160 Quilting RSS feeds
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📡 A Bright Corner RSS feed
Hi! I'm Andy. I have always loved to create and once I got my hands on a sewing machine at a young age I never looked back! I love every aspect of the work that goes into making a quilt - from designing the pattern, choosing the fabrics, piecing, quilting and binding.
URL: http://www.abrightcorner.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 A Few Scraps Blog RSS feed
Christina Cameli's blog and tutorials on free-motion quilting atA Few Scraps. She started quilting in 2003 and love teaching free-motion quilting so much that she wrote some books about it.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/afewscraps
📡 A Quilting Life RSS feed
A Quilting Life is a Top US Quilting Blog featuring all the Tutorials and Resources you need whether you're a beginner quilter or an expert.Sherri, started A Quilting Life in the summer of 2008 in order to keep track of her quilting and sewing projects. It quickly became so much more as she developed friendships with quilters from all over the world. Blogging has opened up a whole new world of quilting inspiration for her.
URL: https://www.aquiltinglife.com/feed/
📡 Acreativespin Blog RSS feed
Get to know Rhonda Cratty's quilts, books and art! She didn't know how to quilt when she started to write Our Family Quilt. She began researching quilting as an art form in America. The characters evolved through quilting classes, quilting shows, museums, shops, guilds, and encouraging quilters. This blog will inspire you to piece together your own family quilt.
URL: https://acreativespin.com/f.rss
📡 Adel Quilting & Dry Goods Co. RSS feed
Visit the 'Little Quilt Shop on the Prairie' (909 Prairie St in Adel) for fabric, notions, patterns, gifts and friendly service.
URL: https://adelquilting.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Adele Mogavero * Del~Lillian's - Quilt RSS feed
Quilter, Quilt Designer, Quilt Blogger, I enjoy making quilts that are unique and a little crazy sometimes. Many of my designs are created spontaneously. Some are designed with on a computer.Some begin as doodles. My hope is that this website will offer you creative inspiration and tools to help you in your creative journey.
URL: http://adelemogavero.com/category/fiber-art/quilting/feed/
📡 Always Expect Moore RSS feed
Hi! I'm Carolina. A Well-intentioned Mom who enjoys doing all kinds of crafting, and teaching others how to create! Here on my site, you'll find lots of step-by-step craft and sewing tutorials, as well as recipes and my general musings.
URL: https://alwaysexpectmoore.com/feed
📡 Amy's Creative Side RSS feed
Author & Designer Amy Ellis shares recent projects and inspiration for your fabric addiction. Offering you tools to explore your quilty creativity too!
URL: http://www.amyscreativeside.com/blog/feed/
📡 Anja Quilts Blog RSS feed
A blog about a Girl Guide leader who enjoys reading and quilting. Anja is an Executive Assistant by day and a quilter by night.
URL: https://anjaquilts.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Annie's Quilt Orts Blog RSS feed
Words about quilting, fabric, family and life in a Southern California beach town by Annie. She enjoys spending time with fabric, needles, and thread. Her family life is full with her husband, adult offspring, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, and three adorable grandsons.
URL: https://anniesquiltorts.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Applique and Patch Quilting RSS feed
I'm crazy about applique and patch quilts and hand quilting. Married for 44 years and retired. Living in North Bay, Ontario, Canada. My blog is about my passion for quilting and just a little bit about my life and family. I make the quilts that my heart tells me to.
URL: http://appliqueandpatches.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Artistic Artifacts Blog RSS feed
Artistic Artifacts is the source for the latest 'Creative Finds for Creative Minds.' No matter your medium, you'll find products and techniques to use in sewing, and a full range of fiber arts and mixed media. Artistic Artifacts and its sister company Batik Tambal offers creative finds for use in designing mixed media collage, assemblages, art quilts, clothing, altered books, dolls and ATCs.
URL: http://www.artisticartifacts.com/blog/?feed=rss2
📡 Aunt Ems Quilts Blog RSS feed
Hi, I'm Em. I help quilters turn their scrap into beautiful quilts. I've been quilting, designing, and teaching for over 20 years. I'd love to help you expand your skills, bust through your scraps and create wonderful quilts. Discover modern scrap-friendly patterns and lots of great tutorials to help you improve your skills.
URL: https://auntemsquilts.com/feed
📡 Bell Creek Quilts Blog RSS feed
Hi, I'm Pat. This blog is about my love for quilting, sewing, reading and antique shopping.
URL: https://bellcreekquilts.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Blossom Heart Quilts Blog RSS feed
Learn patterns, tutorials, DIY Block Design and Mini Masterpieces. Passionate about quilting, design, and teaching, Blossom Heart Quilts is the outlet for it all by Alyce Blyth.
URL: http://www.blossomheartquilts.com/feed/
📡 Blue Elephant Stitches RSS feed
Welcome to my quilting journal! I'm Jolene Klassen and I've been cutting up fabric and sewing it back together since 2007.
URL: http://blueelephantstitches.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Bobbin in Quilts Blog RSS feed
Quilting patterns and templates for beginning to expert quilters. I'm Becky. I have been quilting for over 20 years. I have a style all my own that I love to share with you!
URL: https://www.bobbininquilts.com/blogs/news.atom
📡 Butterfly Threads Blog RSS feed
To provide ideas and inspiration, instructions and illustrations on quilt patterns. Sharing the love of quilting, one stitch at a time! Diane's first quilt was in 1997 after which in 2021 she created the online pattern company and website called Butterfly Threads Quilting.
URL: https://www.butterflythreadsquilting.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Canadian Needle Nana RSS feed
Canadian Needle Nana is a blog about country life, quilting, cooking, reading, dogs, birds, and needlework.
URL: https://canadianneedlenana.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Carolina Oneto RSS feed
Hello, I am Carolina. My quilts have been exhibited at many Quilt Festivals around the world. my work has been featured at art centers and galleries in Europe, USA, and Chile. I love to teach online quilting and design classes, and I also create many on-demand classes for those who need to learn at their own pace and time.
URL: https://carolinaoneto.com/feed/
📡 Carried Away Quilting RSS feed
Posts about the latest fabrics and trends. Get quilt patterns, free tutorials, tips and ideas for creating and decorating with quilts. Carried Away Quilting designs quilt patterns with a fresh vintage feel.
URL: https://carriedawayquilting.com/feed/
📡 Center Street Quilts Blog RSS feed
Hi, I'm Kristina, and welcome to Center Street Quilts! Here you'll find lots of quilt inspiration, tips, tutorials, and patterns.
