149 Spiritual RSS feeds
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📡 12blessings - Change the world with spiritual energy RSS feed
Spiritual energy is a real power which you can experience for yourself through The Twelve Blessings. This power can change your life and the world.
URL: http://12blessings.org/feed/
📡 3 Chips on God RSS feed
Covers spiritual topics such as Reincarnation, Karma, Heaven, Detachment, Meditation, Astrology, the Soul, the Ego, and others, written from an Agnostic and humorous point of view. Most blogs are written from either a Theistic or Atheistic perspective, 3 Chips On God is one of the few written from the middle, taking into account both beliefs and doubts.
URL: https://3chipsongod.com/feed/
📡 5D Soulful Living in the NOW RSS feed
My name is Chi Macnow. I currently live in Everett, WA near the Seattle area. I'm starting this blog as a big hug to the universe, my universe that lives in my heart. I recently found my true self and have started the integration process of embodying my soul, uniting body/mind/spirit into an existence full of wonder, profound wisdom, and pure unconditional love.
URL: https://from3dto5dloveinaction.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 A Journey To Yourself RSS feed
Blog about spirituality for modern women. A Journey To Yourself is a portal of spiritual development to find happiness and love.
URL: https://www.ajourneytoyourself.com/feed/
📡 A spiritual blog on life RSS feed
Offering practical spirituality for soul and personal growth through teaching, channelling and writing, in person, by phone or through the internet.
URL: http://blog.inluminoglobal.com/feed
📡 Aaronforce.net | Spirituality & Self Improvement For Powerful Living RSS feed
Find purpose, meaning, and develop your potential to live your most powerful life! The spirituality & self-improvement blog for more powerful living.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/aaronforce/SleZ
📡 Alive with Cristine RSS feed
Enlighten your day with some community, growth, and spiritual musings from Living in Harmony's spiritual coach and intuitive reader, Christine.
URL: https://www.alivewithchristine.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 All In One RSS feed
All in One covers articles on spirituality, meditation, incarnation, guru, Dattatreya, yoga, spiritual information and more.
URL: https://www.allinoneinform.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 All Is One Movement Blog RSS feed
Articles on Spirituality, Self-development, and Philosophy. The All Is One Movement is on a mission to bring people together physically and spiritually.
URL: https://www.allisonemovement.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 Amanda Linette Meder Blog RSS feed
Intuitive & spiritual lifestyle blog covering intuition, spirituality, mind, body, spirit, crystals, and belief. Curated by Amanda Linette Meder, a writer, teacher, intuitive, casual scientist, and lover of all things supernatural and psychic phenomena.
URL: https://www.amandalinettemeder.com/blog?format=RSS
📡 Amelia Bert Blog RSS feed
Amelia Bert shares direct guidance and wisdom from the Angels and Divine beings on anything related to spirituality and spiritual ascension. Amelia Bert is an angel intuitive and spiritual author. Her path has guided her to help you find inner peace and receive Divine messages from the Angels.
URL: https://ameliabert.com/feed/
📡 Animals are Talking RSS feed
My name is Sandra Mendelson. I am a channel of animal consciousness and share messages from the animal kingdom for the benefit of humans. I didn't exactly show up on earth this way; my path took several decades to present itself.
URL: https://www.smendelson.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 Ann Marie Ruby Blog RSS feed
A blog about dreams, reincarnation, & spirituality. Ann Marie Ruby is the author of sixteen books, blogger, humanitarian, and dream psychic based in Seattle, Washington.
URL: https://annmarieruby.com/blog/feed/
📡 Anya Goode RSS feed
Anya Goode provides information about online courses and healings to assist lightworkers, empaths, healers, and spiritual seekers in overcoming limitations preventing them from fully embodying their truth and highest self. She is a seasoned intuitive energy healer and teacher of esoteric philosophy and mysticism, and has focused on writing and creating spiritual development tools.
URL: https://anyagoode.com/feed/
📡 Ashis Maji RSS feed
Ashis Kumar Maji, the founder and CEO of the blog is also a sole spiritual reader of probable Nifty Future movements daily basis with Open, High, Low.
URL: https://ashismaji.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Ask-Angels RSS feed
Spiritual teacher Melanie Beckler, offers meditations, spiritual guidance, and angelic inspiration to support you in raising your vibration and embodying your highest light.
URL: https://www.ask-angels.com/spiritual-guidance/feed/
📡 Baptist Spirituality RSS feed
Joe LaGuardia writes about Christianity, faith, culture, baptist Life, Congregational Leadership, and interfaith ministry.
URL: https://baptistspirituality.org/feed/
📡 Being to Become RSS feed
Posts feature articles on Holistic Health, Mindful Living, and Spiritual Process and tools for well-being within ourselves in body, mind, emotion, and energy. My name is Rubaab, and I created Being to Become to share articles on conscious living.
URL: https://www.beingtobecome.com/feed/
📡 Blog About God And Miracles RSS feed
This blog was created to continue sharing my spiritual experiences.
