139 UK Book RSS feeds
📡 A Cascade of Books RSS feed
Hi, my name is Rachel, I'm a twenty-something reader and Waterstones Bookseller. I've been a book blogger for 6 years, and love nothing more than chatting books with others!
URL: https://www.acascadeofbooks.com/feed/
📡 A Full Time Nerd RSS feed
Hi, I'm Charlotte.In this blog, I hope to share my views on different books, series and authors as well as keep you informed with what I am reading, buying and enjoying. I hope you will join me on my adventure.
URL: https://afulltimenerd.com/feed/
📡 A Little Blog of Books RSS feed
A Little Blog of Books is focused around Clare's favourite genres - contemporary, literary and translated fiction. The blog has detailed reviews split by A-Z and year, a list of the books to be read, and a variety of literature news and feature pieces.
URL: https://alittleblogofbooks.com/feed/
📡 A Little Book Problem Blog RSS feed
My name is Julie, I'm 46 and I am a book addict. Seriously, it is a severe and untreatable problem, hence the name of my blog. I am a compulsive book buyer and hoarder. I have books in my library dating back to my childhood that are over 40 years old. I hope you will enjoy my ruminations and I look forward to getting to know you.
URL: https://alittlebookproblem.co.uk/feed/
📡 A cup of Wonderland RSS feed
Hello! I'm Hannah, an avid reader, aspiring author, and English Literature graduate. I can always been found with a cup of tea and a book nearby.
URL: https://acupofwonderland.com/feed/
📡 A life in books | Book news, reviews and recommendations RSS feed
My plan for my blog is to pick out snippets of book news that interest me, talk about what I'm reading and alert readers to titles that might not find themselves in the glare of the publicity spotlight.
URL: https://alifeinbooks.co.uk/feed/
📡 A.J. Sefton Author | Book Reviews RSS feed
English author and historian. A.J. has worked as a history teacher and a magazine columnist and has written articles for all kinds of magazines, from Cat World to Shoot! The first novel published was Gulfyrian, in 2012.
URL: https://www.ajsefton.com/3/feed
📡 Ali - The Dragon Slayer | Book Reviews RSS feed
I'm aiming to incorporate my current cancer journey along with with my passions books/reviewing & competitions. My aim is to post relevant info on Leiomyosarcoma, any interesting competitions, books I'm reading plus reviews. Blog by Alison Drew.
URL: http://cancersuckscouk.ipage.com/category/book-reviews/feed/
📡 All My Pretty Books RSS feed
Amanda Kennedy is a lifelong learner and lover of literature. On All My Pretty Books, get regular book reviews, bookish articles, and literary news.
URL: https://www.allmyprettybooks.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Alternative-Read RSS feed
Alternative-Read.com is a niche British BOOK Review & Promotions site, where I offer free author promos and paid tweeting / advert for busy book industry professionals via Patreon
URL: https://alternative-read.com/feed/
📡 Amy's Bookish Life RSS feed
I'm Amy. A twenty-something primary school librarian, blogger, and writer from the UK. Obsessed with coffee, Harry Potter and Disney.I mainly read/review MG & YA. But I do ocassionally read Fantasy, Chick Lit and Thrillers.
URL: https://amysbookishlifeblog.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Amy's Bookshelf RSS feed
Hello! My name is Amy Buckle. I am an English Literature and Language graduate at the University of Reading. I have always been an avid reader and there's nothing I like more than curling up in bed with a cup of tea and a good book. Amy's Bookshelf is a way for me to express my opinions about the novels I read; ranging from old classics to contemporary works of fiction, I hope there's a review on here for everyone.
URL: https://www.amybucklesbookshelf.co.uk/feed/
📡 An Awfully Big Blog Adventure RSS feed
A blog by children's authors' writers from the UK sharing their thoughts on books, writing, and more.
URL: http://awfullybigblogadventure.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Annabookbel RSS feed
Never leave home without a book. Book lover, blogging for nearly 9yrs at AnnaBookBel.
URL: https://annabookbel.net/feed
📡 Anne Allen RSS feed
Anne Allen is the author of The Guernsey Novels, - Dangerous Waters, Finding Mother,Guernsey Retreat, The Family Divided and Echoes of Time. I've also had my own life experiences to draw on…! But I must stress that the novel is not based on anyone's real story, it is fiction. At the time I didn't appreciate how much work it would take to bring it up to a publishable standard.
URL: https://anneallen.co.uk/feed
📡 Art and Soul | A book blog with a generous slice of cake. RSS feed
Mum, translator, avid reader and aspiring novelist who also dabbles in baking. Member of the RNA New Writers' Scheme.
