92 Simple Living RSS feeds
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📡 5 Acres & A Dream RSS feed
The dream has always been to live close to the land. The 5 acres came in 2009, when my husband Dan and I bought a neglected 1920s-built bungalow on 5 acres. The goal is simpler, sustainable, more self-reliant living, and a return to agrarian values.
URL: https://www.5acresandadream.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 A Life in Progress RSS feed
Pursuing an unshackled life of purpose, health, and joy. Slow living and simple living. Mind-Body health. Self-awareness and self-compassion. Progress, not perfection.
URL: https://www.alifeinprogress.ca/feed/
📡 A New Life in Wales RSS feed
Enjoying a good life on a frugal budget.
URL: https://agoodlifeintydd.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 A Simple Living Journey.... RSS feed
I'm Emma - a Mama to 3 small boys and married to a want-to-be farmer. We love gardening, up-cycling, and renovating our little old cottage, which I share on my blog.
URL: https://asimplelivingjourney.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 A Simple and Contented Life RSS feed
A Simple and Contented Life - Making family life less stressful and more enjoyable. Making family life a little bit less stressful and a whole lot more enjoyable. Reduce overwhelm and create a life you love.
URL: https://asimpleandcontentedlife.com/feed/
📡 BLD in MT : Living a Simple Life in This Interconnected World RSS feed
Life is interconnected and so are the topics on this blog. It might be cooking and gardening one day, yoga the next, knitting and sewing, or hiking and then bird watching followed by recycling or composting. They are the parts that bring humble joy to my life of voluntary simplicity in Montana.
URL: http://bld-in-mt.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Be More with Less RSS feed
Simplify and create a life with more health and less stress, more time and less stuff, more savings and less debt, more joy and less obligation. Find blogs on declutter.
URL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/BeMoreWithLess
📡 Becoming Minimalist | Own less. Live More RSS feed
Inspiring others to journey towards minimalism in life... discovering the joy of intentionally living with less... and realizing what that means for your unique lifestyle.
URL: http://www.becomingminimalist.com/feed/
📡 Break the Twitch | Intentionally Connected Living RSS feed
A personal blog from Anthony Ongaro about living with intention and aligning actions with values.
URL: http://www.breakthetwitch.com/feed/
📡 Chloe's life Blog RSS feed
Hello! Here, I wish to share my knowledge and show you how, by living an essentialist life, we can save our planet, be healthier, happier and stress free.
URL: https://chloeslifestyle.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 CircleSquareOval RSS feed
Providing practical ideas to create stronger, more powerful and efficient lives. Taking personal development, home organization, and intentional living to the next level with action steps, routines, skill building, and challenges.
URL: https://circlesquareoval.com/feed/
📡 Country Life Experiment | Simple Country Living RSS feed
I'm a city girl turned farmer's wife, school teacher, ideas woman, and mum to three country kids. Country Life Experiment is all about simple country living, growing and making our own food, and life on our family farm in rural Australia. Join me as I give country living a try.
URL: http://countrylifeexperiment.com/feed/
📡 Diary of a Mindful Nature Lover RSS feed
Blog Postings on living simply, loving nature, staying in the present, being mindful of each day, nesting, keeping healthy attitudes, and taking time to live well, all in memory of Nina Naomi
URL: https://ninanaomimindfulsimpleliving.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Down to Earth | A Taste of simple living RSS feed
This page is to give people a taste of the simple life through Rhonda Hetzel's Down to Earth blog.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Down---to---earth
📡 Echidna Home RSS feed
Hi I'm Tazzie G, Tasmania the beautiful island state of Australia is where I call home. My home is not on town water, or sewerage services. A septic tank, for my black and french drains for grey water disposal on my property. I use gas stove and instant gas for hot water, and a wood fire for heating.
URL: https://echidnahome.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Embracing Simple - Inspiration to create a life you love RSS feed
Hi, I'm Christina! My hope is to inspire and encourage those who wish to begin their own journey to living a simple and fulfilling life, as well as providing tips for how to easily manage your finances, household, health, and work life.
URL: https://embracingsimpleblog.com/feed/
📡 Embracing a Simpler Life RSS feed
I'd like encourage you to live a simpler and more heavenly-minded life. Because the world and all it holds is passing away, and because life is too short and God is too good to live distracted.
URL: https://www.embracingasimplerlife.com/blog/feed/
📡 Family budgeting | Living a creative family life, enjoying the simple things RSS feed
Top UK parenting blog written by Becky Goddard Hill award winning thrifty blogger, It covers all aspects of frugal family life. My blog is full of ideas for living creatively as a family on a budget.