URL: http://www.blogaboutgodandmiracles.com/feed/
📡 Bloom and Manifest RSS feed
Metaphysical spirituality blog that covers self-care, being an empath, spiritual awakening, and soulful entrepreneurship. Authored by Sara Cardinale.
URL: https://www.bloomandmanifest.com/feed/
📡 Body & Soul Ascension RSS feed
Spiritual Ascension & Energy blog that teaches how to connect to higher vibration dimensions by raising your awareness. Authored by Claude Bulaceanu.
URL: https://www.bodyandsoulascension.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 CAJ Spirituality RSS feed
Contains inspiring and uplifting stories on healthy living, mental health, mindful living, manifestation, and forgiveness. The goal of CAJ Spirituality is to casualize spirituality and make it accessible to anybody, anywhere, at any time.
URL: https://cajspirituality.com/feed/
📡 Candace Corbeil Blog RSS feed
Candace Corbeil's Spiritual & Metaphysical blog features spirituality, intuitions, and Akashic Record. Candace is a professional intuitive who helps people gain clarity about their life purpose and path.
URL: https://www.candacecorbeil.com/blog?format=rss
📡 Catholic Spiritual Direction RSS feed
Covers Carmelite, Ignatian, Carthusian, Franciscan, Dominican, Benedictine, and many other rich spiritual traditions of the Church. Spiritual Direction provides a spiritual direction training and answers to questions on the Catholic faith based on the wisdom of the Bible, Church, and the saints and angels.
URL: https://spiritualdirection.com/feed
📡 Chamunda Swamiji RSS feed
Blogs on holistic and spiritual energy healing, meditation, mantras, tantra, and yantras. Authored by Chamunda Swami, a Spiritual Guru, and Healer.
URL: https://www.chamundaswamiji.com/feed
📡 Clayton Micallef Blog RSS feed
Blog on science of meditation, mindfulness, compassion, and spirituality. Written by Clayton Micallef, a psychology graduate and MSc mindfulness student, and longtime meditation practitioner.
URL: https://claytonmicallef.com/feed/
📡 Contemplative Light Blog RSS feed
We are a collective of spiritual teachers and writers hoping to educate, heal, and guide spiritual pilgrims in their quest to grow closer to God. Contemplative Light provides education and resources in a global effort towards inner transformation through contemplative prayer and meditation.
URL: https://contemplativelight.org/feed/
📡 Destination One Love RSS feed
We are all ONE, and headed from different angles, paths, and roads to the same destination which hilariously is where we already are! But sometimes, we hit a pothole or a traffic jam and need a little sign to remind us of who we are and get our hands back on the wheel, feet on the pedals, or find we are already home and start enjoying the porch.
URL: https://destinationonelove.com/feed/
📡 Diamond Light Goddess RSS feed
Diamond Light Goddess is all about Self-Mastery, Meditation & ZEN. Blog posts cover ascension, goddess power, manifestation, meditation, and spiritual guidance. Authored by Agnieszka Jaworska, an intuitive healer, and certified spiritual coach.
URL: https://diamondlightgoddess.com/feed/
📡 Divine Love Blueprint RSS feed
Emotional Intelligence Mentor. Natural, non-drug approach to releasing emotions like anxiety, anger, fear, and humiliation. I help salespeople because I am one.
URL: https://www.dna-heal.com/feed/
📡 Diya RSS feed
The Diya Project approaches the problem of spirituality from the perspective of the individual. We are building a library of solutions and spiritual outlets around your goals and motivations.
URL: https://www.thediyaproject.com/feed
📡 Doshi Dhrumit RSS feed
All about the Our Universe and Useful knowledge, the Ultimate secret of universe and Life and all unknown secrets and facts.
URL: https://doshidhrumit.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Dream Builders Australia Blog RSS feed
Inspirational quotes & empowering articles to build confidence & self-acceptance. Liara Covert is a certified practitioner of breathwork, mindfulness, and body psychotherapy.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/DreamBuildersAustralia
📡 Eclectic Spirituality RSS feed
Ellen Besso is a life coach, counsellor, published author, energy worker & practitioner of yoga & meditation. Ellen's new work combines her newly emerging High Heart Chakra work, EMDR, Reiki & Trager. The High Heart Chakra is the gateway between heaven & earth -between our souls & our corporeal selves.
URL: https://ellenbesso.com/feed/
📡 Elizabeth Peru Blog RSS feed
Elizabeth Peru is an acclaimed Australian-based Spiritual Leader, Author, and Life Guide. Become inspired and transported into higher consciousness with Elizabeth's latest transmissions of wisdom and cosmic connection. Follow the guidance that thousands around the world wake up and evolve with each week.
URL: https://elizabethperu.com/blog?format=RSS
📡 Embracing Spirituality RSS feed
Obara Meji, a Metaphysics Teacher, writes a blog on metaphysics, spirituality, and ideas for the advancement of humanity.
