46 Public Health RSS feeds

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📡 AHCJ | Association of Health Care Journalists RSS feed

Health care articles on aging, children, covid-19, freelancing, government, health care reforms, public health, health journalism, mental health and more.The Association of Health Care Journalists, Inc. is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing public understanding of health care issues. They aim to improve the quality, accuracy and visibility of health care reporting, writing and editing.

URL: https://healthjournalism.org/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Better Health For All RSS feed

The award-winning blog of the Faculty of Public Health. The aim to promote and protect the health of the population, and improve health services by maintaining professional and educational standards, advocating on key public health issues, and providing practical information and guidance for public health professionals.

URL: https://betterhealthforall.org/feed/ 📑


📡 CDC | Public Health Matters RSS feed

Sharing our stories on preparing for and responding to public health events by Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

URL: https://blogs.cdc.gov/publichealthmatters/feed/ 📑


📡 CiPHR | Center for Innovative Public Health Research RSS feed

CiPHR is a non-profit, public health research incubator. We believe that together, we can decide how technology influences and can improve public health.

URL: https://innovativepublichealth.org/feed/ 📑


📡 Climate for Health RSS feed

Climate for Health is a national initiative led by a diverse network of health leaders from across the health sector representing key health care, public health, clinical, and medical institutions and associations.

URL: https://climateforhealth.org/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 DHW | Promoting and protecting the health and safety of Idahoans RSS feed

The Department of Health and Welfare is designed to help families in crisis become as self-reliant as possible and to offer assistance to vulnerable children and adults who cannot solve their problems alone. Our mission is to promote and protect the health and safety of Idahoans.

URL: https://dhwblog.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Dimensions Of Public Health RSS feed

This is an educative blog for public health professionals.This page focuses on the issues of public health importance. It mainly focuses on the various aspects of public health especially in low-income countries like Nepal.

URL: http://publichealthinnepal.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Drake's Public Health, Literature Review Blog RSS feed

A Public Health and Literature Review Blog authored by Drake Gossi.

URL: http://publichealthpanicattackz.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Environmental and Public Health Watch RSS feed

This blog brings environmental and Public health issues as it happens in Nigeria.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/EnvironmentalHealthWatch 📑


📡 GIS Use in Public Health & Healthcare RSS feed

This blog shows how GIS gives new meaning to public health professionals who need to utilize the technology as part of their daily research activities.

URL: https://healthmap.wordpress.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Get Ready | American Public Health Association RSS feed

The Blog is run by the American Public Health Association. The blog has been active since 2006, and it currently sees 1-2 new posts a week. The topics on the blog range greatly, from seasonal health tips to important health policy releases. Primarily, the Blog is designed to prepare people for infectious diseases and help them avoid health issues in the future.

URL: http://getreadyforflu.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 Global bioethics RSS feed

This blog focuses on covering public health information and ethical issues that occur in Africa and the Middle East. There are posts about new research studies occurring in bioethics, promoting reflection on bioethics and research ethics.

URL: http://globalbioethics.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 HIA RSS feed

News and information on Health Impact Assessment (HIA).

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/HIABlog 📑


📡 Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review RSS feed

Bob Laszewski's review of the latest developments in federal health policy, health care reform, and marketplace activities in the health care financing business.

URL: https://healthpolicyandmarket.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 HealthBlawg | David Harlow's Health Care Law Blog RSS feed

Current developments in health care law and policy together with the observations and analysis of David Harlow, principal of The Harlow Group LLC, a health care law and consulting firm based near Boston, Massachusetts.

URL: https://healthblawg.com/feed 📑


📡 HealthNewsReview.org RSS feed

HealthNewsReview.org systematically review health news to help journalists and the public improve their critical thinking about claims of health care interventions.

URL: https://www.healthnewsreview.org/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Healthcare Economist RSS feed

Jason's research interests include all issues related to healthcare policy and economics, value-based purchasing, the health insurance market, and Medicare policy research.

URL: https://www.healthcare-economist.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Humanosphere RSS feed

Humanosphere is your go-to source for news, conversation, and analysis regarding global health, poverty and inequity.

URL: http://www.humanosphere.org/feed/ 📑


📡 Institute of Public Health RSS feed

The Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru is a public health research and training institute based in Bengaluru, India.We are a non-profit organization established with a vision of creating an equitable, integrated, decentralized and participatory health system within a just and empowered society.

URL: https://iphindia.org/feed/ 📑


📡 International Journal of Public Health RSS feed

International Journal of Public Health publishes original quantitative and qualitative scientific work on public health.

URL: http://blogs.springer.com/ijph/feed/ 📑


📡 KHN | Kaiser Health News RSS feed

Kaiser Health News (KHN.org) is a nonprofit news service covering health policy issues. Our stories appear in media outlets nationwide.

URL: https://khn.org/feed 📑


📡 Kentucky Health News RSS feed

Events, trends, issues, ideas and journalism about health care and health in Kentucky

URL: http://kyhealthnews.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 Louisiana Department of Health RSS feed

The Louisiana Department of Health Blogspot for the latest updates on what our department is doing to improve the health of Louisiana residents.

URL: http://ladepthealth.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Maine Public Health RSS feed

Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention (Maine CDC) is the state's public health agency.

URL: http://mainepublichealth.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Managed Care Matters RSS feed

Joseph Paduda's weblog on managed care for group health, workers compensation & auto insurance, covering health care cost containment, health policy, health research, and medical news for insurers, employers, and healthcare providers.