URL: https://clairehuston.co.uk/feed/
📡 BOOKS etc. Blog RSS feed
Welcome to BOOKS etc's blog. Here we'll be talking about bookish stuff that has caught our eye or captured our imagination. Look out for guest posts from our publisher friends too!
URL: https://www.booksetc.co.uk/blog/feed/
📡 Bakey's Book Blog RSS feed
GoT Often seen with mug of tea in one hand & book or Kindle in the other. My favourite authors include Stephen King and Anne Tyler and favourite genres are post apocalyptic, psychological crime and at the moment I have a big thing for Southern American fiction. Blog by Sam Clark.
URL: http://bakeysbookblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Barrington Stoke | Cracking Reading For Over A Decade RSS feed
Barrington Stoke specializes in 'cracking reading'. publishing super-readable children's books that break down the barriers that can stop kids from getting into reading.
URL: https://www.barringtonstoke.co.uk/blog/feed/
📡 BeadyJans books RSS feed
Are you looking for ideas for something to read? Pull up a chair and read some of my reviews, I hope you'll find something to entertain you. We may even find we share very similar reading tastes. Here on my book blog you'll find my personal thoughts about books I've read, mostly fiction - primarily books written by women authors. Blog By Jan Lambert.
URL: https://beadyjansbooks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Beck Valley Books RSS feed
A blog full of book and product reviews, news, and giveaways as well as blogger information and a little bit of humour on the way.
URL: https://beckvalleybooks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Being a Mummy RSS feed
This blog started as a record of my experiences with my eldest and carried on from there, charting our interests, experiences and life in general. As a result of my lifelong love of books, I found myself reviewing lots of picture books. The blog is now considered one of the UK's best resources for reviews of picture books and showcases some of the very best contemporary authors.
URL: http://www.beingamummy.co.uk/feed
📡 Bibliofreak.net - A Book Review Blog RSS feed
Yes, that nit-wit to the left is me. Or at least, a version of me as seen through one of my phone's many filters. In real-life I am half as handsome and twice as smarmy. But you are not shallow enough to care about any of that so let me introduce myself properly...
URL: https://www.bibliofreak.net/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Big Book Little Book RSS feed
A book review blog dedicated to the books we enjoy ourselves and the books we love to share with our children.
URL: https://www.bigbooklittlebook.com/feed/
📡 Blind Dog Books RSS feed
Hello! My name's Rachael Simpson and I have a huge passion for books and supporting independent bookshops. My dream is to one day own my own. A book blogger living in the UK. Just reading books, petting dogs, and having a good time.
URL: http://www.blinddogbooks.co.uk/feed/
📡 Book Bongo RSS feed
Book Bongo - a marketing company offering specialised ebook promotion services for authors and publishers, delivering great deals to a growing readership. We take the slog out of book promotion for authors. We deliver the best books and deals to readers.
URL: https://bookbongo.com/blog/feed/
📡 Book Inspector RSS feed
When You read, You should travel to different world. But some of the books do not take You there. That is why this page is created. I would like to share my reviews about the books I read and how it made me feel. I hope You will find it useful and it will help You choose only the best book experience.
URL: https://bbookinspector.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Book Passion for Life RSS feed
Book Passion for Life - UK Book Blog reviewing mostly YA but some NA & Adult books as well. Reviews from Donna & Melanie.
URL: http://bookpassionforlife.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Book Review Blog RSS feed
I have always enjoyed reading books of all types since I was able to read. Over the years I have amassed a huge collection of books and I find it difficult to part with any of them to the degree that my bookshelves are the focus of my living room. Bookreviewblog is where I review books, new and old, hoping to give readers an insight into what to read next. Blog by Nick Upton.
URL: http://www.bookreviewblog.co.uk/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 BookLoverWorm RSS feed
I am a book lover and reviewer. I've always loved reading and remember the joys of reading the Famous Five, Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. I prefer crime fiction and psychological thrillers but also have a soft spot for chick-lit and women's fiction and anything else that catches my interest.
URL: https://bookloverwormblog.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Bookouture | digital publisher of brilliant fiction RSS feed
Bookouture is a fast growing UK based digital publishing imprint open for unsolicited submissions of all fiction genres. We publish brilliant books. We build author brands. We create smart, effective marketing plans. We focus on a small number of books because attention to detail is essential. We want each of our authors to be a bestseller so we treat them like one.
URL: https://www.bookouture.com/feed/
📡 Bookread2day RSS feed
Keep up with articles from Bookread2day
URL: https://bookread2day.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Books on the 7:47 RSS feed
Book Review Blog. Also, covers author interviews and all things bookish. Authored by Jen who has been writing book reviews since 2009. You'll get a wide variety of books reviews, across fiction & non-fiction.