URL: https://www.embracingspirituality.com/feed/
📡 Emotional Musings RSS feed
Getting in touch with your emotional truth, processing pain and improving the human condition in the 21st century.
URL: https://emotionalmusings.com/feed/
📡 Emotionally Healthy RSS feed
Emotionally Healthy Discipleship (EHD), is a groundbreaking ministry that equips pastors and leaders with a new leadership paradigm that integrates emotional health and contemplative spirituality.
URL: https://www.emotionallyhealthy.org/feed/?v=c86ee0d9d7ed
📡 Era of Light RSS feed
Features articles on awareness, health & well-being, star alignments, numerology, monthly horoscopes, and earth history, present, future, and new discoveries.
URL: https://eraoflight.com/feed/
📡 Eric Zuniga RSS feed
Eric offers a 3 Principles view about the spirit of living. The Articles/Blog categories are Counseling, Education, Self-Awareness, and Wellness. These 3 Principles articles strive to express insightful reflections for the reader - you! Open to all to spark the sight within and revitalize your soul.
URL: https://ericzuniga.com/feed/
📡 Erica L Hernandez RSS feed
Writing and blogging about grief and loss, death and beyond, child loss, mood management, bipolar education, and domestic violence, and finding spiritual moments in a crisis.
URL: https://ericalhernandez.com/feed/
📡 Erin Pavlina Blog RSS feed
Erin Pavlina writes about channeling and spirits, death and dying love & relationships, paranormal experiences, and psychic information. Erin is an intuitive counselor who uses her psychic powers to help her clients achieve their goals.
URL: http://www.erinpavlina.com/feed/?x=1
📡 Father Terry's Spiritual Stuff RSS feed
A blog about contemplative prayer and the centering method that can introduce you to deeper meditation. Written by Fr. Terry Ryan.
URL: http://frterrysspiritualstuff.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Flowerchild777 RSS feed
Keep up with articles from Flowerchild777.
URL: https://flowerchild777.com/feed/
📡 Fresh Insights On Ancient Truths RSS feed
Focuses on Bible, devotions, encouragement, peace, rebirth, and healing. Curated by Marja Verschoor-Meijers, a writer, published author, blogger, and founder of Traveling Light.
URL: https://sacredsabbath.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Galen Pearl Blog RSS feed
A blog about Daoism, martial arts, compassion, poetry, and anything else that catches my attention. Also, includes a commentary on all 81 chapters of the Dao De Jing.
URL: https://www.galenpearl.com/feed/
📡 Godspacelight RSS feed
Christine Sine is the founder and facilitator for Godspace, which grew out of her passion for creative spirituality, gardening, and sustainability. She writes about Celtic spirituality, creation spirituality, hospitality, spiritual practices, justice, suffering, & wholeness.
URL: https://godspacelight.com/feed/
📡 Goppura Darisanam RSS feed
All this time, have been visiting temples from childhood, however did not understood the reason for building temples when we have Pooja room at home, but them as I start getting older and moving more towards spiritual, started to learn the purpose of temples and why it is done in certain way and its history.
URL: http://goppuradarisanam.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Happy Soul Hungry Mind RSS feed
Dedicated to specific subjects of interest such as Spirituality, Spiritual Truths, Spirituality Pyramid, Spiritual Path, Meditation, Stress & Anxiety, and Happiness. Authored by Ravi Kathuria, 'Happy Soul Hungry Mind' is all about the journey from the mind to the soul.
URL: https://happysoulhungrymind.com/HWP/feed/
📡 Hole In The Soul RSS feed
Hole In The Soul.co.uk is aimed at being a helpful resource for anybody experiencing an emptiness within themselves commonly termed a 'hole in the soul. This spiritual void causes a deep dissatisfaction with oneself and life and leads to depression and despair if untreated. On this website you can find helpful articles about the symptoms of a spiritual void, as well as proven practices to help alleviate this malady.
URL: https://holeinthesoul.co.uk/feed/
Blog posts on spirituality, advaita vedanta, ramakrishna, ramana maharshi, bhakti, prayer, shantras, Gita, Hinduism and more.
URL: https://indiaspirituality.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Ignatian Spirituality RSS feed
Offers information on and experiences of Ignatian spirituality from Jesuit and Ignatian sources around the world. We cover a range of topics including, spiritual direction, exercises, prayers, Jesuit history, Ignatian songs, and social justice.
URL: http://www.ignatianspirituality.com/dotmagis-blog/feed/
📡 Immortal Values Divine Inspiration RSS feed
Coves articles that emphasize over practical implementation of God's virtues, His qualities, His powers, His sayings.
URL: https://immortalvalues.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 In5D RSS feed
Resources about spiritual awakening, meditation, indigo children and adults, star seeds, walk-ins, and soul groups, founded by Gregg Prescott.
URL: https://in5d.com/feed/
📡 Individualogist RSS feed
Curious about individuation, archetypes, numerology, or astrology? Gain relevant insights into alternative belief systems with Individualogist. We create content, reports, programs, and awakening products that personalize & elevate your journey of personal growth and self-discovery.