URL: https://family-budgeting.co.uk/category/blog/feed/
📡 Frugalwoods | Financial independence and simple living RSS feed
Through Frugalwoods, we share our journey and daily life stories of intentional, joyful frugality. My writing is a narration of our successes, foibles, and lessons learned along this path to a wholly unconventional, whimsical, and purpose-filled life.
URL: http://www.frugalwoods.com/feed
📡 Going Grey and Slightly Green RSS feed
My husband has always been the gardener but since retiring from the paid workforce I have successfully grown a variety of vegetables and also have had a few fails too of course. In the past few years I have become very interested in learning how to make soap and sourdough and am part of our local Simple Living Toowoomba group which meets monthly where we learn something new each time.
URL: https://goinggreyandslightlygreen.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Gypsy Soul | A Sustainable & Simple Living Blog RSS feed
Gypsy Soul is perfect for anyone who is trying to live a more simple, thrifty & sustainable lifestyle. Join us on our mission to lead happier, healthier lives.
URL: http://www.gypsysoul.co.uk/feed/
📡 Happy Simple Living | Sustainable Home, Food, Garden, Fun RSS feed
Welcome Hi, I'm Eliza Cross and I'm glad you're here. I love exploring how less stuff, spending, and stress can equal more peace and more time for the things that matter. Since 2006, the Happy Simple Living
URL: http://www.happysimpleliving.com/blog/feed/
📡 How To: Simplify | A simple living lifestyle RSS feed
How To: Simplify is a simple living lifestyle site that shares tips, tricks, and recipes to help simplify life.
URL: http://www.howto-simplify.com/feed
📡 I Dream Of Simple RSS feed
Hi, I'm Tara! Welcome to my little spot on the Internet. I am a wife and mom to two kiddos and together we are discovering what it means to live with less. Simple living is a work in progress for us and I hope that some of what we share here will be helpful for you on your own simple living journey.
URL: https://www.idreamofsimple.com/feed/
📡 Insisting Simplicity RSS feed
Hi, I'm JR. I built this website to celebrate life, our planet and highlight the richness of simple living.
URL: https://insistingsimplicity.com/feed/
📡 Intentionally Simple RSS feed
Living an intentionally simple life! Choosing to live green, minimal and debt free while raising a family and living in a small home!
URL: https://intentionallysimple.com/feed/
📡 Jembella Farm RSS feed
Whether you're living in an apartment, in a house in the suburbs or on acres, you can live frugally and sustainably. There are many things you can do to save money, eat ethically and healthily, reduce waste and live an enriched life.
URL: http://jembellafarm.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Kelly Exeter RSS feed
If you're a self-improvement junkie like me, trying to find a balance between achieving and chilling, you're in the right place!
URL: https://kellyexeter.com.au/blog/feed
📡 Life At Cobble Hill Farm RSS feed
I'm Stacy. Back in 2018 we officially quit the rat race and settled into our version of the good life. Now our days are filled with cooking from scratch, making soap & skincare (that's our homestead business), gardening, preserving the harvest, caring for our flock of chickens and enjoying a slower daily rhythm. I hope you find inspiration to create your own version of a simple homemade life.
URL: https://www.lifeatcobblehillfarm.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Little House Living RSS feed
My name is Merissa. I'm a wife and mom just trying to make the most of what our family has. Find simple living ideas, frugal living tips, modern homesteading, recipes from scratch, and more ways to live a simple life in a modern world.
URL: https://www.littlehouseliving.com/feed
📡 Live Simply | Natural living And Real food RSS feed
Live Simply by embracing the simplicity of natural living and traditional real food.
URL: https://livesimply.me/feed/
📡 Live Well With Less | Simple and Minimal RSS feed
A minimalist life is about focusing on what's truly important and that adds value to our life, getting rid of the non-essentials and clutter. hrough my own journey I have discovered the joy of simple living, and am sharing my inspiration with you so that you may as well.
URL: http://www.livewellwithless.com/blog/?feed=rss2
📡 Living the simple life I want RSS feed
The quality of your life is brought about by the quality of your thinking.
URL: https://livingthesimplelifeiwant.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Melissa Camara Wilkins | Be who you were made to be RSS feed
Melissa Camara Wilkins is an award-winning blogger and host of an online community focused on exploring what it means to live true: more truly yourself, more truly awake, and more truly alive.