URL: https://www.centerstreetquilts.com/feed/
📡 Chatterbox Quilts Blog RSS feed
Chatterbox Quilts provides tips and information on quilting and vintage sewing machines as well through online courses, YouTube videos and The Quilter's Way, a private online membership. Encouraging and inspiring quilters through online education to be happier and more productive in their quilt studios.
URL: https://www.chatterboxquilts.com/blog?format=RSS
📡 Christa Quilts Blog RSS feed
Make it yourself. Make it your own. Articles on Fabric, Favorite Tools, Inspiration, Machine Quilting, Quilt Alongs, Quilt Patterns and Sewing by Christa Watson. She has been sharing her love of quilting for over 20 years, teaching others to enjoy every part of the quilt-making process. Her quilting life changed for the better in 2013 when she discovered her passion for modern quilts and combined it with her style of 'perfectly imperfect' machine quilting.
URL: https://christaquilts.com/feed/
📡 Clever Chameleon Quilting Blog RSS feed
Welcome to the Clever Chameleon blog about designing and personalizing your quilts. Lots of great articles, interviews, and tutorials coming your way. Clever Chameleon is here to help you make your quilts truly yours. Here you will find applique and patchwork tutorials and patterns, ideas for embellishment and plenty of colour inspiration. Helping you quilt your own story!
URL: https://cleverchameleon.com.au/blog/feed/
📡 Clover & Violet | Bag Patterns for Quilters RSS feed
A mother-daughter team, we are designers of quilted, patchwork handbags and lovers of our families, coffee, quilting, sewing, and embroidery.
URL: http://www.cloverandviolet.com/feed
📡 Clover & Violet | Bag Patterns for Quilters RSS feed
Hi, I am Jennie. Mom to 3, quilter, pattern designer, bag maker, coffee drinker, planner lover & fabric hoader. Here I share quilt alongs tutorials, inspiration and a bit about my life.
URL: https://www.cloverandviolet.com/feed
📡 Cluck Cluck Sew RSS feed
Blog for free quilting tips and tutorials. Mother of 2 Allison started this blog in 2007 as a way to keep a record of the things she was making. She also started quilting around that time, so this blog has followed her journey from a brand new quilter, to a quilter that sort of knows what she's doing.
URL: https://cluckclucksew.com/feed
📡 Color Girl Quilts Blog RSS feed
Tutorials for instructions on quilting techniques from beginner to advanced. Sharon is a designer of unique modern/traditional quilts. She has published patterns to make quilts which are available as pdf or wholesale to shops through major distributors.
URL: https://colorgirlquilts.com/blog/feed
📡 Comfy Quilts N Things RSS feed
Articles feature the latest and quality quilt designs along with quilting how-tos. Comfy Quilts N Things provides Custom quilts in any size or color and is hosted by Carolyn Albright who's a quilter and hopes to inspire others with ups and downs and fun times in her quilting journeys.
URL: https://www.comfy-quilts.com/blog?format=rss
📡 Coriander Quilts RSS feed
Hey all & welcome to my blog! I am a quilty mom of two girls and wife to one great husband. In my spare time, I enjoy playing with fabric in the form of quilts and quilt designs. I hope you like my blog and stop by again.
URL: https://corianderquilts.com/feed/
📡 Crazy Victoriana crazy for Quilts RSS feed
Crazy Victoriana crazy for Quilts Blog, where adventures of the quilting (modern/improv, crazy, art, liberated, and traditional) hand stitching and embellishing sort happen! Subscribe and read the latest posts.
URL: https://crazyvictoriana.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Creative Longarm Quilting Blog RSS feed
Get to know about longarm quilitng at Creative Longarm Quilting by Karen Marchetti. She is a artist, wife, mom, award-winning quilter, Gammill Educator/Quilt Artist and traveling quilting instructor. She believes her blog is kinda like potluck, you never know what you'll get, but there's usually something really good!
URL: https://creativelongarmquilting.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Creativeinstincts's Weblog RSS feed
This blog depicts Leena's journey into a world of creativity. She is one of the founding members of the first FB community in India on quilting and currently run the 'India Quilt Guild' on facebook, a 1000 member quilting community that believes in learning and growing together.
URL: https://creativeinstincts.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Daydreams of Quilts Blog RSS feed
Welcome to Daydreams of Quilts Blog! I am Ainta, it's wonderful that you are here. Here you will find posts about quilting both as a hobby and as a business. I strives to share my quilting knowledge gained in over twenty years of quilting and business knowledge gained in seven years of business. We publishes PDF patterns and quilting tutorials, and sell our patterns and ebook on Etsy as well as handmade quilts, Christmas stockings, bags, wallets and more.
URL: https://daydreamsofquiltsblog.com/feed/
📡 Diary of a Quilter Blog RSS feed
A personal blog about quilting, sewing and life as a mother. Lots of free tutorials including beginning quilting tutorials, binding tutorials, and other sewing projects like bags, quilt blocks and nursing covers.
URL: https://www.diaryofaquilter.com/feed/
📡 Dreamworthy Quilts Blog RSS feed
Quilt patterns, sewing projects, fabric, jewelry, and all things crafty. Deana has been addicted to quilting for over 20 years. She loves meeting other quilters because they are the best people to be around! She like scrappy, applique', paper piecing, a little bit of modern, and trying all new techniques.
URL: https://dreamworthyquilts.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 During Quiet Time Blog RSS feed
Modern Quilting and Paper Piecing. Run by Amy Friend.
URL: https://duringquiettime.com/feed
📡 Elm Grove Patchwork Blog RSS feed
Latest news and happenings at Elm Grove Patchwork including the latest fabric arrivals, new gadgets, visiting tutors and some of the projects that customers are working on. Elm Grove Patchwork focuses on retailing patchwork fabric, books, and patterns with a strong focus on reproduction quilts.
URL: https://elmgrovepatchwork.typepad.com/my-blog/atom.xml
📡 Exuberant Color RSS feed
Exuberant Color is your source to read about quilting. The blog features articles, tutorials, new pattern ideas, guidance, and more.
URL: https://exuberantcolor.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Farmhouse Quilts Blog RSS feed
Hello, my name is Monique and here on my blog I love to share posts about my quilting obsession, but usually sprinkled with a fun dose of gardening, home decorating, family life, and other creative pursuits. I have always enjoyed doing all kinds of crafts, anything from ( simple!) knitting to scrapbooking to cardmaking, but when I discovered quilting 19 years ago, it changed everything!