URL: https://individualogist.com/blog/feed
📡 Inner Spiritual Awakening RSS feed
I devoted 23 years of my life studying consciousness and understanding the whole complex of mind and its conditioning. Help and guide spiritual seekers to gain deeper insights into their own consciousness and awareness.
URL: https://innerspiritualawakening.com/feed/
📡 Inquire Within RSS feed
Keep up on the recent insights & information for Living in Spirit. James K. Papp will be your friendly guide to help you explore yourself and Inquire Within.
URL: https://www.inquirewithin.com/feed/
📡 Inspiration and Enlightenment RSS feed
Covers articles related to inspiration and enlightenment by Stefan Emunds who is an author of visionary fiction and nonfiction books.
URL: https://inspirationandenlightenment.com/feed/
📡 Ivana's Reality Makeover Blog RSS feed
The high-powered Integration sequence: concepts and opposites indispensable for spiritual growth, ordered in such a way as to guide and intensify your personal development.
URL: http://www.downtoearthmagic.com/ivanas-reality-makeover-blog/feed
📡 Jen Quintana Blog RSS feed
A Reiki Master, and Astrologer Jen Quintana, share information on healing, spiritual, and metaphysical resources for mediation junkies.
URL: https://iamjenquintana.com/blog/feed/
📡 Jessica Dimas Blog RSS feed
A blog for the spiritual seeker. You'll find resources to help you with your awakening, healing, and homecoming. Authored by Jessica Dimas.
URL: https://jessicadimas.com/feed/
📡 Johnsmallman's Blog RSS feed
John Smallman has been taking dictation from his friend Saul since 1995. He is a spiritual entity whose messages over the years have been inspiring and uplifting for him. In them, he refers frequently to 'Full Consciousness'. John shares these messages via this blog.
URL: https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Joy Dream Believe RSS feed
Karen Tanoh writes about everything that comes under the umbrella of Wellness, mental and emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial.
URL: https://joydreambelieve.com/feed/
📡 Julie Roick RSS feed
A blog chronicling the musings of a coach, mother, and personal trainer. With the thread of spirituality woven into each blog, without being preachy or dogmatic, and I humbly take the reader on a journey of self-reflection and personal improvement.
URL: https://www.julieroick.com/blog?format=rss
📡 Kelle Sparta RSS feed
Kelle Sparta is a transformational shaman who helps empaths live their best lives. She founded The Sacred Power and Purpose mystery school and runs The Energetics of Business program - the premier business coaching program for empaths.
URL: https://kellesparta.com/feed/
I am the author of 'Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet' Book series about the wonders and miracles that are coming to Earth. Follow to get updates.
URL: https://www.letterstopalkies.com/feed/
📡 Life Seeking Truth RSS feed
Keep up with articles from Life Seeking Truth.
URL: http://lifeseekingtruth.com/feed/
📡 Lightworker Living Blog RSS feed
Dedicated to sharing insight to support spiritual development.
URL: https://www.lightworkerliving.com//feed/rss2
📡 Linda Dacey-Laforge RSS feed
Having lived an interesting and somewhat uncommon life Linda is still somewhat surprised to find herself writing about her recent interactions with the Spiritual Realm. Non-religious she has always been open to the idea of Spirit but has lived her life firmly in our physical world.
URL: https://lindadacey-laforge.com/feed/
📡 Living Spirituality RSS feed
A blog engaged in exploring living Christian spirituality by covering spirituality guides, reflections, and spiritual rhythms of life.
URL: http://www.livingspirituality.org/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Lora Nedkov Blog RSS feed
Inspirational Posts to help move you forward on your spiritual path. Lora Nedkov is an Intuitive Spiritual Counselor & ACIM Coach who offers guided sessions to help you with healing life's issues and relationships.
URL: https://www.loranedkov.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 Love. Abundance. Freedom. RSS feed
Here you can learn how to listen to your intuition for everyday guidance and support. Whether you are just getting started or already an intuitive expert, these articles will teach you how to cultivate and hone your skills with clear guidelines and step-by-step approaches.
URL: https://www.loveabundancefreedom.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 Lucentree, LLC RSS feed
My name is Brian Melendez, I am a Northern/Southern Paiute - Western Shoshone: Community Leader, American Indian Spirituality Scholar, and practitioner of Great Basin custom(s) and culture(s), and the owner and operator of Lucentree, LLC.
URL: https://lucentree.com/feed/
📡 Maker's Makings RSS feed
We cover a range of topics, including Shakti, Buddha, Samadhi, Shiva, Yoga, Brahman, Vishnu, Atman, Hindu, Veda.
URL: https://www.makersmakings.org/feed
📡 Mark L Lockwood Blog RSS feed
Covers blog posts on consciousness, depression, healing, mental health, mindfulness, peace, spirituality, yoga effects. Posted by Mark L Lockwood, a counselor. teacher of self-actualization and God-realization and founder of Contemplative Intelligence.
