23 Public Policy RSS feeds
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📡 AsianPolyGlotView RSS feed
Asian Polyglot View Blog offers unique news and views on a variety of topics including macroeconomy, finance, international relations, current events, public policy and foreign languages for US, China, Japan and Korea.
URL: https://asianpolyglotview.com/feed
📡 CPPP | Center for Public Policy Priorities RSS feed
CPPP is an independent public policy organization that uses data and analysis to advocate for solutions that enable Texans of all backgrounds to reach their full potential. We dare Texas to be the best state for hard-working people and their families.
URL: http://bettertexasblog.org/feed/
📡 Consumer Law & Policy RSS feed
Updates and ideas about consumer law and policy by lawyers and law professors.
URL: https://pubcit.typepad.com/clpblog/rss.xml
📡 Croaking Cassandra RSS feed
Economics, public policy, monetary policy, financial regulation, with a New Zealand perspective.
URL: https://croakingcassandra.com/feed/
📡 JEPP Online RSS feed
The Official Blog of the Journal of European Public Policy. JEPP Online provides timely information about developments of the journal and is committed to improve the accessibility and visibility of scholarship published in JEPP, allowing academics and policy-makers alike to benefit from first-class research focusing on the dynamics of public policy in Europe.
URL: http://www.jepp-online.com/feed/
📡 Jason Deegan RSS feed
Jason Deegan is a communications professional and researcher based in Dublin, Ireland. His work primarily focuses on public policy research & corruption
URL: https://jasondeegan.com/feed/
📡 Law School Policy Review RSS feed
LSPR is run by a group of students from the National Law School of India University, Bangalore. We aim to use our legal expertise and analytical skills to present novel arguments on domestic and international issues that affect our daily lives.
URL: https://lawschoolpolicyreview.com/feed/
📡 Lokniti RSS feed
This blog primarily deals with 'public policy' at a theoretical and conceptual level, which has a universal appeal, this blog will overwhelmingly explore public policy issues pertinent to policy discourses in India and from an Indian perspective.
URL: https://mpp.nls.ac.in/blog/blog/feed/
📡 Long and Variable RSS feed
Long and Variable is a blog on macroeconomics and public policy. Authored by Professor Tony Yates (University of Birmingham), this blog is quite detailed and knowledgeable about global monetary policy.
URL: https://longandvariable.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Microsoft Tech Community | Public Sector Blog RSS feed
Public Sector Blog articles. Collaborate, share and learn from experts.
URL: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/gxcuf89792/rss/board?board.id=PublicSectorBlog
Everything Academic & intellectual with a flair for the discipline of public administration.
URL: https://publicadministrationtheone.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Paul Cairney | Politics & Public Policy RSS feed
There are sections on public policy theory and practice, public health policy and Scottish politics (and policy).
URL: https://paulcairney.wordpress.com/blog/feed/
📡 Policy Forum Armenia RSS feed
Policy Forum Armenia (PFA) is an independent professional non-profit organization aimed at strengthening discourse on Armenia's economic development and national security and through that helping to shape public policy in Armenia.
URL: https://pfarmenia.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Policy and Politics Journal RSS feed
Policy & Politics is a leading international journal in the field of public and social policy. It spans the boundaries between theory and practice and links macro-scale debates with micro-scale issues.
URL: https://policyandpoliticsblog.com/feed/
📡 Poverty & Policy RSS feed
This blog is an effort to share information, foster dialogue and encourage action to improve policies that affect disadvantaged people here in the U.S.
URL: https://povertyandpolicy.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Public Knowledge RSS feed
Public Knowledge promotes freedom of expression, an open internet, and access to affordable communications tools and creative works. We work to shape policy on behalf of the public interest.
URL: https://www.publicknowledge.org/feed/
📡 Public Policy Indonesia RSS feed
The blog about Social-Ecological Systems, Environmental Policy, and Sustainable Development in Indonesia.
URL: https://publicpolicyindonesia.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Public Policy Peru RSS feed
This blog is written by participants in The University of Maryland School of Public Policy Peru course, Sustainable Development, Environmental Policy, and Human Rights in Peru.
URL: https://umdpolicyperu2016.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Public Policy and the Past RSS feed
I'm an academic historian of contemporary Britain and thought I'd share my thoughts (for what they're worth!) on this blog.
URL: http://publicpolicypast.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Public Purpose - An Independent Advisory Company RSS feed
Public Purpose is an independent advisory practice working at the intersection of government, policy, technology and innovation.
URL: https://publicpurpose.com.au/feed/
📡 Reason For The Unreasonable RSS feed
This is a place for all things economics, policy, and politics - so long as you're reasonable.
URL: https://derrickmiedaner.com/feed/
📡 Strategy and Public Policy RSS feed
This blog invites you to see my business, strategy, marketing, and public policy files. It contains some of my writings, presentations, and lectures. It will provide a quick reference on Strategy, marketing, and related public policy issues.
URL: http://olusfile.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 The Policy and Internet Blog RSS feed
This blog investigates the relationship between the Internet and public policy. It covers work by the Oxford Internet Institute, and work published in its journal Policy & Internet.
URL: http://blogs.oii.ox.ac.uk/policy/feed/