
Longarm Quilting Service by Frances Meredith based in the UK, serving quilters locally in Bristol, the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Herefordshire, Somerset, South Wales, Monmouthshire and Gwent.
URL: http://fabadasherylongarmquilting.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Feather On A Wire RSS feed
A blog about quilting and quilts with some English life thrown in. My pleasures and frustrations of my quilting on a day to day basis.
URL: http://quiltfeather.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Fiddle Fingers Quilts Fiddle quilts for people with Dementia RSS feed
We are Judy Harris and Karen Perry from Oxfordshire and West Midlands respectively who joined forces in November 2016 to promote the making of Memory/Fiddle quilts. Fiddle Quilts are highly visual, tactile, quick to make quilts designed to soothe and stimulate people living with dementia.
URL: http://www.fiddlefingersquilts.co.uk/feed/
📡 Flossie Teacakes RSS feed
Hello, my name is Florence. I'm a stitcher, pattern designer and writer. I wake in the night with a mind whirring over sewing construction techniques, the dresses I'd like to make or imagining quilt designs, too numerous to make in one lifetime. This blog is a record of all these things.
URL: http://flossieteacakes.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Gillian Travis RSS feed
I am a textile artist based in a small village in the South Pennines near Halifax. In 2007 I joined the Contemporary Quilt Group and started to make Journal Quilts. I have been making one a month since then and currently have at least 120.
URL: https://gilliantravis.co.uk/feed/
📡 Higham Piecemakers RSS feed
Stay up to date with latest articles from Higham Piecemakers blog.
URL: http://highampiecemakers.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 J-Quilts Blog RSS feed
J-Quilts Blog is a Longarm quilting service based in Colchester, UK.
URL: https://www.j-quilts.co.uk/apps/blog/entries/feed/rss?siteId=141263469
📡 Lily's Quilts RSS feed
Lynne from Lily's Quilts is a modern UK quilter and a quiltblogger. Stay up to date with latest articles from Lily's Quilts.
URL: http://lilysquilts.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 London Modern Quilt Guild RSS feed
The London Modern Quilt Guild formed in January 2012 and we have an active membership who are passionate about promoting modern quilting.
URL: https://londonmqg.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 MessyJesse | A quilt blog by Jessie Fincham RSS feed
Hi! My name is Jessie Fincham, welcome to my blog Messy Jesse. This is a blog about quilting and sewing projects.
URL: https://blog.sewandquilt.co.uk/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Midget Gem Quilts RSS feed
A blog about my quilting but also a little lifestyle, knitting, reading and family history, just really about me.
URL: http://midgetgemquilts.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Nicola Foreman Quilts RSS feed
Hi welcome to my quilting blog! I live in the UK in Suffolk, near the coast, surrounded by beautiful countryside. My passions are my family, my dog, my friends and sewing, not necessarily in that order!
URL: https://www.nicolaforemanquilts.com/1/feed
📡 Patchwork and Quilting RSS feed
British Patchwork and Quilting Magazine is a monthly publication written by quilters, for quilters, with projects and features specifically to do with patchwork, quilting, applique, and textiles.
URL: https://www.pandqmagazine.com/news/rss.asp
📡 Patchwork, Quilting and Craft Workshops and Retreats RSS feed
Stay up to date with latest articles from Fiona Garth's blog.
URL: http://quiltandcraft.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Pinhole Quilting RSS feed
Pinhole Quilting is owned and run by Liz and Pete Holpin. Pinhole Quilting aims to be Europe's Premier Long-Arm Quilting Supplier and to use education and training and inspiration to create an inclusive quilting community.
URL: https://www.pinholequilting.co.uk/blog-feed.xml
📡 PlainStitch Deb RSS feed
I make quilts, study quilts, and write about their history deep in the English countryside. I'd say it was a hobby, but it's clearly a compulsion.
URL: https://plainstitch.co.uk/feed/
📡 Quilts By Lisa Watson Blog RSS feed
Lisa Watson makes distinctly British Quilts Cushions & More for your home. Keep up to date with developments at quilt towers at By Lisa Watson Blog.
URL: https://www.quiltsbylisawatson.co.uk/feed/
📡 Sarah Payne Quilter - Happiness is a bottomless button box RSS feed
My name is Sarah Payne and welcome to my blog - the meandering thoughts of a quilting nut trying to make a living following my creative bee.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/HappinessIsABottomlessButtonBox
📡 Siblings Together Quilt Group RSS feed
A group making quilts for siblings separated by the care system in the UK. I Sew Love to sew - mainly quilts, but sometimes clothes, bags and more.
URL: http://siblingstogetherquiltgroup.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Susie's World | Quilt Creations! RSS feed
Welcome to my Blog. The Blog is supposed to be about quilting, which I love to do and am getting better at (!) I first started quilting in 2010. I have always loved to sew, having been taught by my Grandmother when I was young, but quilting had always fascinated me so when we went to the US for the second time in 2010 I bought some fabric and set off on my quilting journey.
URL: https://quilt-creations.co.uk/feed/
📡 The Cheshire quilter RSS feed
Stay up to date with latest articles on quilting from The Cheshire quilter blog.
URL: http://thecheshirequilter.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Crafty Nomad: Monthly Quilt Pattern Subscription Club RSS feed
Hi I'm Jo Westfoot, the owner of The Crafty Nomad. I love to sew and quilt and generally 'make stuff'! I write sewing tutorials and patchwork quilt patterns. You'll find the patterns here along with other fun sewing related things!
URL: https://www.thecraftynomad.co.uk/blog?format=RSS
📡 The Quilt Sanctuary RSS feed
The Quilt Sanctuary is an online business offering Professional Quilting Services. We also have a small, but growing, selection of fabrics including extra wide backing fabric, wadding and basic quilting equipment.
URL: https://www.thequiltsanctuary.co.uk/feed/
📡 The Threadhouse | quilting retreats and patterns RSS feed
The Thread House is a UK based quilt design company with quarterly pattern releases and an annual quilt retreat.
URL: https://thethreadhouse.co.uk/feed/
📡 Verykerryberry | Sewing and Quilting Blog RSS feed
Hi, I am Kerry and this blog records my sewing and quilting life and a few other things as the mood takes me. I live in Exeter, a small city in Devon, close to the South West coast in the UK.
URL: https://verykerryberry.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Welsh Quilts RSS feed
Welsh quilts, Durham quilts and the British tradition of bellringing. I am a quilter living in Woodbridge, Suffolk who has made quilts since I was a teenager. I also ring bells! Both are great British traditions. I will try to feature some of my antique Welsh and Durham quilts, the quilts I make myself, my quilting activities and also some of my bellringing achievements.
URL: http://welshquilts.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 fabric & flowers RSS feed
Welcome to fabric & flowers! I love to stitch and include a beginners' Learn to Quilt series as well as tips, techniques and tutorials and patterns.
URL: https://fabricandflowers.co.uk/feed/