URL: https://markllockwood.com/blog/feed/
📡 Mihail's Blog | Spiritual life RSS feed
Keep up with awakening process from the Mihail's Blog.
URL: https://mihail.blog/feed/
📡 Miracle Blog | Theresa McGallicher RSS feed
Herein Lies The Peace of God is a blog about miracles that have occurred in my life since I began to practice the lessons of A Course in Miracles.
URL: https://www.hereinliesthepeaceofgod.com/blog?format=RSS
📡 Mom On A Spiritual Journey RSS feed
Blog articles cover modern spiritual practice, empathy and empathic talents, divination techniques for predicting the future, improving your intuition, and energy psychology. Sarah Lawrence is an Akashic Records Reader and Spiritual Blogger.
URL: https://momonaspiritualjourney.com/feed/
📡 Mothering Spirit RSS feed
I'm Laura Kelly Fanucci. Mother, writer, wonderer. This space is where I explore mothering through writing. It's where I celebrate how God shows up in the chaos of raising children. It's where I love to build community with readers like you.
URL: https://motheringspirit.com/feed/
📡 Moxshlife RSS feed
A blog about spirituality, life, hope, wisdom, guidance, a guru, an acharya, martial arts, yoga, reiki, healing.
URL: https://moxshlife.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 My Spiritual Shenanigans RSS feed
A spiritual and self-care blog run by Vasundhra Gupta. Articles cover topics including metaphysics, practical spirituality, and personality development.
URL: https://myspiritualshenanigans.blog/feed/
📡 Mytika Speak RSS feed
A resource for those experiencing a spiritual awakening or twin flame reunion by providing answers to spiritual questions. Blog topics cover energy balance, karma, reincarnation, manifestation, god & the spiritual, and true self.
URL: https://mytikaspeak.com/feed/
📡 Natural Spirituality Loving Forum for Spiritual Harmony & Growth RSS feed
Exploring the mystical and rational while expanding common spiritual ground among caring people.
URL: https://naturalspirituality.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Not Strictly Spiritual RSS feed
Focuses on the spiritual journey and discovering the divine in the everyday. Authored by Mary DeTurris Poust, a writer, retreat leader, yoga teacher, seeker, and Creator of Not Strictly Spiritual.
URL: https://notstrictlyspiritual.com/feed/
📡 On What's Helpful RSS feed
These pages are a collection of helpful professional resources I've collected along the way that prove useful in spiritual health care.Spiritual care resources for pastoral ministry and chaplaincy in congregations and hospitals. Christian therapeutic tools for bereavement, hope and healthy spirituality.
URL: https://onwhatshelpful.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 One World Spiritual Center RSS feed
One World Spiritual Center is an interspiritual community with inspirational speakers, upbeat music and a supportive community that honors all paths to God!
URL: https://oneworldspiritualcenter.net/blog/category/melanies-blog/feed/
📡 Online Psychic Reading | Article RSS feed
To provide help and guidance through genuine caring telephone psychics offering a wide range of reading styles, including Tarot, Clairvoyance, Crystals, Astrology, Past life readings and more.
URL: https://www.online-psychic-reading.co.uk/articles.html/feed
📡 Os.me RSS feed
Covers Om Swami's writings about wisdom, karma and more. Os.me is one of the fastest growing communities of positive people who are travelling together to discover their own truth.
URL: https://os.me/feed/
📡 Patrizia Pisano Blog RSS feed
Articles feature spiritual lessons and practical steps to help you deepen your spiritual connection, manifest your desires, live your purpose, and feel good no matter what is going on around you. Patrizia Pisano's mission is to empower, inspire and awaken individuals to eliminate stress and fear-based thinking.
URL: https://patriziapisano.com/feed/
📡 Prophet666 RSS feed
Covers Mantras, Aartis, Chalisas and Stotras, Prophecies of Nostradamus, Bible, World, Kalki Avatar, Health, Paranormal, and Wealth Remedies.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/prophet666/jaPO
📡 Raina Teachings RSS feed
Raina Teachings blog, writings on spiritual growth, channelling, metaphysics, self love and mysticism, written by trance channel Lori Camacho and Raina
URL: https://rainateachings.com/feed/
📡 Reflecting Him RSS feed
Reflections Him is a personal blog that features sermons, personal reflections that are part of the faith journey.
URL: https://reflectionsonhim.com/feed/
📡 Reflections in Spirit RSS feed
Authors Gary and Susan Eby write a spiritual blog about self-help tips, meditation, nature, faith, and their new spiritual book,Reflections: Journey to God.
URL: http://reflectionsinspirit.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Road to Divinity RSS feed
Road to Divinity features incidents, stories, articles, and lastly, teachings of the great Swami Vivekananda.
URL: https://roadtodivinity.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Rose Rosetree Blog RSS feed
Covers aura reading, energy healing, enlightenment coaching, empath empowerment, and energy spirituality breakthroughs. Authored by Rose Rosetree, an award-winning teacher and the founder of Energy Spirituality.