URL: https://melissacamarawilkins.com/feed
📡 Montana Happy | Life Made Simple RSS feed
Our Simple living blog has recipes, tips on saving money, making your own product guides, budgeting, getting rid of clutter and much more. At Montana Happy, we believe that living simple is better. Much better. This blog is a journey into simplicity.
URL: https://montanahappy.com/blog/feed/
📡 Mum's Simply Living Blog RSS feed
I am now in my eighth year of retirement after 36 years of hard work and am doing what I want to do - living simply and simply living. It's great!
URL: http://mumssimplylivingblogat.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 My Simpler Life Simple Living RSS feed
Encouraging you in creating a saner, simpler life.
URL: https://www.mysimplerlife.com/blog/feed
📡 New Life On A Homestead | Christian Homesteading Blog RSS feed
A team of homesteaders trying to bring you the best possible homesteading advice out there. Raising chickens, milking goats, making homemade soaps, gardening, canning and preserving food, learning herbal remedies, home birthing, cloth diapering, home schooling, practicing off-grid living, getting ready for tough times ahead, wild foraging, and anything else that has to do with self sufficiency.
URL: https://www.newlifeonahomestead.com/feed
📡 No Sidebar | Design a Simple Life RSS feed
A collection of articles on minimalism, simple living, and finding happiness.
URL: https://nosidebar.com/articles/feed/
📡 Ordinary Legacy RSS feed
Preserving moments in time through thoughtful words and images.
URL: http://www.ordinarylegacy.com/word/feed/
📡 Our Little Apartment | Less Stuff. More Life RSS feed
I blog about these things and our attempts to live a simpler, greener life in a small city in Massachusetts.
URL: https://www.ourlittleapartment.com/feed/
📡 Our New Life in the Country RSS feed
This is my Blog, just me writing about our day to day life on a hillside in North Wales. Along with our dogs, Suky and Mavis, our cat Ginger .... who secretly thinks he's one of the canine gang ... and a roving band of egg laying chickens that live cheek by jowl with the local wildlife.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/OurNewLifeInTheCountry
📡 Our Simple Homestead | Simple Living RSS feed
Living a simple life in a modern world by preserving the art of homemaking and homesteading at Our Simple Homestead.
URL: https://oursimplehomestead.com/feed/
📡 Place Called Simplicity RSS feed
Living Simply to Please Jesus while Simply Loving One Another.
URL: http://www.linnysaunders.com/feed
📡 Practising Simplicity RSS feed
Practising Simplicity (est. 2008) is a family and lifestyle blog; a story of motherhood and the home, simple living and good intentions.
URL: http://www.practisingsimplicity.com/feed/
📡 Reading My Tea Leaves RSS feed
A lifestyle blog, written by Erin Boyle, celebrating a practical and purposeful approach to a simple, sustainable life.
URL: https://readingmytealeaves.com/feed
📡 Rowdy Kittens | Go small, think big & be happy RSS feed
RowdyKittens is about going small, thinking big, and being happy.
URL: https://www.rowdykittens.com/blog?format=rss
📡 ScaleitSimple | Simple And Natural Living RSS feed
On her blog ScaleitSimple, she often writes about happiness, self-love, and living simply.
URL: http://scaleitsimple.com/feed/
📡 Simple Adventure | Less Stuff More Life RSS feed
Discover how simplicity and minimalism can allow a family to have less stuff and more life!
URL: https://simpleadventure.ca/feed/
📡 Simple Days RSS feed
Minimalist lifestyle and simple living blog for mums. Decluttering, minimalism, living with less and the benefits of minimalist living. Create a better life with less stuff.
URL: https://simpledays.co.uk/feed/
📡 Simple Families RSS feed
A blog, podcast, and community inspiring simple living in families with young children.
URL: https://simplefamilies.com/feed/
📡 Simple Joy Living, LLC RSS feed
Simplify your life with Lisa Luken-Simple Living Life Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Retreat Curator & Writer.
URL: https://simplejoyliving.com/feed/
📡 Simple Life 365 RSS feed
Covers information, tips, and strategies for simplifying your life, home, and work. Simple Life 365 is your one-stop guide for simple living.
URL: https://www.simplelife365.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 Simple Lionheart Life RSS feed
A simple living blog featuring minimalism, decluttering, simplifying, intentional living, organizing, minimalism with kids, capsule wardrobes, mindfulness, and self-care. Authored by Melissa Russell.
URL: https://simplelionheartlife.com/feed/
📡 Simple Living Country Gal | Live Simply. Love Completely RSS feed
Just a country gal trying to live a more simple life with my boys, my hubby and my goats.
