61 Science Fiction RSS feeds
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📡 A Reluctant God SciFi RSS feed
Scooter Duff's bio can be expressed alphabetically. KFYN, USAFA, KSET, WAKY, KDSX, WPRO, KLAC, KMET, WHDH, KSAN, KSDO (23 Years), ERA, AR&D, ASIE, MAI, (33 Years) A sci-fi reader since childhood, Duff's mind was warped by the radio series Dimension X (x,x,x), So sci-fi and radio evolved into media consulting, explaining several aspects of Scooter's approach.
URL: http://areluctantgod.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 A Scientist's Fiction RSS feed
My name is Chris Horst. I am a writer, physics MS, and amateur philosopher. Here on A Scientist's Fiction you'll find discussions about philosophy, science, and science fiction.
URL: https://ascientistsfiction.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Apex Book Company RSS feed
Started as a single quarterly print magazine of dark SF short stories (the well-regarded Apex Science Fiction & Horror Digest) has turned into a busy small press with over 40 titles in print and the monthly ezine Apex Magazine. Also provides quality stories for fans of genre fiction and to support budding authors through our reference material.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ApexBookCompany
📡 Beamer Books RSS feed
THE OFFICIAL BLOGSITE OF THE BEAM ME UP SCIENCE FICTION BOOK CLUB. The club reads the best - hopefully - of science fiction and fantasy, including space opera, utopian, dystopian, hard sf, soft sf, feminist sf, cyberpunk, alternative histories, alternative futures, slipstream, dark sf, erotic sf, new wave, new weird, and epic, heroic, urban, historical, mythical, humorous, science and dark fantasy, as well as related non-genre works. The blog covers books and other material related to speculative fiction.
URL: https://beamerbooks.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Best SF - Reviewing short SF RSS feed
Best SF has been reviewing SF short stories for 15 years now. All the latest stories, and a huge archive are available on the site.
URL: http://bestsf.net/feed/
📡 Bikini Zombie Warrior RSS feed
As mutant parasites begin turning humanity into brain-eating zombies, a spoiled rotten teenaged goddess from Beverly Hills awakens to her own hidden power.
URL: https://bikinizombiewarrior.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Black Sci-Fi - Inspiring Your Imagination RSS feed
Black Sci-Fi.com is the premier site for the latest updates on Sci-Fi, Sci-Fact and Fantasy entertainment, news, people, places, and events and the measure of their impact on the African-American community.
URL: https://blacksci-fi.com/feed/
📡 Black Science Fiction Society RSS feed
Black Science Fiction Society highlights, celebrates and develops science fiction, speculative fiction, sword and soul, fantasy, horror, movies, games and more.
URL: https://blacksciencefictionsociety.com/profiles/blogs/feed/all
📡 Cancelled Sci Fi RSS feed
Covers what's on and what's coming up in sci fi and fantasy television as well as the cancellation/renewal status for the currently airing/streaming shows. Cancelled Sci Fi is dedicated to science fiction and fantasy television shows that are currently airing as well as those that have already ended and also tracks all the current shows and makes predictions on whether they will be renewed or cancelled.
URL: https://www.cancelledscifi.com/feed/
📡 Clarkesworld Magazine RSS feed
Clarkesworld Magazine is a Hugo, World Fantasy, and British Fantasy Award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine that publishes short stories, interviews, articles and audio fiction.
URL: https://clarkesworldmagazine.com/?feed=rss2
📡 Classics of Science Fiction RSS feed
Blog about short science fiction. Authored by James Wallace harris.
URL: https://classicsofsciencefiction.com/feed/
📡 Damon's Brave New World RSS feed
Damons Brave New World is a collection of stories and ideas that hold forth about a Celestial Civilization located within our galaxy.
URL: https://damonsbravenewworld.com/feed/
📡 DanSciFi RSS feed
DanSciFi.com contains the musings on sci-fi and fantasy writing by an aspiring author. Articles and ideas on how to improve storytelling. Dan Rice pens the young adult urban fantasy series The Allison Lee Chronicles in the wee hours of the morning. The series kicks off with his award-winning debut, Dragons Walk Among Us, which Kirkus Review calls, 'An inspirational and socially relevant fantasy.'
URL: https://www.danscifi.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 Discover Scifi RSS feed
Discover Sci-Fi was created by a group of bestselling science fiction authors who wanted to build a community around their favorite genre to write -and read. Here, you'll have exclusive access to special discounts, new release notifications, live interviews with your favorite authors, and chances to win book packages from some of the biggest names in the industry.
URL: https://discoverscifi.com/feed/
📡 Dust RSS feed
DUST is the first multi-platform destination for binge watchable sci-fi. We feature science fiction short films and other content from emerging filmmakers with stunning visual effects, captivating plots and complex character explorations. Robots, aliens, space exploration, technology, and human experience are all a part of DUST.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC7sDT8jZ76VLV1u__krUutA
📡 E.M. Faulds | Science Fiction Author Blog UK RSS feed
British Science fiction - E.M. Faulds, author of Ada King. Writing speculative fiction with free online short stories.
URL: https://emfaulds.com/feed/
📡 FanFiAddict Blog RSS feed
Welcome to FanFiAddict! Not a whole lot to say except that we all have a love for reading, especially fantasy and science fiction, and enjoy publishing reviews to help the masses make decisions on book purchases.
URL: https://fanfiaddict.com/feed
📡 File 770 | Mike Glyer's news of science fiction fandom RSS feed
File770.com is the online version of Mike Glyer's science fiction fan newzine, reporting on fanzines, sf clubs, conventions, fan funds and fanac. File 770 is named for the party in Room 770 at the 1951 Worldcon that upstaged the convention.
URL: https://file770.com/feed/
📡 Future War Stories RSS feed
FUTURE WAR STORIES is an blog devoted to exploring and explaining the world of Military Science Fiction across all media!
URL: http://futurewarstories.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Ian Martyn | Science Fiction Writer RSS feed
Blogging on all things sci-fi and writing. On the site you'll also find short stories and more. Enjoy!
URL: https://www.martynfiction.com/blog-2/feed/
📡 Jeremy Szal's Galaxy Blog - Writer of science-fiction and dark fantasy. RSS feed
I write science-fiction with the occasional fantasy or horror.I'm the fiction editor for Hugo-winning podcast StarShipSofa, where I've worked with and served as audio producer for George R. R. Martin, William Gibson, Christopher Priest, Joe R. Lansdale, Robin Hobb, Jack Campbell, Kim Stanley Robinson, Joe Abercrombie, and hundreds of other talented authors and narrators.
URL: https://jeremyszal.com/feed/
📡 Jim's Sci-Fi Blog RSS feed
I am just your average person who happens to be a Science Fiction fan that enjoys mostly space opera. The purpose for the blog was to write about Sci-fi stuff that I had opinions on and such. It has pretty much turned into a movie/book review blog. Hopefully, at some point, it will become more.
URL: https://jimsscifi.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Microscopic Monsters RSS feed
Microscopic Monsters is a larger than life adventure on a microscopic scale! The video and blog series features scientific expeditions in the ecologies of pond, stream, forest, backyard… plus a bonus episode exploring the diverse world of a microbial mat, where life's most primitive organisms thrive to this day.
URL: https://digitalcannery.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Neil A. Hogan | Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer RSS feed
Neil A. Hogan writes crazy, weird, unimaginable science fiction with a multidimensional theme. Generally, unbelievable space opera style stories with aliens. Expect conscious galaxies, multifrequency realities, strange physics and other concepts with a metaphysical influence.
URL: https://neilahogan.com/index.php/feed/
📡 Orbit Books | Science Fiction, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy RSS feed
Orbit in the US and UK has published two Hugo Award winners: The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin, and Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie, which became the first novel to win every major award in the field. Orbit is an English-language publisher of science fiction and fantasy with dedicated publishing teams in the US and UK.
URL: http://www.orbitbooks.net/feed/
📡 Physics and Art RSS feed
Dr. Robert August is an internationally recognized nuclear detection expert with decades of experience developing technology and methods for addressing the clandestine nuclear attack issue.
URL: https://physics-art.com/feed/
📡 Recursor.TV | Sci Fi Series, Shows and Movies Online RSS feed
Recursor.TV features the best science fiction available on planet earth. Here you can explore a growing database of short films and series created by a new generation of visionaries. Curated by aficionados, Recursor has something for all fans of the genre from time travel to artificial life to alien encounters. Recursor assimilates new content all the time so check back frequently to discover the future reflected.
URL: http://www.recursor.tv/feed/
📡 SFR Brigade - Searching for intelligent life(and a little romance) on the bookshelves RSS feed
A community of authors, readers, bloggers and fans dedicated to the genre of science fiction romance. You will be assimilated! Account run by Catrina & Pippa.
URL: https://sfrcontests.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 SFWA | Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America RSS feed
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. was founded in 1965 by the American science fiction author Damon Knight. Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America informs, supports, promotes, defends and advocates for its member writers. SFWA is a professional organization for authors of science fiction, fantasy and related genres.
URL: http://www.sfwa.org/feed/
📡 Sci-Fi & Scary RSS feed
Sci-Fi & Scary is a book and film review site that concentrates primarily on the science fiction and horror genres. We bring you to book and film reviews, original articles, interviews, guest posts, and more. We are committed to giving the readers bluntly honest reviews of Science Fiction, Horror, Fantasy, and Thriller.
URL: https://www.scifiandscary.com/feed/
📡 Sci-Fi Bloggers RSS feed
Covers sci-fi movies, TV shows, books, video games and more! We're an online magazine focused on sci-fi and fantasy entertainment.
URL: https://www.scifibloggers.com/feed/
📡 Sci-Fi Fan Letter RSS feed
Reviews of Science Fiction and Fantasy novels by Jessica Strider, a former bookseller, and avid reader. You'll also find shout-outs to SFF books, medieval history reviews, and tidbits, and more.
URL: http://scififanletter.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Sci-Fi Film Fiesta RSS feed
Through this blog, the author would like to share his enthusiasm for classic / vintage sci-fi films.
URL: https://scififilmfiesta.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Sci-Fi and Fantasy Reviewer RSS feed
As the name hints at, this is a book review blog that used to focus on science-fiction and fantasy titles, but now also includes a large element of horror fiction, as well as the occasional crime and alternate history title.
URL: https://scifiandfantasyreviewer.com/feed/
📡 Sci-fi interfaces RSS feed
Sci-fi interfaces analyzes the interfaces seen in movies and television show for fun and erudition. Its main author and curator is Chris Noessel. He does this in his 'spare time' so two posts a week is a pretty good pace. All screenshots are property of the studios who produced the show and are used under Fair Use laws.
URL: https://scifiinterfaces.com/feed/
📡 SciFi Mind RSS feed
This blog is my small way of exploring the half-perceived forces that keep evading our definitions, genres, and explanations. This blog offers a few experiments in short fiction amid attempts at making sense of the fictional worlds so many fine writers have been imagining.
URL: https://www.scifimind.com/feed/
📡 Science Fiction & Fantasy RSS feed
Hi! I'm Anthony G Williams. I started this blog to post reviews and comments on Science Fiction and Fantasy (mostly books or films, but occasionally on more general issues such as publishing and marketing), and of course to alert those readers not yet aware of the delights which lie in store within the covers of my novels.
URL: https://sciencefictionfantasy.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Science Fiction and Other Suspect Ruminations RSS feed
Joachim Boaz maps the more esoteric inclines and declines of 50's-70's science fiction. The 1930's had too many scientists conjuring elixirs. And in the 1980's more space opera happened. When SF tackles the greater morass of things and our oblique interiors he is happy. Science Fiction and Other Suspect Ruminations charts these movements. He has other pretensions of course, under other names.
URL: https://sciencefictionruminations.com/feed/
📡 Science Fiction in India RSS feed
Science fiction in India has lately emerged as a respectable literary genre. Please join me to have a panoramic view of Indian science fiction.
URL: http://indiascifiarvind.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 ScienceFiction.com RSS feed
A forerunner in the scope of fantasy and science fiction news with reports, interviews, and reviews. We keep our fellow science fiction fans connected to their favorite characters and stories by offering the latest news in movies, television series, games, books, comic books, and technology.
URL: https://sciencefiction.com/feed/
📡 ScifiBook Review RSS feed
Reading and Exploring Great Science Fiction.
URL: https://scifibookreviewdotcom.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Star Trek - Sci Fi Blog RSS feed
Trekker first and Science Fiction writier second, now blogging at Star Trek Sci Fi Blog for almost a decade now which presents News, Facts, Stories, TV Show reviews, previews and Trekker Trivia. Analysing the science behind Star Trek explains much of the technological wonders and futuristic mysteries etc to heighten the buzz. We enjoy Star Trek Movies, TOS TNG, TAS, DS9, and many more.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/spacerguy
📡 StarShips RSS feed
Hey, It's Brad here and welcome! I am your guide through this universe. Please enjoy the ride through space, buckle up we will hit some heavy gravity, and please no time jumping. Join us in discussing some of the best films ever made. From the marvelous first Star Wars trilogy to the maybe, and just maybe, painstaking torture of the second trilogy and the last few star wars movies that have been made.
URL: https://starships.com/feed/
📡 Story Seed Vault | The vault is now open RSS feed
The Vault began as a collection of Twitter science-fiction based on research articles by Alex Massey, published @tinystoryseeds. Inspired by the Global Seed Vaults, Alex sought to create a collection of stories, sourced from the imaginations of a diverse collection of writers. Today, the Vault has grown into an independent publisher of micro-science fiction, with writers and readers from all over the globe.
URL: https://storyseedvault.com/feed/
Thinking Sci-Fi is a place where you can read author Peter Cawdron's thoughts on science and fiction.
URL: https://thinkingscifi.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 The Crow Series RSS feed
The Crow Series universe is a dystopia set in deep space, an off world world called Austrini and its 9 cities. Atlas Crow leaves Earth with her parents to go live on Austrini, but when she awakes, they are no longer on the ship with her. Atlas needs to find out where they are, and why they didnt go with her.
URL: https://the-crow-series.com/feed/
📡 The Curious SFF Reader RSS feed
My name is Maryam. As you may have noticed, I love speculative fiction but, most of all, I love reading and I try my best to share my love of books. I try to read widely even if this blog is mainly focused on adult speculative fiction, I also love literary fiction and I sometimes read YA books and non-fiction.
URL: https://thecurioussffreader.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 The Middle Shelf RSS feed
The Middle Shelf is a science fiction and fantasy books reviews blog, with regular reviews of diverse novels. Discover the great, unusual and diverse speculative fiction you were looking for!
URL: http://www.themiddleshelf.org/1/feed
📡 The SF Gateway RSS feed
SF Gateway is part catalogue site, highlighting and promoting the thousands of eBooks the imprint publishes; it is part gateway (pardon the inevitable pun) to the online retailers from whom these eBooks can be bought; part community hub for readers who wish to discuss and recommend authors and books with their fellow enthusiasts; and part commentary/blog site.
URL: https://www.sfgateway.com/feed/
📡 The Sci-Fi Gene RSS feed
The Sci-Fi Geneis part support group, part research institute for those of us who enjoy the best and worst of sci-fi. I am a London-based filmmaker, animator and science fiction enthusiast. I created The Sci-Fi Gene blog in 2008 as a way to bring my interests together, make connections and take a few more of my projects to completion.
URL: http://sci-fi-gene.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Science Fiction and Fantasy Community Blog RSS feed
The Science Fiction & Fantasy Community Blog is a community-run effort, aimed at producing quality information of interest to the SFF community. We also include reviews of books, TV series, comics, films, story reviews of games, whether newly released, or a classic .
URL: https://thesffblog.com/feed/
📡 TheSciFi Blog RSS feed
Do you like Sci-Fi movies, series, and novels? Thescifi.net is the best place for you! Here you will find the best blogs about Scifi and Fantasy world. Your favorite news will be on this page. TheSciFi.Net U.S. Based Sci-Fi Clothing Brand. As a global consumer brand, we aim to provide the best unique set of Sci-Fi products and only deliver your favorite ones to you.
URL: https://thescifi.net/blogs/news.atom
📡 Tobias Buckell | Science Fiction Author & Futurist RSS feed
Tobias Buckell is a New York Times Bestselling author born in the Caribbean. He grew up in Grenada and spent time in the British and US Virgin Islands, which influence much of his work.His novels and over 50 stories have been translated into 18 different languages. His work has been nominated for awards like the Hugo, Nebula, Prometheus, and the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Science Fiction.
URL: https://tobiasbuckell.com/blog/feed/
📡 Top Sci-fi Books RSS feed
Here at TopSciFiBooks, our goal is to scour the internet in hopes to find the best Science Fiction Books out there for you. To help you in your search we have categorized all of the possible book genres and given you quick access to purchase any of them.
URL: https://topscifibooks.com/feed/
📡 Tor.com RSS feed
Tor.com is a site for science fiction, fantasy, and all the things that interest SF and fantasy readers. It publishes original fiction, art, and commentary on science fiction and related subjects by a wide range of writers from all corners of the field; both professionals working in the genres and fans.
URL: https://www.tor.com/feed/
📡 Unfit Magazine RSS feed
This magazine is about fiction that isn't fit for 'them'. What do I mean by 'them'? Who in particular are 'they'? They are the government. They are your parents. They are your teachers. They are everywhere.
URL: https://unfitmag.com/feed/
📡 Veronica Sicoe — Science Fiction Author RSS feed
I write far-future science-fiction with deadly aliens, deadlier tech, and twisted relationships. This is where I talk about writing and all the awesome things that funnel into it.
URL: https://veronicasicoe.com/feed/
📡 Visions of Nol RSS feed
This blog is a place where I share the short stories and flash fiction from the Nol Galaxy. So you'll be reading science fiction and fantasy pieces, but don't think of exploding rocket ships or alien guts.
URL: https://visionsofnol.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Women at Warp | A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast RSS feed
Women at Warp is a twice-monthly podcast where four women talk about Star Trek, its representations of women, contributions of women behind the scenes, and other fun Trek topics.
URL: http://www.womenatwarp.com/category/blog/feed/
📡 Worlds Without End Blog RSS feed
Worlds Without End is a website dedicated to bringing you the best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror literature. We've built an extensive database of the best books, authors, and publishers. Our goal is to be the best resource around for SF/F/H novels. WWEnd is designed to help you find the books you crave.
URL: https://blog.worldswithoutend.com/feed/atom/
📡 Worlds in Ink RSS feed
This is a speculative fiction book blog focusing on science fiction, fantasy, horror book reviews, and other bookish topics. I'm a South African-based blogger and self-confessed book addict. My main passion is science fiction, but I also enjoy reading fantasy, horror, and thrillers.
URL: http://worldsinink.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
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