URL: https://www.rose-rosetree.com/blog/feed/
Spiritual Insight for the Physical World.
URL: https://sacredauracom.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Sage Goddess Blog RSS feed
A blog about crystal energy, financial prosperity, gratitude, and chakra alignment. Dr. Athena Perrakis is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Sage Goddess, the source of sacred tools and metaphysical education.
URL: https://www.sagegoddess.com/feed/
📡 Science of the Soul RSS feed
Science of the Soul discusses consciousness theories, the afterlife, psychology, philosophy, metaphysics, and everything in between.
URL: https://www.science-ofthe-soul.com/index.php/feed/
📡 Sensitive Evolution RSS feed
An online library about sensitivity and a blog with articles relevant to sensitive people and their experiences. Curated by Marian Hill.
URL: https://sensitiveevolution.com/blog/feed/
📡 ShaaniCreates RSS feed
Covers akashic records reading, energy healing, meditation, pendulum reading, tarot card reading, reiki energy healing, and spiritual coaching. ShaaniCreates is a spiritual & wellness consulting company that guides clients to improve self-love.
URL: https://www.shaanicreates.com/feed/
📡 Shadow Dancing with Mind RSS feed
A blog about creativity,designs, books, music and poetry. An experiment with spirituality through the shadows of my mind.
URL: http://shadowdancingwithmind.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Sharing Spirit RSS feed
Sharing Spirit Mindfulness Spiritual Organization
URL: https://www.sharingspirit.ca/blog/feed
📡 Simon C.H. Lai's Blog RSS feed
My name is Simon C.H. Lai author of various spiritual books which I've published about 10 years ago and in recent years. My Pen name is Mystic Buddha, which was a name I chose based on my challenges I faced in this spiritual realm and striving for enlightenment. I learnt a lot in this journey, things I didn't expect, had turn to my life for the better and worse.
URL: https://sclai39.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Sivana East - Spirituality RSS feed
Sivana East is an online community platform that focuses on Spirituality, Yoga, & Conscious Living. This section of the Sivana East blog features articles that have to do exclusively with Spirituality.
URL: https://blog.sivanaspirit.com/category/spirituality/feed/
📡 Soul Levels RSS feed
Channeled information about mainataining high frequency vibrations to manifest abundance.
URL: https://www.soullevels.com/feed/
📡 Soul Prajna RSS feed
SoulPrajna is a platform to help Truth Seekers across the globe in finding the suitable direction for them to discover their own true divinity within.
URL: https://soulprajna.com/feed/
📡 SoulSpeak with Sonam RSS feed
Sonam Chamaria writes about the Law of Attraction, relationships, spirituality, tarot reading, and soul art. She is a published author, Tarot-card reader, Chakra healer, blogger, and doodle artist.
URL: https://soulspeakwithsonam.com/feed/
📡 Soulpatch Diaries RSS feed
More Change. Change or Die I am told, so once again, as I am morphing and growing spiritually, so too does the blog. Another name change. Earthy Monk to Wild Monk to now Soulpatch Diaries. The tagline focuses more on my spiritual journey of recovery: Musings on sobriety & soulfulness.
URL: https://soulpatch.net/feed/
📡 Spiritual Arts Institute RSS feed
Blog articles discuss contemplative prayers, metaphysics, realizing your mission, and evolving your soul. Spiritual Arts Institute is a premier metaphysical school for the study of auras, healing, and spiritual growth.
URL: https://spiritualarts.org/feed/
📡 Spiritual Awakening Process RSS feed
A spirituality blog about spiritual awakening, spiritual growth, shifting consciousness, spiritual healing, and enlightenment. Authored by Jim Tolles, a spiritual teacher who helps people find spiritual freedom.
URL: https://www.spiritualawakeningprocess.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Spiritual Dhyana RSS feed
Spiritual Dhyana is a Professional Blogging Platform. We're dedicated to providing you the best of Blogging, with a focus on dependability and Spiritual blog. This blog provides practical guidance on how to cultivate spiritual qualities & to achieve peace and harmony.
URL: https://www.blogger.com/feeds/2513529033838472173/posts/default
📡 Spiritual Direction 101 RSS feed
A place to learn about spiritual guidance. Covers church leadership, Christianity, spiritual discernment, healing, evangelicalism, and mind-body-spirit. Written by Teresa Blythe.
URL: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/spiritualdirection101/feed/
📡 Spiritual Dope RSS feed
Spiritual Dope exists to get you right with your neglected spiritual self and act as a force multiplier on your decision to accept your spiritual self.
URL: https://spiritualdope.co/feed/
📡 Spiritual Formation Center RSS feed
The Spiritual Formation Center is a ministry of Community of Christ that provides opportunities for personal and communal spiritual growth. We seeks to awaken disciples to the Divine Presence in the midst of everyday life. Through attention to God's Spirit, we discern invitations to share our witness and love in the world around us.