URL: https://booksonthe747.com/feed/
📡 Books'n'Stuff ~ Between the Lines RSS feed
Books have been a constant throughout my life and I love sharing those I've enjoyed with others. I've been writing reviews and blogging about those books I've enjoyed for a few years now and still find it very satisfying and pleasurable. Blog by Cathy Ryan.
URL: https://betweenthelinesbookblog.com/feed/
📡 Books, Life and Everything RSS feed
Keep up with articles from Books, Life and Everything.
URL: https://bookslifeandeverything.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 BooksNest RSS feed
BooksNest is an award-winning UKYA book blogger who also covers mental health, social media and blogging tips, and travel.
URL: https://booksnest.co.uk/feed/
📡 Bookshine And Readbows RSS feed
Book Reviews From Book Lovers. Bookshine And Readbows blog was established in 2017 by Steph Warren. In this blog, she shares her love for books as she reads all genres.
URL: https://bookshineandreadbows.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Busy Busy Learning RSS feed
Hi, I'm Lisa, thanks for stopping by our site - Busy Busy Learning. I have a wonderful toddler, Floss and this site is a place to share the ideas we find, invent, or discover on our journey of the play.
URL: https://busybusylearning.com/feed/
Reader & Book Blogger, Blackburn Rovers fan, love History, entering competitions, my Family Tree, Walking in the Countryside by Carole Colbert.
URL: https://carolesbooks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 CBY Book Club RSS feed
Blog featuring mostly YA fiction, but welcomes all genres for reviews. Authored by Al Stone, a writer from the UK who is passionate about reading books. The aim is to introduce readers to new & established talent!
URL: https://cbybookclub.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 CJR thebrit RSS feed
Hi, I'm Caro aka The Brit and this is my corner of the world where I post all things book. Regarding books, I read it all! I tend to gravitate towards YA Fantasy/PNR but also love the romance genre.
URL: https://cjrthebrit.com/feed/
📡 Cheezyfeet Books RSS feed
I blog and review books for fun, and my reviews are simple and not too analytical. My reviews are simply my thoughts on the book, so they usually revolve around the characters and the plot, etc.
URL: http://cheezyfeetbooks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Child-Led Chaos RSS feed
Child-Led Chaos is a UK blog that reviews and rambles about books - mostly, but not always, picture books - with the odd event and activity thrown in. For the best in illustrated books, head to Chaos Castle.
URL: http://childledchaos.me.uk/feed/
📡 Childtastic Books | Great Books For Great Readers RSS feed
Hi, I'm Sam, and welcome to Childtastic Books! This blog originally started as a collaboration between me and my daughter, Holly, as a way of reviewing children's books from a parent's and child's perspective. We'd always give an honest opinion and would often disagree with each other tactfully, of course!
URL: https://childtasticbooks.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Clare Lydon | Writer, Blogger & Creative Copywriter RSS feed
Clare Lydon is a lesbian fiction author and lover of Curly Wurlys. Her books have been described as 'romantic, addictive, fabulous!' and she couldn't have put it better herself. When she's not writing, she plays the guitar badly and drinks far too much craft beer.
URL: https://www.clarelydon.co.uk/blog/feed/
📡 Close to the Bone RSS feed
Follow this blog to know more about UK book authors.
URL: https://www.close2thebone.co.uk/wp/?feed=rss2
📡 Cornflower Books RSS feed
Reviewer and writer about books, book blogger. Find everything about books and other good things.
URL: https://www.cornflowerbooks.co.uk/atom.xml
📡 Crime Thriller Girl RSS feed
Crime Thriller Girl leads a double life: I'm a thriller writer, writing as Steph Broadribb and Stephanie Marland and an avid reader of all things crime thriller. My blog is about books and being a writer, and I love to connect with people who share a passion for crime thrillers too.
URL: https://stephbroadribb.com/feed/
📡 CrimeBookJunkie Reviews & Stuff RSS feed
Reviews on Crime fiction, psychological thrillers, action thrillers, horror and murder mysteries.
URL: https://crimebookjunkie.co.uk/feed/
📡 Dark-Readers RSS feed
We are a group of people who read books, review books, talk books, smell books, most things involve books in our daily lives. The world is ours for the reading! Run by Stephen & Casey.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/dark-readers/HmgD
📡 Daunt Books RSS feed
Daunt Books is an original Edwardian bookshop with long oak galleries and graceful skylights situated in Marylebone High Street, London, traditionally specialising in travel literature.