URL: https://myfarmhousequilts.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Felicia's World Blog RSS feed
Tutorials on quilting by Felicia. Try some of her projects, to get inspired to create your own. She is a lover of all things involving quilting, quilting patterns, and textile arts, needlework and quilt designer, blogger, craft lover, and a passionate traveler. Her website is designed to inspire you to include more beauty, joy, and Walking Through Leaves into your life.
URL: https://www.feliciasworld.com/feed/
📡 Fig Tree & Co RSS feed
Fig Tree & Co. designs fabrics & quilt, sewing, accessory patterns for the fabric & craft industry.
URL: https://figtreequilts.typepad.com/my_weblog/atom.xml
📡 Fig Tree & Company Blog RSS feed
At Fig Tree & Company, we produce over 150 quilting, sewing, children's patterns, and thematic booklets. We focus our quilting designs on classic patterns with fresh and innovative methods so that they are accessible to every level of the sewer.
URL: https://blog.figtreeandcompany.com/feed/
📡 Film in the Fridge RSS feed
Modern quilts, clothing, fabric, and photos
URL: https://filminthefridge.com/feed/
📡 Flamingo Toes RSS feed
My name is Beverly and here you'll find all the latest tutorials, patterns, and more creative projects featured by the top US sewing, quilting, and crafts blog, Flamingo Toes. My goal with this website is for it to be a FUN place.
URL: https://flamingotoes.com/feed/
📡 Fons & Porter Blog RSS feed
Quilting Daily has the best resources for quilters including quilt patterns, how-to quilt videos and quilting magazines. Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting is America's Favorite Quilting Magazine. Their Love of Quilting is found under the umbrella of Quilting Daily. Their goal is for you to enjoy making quilts as much as they do.
URL: https://www.quiltingdaily.com/feed/
📡 For the love of geese RSS feed
For the love of geese offers free and for sale paper pieced quilt patterns. My blog is where I share my love of quilting.
URL: https://fortheloveofgeese.com/feed/
📡 Fourrobbins - Quilts RSS feed
This section features the latest and innovative quilt patterns and designs along with tutorials to help you with quilting. Fourrobbins is all about Krista's adventures with family, fabric, food, gardening, and making.
URL: https://fourrobbins.com/feed/
📡 Freemotion by the River RSS feed
Learn how to make quilts using the fast and easy tutorials and patterns designed by Connie Kresin Campbell. You'll find baby quilts, table runners, fabric baskets and more with detailed tutorials and lots of step by step photos. Connie Lives along the Mississippi River near Muscatine, Iowa and free-motion quilting is her favorite type of quilting.
URL: https://conniekresin.com/feed/
📡 Fresh Lemons Modern Quilts Blog RSS feed
Posts feature different and innovative modern quilts and patterns. Fresh Lemons Quilts is all about Modern Quilts, Home Decor, and Handcrafted Clothing.
URL: https://www.freshlemonsquilts.com/journal?format=rss
📡 From My Carolina Home Blog RSS feed
Hi, I'm carole. So glad you are here! Follow my blog for lots of fun things, new tutorials, quilt alongs, cardmaking, crafts, cooking, gardening, sewing and more. I have written articles for various sewing, quilting and book newsletters for years. I have taught sewing classes, held leadership positions in sewing and quilting clubs.
URL: https://frommycarolinahome.com/feed/
📡 Generations Quilt Patterns Blog RSS feed
The Generations Quilt Patterns Blog is the fast and easy way to find the latest information tutorials about generations-quilt-patterns, new quilting techniques to try for your newest project and Reviews of the latest quilt books and tools that we use. Dedicated to helping quilters each stitch of the way.
URL: https://www.generations-quilt-patterns.com/quilt-patterns.xml
📡 Geta's Quilting Studio Blog RSS feed
Geta love's sharing tutorials, patterns and tips for easy and fun quilting. She designs quilt and bag patterns, and is passionate about fabric and color.
URL: http://www.getasquiltingstudio.com/feed
📡 Gigi's Thimble RSS feed
Hi! I'm Amber. I'm a quilter. I'm an author. I'm a pattern designer. I'm a runner. I started quilting a few months after I got married. I'd say my design style is traditional with a hint of a mod. I love happy quilts and fabrics. I think when you make a quilt it should be an enjoyable, creative process and I think the finished quilt should make you smile.
URL: http://www.gigisthimble.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 GnomeAngel Blog RSS feed
My name is Angie and I started GnomeAngel.com in 2008 and while the topics that I've covered have been in constant evolution the one thing that hasn't changed is my passion for sharing, inspiring and creating quilts. I love writing about the things that are captivating me, intriguing me and just causing me to run around the house like a lunatic. My mission is to inspire people to follow their dreams through the sharing of my passion for being creative.
URL: https://www.gnomeangel.com/feed/
📡 Grace and Peace Quilting RSS feed
Faith, family, friends & fiber! I'm a computerized longarm quilter. I was a missionary in Japan for 24 years and I'm a retired home school teacher. I quilt every day and work at my LQS. Welcome to my Quiltland!
URL: https://www.graceandpeacequilting.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Grass Roots Quilting Blog RSS feed
Tutorials and workshop on quilting by Sharon. Grass Roots Quilting is where she explores and shares her passion of piecework and quilting. In 2013 she got the opportunity to learn more about the craft of quilting from Gwen Marston, who she greatly admire. What she loved about learning from Gwen was that she was a technique teacher, and with Gwen's blessing, she is now teaching some of her techniques that she passed along to me.
URL: http://grassrootsquilting.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Gray Barn Designs RSS feed
We have so many quilt pattern ideas in our heads. We started this blog to share them with you and we hope you enjoy our quilt patterns!
URL: https://graybarndesigns.com/feed/
📡 Happy Quilting Blog RSS feed
Hi! I am Melissa Corry. I created this space as an extension to my blog to share my love of fabric, piecing, and quilting! I am a mom of 4 little ones so that means nap time and bed time equal quilting time. Check me out at my stomping grounds online at Happy Quilting.
URL: http://www.happyquiltingmelissa.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Heather Givans Blog RSS feed
Contemporary modern and repurposed vintage fabrics, notions, quilts, & classes. Heather Givans mission is to create community among sewists in the Downtown Indianapolis area. Modern Quilter was born out of an obsession with creating non-traditional quilts.
URL: https://heathergivans.com/feed/
📡 Home with Andrea Sims RSS feed
Hi there, I'm Andrea! Quilter, pattern designer, wife, and mother of four. This is where I share my days at home, quilt patterns, designs, projects, correction, and more quilting stuff.
URL: https://homewithandreasims.com/feed/
📡 If These Threads Could Talk Blog RSS feed
Keep up with articles on how to quilt from If These Threads Could Talk.Jackie's great joy was to become a Studio 180 Design Certified Instructor for Deb Tucker in 2013. She also offer classes/workshops for all Studio 180 Design tools and techniques.
URL: https://ifthesethreadscouldtalk.com/feed/
📡 In Color Order Blog RSS feed
In Color Order is the personal craft blog of Jeni Baker where she share's her creative adventures in sewing, quilting, and knitting also focusing on sewing projects, modern quilts, and tutorials as well as thrifting, vintage finds, baking, and rabbits. She started sewing from a very young age. Finding ways to be creative every day, in Fall 2015 she wrote her first book, Patchwork Essentials: The Half-Square Triangle, with Lucky Spool Media.
URL: https://www.incolororder.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Indiana Quilter 40 RSS feed
Welcome and...I want to encourage and inspire quilters. It's a great world filled with color, texture, fun and sassy people, encouragement, and sharing.
URL: https://indianaquilter40.com/feed/
📡 International Association of Professional Quilters Blog RSS feed
ICAP's mission is to help creative arts professionals craft business success from their creative passion.
URL: http://www.creativeartsprofessional.com/weblog/feed
📡 Jaybird Quilts Blog RSS feed
Free tutorials and articles on Finished quilt, Hex N More, Original design, Patterns, Super sidekick and Tula pink. Jaybird Quilts by Julie Herman is a girl on a mission to make life better with fabric
URL: http://www.jaybirdquilts.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Jinny Beyer Blog RSS feed
For more than four decades, Jinny has been quilting, teaching, writing books, and designing fabrics for quilters. She is world-renowned for her fabric designs. She's the author of twelve books, including The Quilter's Album of Patchwork Patterns, an encyclopedia of more than 4000 patchwork blocks that incorporate historical and drafting information.
URL: https://jinnybeyer.com/feed
📡 Jo's Country Junction RSS feed
I've been blogging here since 2009. I use my blog as somewhat of a journal and open it up and let you all in. I love my family, quilting, reading, gardening, and cooking.
URL: http://www.joscountryjunction.com/feed/
📡 Jolly Jabber Blog RSS feed
The Jolly Jabber is dedicated to cultivating a crafty lifestyle for quilters, sewists, crafters, and fabric enthusiasts alike. We can't wait to share our ideas and see yours, too!
URL: https://blog.fatquartershop.com/feed/
📡 Julies Quilt Class RSS feed
Quilting Instructor, Designer, Blogger Sewing Machine, and Software Specialist. Independent instructor for Quilt Guilds, Sewing Shows, Adult Education, Teachers Professional Development.
URL: http://juliesquiltclass.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Just Get It Done Quilts Blog RSS feed
Welcome. Here we'll explore quilts and quilt blocks to make them efficiently with colors that work for you. There are patterns to download. And fun to be had. I'm a quilter, crafter, mother, wife, daughter, businesswoman but not necessarily in that order. I love to make things and like nothing better than checking things off the list.
URL: https://www.justgetitdonequilts.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 Just Let Me Quilt RSS feed
Follow this blog for more information, patterns, tips on quilting and sewing. Carol loves to sew, play in blog hops, cuddle her Monkey Boys and hang out with her family.
URL: https://www.justletmequilt.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Karen's Quilting RSS feed
My 'blog' related to quilts and other things that interest me.
URL: http://karensquilting.com/blog/feed/
📡 Karen's Quilts, Crows and Cardinals RSS feed
Promote the joy of quilt making by sharing applique (wool and needle turn) and free motion quilting techniques, patterns and designs that use these techniques. Redbird Quilt Co. also offers free motion quilting services for small to medium size quilts.
URL: https://karensquiltscrowscardinals.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Katie Mae Quilts Blog RSS feed
Articles on Quilt Pattern, BOMs Away!, Scraphabet Quilt, Quilts of Valor, Christmas Quilts. Kate is a Air Force wife and mom to two kids who are obsessed with Minky quilt backs. She makes custom t-shirt quilts and does longarm quilting.
URL: https://www.katiemaequilts.com/blog?format=rss
📡 KatyQuilts Blog RSS feed
My musings on art and life. A Quilting Blog by Katy. She began long arm quiltinga few years back, mostly so she could complete more Quilts of Valor faster. She have a passion for covering brave vets with hand made quilts.
URL: https://katyquilts.net/feed/
📡 Kelly Cline Quilting RSS feed
Quilting vintage quilts and linens is my love! I hope you'll follow me on this daily journey for inspiration and ideas for your own projects.
URL: https://www.kellyclinequilting.com/kelly-cline-quilting/blog?format=rss
📡 Kitchen Table Quilting Blog RSS feed
The blog features finished quilts, tutorials, tips, and patterns for making quilts and other sewing projects. Erica Taylor Jackman is a mom to 3 crazy kids making entirely too many quilts in San Diego. She began this blog early in 2012 as a way to share her finished projects and participate in the quilting community.
URL: https://www.kitchentablequilting.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Koolkat's Quilting Blog RSS feed
A journal through quilts, UFOs and ideas and various trivia. Mission is to To provide excellent service and advice for our quilting customers, and a range of original quilt patterns and kits for the enjoyment of quilters. Run by Kathy Adams.
URL: http://koolkatquilting.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Laundry Basket Quilts Blog RSS feed
Laundry Basket Quilts designs and manufacturers' original quilt patterns with innovative techniques for traditional piecing, raw edge appliqu, and paper foundation methods.
URL: https://www.laundrybasketquilts.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 Lily Pad Quilting Blog RSS feed
A blog on quilting, crafting, and cooking by Lily Pad Quilting. It is the companion blog for Ole Frog Eyes, and they try to let you know about the blocks being uploaded on the site, and the progress made there. Also bring you news of fabulous sponsors, where you can find the fabrics and supplies that you need to complete the project on your virtual design wall.
URL: http://lilypadquilting.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Lisa Helen Quilts Blog RSS feed
Hi! I am Lias, and this is my blog on Quilting, Sewing and More! I love teaching children and adults. Teaching 'correct' quilting skills is important in developing good techniques to make beautiful quilted items. I was in middle school when sewing was first thought to me.
URL: https://www.lisahelenquilts.com/feed/
📡 Lo & Behold Stitchery Blog RSS feed
Hello, I'm Brittany. I had a dream that I could create my own unique vibe in the world of quilting. I released my first quilt pattern in the fall of 2017, which was truly the start of Lo & Behold Stitchery. Through unique quilt patterns, thoughtfully curated fabric ideas, and quilting education we aim to inspire, empower and encourage others to create beauty in the world through the art of quilting.
URL: https://www.loandbeholdstitchery.com/blogs/lo-and-behold.atom
📡 Making Scrap Quilts from Stash Blog RSS feed
This site is mainly about my quilting. I'm a self taught quilter and my focus is donation quilting along with blogging, designing, knitting, and organizing the HeartStrings Quilt Project.
URL: https://blog.maryquilts.com/feed/
📡 Mary Marcotte RSS feed
Mary shares quilting articles, tutorials, and lectures.
URL: https://marymarcotte.com/feed/
📡 Material Girl Quilts Blog RSS feed
Material Girl Quilts Blog showcasing Amanda Castor's latest creative projects including free tutorials, quilt patterns, and fabric. Amanda Castor is a quilter, designer, and lover of fabric. She started her blog in 2012. She is also a new fabric designer for Riley Blake Designs. Her style is inspired by traditional quilts with a modern flair. Fresh patterns and colors are what make her heart sing.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MaterialGirlQuilts-Blog
📡 Melva Loves Scraps Blog RSS feed
Hi! I'm Melva. I love scraps. I love vintage quilts and I love preserving the stories of quilters and the quilts they make. This blog was originally started in 2011 when I participated in a weekly scrapbooking challenge. I soon lost interest in the challenge and the blog went to the wayside until I submitted a block for volume 8 of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks publication in 2013. Shortly after, I decided that this would be a great way to document and share the stories of my quilts and some of the thoughts and experiences of life as I make them.
URL: https://melvalovesscraps.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Midway Wool Company-Blog RSS feed
Here at Midway Wool we strive to help you create cotton and wool quilts and other projects. We hand dye our own wool and work with many local designers to help come up with unique projects for you.
URL: https://www.midwaywool.com/midway-wool-blog?format=rss
📡 Missouri Quilting Blog RSS feed
The Missouri Quilt Blog shows how quilting can be fun and give you easy quilting projects, quick quilting how-to tutorials, and commentary to keep you smiling till the very last stitch. Their mission is to be the place for quilters to share the latest and greatest quilting deals, products, tips & tricks, quilting news, projects, patterns, tutorials, and ideas from around the world.
URL: http://blog.missouriquiltco.com/feed/
📡 MooseStash Quilting Blog RSS feed
I am Joan Kawano and MooseStash is about Quilting, Sweing and Laughter. I've been stitching for over 50 years now and my goal is to inspire and entertain you down this 'crazy' quilting road we all love to travel! Feel free to join in, and for heavens sake, don't let those crazy hats scare you. We all need a good laugh!
URL: https://www.moosestashquilting.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 My Quilt Infatuation RSS feed
I'm a Louisiana girl living outside of Memphis, Tennessee- a busy wife, mom, modern quilter, pattern designer, and counter of blessings!
URL: http://www.myquiltinfatuation.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 My Quilt Infatuation RSS feed
Welcome to My Quilt Infatuation! My love affair with quilts began long before I ever owned my first sewing machine. I'm a fabric-obsessed quilter, author, pattern designer, and quilt teacher! I've loved them for as long as I can remember, and made my first quilt almost 20 years ago!
URL: http://www.myquiltinfatuation.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Nancy Zieman Productions Blog RSS feed
Sewing, quilting and embroidery techniques for hobbyists of all skill levels. Nancy Zieman Productions (Team NZP) is honored to carry on Nancy's legacy and love of sewing and quilting through sharing Nancy's time-saving sewing techniques at the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog. She is author, maker & host of the Sewing With Nancy TV Show.
URL: https://nancyzieman.com/blog/feed/
📡 On Point Quilter Blog RSS feed
On Point Quilter provides top-of-the-line machine quilting, quilt patterns, and instruction to interested clients. It is their mission to help you create exceptional gifts for your friends and family. Kari Schell is the founder/owner of On Point Quilter. Her online training including Shoot for the Stars with EQ8 and Tech Know Quilters has made learning how to unleash the power of Electric Quilt accessible to all owners of EQ8.
URL: http://www.onpointquilter.com/1/feed
📡 PamKittyMorning Blog RSS feed
A blog on Quilting, sewing, knitting and making things by Pam Vieira-McGinnis.
URL: http://pamkittymorning.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Pat Sloan Quilt Blog RSS feed
Pat Sloan's corner of the internet, thoughts on quilting, travel, decorating and a bit more! Also covers articles on Aurifil Thread, Charity Sew Alongs, Christmas Projects , Fabric 101, Freebies & Round Ups, Life with Pat, Pat's Quilts, SeW AloNG!, UFO Busting and Product Reviews. She is quilt designer and book author, radio/podcast show host and fabric designer.
URL: https://blog.patsloan.com/atom.xml
📡 Patchouli Moon Studio Blog RSS feed
A blog about quilting, knitting, handbags and more by Daryl. She love's creating colorful handmade items such as quilts, purses, bags, totes, & knitted items. She also sell handmade items directly on her blog and some in my Etsy Shop too.
URL: https://patchouli-moon-studio.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Patchwork Posse Blog RSS feed
The Patchwork Posse Blog helps you begin quilting, no matter your skill. Learn new quilting and sewing techniques with free tutorials, videos, and patterns! Patchwork Posse readers range from beginners to experienced sewers and quilters. They are excited to step out of the box and try a new technique, cut off corners, and mix and match fabric, patterns, and textures.
URL: https://www.patchworkposse.com/feed/
📡 Piece N Quilt Blog RSS feed
A quilt blog about machine quilting and sewing tutorials. Natalia Bonner is the author of Beginner's Guide to Free-Motion Quilting. Piece N Quilt is run by her and Brad Bonner, featuring darling machine quilting, books and patterns. Natalia is also a full time long-arm machine quilter.
URL: http://www.pieceandquilt.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Pinkadot Quilts Blog RSS feed
Tutorials on Hexagon Fabric Dish, Applique Circles, Bindings, Flying Geese, Wool rugby and more by Kelly Hogan. She loves to quilt, garden and occasionally cook.
URL: https://pinkadotquilts.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Pinker n Punkin Quilting & Stitching Blog RSS feed
Hi, I'm Melisa. In my blog, I share my love of quilting, cross-stitch, crafting, thrifting, decorating and so much more.
URL: https://pinkernpunkinquilting.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Plum Quilts Blog RSS feed
Hi, I'm Plum. This is my quilting story as it unfolds. I patchwork, I quilt, I try to encourage my husband and two girls to do the same - so far with limited success!
URL: https://plumquilts.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 QUILTSocial Magazine RSS feed
QUILTsocial was created for all quilters, beginners and experts alike, to empower them with the skills, techniques, and creativity required to make quilts that will be cherished forever. Our goal is also to keep viewers abreast of new quilting products, and how to use them effectively to make quilting easier and enjoyable.
URL: https://quiltsocial.com/feed/
📡 Quilt Alliance RSS feed
Quilt Alliance (the Alliance for American Quilts) documents, preserves and shares the rich history of quilts and quiltmakers. Follow us today!
URL: https://quiltalliance.org/feed/
📡 Quilt Inspiration RSS feed
Hi! We're Marina & Daryl Lynn. We had an arts-and-crafts upbringing in Pasadena, California. Our grandmother taught us how to sew on a Singer Featherweight. Quilting and sewing remained a passion, but careers in other fields became all-consuming. We created Quilt Inspiration to pay tribute to the artists who inspire us with their beautiful works.
URL: http://quiltinspiration.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Quilt Instructions Blog RSS feed
Quilt patterns, sewing projects, fabric, jewelry, and all things crafty. Quilt Instructions is for everyone who loves to sew with passion, either with their hands or with models and types of sewing machines available in the market. They are pleased to bring you the best content from authors of several blogs and show you the most beautiful materials made with crochet, macrame and knitting.
URL: https://quiltinstructions.com/feed/
📡 Quiltdom Blog RSS feed
At Quiltdom, you'll enjoy quilting tutorials, quilting reviews, info on the best quilting supplies, and news from around the web on the latest quilting trends, patterns, and information. It was founded in 2017 by Webnosis Media, headquartered in Asheville, North Carolina. You can also shop for beautiful new quilting fabrics, block patterns, notions, and gifts for your favorite quilter.
URL: https://quiltdom.com/feed/
📡 Quilted Joy Blog RSS feed
Machine Quilting articles, tutorials, videos, and fun blog posts about our APQS longarm quilting studio in Louisville. Learn about upcoming classes. Angela Huffman owns and operates her quilting studio, training center, and APQS dealership. She is a blue ribbon quilter and is the Co-Host of the Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting, a national PBS television program.
URL: https://quiltedjoy.com/feed
📡 Quilted Twins Blog RSS feed
Rachael and Becky are the Quilted Twins. Becky is the one who originally 'got into' quilting, and adores the sewing side of the business, from pattern design to quilting completion. Rachael, on the other hand, is a gifted businesswoman and has seen success with other business ventures. Together, the Quilted Twins are a team that wants to bring quilting back to the people and back to the home.
URL: https://blog.quiltedtwins.com/new-blog?format=rss
📡 Quilter's Review Blog RSS feed
Quilter's Review is a resource for quilters of all skill levels. Inside you will find handy quilting tips from experts and reviews of products, machines and books about quilting. Created to help you know all the answers, own all the right tools and become a better, more efficient, and happier quilter.
URL: https://www.quiltersreview.com/feed/
📡 QuilterBlogs.com RSS feed
Gain inspiration from thousands of quilting bloggers around the world, all in one place.
URL: https://www.quilterblogs.com/feed/atom/
📡 Quilters Candy RSS feed
Hi there! I'm Elizabeth. If I could tell my 13-year-old self I was a quilter, I would have laughed in disbelief. However, a few years ago I discovered how cool quilting really is! I want to share how cool quilting is with others. Quilters Candy brings you top quilt patterns from top designers in the Quilters Candy Membership. Learn how to write YOUR quilt patterns.
URL: https://quilterscandy.com/feed/
📡 Quilting Gail RSS feed
A scrappy quilter's quilting blog. Watch my journey and maybe learn something new! Future plans include sew-a-longs, mystery quilts and some free patterns.
URL: https://quiltinggail.com/feed/
📡 Quilting Is My Therapy Blog RSS feed
Hi! My name is Angela Walters, the main purpose of my blog is to serve as a significant resource for machine quilters for inspiration and instruction. My goal is that anyone who comes to my blog will see clear, up close pictures of machine quilting, tips and tricks for picking out quilting designs, machine quilting tutorials and much, much more.
URL: https://quiltingismytherapy.com/feed/
📡 Quilting Jetgirl Blog RSS feed
Tutorials on quilt pattern by Yvonne. She is an intuitive introvert who is passionate about hometown and online quilting community, she believes that quilts can cover the world with care and love. Her blogging platform is to cultivate a community by which she shares her passion for quilt making and quilt pattern designing.
URL: https://quiltingjetgirl.com/feed/
📡 Quilting in the Loft Blog RSS feed
Blog with an emphasis on quilting and sewing and inspiring others with easy, fun, DIY projects and discussions about the best sewing and quilting supplies and tools. Robin Bogaert is a Professional Long Arm Quilter, Quilt Pattern Designer and Quilting Teacher in Waterloo, Ontario Canada specializing in Pantograph and custom machine quilting.
URL: https://www.quiltingintheloft.com/1/feed
📡 Quilting in the Rain Blog RSS feed
Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist. My name is Jera, and I enjoy figuring out how to simplify sewing techniques in a creative way and share them here. I'm a quilter from Seattle with a serious fabric addiction, author of two books (3rd on the way!), a fabric designer, a momma of 2 handsome boys, and work in clinical research.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/QuiltingInTheRain
📡 Quilting...for the Rest of Us RSS feed
I am a traditional quilter, a modern quilter, and an art quilter. I've gotten into hand-dyeing, spinning, and needle-felting. I do whatever catches my fancy at any given moment with no regard to categories or definitions. I have a passion for encouraging others and empowering their sense of personal creativity. Run by Sandy.
URL: http://quiltingfortherestofus.com/blog?format=rss
📡 Quilts of Love RSS feed
A view to the many quilts I've created over the years. I have also added recent smocking projects to the blog.
URL: https://quiltsoflove.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Quiltscapes Blog RSS feed
Adventures in quilting & sewing. Professional machine quilting and binding service, quilt rescue and repair, quilting classes, patterns, free tutorials and more. Quiltscapes: Professional Custom Machine-Quilting and Quilt School by Deonn.
URL: https://www.quiltscapesqs.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Quilts….etc. RSS feed
I'm Karen. I have been quilting for a lot of years. I hand quilt, handpiece, and machine piece, love needle turn applique. Quilting is the main craft that I enjoy although I can do other needlecrafts and have worked in stain glass.
URL: https://karensquilting.com/blog/feed/
📡 Quiltville's Quips & Snips!! RSS feed
Catch up with Bonnie's doings through her Quiltville's Quips & Snips.. There you will find Quiltville's calendar for lectures and workshops, tips and tricks, techniques, tutorials and a long list of free quilt patterns to help you dig into your scraps. She is a Quilter, Teacher, Author, Hopeless Scrapaholic! She shares her love of scrappy quilts through traveling this wonderful world, visiting quilt guilds and shops and giving lectures & workshops.
URL: https://quiltville.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Quilty Love Blog RSS feed
A quilting creative blog. Find easy to follow pre-cut friendly quilt patterns by Emily Dennis. A modern quilt patterns for the modern quilter. She made her first quilt in 2012, it was a memory t-shirt quilt for a loved one.
URL: https://www.quiltylove.com/feed/
📡 Red Pepper Quilts Blog RSS feed
A blog about fabric, patchwork and quilts. Ritas quilting style is fresh and modern; using really simple and often traditional design ideas to make colorful quilts. Her blog is a journal of her creative self, and she hope to show readers that easy to make quilts can be really striking, and that by taking small risks in fabric and color selection the final product won't disappoint. It is all about sharing her knowledge, and hope inspire others to pick up the rotary cutter and use their fabric stash.
URL: http://www.redpepperquilts.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Reproduction Quilt Lover RSS feed
A community for quilters who love traditional quilts, reproducing them, and are inspired by antique quilts.
URL: https://reproquiltlover.com/feed/
📡 Ricky Tims Blog RSS feed
Posts on quilting by Ricky Tims. He has successfully blended two diverse passions into one very unique and interesting career. His skills as a pianist, composer, and producer have been evident by the thousands who have heard his music. His success as a quilter is equally significant. He is known in the international world of quilting as a best-selling author, enthusiastic and encouraging teacher. His quilts have been displayed worldwide and are highly regarded as excellent examples of contemporary quilts with traditional appeal.
URL: https://www.rickytims.com/?format=feed&type=rss
📡 Samelia's Mum RSS feed
An Australian mum, blogging about family, food, lifestyle, and craft. Quilting and handmade are favorites.
URL: https://www.sameliasmum.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Scrapdash RSS feed
Hi! I'm Kris Driessen! I started sewing when I was a young whippersnapper, learning from my mother and grandmother. Scrapdash is the place to find free how-to tutorials for quilt blocks and patterns which explain sewing and quilting techniques to beginners. Follow our fun and easy mystery quilts, too!
URL: https://scrapdash.com/feed/
📡 Silly Mama Quilts Blog RSS feed
Follow along on brooke's blog where she shares design process, offers tutorials and fabric scrap giveaways! She uses contemporary fabrics to design quilts and other handmade projects.
URL: http://www.sillymamaquilts.com/feed/
📡 Sister's Choice Quilts Blog RSS feed
Quilting, Blocks, Around the House, Quilts in Progress and Sew Along by Nicole. Her passion is quiltmaking, decorating, cooking, entertaining, reading, and matters of style interest her greatly.
URL: https://sisterschoice.typepad.com/sisters_choice_quilts/atom.xml
📡 Southern Charm Quilts Blog RSS feed
If you are head over heels for quilt making, gushing about fabric, and growing your skills, you are in the right place! Melanie Traylor writes about bag making, anthologies quilt, how-tos, quilt inspiration, pattern, quilt photography, and quilting basics.
URL: https://southerncharmquilts.com/blog/feed/
📡 Storied Quilts Blog RSS feed
Hello! Welcome to my blog. I am Vasudha Govindan and I live in Houston, Texas. This blog is an attempt to capture the stories around my quilts. I love to design and make quilts. My passion for quilting started about 15 years ago, in 2002, when I wanted to make a quilt for my newborn niece.
URL: http://storiedquilts.com/feed/
📡 String & Story Blog RSS feed
String & Story's mission is to guide more quilters around the world to quilt with confidence. We are particularly passionate about teaching Free Motion Quilting-- a skill that often gets put on a pedestal but one that adds so much freedom and creativity to finish your own quilts.
URL: https://www.stringandstory.com/blog?format=rss
📡 Sunshower Quilts Blog RSS feed
Tutorials and videos on quilting by Katrina. She is a quilter, a rug hooker, a quilting instructor and also a fitness teacher! She loves to learn and share.
URL: http://sunshowerquilts.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Susie's World | Quilt Creations! RSS feed
Welcome to my Blog. The Blog is supposed to be about quilting, which I love to do and am getting better at (!) I first started quilting in 2010. I have always loved to sew, having been taught by my Grandmother when I was young, but quilting had always fascinated me so when we went to the US for the second time in 2010 I bought some fabric and set off on my quilting journey.
URL: https://quilt-creations.co.uk/feed/
📡 Suzy Quilts Blog RSS feed
Modern Handcrafted Quilts, Original Designs and Thoughtfully Constructed Patterns by Suzy Williams. Also tutorials on quilting, quilting 101, sewing tools and free patterns. She is a founder of Suzy Quilts, rooted in a deep love for the heritage and tradition of quilting and a desire to craft unique, contemporary textiles. With a BFA in visual communications, Suzy uses her graphic design background to transform conventional sewing into a fresh, personal interpretation of minimal, modern design.
URL: https://suzyquilts.com/feed/
📡 Swim, Bike, Quilt! Blog RSS feed
Posts feature the latest and innovative Quilting design and patterns along with tutorials, announcements, and tips for starting and finishing your quilt. Swim, Bike, Quilt is a blog by Katie Blakesley, who enjoys swimming in the summer and skiing in the winter, and sewing (almost) all of the time.
URL: https://swimbikequilt.com/journal?format=rss
📡 Tamarack Shack Blog RSS feed
This blog is where I share photos of my quilts as well as my clients quilts. I have been quilting for over 20 years and have turned my passion for quilting into a home business. Tamarack Shack Longarm Quilting opened it's doors is January 2009 on the shores of Schist Lake in Northern Manitoba.
URL: https://tamarackshack.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 TeresaDownUnder Blog RSS feed
Free sewing, embroidery, crafting and quilting step-by-step tutorials at TeresaDownUnder. Teresa, born and raised in Spain, learned knitting, crochet, and embroidery from her sewer, knitter, lace-making mother. She love spending her spare time sewing and designing. She is also fond of drawing, painting, sculpting and embroidering.
URL: https://teresadownunder.com/feed/
📡 The Artisans Gifting Company Blog RSS feed
Welcome to our blog. Here you will find information, tips and tricks about quilting and embroidery for beginners to pro. Our goal is to share our knowledge with you. We are your online source for quilting fabrics and pre-cuts. We carry a wide variety of fabrics from Art Gallery Fabrics, Robert Kaufman Fabrics, Hoffman, Timeless Treasures just to name a few.