URL: https://spiritualformationcenter.org/blog/feed/
📡 Spiritual Media Blog RSS feed
Spiritual Media Blog is a blog that features reviews, interviews, guest posts, and articles about spirituality, psychology, and inspirational entertainment.
URL: https://www.spiritualmediablog.com/feed
📡 Spiritual Prozac RSS feed
Covers articles to explore the spiritual teachings of the spiritual aspects of life, love, compassion, altruism, life after death, wisdom and truth, prayer and meditation, the existence of God, moral laws, and the true meaning of life. Luisa writes in spiritual growth topics to move you forward toward achieving greater spiritual freedom.
URL: https://spiritual-prozac.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Spiritual Self Transformation RSS feed
Blog posts cover life purpose, conscious evolution, spiritual transformation, energy healing, the science of spirituality, and divine femininity. Authored by Etienne Charland, the emergence guardian, psychic bodyguard, and Starseed initiator.
URL: https://www.spiritualselftransformation.com/blog/feed/
📡 Spiritual Shifts RSS feed
Nonduality insights for day-to-day living to help shed light on the one, living, dynamic, and emerging Being. Spiritual Shifts is dedicated to anyone interested in knowing who they are.
URL: http://www.spiritualshifts.com/feed/
📡 Spiritual Sundays RSS feed
Spiritual Sundays is a place to share your inspirational heartfelt thoughts.
URL: https://www.spiritualsundays.com/feed/
📡 Spiritual Travelings RSS feed
Spiritual Travelings, the online spiritual travel community dedicated to the sacred exploration experience.
URL: https://www.spiritualtravelings.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 Spiritual teaching RSS feed
Teaching lessons for Sunday School - Where Bible study begins, truly seeking truth.
URL: https://mystudiesonly.blog/feed/
📡 Spiritual-blog.org RSS feed
This spiritual blog has the latest information on spirituality. Articles include ghosts, entities, angels, curses, and black magic.
URL: https://www.spiritual-blog.org/blog-feed.xml
📡 Spirituality & Practice RSS feed
Spirituality & Practice is a multifaith website providing resources for spiritual journeys for people of all religions and spiritual paths. We cover various topics, including body spirituality, spiritual literacy, process musings, practicing democracy, and youth voices.
URL: http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/rss
📡 Spirituality World RSS feed
Keep up with Blog posts on Spirituality from Spirituality World.
URL: https://www.spritualworld.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 Spiritually Inspired RSS feed
Covers holistic healing, mindful living, spiritual rituals, metaphysics, and personal growth. Sara Rae's mission is to assist in the spiritual transformation of humanity by touching the souls of mystics.
URL: https://www.spirituallyinspired.co/feed/
📡 StarNotes - Jenny Dent's Spiritual Blog RSS feed
I use my blog to write informally about everyday experiences, thoughts and insights arising from my work as spiritual mother of the White Eagle Lodge worldwide. A common platform for White Eagle members in Nepal--and across the globe--to share thoughts, ideas and experiences of their wonderful life.
URL: https://starnoteswhiteeagle.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Subconscious Servant RSS feed
A resource for manifesting your wildest dreams. Covers Law of attraction tips and tricks, manifesting techniques, positive affirmations, and subconscious mind, and all things that involve metaphysics.
URL: https://subconsciousservant.com/feed/
📡 Swami Sukhabodhananda RSS feed
Prasanna Trust is a registered social charitable trust with an objective to relook into various facets of Indian philosophy and culture for effective transformation of an individual and society at large. Check out the blog to know more about us.
URL: https://www.sukhoham.in/feed/
The spiritual life . . . is not achieved by denying one part of life for the sake of another. The spiritual life is achieved only by listening to all of life and learning to respond to each of its dimensions wholly and with integrity.' Sister Joan D. Chittister, Wisdom Distilled from the Daily: Living the Rule…
URL: https://thebezine.com/feed/
📡 Tess Whitehurst Blog RSS feed
Award-winning author & spiritual teacher, Tess Whitehurst presents ancient, sacred, and empowering wisdom in a friendly & accessible way. She covers a range of spiritual topics, with a focus on free spells, rituals, meditations, feng shui, and magical inspiration.
URL: https://tesswhitehurst.com/feed/
📡 The Aetherius Society RSS feed
Covers enlightenment, prayer energy, intuition and psychic, spiritual healing, karma and reincarnation, UFOs, and the extraterrestrial message. The Aetherius Society is a worldwide spiritual organization dedicated to spreading & acting upon teachings of advanced extraterrestrial intelligence.
URL: https://www.aetherius.org/feed/
📡 The Christian Journey RSS feed
Cynthia Johnson writes about Christian living, spiritual growth, practical strategies for life, healing, Church ministries & leadership.
URL: https://www.drcynthiajohnson.com/feed/
📡 The Gentle Art of Blessing | Blog RSS feed
Pierre Pradervand is the founder of the site. This website is managed by three friends who are deeply interested in blessing as a means of world healing, in the broadest sense of the word healing. Pierre is a frequent speaker on the topics of the power of blessing, spirituality in daily life, spiritual healing, and forgiveness. He offers individual spiritual life-coaching.