URL: https://dauntbooks.co.uk/feed/
📡 Diary of Difference RSS feed
A diary of a weird girl, Ivana, full of creativity and wittiness. Her articles cover book reviews, postcards, and everything random. Mystery, Young-Adult, Contemporary, Romance are some of her favorite genres.
URL: https://diaryofdifference.com/feed/
📡 Down the Rabbit Hole RSS feed
Lucy, a pediatric nurse from the UK, has started this blog to talk about the different kinds of books she is reading and often posts her book reviews.
URL: https://wonderandwriting.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Dragons and Whimsy RSS feed
A speculative fiction book and hobby blog on the search for the best stories out there!
URL: https://dragonsandwhimsy.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Dystopian RSS feed
A site predominantly dedicated to dystopian fiction in books and films with reviews, blogs, and discussions. Societal strain and political uprisings really get us going but don't worry, we're also a fan of puppies and rainbows, so it won't be all bleak.
URL: https://www.dystopic.co.uk/feed/
📡 Edspire RSS feed
I'm Jennie, a 44-year-old, home-educating mummy, passionate about picture books, children's literature, and learning through play. Here, you can read about books, reading, home education, and play. Follow our home education journey.
URL: https://www.edspire.co.uk/feed/
📡 Elif the Reader RSS feed
My name is Elif. I'm here to share my love of reading as well as the beautiful things that catch my eye. I am interested in a lot of things so I try to read as much as I can. Get Book reviews and pretty things.
URL: https://elifthereader.com/feed/
📡 Em And Her Books RSS feed
A book blog authored by Em, a book lover and blogger from Devon, UK. She kick-started this book journey by setting herself a challenge of reading books and ended up achieving it.
URL: https://emandherbooks.com/feed/
📡 Espresso coco | Book Reviews RSS feed
I like reviewing books, movies and gadgets. I'm an occasional writer, photographer, coffee-lover, cyclist, and stationery geek. I love books. Long books, short books, ebooks, paperbacks, audiobooks. Whilst I've reviewed a lot of crime books, I also love sci-fi, fantasy and pretty much everything else. So long as it's good. Make it good.
URL: https://espressococo.com/category/reviews/feed/
📡 Farm Lane Books Blog RSS feed
Book blog reviewing prize winning fiction, new releases and random recommendations. Blog by Jackie Bailey.
URL: http://www.farmlanebooks.co.uk/feed/
📡 Federation of Children's Book Groups RSS feed
The Federation of Children's Book Groups is a UK charity bringing children and books together, encouraging reading for pleasure.
URL: http://fcbg.org.uk/feed/
📡 Felicity Heaton | Paranormal Romance Books RSS feed
Paranormal romance books by paranormal romance author Felicity Heaton / F E Heaton. Author of the Vampires Realm romance series books, Her Angel romance series books, Vampire Erotic Theatre romance series books, Eternal Mates paranormal romance series books, and other stand alone paranormal and urban fantasy romance novels.
URL: http://www.felicityheaton.com/blog/feed/
📡 Flea Reads RSS feed
I am Flea, the world's weirdest person. I love to read books and I share regular reviews and round-ups here on Flea Reads.
URL: http://fleareads.co.uk/feed/
📡 Floris Books Blog RSS feed
At Floris Books, we see the world a little differently. Our adult non-fiction books cover all aspects of holistic and alternative living, including holistic health, organics and the environment, holistic education, mind body spirit, child health and development, self-help, religion and spirituality, and community living.
URL: https://www.florisbooks.co.uk/blog/feed/
📡 G J Griffiths Writer Blog RSS feed
Book Reviews Blog. Born in the UK, G J Griffiths is a retired science teacher. He enjoys reading most genres of fiction such as sci-fi, crime/detective thrillers, historical & wildlife stories. Non-fiction reading mainly includes scientific or historical books. Subscribe to read his regular book reviews.
URL: https://www.gjgriffithswriter.com/book-reviews-blog/feed
📡 Girl with her Head in a Book RSS feed
The author is an avid book reader who writes about reviews, discussions, and lists of books she reads. Subscribe to get the latest updates from the blog.
URL: https://girlwithherheadinabook.co.uk/feed
📡 Good books come to those who read RSS feed
Welcome to my Blog. My name is Annette I have what I believe is an 'addiction' I have a love of books. I like to write a short review of every book I read as I hope it helps other book lovers on their journeys. So that's why I am here, to post book reviews and anything book related that takes my fancy, I will be stumbling through this blog malarkey, hoping your join me, wondering if anyone will read what I write.
URL: https://goodbookscometothosewhoread.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Grab This Book RSS feed
Scottish Book Blogger trying to champion the books that I think everyone should be reading. These are the books I have been reading and the news stories that caught my attention. I will share the good stuff and comment on the less memorable in the hope that I manage to bring a few books to your attention that you will feel may be worth some of your time.
