88 RPG RSS feeds
📡 6d6 RPG RSS feed
6d6 creates and publishes tabletop role-playing games (RPGs) for people who like fast, light games which promote role-playing and creativity. It is fast, flexible and fun tabletop roleplaying games. Find news on 6d6's range of role playing games, adventure, PDFs, setting and supplements.
URL: https://6d6rpg.com/feed/
ALL THINGS ROLEPLAY is the #1 tumblr resource for invisionfree and jcink roleplaying sites! We're here to advertise and help boost your roleplaying experience! from advertisements, to character requests, all the way to interest checks on site ideas.
URL: https://allthingsroleplay.tumblr.com/rss
Autocratik is David F. Chapman. He is a gamer, writer, game designer and developer, editor, illustrator, comics publisher, and all-round geek. He is best known for his work as a game designer.
URL: https://www.autocratik.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Armchair Gamer RSS feed
I mostly centered around playing RPGs. I general posts RPG history and news. I'm going to continue doing RPG reviews broken up into:new products & old products.
URL: http://armchairgamer.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Bat In The Attic RSS feed
A blog on 30 years of gaming and Sandbox Fantasy. Articles cover Role playing advice and inspiration including Wilderlands of High Fantasy, DnD, and Swords Wizardry. Authored by Robert Conley.
URL: https://batintheattic.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Board Goblins RSS feed
Welcome to Board Goblins! We casually review tabletop games we played during the weekend.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCZDcjQrzOsHZqayu4TMCJMQ
📡 Burn After Running RSS feed
A blog about tabletop RPGs - specifically, one-shot RPG games of the kind you might see at conventions or ad-hoc meetups. All systems, all genres covered.
URL: https://burnafterrunningrpg.com/feed/
A blog about Dungeons & Dragons, Roleplaying Games, drawing board for my adventure ideas and a log of those adventures.
URL: http://www.crossplanes.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Campaign Mastery RSS feed
Campaign Mastery is dedicated to offering GMs expert insights and techniques to improve their tabletop RPG campaigns. Mike Bourke is the writer of RPG games & articles, MIDI composer, lover of Sci-Fi & Fantasy and F1 fan. Find posts and updates on RPGs by Mike Bourke.
URL: http://www.campaignmastery.com/blog/feed/
📡 CityLife RPG | Youtube RSS feed
The City Life RPG MOD is an Online RPG built on the Armed Assault engine offering an online community for you to enjoy. It's a mod for ArmA3 is an online role-playing community.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=unaarmatec
📡 Colonel RPG RSS feed
I'm an avid gamer, particularly fond of role-playing games for PC. My channel is all about playing RPGs and sharing the experience with everyone.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCjonWpLT8cK4CqJW7qfCZ8A
📡 Continuing Mission RSS feed
A Fan Site for the Star Trek Adventures RPG by Modiphius. Expansion on Core Rulebook rules, homebrew character sheets, and fan fiction.
URL: https://continuingmissionsta.com/feed/
📡 DMDavid Blog RSS feed
Dungeons & Dragons design, advice, rules, and inspiration. David Hartlage is a dungeon master at weekly D&D encounters sessions, occasional adventurers' League games, and judging at the big gaming conventions.
URL: https://dmdavid.com/feed/
📡 Dice Geeks | Gamemaster & Roleplaying Tips for Your RPG Campaigns RSS feed
Hi I'm Matt. I am the Game Master here at dicegeeks. I help game masters, dungeon masters, and role-players level up their sessions and campaigns. I post roleplaying tips, guides, and resources. Level up your RPG campaigns with helpful resources, original rule systems, and campaign settings.
URL: https://www.dicegeeks.com/feed/
📡 Dragons Keep Roleplay Club Blog RSS feed
Stay up to date with what is hot in the geek and tabletop game RPG news. Dragons Keep Roleplay Club is your home for Tabletop Roleplaying Games in South East London.
URL: https://www.dragonskeep.co.uk/blog-feed.xml
📡 Dreamland RPG blog RSS feed
Dreamland is a portal fantasy roleplaying game inspired by the fantasy stories of Lord Dunsany, H.P. Lovecraft, Kij Johnson and Michael Ende.
URL: https://www.dreamrpg.com/feed/
📡 DriveThruRPG.com | The Largest RPG Download Store RSS feed
DriveThruRPG.com is part of a family of premiere online marketplaces including RPGNow, DriveThruRPG, DriveThruCards, DMsGuild, DriveThruComics, DriveThruFiction, and Wargame Vault. This is your one-stop online shop for new and vintage RPG products from the top publishers, delivered fresh to your desktop in electronic format.
URL: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/rss.php
📡 Dungeon Fantastic | Old School informed GURPS Dungeon Fantasy gaming RSS feed
Hi I'm Peter V. Dell'Orto. I've been playing RPGs since I was about 9 years old. Find posts and updates on RPGs.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/DungeonFantastic
📡 Dyson's Dodecahedron | Award Winning Dungeon Design RSS feed
I'm Dyson. I've been gaming since 1979 in a variety of game systems, but most often playing Dungeons & Dragons. This is a general RPG blog, where I talked a lot about the games I've played and how I like to play them.
URL: https://dysonlogos.blog/feed/
📡 EN World | RPG News & Reviews RSS feed
Morrus is the founder and owner of EN World, and owner of EN Publishing. It is the world's largest independent RPG news website. Find EN World's news and reviews of all tabletop roleplaying games, big and small.
URL: https://www.enworld.org/ewr-porta/index.rss
📡 Elthos RPG RSS feed
I'm VB Wyrde, a Role Playing Game designer, working on the Elthos Game System, which I started in 1978. I posts and update the mysteries and wonders of developing and GMing the Elthos RPG and Mythos Machine.
URL: http://elthosrpg.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Elven Tower | Original RPG content and adventures RSS feed
The Elven Tower is a source of original imaginative content and narrative chronicles for D&D and other RPG games.
URL: https://www.elventower.com/feed/
📡 Farsight Blogger RSS feed
Jonathan Hicks has been gaming since 1983 after he experienced the splendour that is Fighting Fantasy gamebooks and Basic D&D. He has played in hundreds of games, mainly as GM, and experienced dozens of gaming systems over pretty much every genre, with the odd boardgame and wargame thrown in, too. He does like to game.
URL: https://farsightblogger.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 G*M*S Magazine - Role Playing Games RSS feed
G*M*S Magazine is here to bring you news and articles on your favourite games and game miscellanea. Find Roleplaying and board games with reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews
URL: http://www.gmsmagazine.com/role_playing_game/feed/
📡 Game Geeks RPG RSS feed
Game Master Kurt Wiegel reviews and educates viewers on role playing games.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=pugknowspro
📡 Gaming Ballistic | A new trajectory for Roleplaying Games RSS feed
Hi I'm Douglas H. Cole. I have been role-playing since 1981 - starting with Holmes Red Box and AD&D, sampling many systems along the way, and started heavily playing GURPS since 1988. Find posts and updates on GURPs.
URL: https://gamingballistic.com/feed/
📡 Gnome Stew RSS feed
Gnomestew.com Gnome Stew is a multi-author blog about tabletop RPG game mastering. Written by a team of veteran GMs, Gnome Stew is the most widely read game mastering blog on the planet
URL: http://gnomestew.com/feed
📡 Greyhawkery RSS feed
A gaming blog about the World of Greyhawk fantasy setting for all editions of Dungeons & Dragons formerly owned by TSR now by Wizards of the Coast.
URL: http://greyhawkery.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Happy Jacks RPG RSS feed
Happy Jack's RPG Podcast is a roundtable discussion about RPGs. The podcast has been combining beer, tabletop RPGs and humor to create high-quality content since 2009. We've assembled a diverse cast of seasoned entertainers, tabletop RPG experts, and nerds to bring you some of the most engaging tabletop content out there.
URL: http://www.happyjacks.org/feed/podcast
📡 HeroPress RSS feed
A daily slice of super-powered geek life with a heavy emphasis on comics, old school tabletop games, general pulpy science-fiction, giant monsters, zombies etc
URL: http://heropresstwo.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 How to Succeed in RPGs or Die Trying | A blog about Roleplaying RSS feed
Hi I'm S. P. I have been running roleplaying games since 1998, and playing since a little after that. In 2011, I decided to start writing about the hobby. Find posts and updates on Roleplaying.
URL: http://psychicmayhem.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Hyper RPG RSS feed
Hyper RPG is a hyperactive, interactive community-driven broadcasting channel featuring kickass RPGs, innovative tabletop & video games.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCRDPlyuTAus79rPdFERMS5A
📡 Immersion RPG | Highly immersive tabletop RPGs RSS feed
The Immersion RPG System is brought to you by Immersion Studios, a game and publishing company that aims to give you the ultimate role playing game experience. You can buy all things Infected Zombie RPG.
URL: https://immersion-rpg.com/feed/
📡 Jeff's Gameblog | A blog about games and stuff RSS feed
Find posts and updates on RPGs.
URL: http://jrients.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Kobold Press RSS feed
The little company with big shoes keeps growing! With two gold ENnie Awards in 2012, people are noticing the excellent work done by the Kobold crew in adventure design, how-to advice, and worldbuilding for the Midgard campaign setting.
URL: https://koboldpress.com/feed/
📡 Life and Times of a Philippine Gamer RSS feed
Tabletop RPG Reviews and Articles. 'Life and Times of a Philippine Gamer' is all about the experiences, thoughts, opinions, and rants of a die-hard RPG enthusiast born and bred in the Pearl of the Orient.
URL: https://philgamer.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Lilura1 RSS feed
In this blog, you will find Commentary & Criticism on the original & authoritative versions of Renaissance-era RPGs.
URL: https://lilura1.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 LitRPG Reads Blog RSS feed
LitRPG is Literature Role-Playing Games. Find the best LitRPG books, including recommendations. We feature LitRPG novels and RPG content.
URL: https://litrpgreads.com/feed
📡 LotFP: RPG RSS feed
LotFP is the brutal and wondrous Weird Fantasy tabletop role-playing game born out of love for underground heavy metal, horror literature and film, and in fact all things strange and macabre. RPG releases and general commentary about traditional gaming in general.
URL: http://lotfp.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Magpie Games RSS feed
Read about latest RPG games and reviews. Magpie Games, founded by Mark Truman and Marissa Kelly, hopes to inspire a new generation of roleplayers to create emotional, expansive stories, without rolling too many dice.
URL: https://magpiegames.com/blogs/news.atom
📡 Make Your Own RPG Blog RSS feed
Follow my blog and learn techniques to make your own RPG for tabletop pen and paper or on the computer to share with friends. I'm Mathom - an RPG maker and game designer exploring the world of homebrew RPGs for tabletop and computer.
URL: https://www.makeyourownrpg.com/my-rpg-blog?format=feed&type=rss
📡 Mantic Games RSS feed
Find out the latest news and releases from Mantic Games, including Kings of War, Deadzone, DreadBall, All Out War, Hellboy: The Board Game and lots more. Mantic Games is the creator of tabletop games such as The Walking Dead: All Out War, Kings of War, Deadzone, Warpath, DreadBall, Dungeon Saga and Armada.
URL: https://www.manticgames.com/news/feed/
📡 Martin Ralya RSS feed
A blog about RPGs, miniatures, etc. I'm Martin Ralya (he/him). Alongside my day job, I'm an avid tabletop gamer (RPGs, board games, and miniatures), hiker, reader, lifelong comics fan, all-around geek, and award-winning RPG industry author and blogger.
URL: https://www.martinralya.com/feed
📡 Musings and Ravings | The Life and Times of JohnK RSS feed
Hi I'm John M. Kahane. I was Born in England, I ama a translator, freelance editor and writer, amateur palaeontologist, avid book reader, roleplaying gamer, and music fan. I post and updates about RPGs.
URL: https://jkahane.livejournal.com/data/rss
📡 My RPG blog | RPGs, SRPGs and otome games RSS feed
Find information on RPGs, SRPGs and otome games.
URL: http://www.tehvidya.com/feed/
📡 Notes From Pavis RSS feed
Notes From Pavis features Roleplaying and GM notes mostly in Gloranthan context
URL: https://notesfrompavis.blog/feed/
📡 Octopus Carnival | A repository of my English language RPG-related writings RSS feed
Hi I'm Ubiratan Pires Alberton. Octopus Carnival is my English-language RPG blog. Most of its content is GURPS-related, and usually deals with adapting something or other to GURPS. Find posts and updates on RPGs.
URL: https://bira.github.io/octopus-carnival/feed.xml
📡 One shot adventures RSS feed
The search for the perfect 4-hour RPG adventure.
URL: https://1shotadventures.com/feed/
📡 PSJ Maps Blog RSS feed
Posts on D&D, wargamer, miniature painter, cartographer of bespoke RPG maps. Paul Joyce is a Fantasy Map Cartographer and D&D & Pathfinder Blogger.
URL: https://www.pauljoyce.co.uk/feed/
RPG Adverts is a directory blog dedicated to promoting all kinds of different forum based roleplays.
URL: https://rpgadverts.tumblr.com/rss
📡 RPG Blog RSS feed
A blog on RPG, reviews, gameplays, strategies, upcoming games, bug fixes and more!
URL: https://www.rpgblog.org/feed
📡 RPG Limit Break RSS feed
Follow us to keep up with videos on RPG from RPG Limit Break.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCJn8IWyQmWEIfpVjX7o2VnQ
📡 RPG Site RSS feed
RPG Site is the premiere source for RPG news, reviews, previews, interviews, media and information. We love role playing video games, so we report on them all day every day.
URL: https://www.rpgsite.net/feed.atom
📡 RPGFan | Extensive RPG News and Reviews Coverage Since 1998 RSS feed
Founded in 1997 as LunarNET, RPGFan has grown into one of the premiere news and media sites dedicated specifically to roleplaying games. The website features reviews, previews, editorials and daily news of the latest in RPGs, graphic adventures and visual novels on all platforms coming in from Japan, Korea, North America, and Europe.
URL: http://www.rpgfan.com/news/feeds/rss.xml
📡 RPGGeek RSS feed
RPGGeek is a robust community message board centered around a comprehensive database of RPG systems, products, periodicals, and other media. It strives to be the premiere database and forum for all tabletop RPG enthusiasts. This includes News, Reviews, Sessions and Play-by-Forum along with the world's friendliest community.
URL: https://rpggeek.com/recentadditions/rss?domain=rpg
📡 RPGWatch RSS feed
Find RPG News and updates.
URL: https://www.rpgwatch.com/files/rss1.xml
📡 RPGamer RSS feed
RPGamer is the world's best RPG coverage. Get the Complete RPG Coverage.
URL: https://rpgamer.com/feed/
📡 Roleplaying Tips RSS feed
Roleplaying Tips was founded by Johnn Four. It is a website for tabletop GMs. Find posts and updates on roleplaying.
URL: https://www.roleplayingtips.com/feed/
📡 Roll4 Network RSS feed
Welcome to the Roll4 Network, where tabletop RPG's reign supreme! Roll4 Network is a resource for anyone interested in Tabletop RPG's. Our primary goal is to provide articles, tools, settings, and ideas to any player or Game Master.
URL: https://www.roll4.net/feed
📡 Sly Flourish RSS feed
Follow this blog where Mike shares resources, articles and guide for building the better Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master.
URL: https://slyflourish.com/index.xml
📡 Solo Roleplaying & Game Mastery - Roleplaying RSS feed
Get tips, hints and strategies to play RPGs. PPM is project to create and publish independent games and all the supporting material a GM would need to play the games.
URL: https://www.ppmgames.co.uk/category/roleplaying/feed/
📡 Stargazer's World | A Roleplaying Games blog RSS feed
Stargazer's World is a roleplaying game blog. It's a place where I can write down my thoughts on the roleplaying industry, the community and roleplaying in general. And by roleplaying I mean good old classic pen and paper roleplaying.
URL: https://stargazersworld.com/feed/
📡 Storybrewers | Roleplaying RSS feed
We are Storybrewers. We lovingly brew roleplaying games eagerly waiting to come to life at your table. Find out more about our newest tabletop rpgs. We also have free games and supplements for download.
URL: https://storybrewersroleplaying.com/category/blog/feed/
📡 Strike! RPG Blog RSS feed
Strike! is a tabletop RPG with grid-based tactical combat. It's simple to learn and play.
URL: https://www.strikerpg.com/1/feed
📡 SuperDerek RPGs | Your Home for RPG Reviews and Discussion RSS feed
SuperDerek RPGs is your home for RPG Reviews and playthroughs. Featuring videos from like-minded RPG enthusiasts. We'll help you find your next favorite.
URL: http://superderekrpgs.com/feed/
📡 Switch RPG RSS feed
Switch RPG provides in-depth reviews and articles for many Nintendo Switch RPG's and hosts a fantastic Podcast, Youtube channel, and community.
URL: https://switchrpg.com/feed/
📡 Tenkar's Tavern RSS feed
A blog about RPGs, the OSR, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, White Star, Swords & Wizardry, Kickstarters and Kickstarter Failures
URL: https://www.tenkarstavern.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 The Angry GM | RPG Advice with Attitude RSS feed
The Angry GM delivers advice to players and dungeon masters of fantasy role-playing games with humor, snark, and attitude. Game masters and players are sure to find something of use, whether they are playing AD&D, D&D 3.5, D&D 4E, 5E, Pathfinder, D&D Next, or any other role-playing game.
URL: https://theangrygm.com/feed/
📡 The CRPG Addict RSS feed
Chester Bolingbroke is a professional in his early 40s who really should be doing something more productive with his time. He lives in Maine with his patient wife, Irene, and when he isn't playing CRPGs, he enjoys traveling, crossword puzzles, and jazz. The CRPG Addict is a blog in which a dedicated addict plays through all PC computer role-playing games (CRPGs), in chronological order.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheCrpgAddict
📡 The Grinning Frog Blog RSS feed
A creative collection of system free fantasy rpg material including new magic items, creatures, locations, NPCs and DM advice. I'm Eden- a self-employed RPG writer who works with a collective group of people to produce new content every month.