URL: https://gentleartofblessing.org/category/blog-english/feed/
📡 The Gentle Rebel RSS feed
The Gentle Rebel is a Shamanic yogi, martial artist, writer & speaker who helps people awaken the warrior within through ancient teachings for modern times.
URL: https://thegentlerebel.com/feed/
📡 The Mindful Word RSS feed
A journal of engaged living with a vision of integrating mindfulness into everyday life. Key topics covered are mind-spirit, contemplations, spiritual practices, conscious creativity, holistic health, participatory culture, and mindful tourism.
URL: https://www.themindfulword.org/feed/
📡 The Soul Energy RSS feed
Covers articles on energy healing, angel, oracle & tarot card readings, Akashic records readings, and soul writing. Authored by Sudipta Dev Chakraborti, a Reiki Master Teacher and Storyteller & Soul Writing Coach.
URL: https://thesoulenergy.com/feed/
📡 The practical Qabalah inspirational teachings RSS feed
Hi, I'm Lorraine Morgan co-author of The Practical Qabalah and Tree of Life workbook series. Our aim is to pass on these ancient teachings through our websites.
URL: http://isisqabalahtuition.com/feed/
📡 This Crazy Whole Life - Spirituality RSS feed
Resources that will help you build a healthy spirituality, connect with God, and create an authentic meaning-filled life.
URL: https://www.crazywholelife.com/category/spirithealth/feed/
📡 Through the eyes of a Wolff RSS feed
One of my favorite songs is 'Diary of a Madman' by Ozzy Osbourne. While I love the song, my intention is to hopefully keep the madness at a minimum while still sharing a Wolff's perspective on life through the years. I am married to an amazing woman, I have two incredible children, and three spectacular grandchildren. Live has been very, very good to me.
URL: https://bobwolff.org/index.php/feed/
📡 Twin Roses And Solo Lotus RSS feed
It's a blog that deals with spirituality and metaphysical laws. We aim at making lives more wholesome and HAPPY/
URL: https://twinrosesandsololotus.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Unfolding Journeys RSS feed
A Spiritual Take through everyday experiences. This blog will show you how spirit influences your life for the better.
URL: https://bluediamond56.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Universal Lighthouse RSS feed
Covers research and study from Universal Lighthouse and incredible articles about Spiritual Enlightenment, Forbidden Knowledge, channeling and the New Age, Astrology, Healing and Meditation Tools, REIKI Healing sessions, and much more. Also includes but not limited to, Ancient Texts, paranormal and supernatural exploration, Metaphysical, Channeling, Spiritual Awareness, and 5D understanding.
URL: https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 William LePar - The Council RSS feed
Covers everything from earth changes and natural health to insights about personal growth, human potential, reincarnation, karma, spirituality, meditation, healing, morality, religion, prophecy, predictions, and human origins. Authored by William LePar.
URL: https://williamlepar.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Yoga Mandala RSS feed
Provides tips on yoga asana, pranayama, meditation as well as yoga gear. Yoga Mandala Offers a wide range of information for people who are interested in practicing yoga and yoga enthusiasts.
URL: https://theyogamandala.com/category/blog/feed/
📡 Your Journey to Peace RSS feed
Bridging the Gap between Religion, Spirituality, Psychology, and Science. Brings the esoteric to the practical and explains how to become your Best Self , discussing the whys and wherefores of all aspects of our existence. Blog by Rosemary McCarthy.
URL: https://yourjourneytopeace.com/feed/
📡 Zen-Ebooks RSS feed
Provides eBooks on Spiritual Self-Improvement, Spirituality, Psychism, Psychokinesis, Energy manipulation.
URL: https://www.zenebooks.xyz/feeds/posts/default
📡 cosmicaxiom RSS feed
I felt compelled to open up a forum for spirituality that is open-minded and geared toward those who are seeking answers that cannot be found in the mainstream of religious teachings and for those who have exhausted spiritual ideologies (GOMU).
URL: https://cosmic-axiom.com/feed/
📡 love lifted me. RSS feed
Hi am shyah. i am a birth and postpartum doula, an avid reader, observer, connector, and traveler. i experience the fullness of life-both light and dark on my journey of self-love and healing. i started this blog to share my insights, spiritual downloads, and thoughts.
URL: https://loveliftedme.blog/feed/
📡 the_tovarysh_connection RSS feed
Every writer has his muse and so mine is my Tovarysh though it might be more accurate to say I am the scribe rather than the author. It is the English spelling of the Slavic word for friend. These writings have been both uplifting & inspiring for me & I feel it is time to 'publish' them in a way that others may also benefit from them. I make no claims, I offer no proof. The proof is in the readings & how they touch you. May these readings, if nothing else, give you reason for pause & reflection.
URL: https://thetovaryshconnection.wordpress.com/feed/