URL: https://www.joepaduda.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Martin McKee's blog RSS feed

Tales from a traveling public health professor Martin McKee.

URL: http://martinmckeesblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Maternal Health Task Force RSS feed

The Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF) — a project of the Women and Health Initiative at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health — works to create a strong, well-informed and integrated community of individuals around the globe focused on ending preventable maternal mortality and morbidity worldwide.

URL: https://www.mhtf.org/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Meritech | Automated Hand & Boot Washing Stations RSS feed

Meritech is the industry leader in automated hand washing stations. Employee hygiene is more efficient and effective than ever before.

URL: https://www.meritech.com/blog/rss.xml 📑


📡 Monash School of Public Health RSS feed

SPHPM is a public health leader in Australia and internationally. The School comprises of many experts in the field of public health, producing innovative and dynamic research and projects in the areas of epidemiology, biostatistics, clinical trials, clinical registries, evidence synthesis and health social science.

URL: http://sphpm.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Monday Morning RSS feed

A blog by UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health Dean Barbara K. Rimer. Stay up-to-date on news and happenings related to the Department of Health Behavior!

URL: https://mondaymorning.web.unc.edu/feed/ 📑


📡 NPHR RSS feed

The NPHR was founded in 2013 by students at Northwestern University who was interested in creating a platform for students and faculty to share their histories, perspectives, and ideas about public health. Our goal is to stimulate interdisciplinary public health conversations.

URL: https://nphr.wordpress.com/posts/feed/ 📑



Your local source for timely and useful health information you can trust -- from Public Health - Seattle & King County.

URL: https://publichealthinsider.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Popular Logistics RSS feed

On Popular Logistics we explore the long-term national security and community security ramifications of energy, environmental, economic, emergency preparedness, and public health policy, and the interrelationships between the people, the companies, and the various systems involved in implementing or holding back the paradigm shift to sustainable models.

URL: http://popularlogistics.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Public Health Update RSS feed

This blog is about public health updates. The mission is to provide Public health Information for all public health professionals.

URL: https://publichealthupdate.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Public health and health policy through an Economist's Lens RSS feed

A blog about business, policy, and economics with some focus on health written by a Vice Dean at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School

URL: http://economistlens.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Public health matters RSS feed

The official blog of Public Health England, providing insight and commentary on all aspects of public health, including health protection, health improvement, well being, data and knowledge.Public health England works with national and international partners to safeguard public health.

URL: https://publichealthmatters.blog.gov.uk/feed/ 📑


📡 Public healthy RSS feed

I'm Andy Turner, a Public Health Specialty Registrar in the North West of England. I hope that this blog will be of interest not only to those working in public health, but a wider audience too. Those of us working in public health are not always successful at describing what we do and why we do it, often assuming that long, technical reports or complicated statistics are enough to get our messages across.

URL: https://publichealthy.co.uk/feed/ 📑


📡 ScienceDaily | Public Health RSS feed

Read about scientific research on a wide array of public health issues.

URL: https://www.sciencedaily.com/rss/science_society/public_health.xml 📑


📡 States of Mind: Epidemiology RSS feed

I am a graduate student in public health; this is my blog about epidemiology, an awesome subject in public health that affects everything we do. I will be posting pictures and thoughts about current happenings in the public health world, as well as answering prompts for my class every once in a while.'This blog was created for a graduate-level epidemiology project and does not officially represent the views of the Unive

URL: https://epistates.tumblr.com/rss 📑


📡 Stayin' Alive RSS feed

Discussion of public health and health care policy, from a public health perspective. The U.S. spends more on medical services than any other country, but we get less for it. Major reasons include lack of universal access, unequal treatment, and underinvestment in public health and social welfare. We will critically examine the economics, politics and sociology of health and illness in the U.S. and the world.

URL: http://healthvsmedicine.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 THET RSS feed

THET is a specialist global health organization that educates, trains and supports health workers through global health partnerships, strengthening health systems and enabling people in low and middle-income countries to access essential healthcare.

URL: http://thetblogging.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 The New England Journal of Medicine | Health Policy RSS feed

NEJM is a weekly general medical journal that publishes new medical research findings, review articles, and editorial opinion on a wide variety of topics of importance to biomedical science and clinical practice. Explore articles and research from NEJM related to health policy.

URL: https://search.nejm.org/search?cnt=20&start_month=12&start_year=2010&w=*&restrict=doctype:article&srt=0&isort=date&ts=rss&af=topic:24 📑


📡 The New York Times | Public Health RSS feed

Health news and thought-provoking stories from the Science desk of The New York Times.

URL: https://www.nytimes.com/svc/collections/v1/publish/https://www.nytimes.com/section/well/rss.xml 📑


📡 Theatre Safety Blog RSS feed

A discussion of safety in the Performing Arts for professionals, students, teachers, and administrators. A sometimes terrifying look at some surprising conditions, what you might do about them; and how to plan for better safety in your facility, teaching program, and career.

URL: https://theatresafetyblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary RSS feed

Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary is providing the whole story behind tobacco news and industry. For incisive commentary on issues regarding tobacco and public health, there's nothing else like it.

URL: http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Workers Comp Insider RSS feed

Lynch Ryan's weblog about workers' compensation, risk management, business insurance, workplace health & safety, occupational medicine, injured workers, insurance web tools & technology and related topics

URL: http://workerscompinsider.com/feed/ 📑


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