URL: https://www.thegrinningfrog.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 The Kind GM RSS feed
The Kind GM is my blog where I write about tabletop RPGs and especially D&D. I provide reviews, tips and advice for DMs and players and more. My name is Chris.
URL: https://thekindgm.com/feed/
📡 The Nine and Thirty Kingdoms RSS feed
RPG Plans, Designs, and Ideas. Authored by John Laviolette, 'The Nine and Thirty Kingdoms' has been brainstorming, testing, and feedback point for old school fantasy role-playing game ideas.
URL: http://9and30kingdoms.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Other Side RSS feed
The Other Side Blog is a game design blog from Timothy S. Brannan, author of the Ghosts of Albion RPG and contributor to many horror themed RPGs. Follow his thoughts on game development or even just game playing.
URL: http://theotherside.timsbrannan.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The RPGPundit RSS feed
The RPGPundit posts articles on RPGs, new games, updates, news from different popular games and more!
URL: http://therpgpundit.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Rolemaster Blog RSS feed
Articles and discussion on Roleplaying in general and various settings including Shadow World, Forgotten Realms and Aioskoru. We talk about pen and paper roleplaying as well as play by post. We have a strong interest in Rolemaster but also play and love other games
URL: http://www.rolemasterblog.com/feed/
📡 The Smart Party | RPG Podcasts RSS feed
Gaz and Baz have spent decades talking about games. They present the UK's premier RPG podcast.
URL: https://smartparty.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 The Song of the Susurrus Blog RSS feed
Welcome, adventurer, to the Song of the Susurrus, a personal history of role-playing games. In this personal blog, I'll be re-visiting items from my own collection of role-playing and board-games over forty years and musing about RPG's and their history, both personal and universal.
URL: https://www.rpghistory.blog/blog/feed/
📡 The-Crafty-DM Blog RSS feed
RPG Blog where the Crafty DM will talk on all manner of RPG bits and bobs. From dice to characters and as well as reviews of books, etc.
URL: https://craftydm.co.uk/feed
📡 TheRPGSite | Pen & Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion RSS feed
For discussion of traditional pen-and-paper roleplaying games and anything related to their game mechanics and settings, as well as industry events and gossip. This is a forum for discussing roleplaying games.
URL: https://www.therpgsite.com/.xml/?type=rss;PHPSESSID=6c1cadc158f2d6b8e9c657c493392623
📡 Tribality RSS feed
Tribality is a collection of advice, homebrews, tools, research, news and other fun tabletop RPG stuff for everyone.
URL: https://www.tribality.com/feed/
📡 What Do I Know? RSS feed
The RPG Games and Geekdom Site. Find articles on RPG games, personalised reviews, gameplays and more!
URL: https://whatdoiknowjr.com/feed/
📡 World Anvil Blog RSS feed
World Anvil is an online toolset specifically designed for worldbuilding! It's perfect for authors, writers, game developers, and tabletop gamers, it even comes with a Campaign Manager!
URL: https://blog.worldanvil.com/feed/
📡 Ynas Midgard's RPG Blog RSS feed
A place to post my ramblings on gaming, house rules, setting and adventure ideas, etc.
URL: https://ynasmidgard.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 d100 News RSS feed
Weekly RPG News Collation.
URL: https://d100news.com/feed/
📡 die heart RSS feed
die heart is the wonder of role-playing games. Find reviews, solo rpgs, old-school & narrative games.
URL: https://dieheart.net/rss/
📡 fiction suit RSS feed
An RPG blog with reviews, tips, strategies and more! Matthew Tyler-Jones writes this blog to publish his gaming life, current reads, etc.
URL: https://fictionsuit.org/feed/
📡 of Dice and Dragons RSS feed
I'm Scot Newbury and I've been playing various role-playing games for some time. After 30 years of gaming from both sides of the screen where I've played in good games and in bad ones, ran some memorable sessions and campaigns and others I'd really like to forget, I want to pass that knowledge along to you, my fellow gamers and hopefully I'll get better at the trade myself in process.
URL: https://ofdiceanddragons.com/feed/
📡 ttRPG Community RSS feed
The TTRPG Community is a place to discuss all things TTRPG directly with creators of TTRPG Content.
URL: https://ttrpg.community/feed/