URL: http://grabthisbook.net/?feed=rss2
📡 Hair Past A Freckle RSS feed
Book reviews and other posts about books and reading.
URL: https://hairpastafreckle72.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Hodderscape | science fiction, fantasy and horror books RSS feed
Hodderscape is where Hodder & Stoughton's science fiction, fantasy and horror lovers hang out and shout about our books, as well as a few other things.
URL: https://www.hodderscape.co.uk/feed/
📡 I Can Only Blame My Shelf | Book Blogger in UK RSS feed
I write blogs about books and I'm based in lovely London, UK. I love giving book recommendations, book reviews and talking about everything from fiction to non-fiction.
URL: https://icanonlyblamemyshelf.com/feed/
📡 It's Good To Read RSS feed
A lover of books in all their forms, I want to create a site where I can share, and share in, that enthusiasm and sheer excitement that comes from reading. This site is for all book lovers (haters welcome too, but prepare to be converted!), and I want it to be open, transparent, and fun!
URL: https://ebookwormssite.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 J Taylor Author RSS feed
Book Blog by J Taylor, a full-time writer and Amazon bestselling author of women's contemporary and humorous fiction.
URL: https://www.jtaylorwrites.co.uk/blog-feed.xml
📡 Jackie Morris Artist RSS feed
The balance of life as an artist and writer living and working in Wales: or, how to ignore housework.
URL: https://www.jackiemorris.co.uk/journal/feed/
📡 JeanzBookReadNReview RSS feed
Love reading and reviewing on my blog JeanzBookReadNReview. I read ARCs, E-books, Paperbacks, Hardbacks & also enjoy Beta Reading too!
URL: http://jeanzbookreadnreview.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Jess Hearts Books RSS feed
Prone to stalking authors on Twitter and crushes on fictional characters. Mostly I just faff about on the internet and somehow manage to pass my life long work of trying to get people to read good books off as being a somewhat sane and professional book blogger.
URL: https://jessheartsbooks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Jill's Book Cafe | Bookish News RSS feed
A married, working, Jack Russell yearning, reading, blogging, 60 yr young Yorkshire lass. Overcoming breast cancer and taking a back seat from reviewing.
URL: https://jillsbookcafe.blog/feed
📡 Jo&Isalovebooks RSS feed
Originally founded in 2014 by Isa Jones, the blog was created from her love of books and the desire to promote Authors. Soon after Isa met Joanne Swinney as they both shared the passion for reading and the knack of pimping. As the pair got to know and worked with each other, it was evident that what was once a one woman blog will benefit with the power of two, and so they created what we know today as Jo&Isalovebooks.
URL: http://joandisalovebooks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Julie Stock My Indie Writing Life RSS feed
Contemporary romance from around the world! I am an independent author of contemporary romance from around the world: novels, books, novellas and short stories. I blog about my self-publishing journey on this website.
URL: https://julie-stock.co.uk/blog/feed/
📡 Karen Aldous - Author of The Vineyard RSS feed
Author who loves books, travel, romance pub. I like to read about an individual's journey or path they have ventured. I'm often inspired though humbled, by people's stories and achievements. That's why I've written my own writing journey.
URL: http://www.karenaldous.co.uk/blog/feed/
📡 LSE Review of Books RSS feed
LSE Review of Books publishes daily reviews of academic books across the social sciences. Our aim is to facilitate the sharing and exchange of knowledge between experts within and outside of the academy, and to open up academic research to increase its impact.
URL: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/lsereviewofbooks/feed/
📡 Laura Patricia Rose RSS feed
Hi my name is Laura and I am a book blogger. I will be posting my latest book reviews, author interviews and giveaways on here, so be sure to check them out.
URL: http://www.laurapatriciarose.co.uk/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Linda's Book Bag | Loving books and reading RSS feed
My name is Linda. I'm a retired ex-English teacher, educational consultant, and inspector. I love reading and try to read as much as possible. Although I'm not particularly fond of horror, sci-fi, or fantasy I'm always willing to try a range of genres and love the privilege of having advance copies to review.
URL: https://lindasbookbag.com/feed/
📡 London Review of Books RSS feed
The London Review of Books is Europe's leading magazine of books and ideas. It provides a space for some of the world's best writers to explore a wide variety of subjects in exhilarating detail from culture and politics to science and technology via history and philosophy.
URL: https://www.lrb.co.uk/blog/feed
📡 Lonesome Reader RSS feed
A personal book blog for readers searching for other literature fanatics.
URL: https://lonesomereader.com/blog?format=RSS
📡 Lorna Peel RSS feed
Lorna Peel is an author of historical romance and romantic suspense novels set in the UK and Ireland.
URL: https://lornapeel.com/blog/feed/
📡 Louise's Reading Corner RSS feed
Hey! I'm Louise and I love reading. This is my page dedicated to all things book-related - there'll be a variety of genres from thrillers to romance. There'll be reviews, news, giveaways, and details of book bargains.
URL: https://louisesreadingcorner.com/feed/
📡 Love Books Group RSS feed
Our Blog of Book, Theatre & Events Reviews. All our reviews are free.
URL: https://kellylacey.com/feed/
📡 Lucybird's Book Blog | Book reviews and discussion RSS feed
Book reviews, and bookish musings. I read and review contemporary fiction, biographies, a few classics and psychology based books. I also post one picture book review a week in my feature Children's Hour.
URL: https://lucybirdbooks.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Maggie Craig Scottish Writer RSS feed
I'm a Scottish writer of fiction and non-fiction and love the beauty and the history of my native land. I've expressed my enthusiasm for the latter through non-fiction books. Maggie Craig is author of the acclaimed Damn Rebel Bitches: The Women of the 45 and several page-turning historical novels.
URL: https://www.maggiecraig.co.uk/category/blog/feed/
📡 Me and My Books RSS feed
I love reading. I love books. I decided at the beginning of this year that I wanted to increase the amount of books I read, I stopped watching television in the evenings and read more instead. I have over the past few years left very brief reviews of books I had read on Goodreads.
URL: https://vonnibee.com/feed/
📡 Mills & Boon Blog RSS feed
Mills & Boon wasn't all about lust and amour at first - when the company initially launched, it was a general fiction publisher, turning out books about everything from travel to craft. Stay up-to-date with all the latest from Mills & Boon; from editorial chats, to book trailers, to inside tips from our lovely authors!
URL: https://blog.millsandboon.co.uk/feed/
📡 Miss Lawrence is Hearing Things RSS feed
Audiobook Reviewer based in the UK. Accessible audiobook reviews and recommendations from the curator of an extensive audiobook athenaeum.
URL: https://www.hearingthings.co.uk/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 NeverImitate | Trying to avoid society's pigeonholes RSS feed
Book Reviews, author interviews, guest posts and gig reviews, mostly written by Jackie Law.
URL: https://neverimitate.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Northern Plunder RSS feed
Northern Plunder is a personal book blog which was created in October 2011 due to Laurens love for books. Her hopes were to create a space on the web where she could share her thoughts and opinions on books she has read, provide recommendations, and to take part in various book challenges and events whilst also being able to interact with fellow book bloggers.
URL: https://northernplunder.com/feed/
📡 Northern Plunder RSS feed
Northern Plunder is Run by Lauren, a twenty something book blogger and seller from manchester. She loves vampires, horror movies and achievement hunting in video games. I'm a teenage bibliophile and obviously I spend a lot of my free time reading, collecting, reviewing, and blogging about books.
URL: https://northernplunder.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Nose Graze RSS feed
Blog by ashley and I'm your average woman.. except I'm addicted to reading books.. and collecting books. I like to snuggle up by the fire with a cup of warm hot chocolate and a great book that will make me wonder why the heck our world isn't full of magic, wizards, dragons, and daemons.
URL: https://www.nosegraze.com/feed/
📡 Nose in a book RSS feed
Reviews and other ramblings. I hope that the reviews I post here will help you to choose your next book, or maybe just provide a forum for discussion.
URL: https://www.noseinabook.co.uk/feed/
📡 On My Bookshelf RSS feed
Reading is my passion so let's get to it... I have been passionate about reading and writing book reviews since I was very young. Blog by Janet.
URL: https://bookblog.gjmccarthy.co.uk/feed/?x=1
📡 Page to Stage Reviews RSS feed
The Page to Stage Reviews blog is run by Zarina, a Dutch girl living in London who loves books, (musical) theatre, events, lifestyle, and travel. Stay up with her latest articles as she writes about fun things in and around London.
URL: http://www.pagetostagereviews.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Paige Briscoe RSS feed
Paige Briscoe is a blogger, student, and writer. In this blog, she shares her thoughts on books through reviews, gives insight to the world through lifestyle blog posts, and showcase her own creative writing.
URL: https://wordsfromthepaige.com/feed/
📡 Picture Book Party RSS feed
Walker is the world's leading employee-owned, independent publisher of children's books. Working with the best authors and illustrators, Walker Books is renowned for its truly original publishing and outstanding quality.
URL: https://www.picturebookparty.co.uk/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Pretty Books RSS feed
Pretty Books is dedicated to book reviews, general book chat, and lots of recommendations. I'm Stacey, a girl from London, England who blogs about books and works in the book industry.
URL: https://prettybooks.co.uk/feed/
📡 Rachel's Really Random Reviews RSS feed
Rachel Jones is a UK-based book nerd and has a degree in English Literature. She loves young adult novels and her life revolves around fictional characters, including those from books & tv shows. Through this blog, she reviews books and writes her opinions.
URL: http://www.rachelsreallyrandomreviews.co.uk/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Rambling Lisa's Book Reviews RSS feed
Book reviews and poetry along with whatever else springs to mind!
URL: https://ramblinglisasbookreviews.com/feed/
📡 Rea Book Reviews RSS feed
Reader, reviewer, blogger, chocolate pincher! I have been reviewing for 5 years, won blog of the year 2015. I give honest opinion on latest book releases. I also will let you know of any book giveaways on my blog and on other blogs.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reabookreview
📡 Readaraptor Reviewing rawr-some reads RSS feed
Readaraptor is a place to talk books, whether that be in a discussion post or about one book in particular through a review.
URL: http://www.readaraptor.co.uk/feed/
📡 Reader Dad Book Reviews RSS feed
Book reviews from a voracious reader of dark crime, horror, scifi and fantasy works. The darker the better.
URL: https://readerdad.co.uk/feed/
📡 Robin Stevens Blog RSS feed
A book-loving bird. Author of the Murder Most Unladylike Mysteries / the Wells and Wong Mysteries, crime novels for children of all ages.
URL: https://robin-stevens.co.uk/feed/
📡 Rose Auburn RSS feed
Welcome to the world of Rose Auburn Books. I am an Author and Book Reviewer. This website is to showcase my writing, invite comments, and blog about all my reads.
URL: https://www.roseauburn.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 Rosie Amber RSS feed
Book Reviewer, Avid Reader and Bookworm. Campaigning to link more readers to writers. People do not forget books that touch them or excite them - they recommend them.
URL: https://rosieamber.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Salt | Great books, all the time RSS feed
Salt is essential seasoning in the world of British books. A fine, independent list, published with great spirit. alt is considered one of UK's leading independent publishers - a growing business that has an international impact. We find great stories and poems, make them gorgeous, and share them with you.
URL: https://www.saltpublishing.com/blogs/news.atom
📡 Savidge Reads | The Chronicles of a Book Addict RSS feed
Considering that Simon Savidge comes from a long line of book lovers, it's no surprise that he created his blog, Savidge Reads, as an outlet for book binging. The recently revamped blog covers all the reads that Simon is currently a fan of, and promotes literature workshops and events that he hosts with different authors. When Simon isn't blogging or reading, he can be found giving talks.
URL: https://savidgereads.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Serendipity Reviews RSS feed
Serendipity Reviews, a UK book blog with reviews of books written for children, teens, new adults and adults as well as author interviews.
URL: http://www.serendipityreviews.co.uk/feeds/posts/default
📡 So many books, so little time RSS feed
News and updates for the SMBSLT website. Pre-loved giveaways, reviews, challenges and all things books.
URL: https://www.alwaysreading.net/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Stephen Writes RSS feed
Hello, my name is Stephen and I am a writer and an avid reader. On this blog, I write detailed reviews of books after reading them, share some of my poetry and bookish discussions, and chart my writing progress. I work full-time as a university administrator.
URL: https://stephenwriterblog.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Sylv.net RSS feed
Sylv.net is a blog which we have been running since 2012, we join blog tours daily where we share content for books of all genres.
URL: https://blog.sylv.net/feed/
📡 Tales of Yesterday | Chelley Toy Book Blog RSS feed
I read lots of books and review them on my blog! I like to read anything whether it be Adult Fiction, YA, Children's, Fantasy, Horror, Crime or Romance. Blog by Michelle Toy.
URL: http://www.talesofyesterday.co.uk/feed/
📡 Teen Librarian | Libraries, Teens, Books, Reviews News RSS feed
Teen Librarian is a blog about libraries (public & school), focusing on working with teens. TL also carries book reviews mostly young adult with crime, mystery, horror books & graphic novels.
URL: http://teenlibrarian.co.uk/feed/
📡 The Book Hive RSS feed
Indie bookshop run by 'illiberal bigots' in beautiful Norwich. Hand-picked new fiction & nonfiction, plus poetry, small press, children's, cookery & art titles. Norwich's only independent bookshop, full of beautiful things and beautiful books.