URL: https://www.theartisansgiftingcompany.com/blogs/artisans-blog.atom
📡 The Cozy Quilter RSS feed
Posts feature different types of quilt designs and inspiration. As a child, I slept under quilts made by my grandmother. I started making quilts as a teenager and have made several quilts over the years.
URL: https://thecozyquilter.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 The Cozy Quilter RSS feed
Posts feature different types of quilt designs and inspiration. As a child, I slept under quilts made by my grandmother. I started making quilts as a teenager and have made several quilts over the years.
URL: https://thecozyquilter.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Crafty Quilter Blog RSS feed
I am so excited that you've landed on my blog, The Crafty Quilter! My name is Julie Cefalu and I share my latest ideas, quilting tips and lessons learned in my sewing room here. I've always been crafty starting as a young girl with some yarn and a crochet hook. From there I've tried garment sewing, knitting, cross stitch, paper crafting, quilting, and now pattern designer. I am the mother of four amazing children and the wife to one amazing husband and I hope to inspire you along your creative journey.
URL: https://thecraftyquilter.com/feed/
📡 The Electric Quilt Blog RSS feed
Official blog of the Electric Quilt Company hosting sew alongs, and articles on quilting, crafting, and Electric Quilt news. A community for sharing projects, lessons, and inspiration for Electric Quilt software. The Electric Quilt Company produces the leading quilt design software in the industry, Since 1991. It takes pride on making software easy to use and offering top-notch technical support to the users.
URL: https://doyoueq.com/blog/feed/atom/
📡 The Free Motion Quilting Project Blog RSS feed
Learn more about free motion quilting through hundreds of free videos posted to the Free Motion Quilting Project blog by Leah Day. She began this blog in 2009 with the goal to create 365 new free motion quilting designs in a year.
URL: https://freemotionproject.com/feed
📡 The Joyful Quilter Blog RSS feed
Welcome to The Joyful Quilter where I post 'The List', along with pictures of new additions. Subsequent posts show the progress I've made and any quilts that I complete. Hopefully, you'll enjoy reading a little about these projects, too. My blog was started at the request of some Ravelry friends. We were starting a UFO Club and they wanted to be able to see the projects on my list.
URL: https://thejoyfulquilter.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 The Last Piece RSS feed
The Last Piece by Sarah Fielke co-author of Material Obsession is a quilt blog with new ideas, fabrics, projects.
URL: https://thelastpiece.typepad.com/the_last_piece/atom.xml
📡 The Little Mushroom Cap RSS feed
Hi! I'm Amira Saryati Ameruddin.I find joy in making quilts, learning new techniques, and expressing my creativity. I plan to build a business around my creative adventure, but my main objective is to encourage others to start exploring their creativity by inspiring ideas, sharing tutorials, patterns, and a lot more!
URL: https://www.thelittlemushroomcap.com/feed/
📡 The Quilt Show Blog RSS feed
Everything from Traditional Quilts to Updated Classics and Art Quilts to Modern Quilts are covered in the shows with details on the piecing, painting, embellishing and quilting done by today's quilters. The Quilt Show is the world's first full-service interactive online video/web TV created just for quilters. Their mission is to educate, inspire, entertain, connect and grow the world-quilting community in a fun, positive and interactive way.
URL: https://thequiltshow.com/blog?format=feed&type=rss
📡 The Quilters Touch | Professional Longarm Quilting RSS feed
Professional Longarm Quilting, since 2007, Debra offers a variety of quilting techniques to finish your quilts. Fast turn around time, weeks instead of months. Quilting for customers in Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, and all other states in the USA.
URL: https://www.thequilterstouch.com/feed/
📡 Tied with a Ribbon Blog RSS feed
Welcome to Tied with a Ribbon - I'm Jemima Flendt. I have grown up to love and be inspired by all things fabric, textiles, buttons, ribbons, and embellishments. I design and create Quilt and Sewing Patterns for my label Tied with a Ribbon, specializing in modern, fun designs that pack a punch and deliver helpful skills and tips so that even a beginner Quilter/sewer can feel confident in making.
URL: http://www.blog.tiedwitharibbon.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Timna Tarr Blog RSS feed
A blog about quilts and quilting, with an occasional cat photo thrown in for good measure. Timna Tarr comes from a long line of quilters but did not begin quilting until after studying art history in college. She bought her first longarm in 2001 and began quilting clients' quilts shortly thereafter. She is a designer for Studio e Fabrics and is an in-demand teacher and speaker.
URL: https://www.timnatarr.com/blog?format=RSS
📡 Twiggy and Opal RSS feed
Modern Quilting. Bold and Bright!
URL: https://twiggyandopal.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Vicki's Crafts and Quilting Blog RSS feed
Keep up with articles from Vicki's Crafts and Quilting. Get to know about projects that showcase machine embroidery, heirloom sewing, quilting, bag making and crocheting.
URL: http://knitbug2.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 WOMBAT QUILTS | An Aussie's adventures in quilting RSS feed
Welcome to my little piece of the blogasphere. My name is Cath and this Blog is a record of my quilting adventure which involves quite a bit of colour and lots of paper piecing.
URL: https://wombatquilts.com/feed/
📡 Wedding Dress Blue RSS feed
Hi! I'm Deanna. I try to fit quilting and sewing into a busy family and church life and feel very lucky if I get an hour a day. It seems that I nearly MUST have some creative time each day in order to feel fully alive. I write about Charitable Works, Clothing Construction, Quilts, Recipes, Reviews, Second Chance, Quilts, tutorials, and more.
URL: https://weddingdressblue.wordpress.com/feed
📡 Wendy's Quilts and More RSS feed
Hello, and welcome. I'm Wendy Welsh and I'm a modern hand quilter from New Zealand. I love working with bright colors. I learned to sew at a young age and I've been sewing ever since. I enjoy embroidery as well as quilting and feature both on my blog.
URL: https://wendysquiltsandmore.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 With Heart and Hands Blog RSS feed
Creative Arts Blogger Michele Bilyeu shares her sewing, quilting, and crafting journey from Alaska to Oregon at With Heart and Hands. A not-for-profit, 'neighbor-helping-neighbor' organization which pairs volunteers with care receivers in their community for a variety of services.
URL: https://www.with-heart-and-hands.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Zippy Quilts Blog RSS feed
My name is Mary J. Puckett. Zippy Quilts is a blog where you will find all the tips and tricks for Modern and scrap quilts. I've been 'sewing' since I was old enough to hold scissors, but my first real project was a dress (for my sister, I was no fool), made when I was around 11.
URL: https://zippyquilts.blog/feed/
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