URL: https://simplelivingcountrygal.com/feed/
📡 Simple Living Mama RSS feed
Hi! I am Joanie Boeckman the author of Simple Living Mama. My goal here at Simple Living Mama is to empower women in their roles as homemakers, mothers, and homeschool teachers. I strive to teach women how to create a nurturing home, how to create loving relationships with their children, and how to home educate their children.
URL: https://simplelivingmama.com/feed/
📡 Simple Living Mommy | Living a Full, Happy Life on a Budget! RSS feed
Tips on frugal living, pregnancy, getting pregnant with PCOS, natural childbirth, and everything simple living and parenting!
URL: https://www.simplelivingmommy.com/feed
📡 Simple Living Works! | Live simply that others may simply live. RSS feed
SLW! is based on the simple proposition that voluntary simplicity is a faithful, satisfying and effective lifestyle. It is based on the five Life Standards of the classic 'Living More with Less.'
URL: https://simplelivingworks.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Simple Living and Simple Travel RSS feed
Simple living and simple travel, living off-the-grid in a small trailer.
URL: http://www.simplelivingandsimpletravel.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Simple Living in Suffolk RSS feed
Journal of a 50-something professional looking to get out of the rat race early and start living simply, with intent.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/SimpleLivingInSuffolk
📡 Simple Living. Creative Learning RSS feed
Going back to basics with homemaking and homeschooling. A place full of simple living ideas and creative learning fun.
URL: https://simplelivingcreativelearning.com/feed/
📡 Simple Thinking-Simple Living RSS feed
A blog on simple living authored by promod puri.
URL: http://promodpuri.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Simple and Serene Living | Serenity is living a simple life RSS feed
A blog about home decor, inspiration, and simple and serene living.
URL: https://www.simpleandsereneliving.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Simplicity Relished | Life Beyond Minimalism RSS feed
This simple living blog celebrates adventure and beauty for those who desire more than minimalism.
URL: https://simplicityrelished.com/feed/
📡 Simplify & Pursue RSS feed
Hi! I'm Robin and thank you for visiting Simplify & Pursue. I'm a wife and mom striving to simplify our lives so that we can pursue what matters most to us.
URL: http://simplifyandpursue.com/feed/
📡 Simplisticly So | Living large with less excess RSS feed
Hi! I am Anita, the author of Simplisticly So, a lifestyle blog about enjoying the little things in life, and about living large with less excess.
URL: https://simplisticlyso.com/feed/
📡 Simply Danish Living Blog RSS feed
I am Anya. I love to share everything I know about hygge, slow-living, and the small elaborate changes that make for a happy and well-lived life.
URL: https://simplydanishliving.com/blog/feed/
📡 Simply Fiercely | Fall In Love With Life RSS feed
Simply Fiercely is dedicated to helping women build lives they love through simple and intentional living - minimalism, mindfulness, self-care and more.
URL: https://www.simplyfiercely.com/blog/feed/
📡 Simply Liv & Co.| Simple Living For Womens RSS feed
Simply Liv & Co. is a resource for simple living and minimalism for young moms and women.
URL: https://simplylivandco.com/blog?format=RSS
📡 Simply Well Balanced RSS feed
Tips on decluttering, family-friendly recipes, parenting advice, and tons of fun ideas and activities for kids. Lauren Tingley helps moms to create balance and find joy in motherhood by sharing tips to simplify homemaking using practical strategies to implement a minimilistic lifestyle.
URL: https://simply-well-balanced.com/feed/
📡 Smallish | small space | small budget | small footprint RSS feed
Smallish explores intentionally living small. Intentionally living small means a commitment to moderation in three key areas: small space, small budget, a small (environmental) footprint and increasingly, minimalism.
URL: http://smallishblog.com/blog/feed/
📡 Sylvia's Simple Life RSS feed
A lifestyle blog about simple living - seizing the day, savouring the present moment and finding more joy in life's simple pleasures (food, family, home, nature, travel, books, crafts, photography)
URL: https://silviya-simplelife.blogspot.in//feeds/posts/default
📡 TAG Level RSS feed
TAG Level is about living life to the fullest - simple living, uncomplicated and full of passion. Where less is more - we focus on the ideas, inspirations, products and lifestyle ideas that add value to everyone's life.
URL: https://www.taglevel.com/feed/
📡 The Art of Simple | Art & Science of living life simpler RSS feed
Love your just-right life: Despite the myth, there's no one right way to live simply. There's only the way that works best for you.
URL: https://theartofsimple.net/feed/
📡 The Cottage at the End of a Lane RSS feed
In 2017 we moved to a cottage at the end of a lane in Mid Suffolk where we will enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside for as long as possible.