URL: https://www.thebookhive.co.uk/feed/
📡 The Book Lover's Boudoir RSS feed
I'm Pamela and I live in the UK with my partner.I love books and write fiction and poetry.This site will review books I own, borrow from the library, and review copies and copies from NetGalley.
URL: https://thebookloversboudoir.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 The Book Lovers' Sanctuary RSS feed
Come and escape from the world in some great books! Michael Cattigan set up this blog to write about books, reviews and to share his thoughts, and book stories. Genres covered are Crime, Novel, Fantasy, Literary, YA, and ARC.
URL: https://bookloverssanctuary.com/feed/
📡 The Dorset Book Detective RSS feed
An avid reader from Dorset with a passion for books, particularly Crime Fiction. I blog about the books I like, and the ones I don't. There's everything from interviews and reviews through to more mad posts, like my top fives and my ranty posts on the issues facing the current literature market.
URL: https://dorsetbookdetective.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 The Hub by London Bookfair RSS feed
The London Book Fair is part of the Reed Exhibitions Publishing, Media & Communications Group. Making Words Go Further Across The Globe.
URL: https://hub.londonbookfair.co.uk/feed/
📡 The Literary Edit RSS feed
I'm Lucy, an award-winning book blogger and writer with a passion for brilliant books, independent bookstores and literary festivals .
URL: https://thelitedit.com/feed/
📡 The Oracle Media RSS feed
Known for our book reviews and loved for our gaming ones. We also talk about life in our Personal page, everything from mental health.
URL: https://mythicaltales.com/feed/
📡 The Queen of Teen Fiction RSS feed
The Queen of Teen Fiction is a blog dedicated to bringing you YA book reviews, author interviews, and more. Curated by Katie, your friendly neighborhood fiction enthusiast.
URL: http://www.queenofteenfiction.co.uk/feeds/posts/default
📡 The Tattooed Book RSS feed
A UK based book review and literary life blog from ex-bookseller and all-around book geek, Cara Fielder.
URL: https://www.thetattooedbook.com/feed/
📡 The Tattooed Book Geek RSS feed
Fantastical Book Reviews, Poetry & Awesomeness by Drew Weldon.
URL: https://thetattooedbookgeek.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 The Tween Book Blog RSS feed
A blog about books, for all lovers of YA and Children's books.
URL: http://thetweenbookblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Tomes with Tea RSS feed
Hi. I'm Amy-Louise. Award-nominated blogger.
URL: https://tomeswithtea.com/feed/
📡 Travelling Book Junkie RSS feed
Inspiring book lovers worldwide to pick up their passports and explore the world whilst focusing on their love of literature. We highlight the literary trails you won't want to miss. We explore locations that authors have visited and gained inspiration from.
URL: https://www.travellingbookjunkie.com/feed/
📡 Unthank Books RSS feed
Unthank is an independent publisher of books that are fearless and step outside the boundaries; the type of books you used to like but publishers rarely champion these days. We publish literary fiction and non-fiction, and the biannual short fiction journal Unthology. We support writers in the pursuit of their craft and the traditional values of publishing.
URL: https://www.unthankbooks.com/feed/
📡 Uptown Oracle RSS feed
Uptown Oracle is a Newcastle, UK based lifestyle and book blog
URL: http://www.uptownoracle.com/feed/
📡 Vee_Bookish RSS feed
Hi, I'm Vee, a blogger of Young Adult Books from Somerset in the UK! I only read Young Adult and Middle Grade/Children's books, this does not include picture books. All the reviews are my own opinion and honest at the time of reviewing.
URL: https://veebookishbooks.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Whispering Stories RSS feed
Whispering Stories is a book blog. We review lots of books to give you suggestions for your next read. We also run cover reveals, giveaways, guest posts, interviews, plus much more.
URL: https://www.whisperingstories.com/feed/
📡 Winstonsdad's Blog RSS feed
Welcome to Winstonsdad, the home of translated fiction and #Translationthurs curator. I have been running this blog for 9 years and have reviewed over 900 books from nearly 100 countries in a wide range of styles from Prize winners through crime novels to page-turners in translation. The aim of the blog is to lift the veil on translated fiction. Knock down the walls of mystery to books in translation and hell make these books sound fun to read.
URL: https://winstonsdad.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Wordy Witterings RSS feed
A blog mostly about reading & writing authored by Claire Hennighan. She is an avid reader, book blogger, English teacher, and aspiring author of MGlit.
URL: https://wordywitterings.com/feed/
📡 eBook Addicts UK RSS feed
'eBook addicts UK' was founded by Fiona in late 2013, as she wanted an outlet to review all the wonderful books she was reading. Her reviews feature all about E-books, including all genres.
URL: https://ebookaddicts.net/feed/