URL: https://attheendofasuffolklane.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Flip Flop Barnyard | Christian Gardener, Homesteader and Farmer RSS feed
Hey! I'm Jenna, wife to my amazing husband, Derek, mom to 8 beautiful farm kids, homesteader, homemaker, homeschooler, and lover of Jesus. I enjoy all things farm, family, crafting, old-fashioned, and homemade.
URL: https://www.flipflopbarnyard.com/feed/
📡 The Life On Purpose Movement RSS feed
I'm Erica. The Life On Purpose Movement, a place for women doing life with intention. I blog about happiness, self-care, simple living & intentional parenting.
URL: https://ericalayne.co/feed/
📡 The Life of Clare | Learning To Live Simply RSS feed
Learning to live simply - adventures & attempts towards a more self sufficient and sustainable life, through cooking, gardening.
URL: https://www.thelifeofclare.com.au/feed/
📡 The Minimalist Mom RSS feed
I'm an Author, almost Olympian, mom of three, apartment dweller, clutter buster. A blog about rich life with less stuff the minimalist mom. Simple and frugal living for families that want more time, money and space.
URL: http://www.theminimalistmom.com/blog/feed
📡 The Pretty Simple Life RSS feed
Hi, I'm Myra. I write about self-love, happiness, simplicity, beauty, and good food. I am a writer, blogger, freelancer, a brand consultant for early stage startups, a lover of good food, an avid reader, and open to amazing new experiences.
URL: https://the-pretty-simple-life.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Simple Homemaker RSS feed
Life has become way too complicated. Let me show you how to embrace simple living and get back to the basics.
URL: https://www.thesimplehomemaker.com/feed
📡 The Simple Life of a Queen RSS feed
Faith, Family, Friends...this is what life is all about.
URL: https://betsy-thesimplelifeofaqueen.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Simple Living RSS feed
Find out why I fell in love with simplicity, and why I've made it my mission to help you simplify, too.
URL: https://simpleliving.com/blog/feed/
📡 The Simple Sophisticate | Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style RSS feed
The simple sophisticate is someone who prefers quality over quantity, sensible living over mindless consumption, personal style instead of trendy fashions, has an insatiable curiosity for life's endless questions and a desire to live a truly fulfilling life. Tune in as Shannon Ables shares with listeners tips on how to live a refined life on an everyday income. From achieving your goals, preparing a memorable meal, creating a capsule wardrobe, travelling the world and living life to the fullest without breaking the bank, living well is really quite simple.
URL: https://thesimplesophisticate.libsyn.com/rss
📡 The Simple Year RSS feed
The Simple Year 6: Simple Living in Rural Alaska. A typical American Family doesn't buy anything new for one year, already weathered a few bumps, daddy deploys, a ninth birthday and a move 600 miles away.
URL: http://thesimpleyear.com/feed/
📡 The Woodland Wife RSS feed
A UK based lifestyle blog; inspired by family, wild nature & simplicity. Slow, Ethical, Mindful Living.
URL: https://thewoodlandwife.co.uk/feed/
📡 Uncluttered Simplicity RSS feed
Essential tips and guides to declutter, organize and simplify your home and life. Experience more joy and less stress! For over 5 years we have been encouraging, empowering, and equipping busy women with home organization ideas to inspire them to create a calm and organized home.
URL: https://unclutteredsimplicity.com/feed/
📡 Want Less RSS feed
A blog about ditching stuff, beating debt and getting a life. Posts are by Claire, a debt-ridden gradual minimalist in the north of England.
URL: http://www.wantless.co.uk/index.php/feed/
📡 a hopeful nature RSS feed
I am the one learning new things to support the simpler life I want to live. I'm making tentative forays into knitting, sewing and making soap as well as growing some of our own food in our veggie patch.This blog offers you a glimpse into my life here in our little part of the world. I am writing it as a way to sharpen my focus on the things which bring me joy and fill me with hope.
URL: http://ahopefulnature.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 cityhippyfarmgirl | Simple Connected Life, City Style RSS feed
A city girl with hippy tendencies and farm girl aspirations... this is a blog about trying to live a simple connected life, city style.
URL: https://cityhippyfarmgirl.com/feed/
📡 cloistered away | Enjoying Simplicity RSS feed
A Blog About Simple Living, Motherhood, and Homeschooling.
URL: http://cloisteredaway.com/feed/
📡 out back | Simply Living RSS feed
Simple life on the edge of the Australian outback.
URL: http://outbacktania.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss