32 Oxford RSS feeds
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📡 A Rosie Life RSS feed
A Rosie Life is an independent Lifestyle Store run by Rosie Jacobs. It is a mix of colour, fun and style underpin the brand, and the A Rosie Life collection, bringing a little slice of happiness into your home.
URL: http://www.arosielife.co.uk/feed/
📡 BBC News | Oxford RSS feed
BBC News is a news website with breaking news on sports, weather, politics and more. Follow us to keep up with news on Oxford from the BBC.
URL: http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/england/oxford/rss.xml
📡 Bitten Oxford | Oxford Restaurant Blog RSS feed
Bitten Oxford is your ultimate Oxford food and drinks guide with restaurant listings, news, events, recommendations and more. It helps you decide where to eat, and also where not to. It will be bringing you all the latest news and reviews on Oxford restaurants, pop-ups and street food.
URL: https://bittenoxford.co.uk/feed/
📡 Bluestocking RSS feed
Bluestocking is an online journal that investigates the intellectual and artistic achievements of women throughout history. It acts as a base for critical and insightful research into the work of female thinkers, raising the profile of women as major actors in the history of ideas, both past and present.
URL: https://blue-stocking.org.uk/feed/
📡 Bodleian History Faculty Library at Oxford RSS feed
The Bodleian History Faculty Library at Oxford houses the University of Oxford's main collection of undergraduate lending materials in both Medieval and Modern History, as well as in the History of Art and History of Science & Medicine. This blog will update you on new information resources and tools for historians as well as services in the History Faculty Library and relevant parts of the Bodleian Libraries.
URL: http://blogs.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/history/feed/
📡 FitFest Oxford RSS feed
FitFest Oxford is an annual, one-day event, which will be taking place at The Oxford Academy. Follow us to learn, taste, sample and experience everything that the industry has to offer.
URL: https://fitfestoxford.com/feed/
📡 Good Food Oxford | Oxford Food Blog RSS feed
Good Food Oxford is a network for a better food system in Oxford. It is open to anyone with an interest in food and food production and aims to bring together citizens, local authorities, businesses, academics and other stakeholders to help us all work together towards the shared goal of healthy, fair, sustainable and tasty food.
URL: https://goodfoodoxford.org/feed/
📡 History of Art at Oxford University RSS feed
History of Art at Oxford University draws on a long and deep tradition of teaching and studying the subject. The Department of History of Art combines exposure to a very wide range of art works with the strengths of Oxford tutorial teaching. Follow us to keep up with articles on History of Art & all things visual at Oxford University.
URL: https://oxfordarthist.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Nuffield College Library's blog | Oxford Library Blog RSS feed
Nuffield College Library's blog gives advice on using the library and researching the social sciences.
URL: https://nuffieldcollegelibrary.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 OxPol | Oxford Politics Blog RSS feed
OxPol is sharing research and analysis from Oxford's Department of Politics and International Relations. The Department of Politics and International Relations at Oxford is a centre for teaching and research. Follow us to keep up with news, insights and research from OxPol.
URL: https://blog.politics.ox.ac.uk/feed
📡 Oxford City Council RSS feed
Oxford City Council is providing latest news on Planning, Waste and Recycling, Housing, local Councillors and Democracy, Leisure, Culture, Transport, and Services in the Oxford Area.
URL: https://www.oxford.gov.uk/rss/news
📡 Oxford College of Marketing Blog RSS feed
Oxford College of Marketing is one of the leading Marketing Colleges with Study Centres across the UK and Distance Learning students who come to us from across the world. The college offers a wide range of study and training options for individuals and companies. Follow us to keep up with articles from your Training and Development Partner.
URL: https://blog.oxfordcollegeofmarketing.com/feed/
📡 Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust | Oxford Health Blog RSS feed
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust provides physical and mental health and social care with the aim of improving the health and well-being of all our patients and their families.
URL: https://www.oxfordhealth.nhs.uk/feed/
📡 Oxford Mumbler RSS feed
Oxford Mumbler is your online parenting community. Follow us to get information for families about days out, events, classes & playgroups, support & services, pregnancy classes & birth preparation in Oxford.
URL: https://oxford.mumbler.co.uk/feed/
📡 Oxford Summer Courses RSS feed
Oxford Summer Courses was established by a network of Oxford alumni determined to share the magic of the university and the city with the wider world. It offers a range of study courses to students. Follow us to keep up with articles from Oxford Summer Courses.
URL: https://oxfordsummercourses.com/feed/
📡 Oxford Symposium on Food & Cookery | Blog RSS feed
The Oxford Symposium is an international conference for people with a broad interest in food, attended by scholars in different fields, enthusiastic amateurs, writers and chefs held in Oxford. The three-day meeting is a convivial event with ideas and information exchanged over great food. Follow us to keep up with articles from Oxford Symposium on Food & Cookery.
URL: https://www.oxfordsymposium.org.uk/feed/
📡 Oxford University Language Centre RSS feed
Follow us to keep up with the articles from the Oxford University Language Centre.
URL: https://oxforduniversitylanguagecentre.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Oxford University Press | English Language Teaching Global Blog RSS feed
Welcome to Oxford University Press Blog. This blog is intended for teachers, trainers, lecturers, authors and anyone else with an interest in keeping up with what's happening in the world of ELT and what we're up to. We'll bring you resources you can use in your classrooms, hints and tips for teaching, insights into the lives of publishers and authors.
URL: https://oupeltglobalblog.com/feed/
📡 Oxford's Elite Personal Training service | Oxford Fitness Blog RSS feed
Oxford's Elite Personal Training service is built on a lifetime of sports, fitness and nutrition experience. It offers gym, fitness instructor and personal training services in North Oxford Elite Gym to its customers.
URL: https://immortal-training.com/feed/
📡 Peter Lang Oxford RSS feed
Peter Lang Oxford publishes a wide range of academic titles, including monographs and edited collections. Their catalogue is recently established series in fields such as visual culture, cultural studies, education and religious studies.
URL: https://peterlangoxford.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Philippa James Wedding Photography RSS feed
Looking for creative wedding photography in Oxford? This blog is full useful planning advice, inspiration, and ideas to help you plan your wedding your way
URL: https://philippajamesphotography.com/feed/
📡 Sophie Siddons Photography RSS feed
Sophie Siddons is a family, couples and wedding photographer in Oxford, Cheshire and beyond. Follow us to keep up with articles, beautiful and natural candid shots from Sophie Siddons Photography.
URL: https://www.sophiesiddonsphotography.co.uk/blog-feed.xml
📡 Stock Gumshoe | Oxford Club Blog RSS feed
Stock Gumshoe brings reality to the teasers and crazy promises of investment newsletters. Follow us to keep up with secret Teaser Stocks and investment Newsletters from Stock Gumshoe.
URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/oxford-club/feed/
📡 The Brick Kitchen RSS feed
Featuring Claudia's favourite recipes, photography alongside travel shots and recommendations from recent trips.
URL: https://www.thebrickkitchen.com/feed/
📡 The Guardian | Oxford RSS feed
The Guardian is the world's leading liberal voice. Follow us to keep up with articles latest news, sports, business, opinion, analysis and reviews on Oxford from The Guardian.
URL: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/oxford/rss
📡 The Jericho Kitchen Cookery School | Blog RSS feed
The Jericho Kitchen Cookery School is Oxford's first insitute cookery school with an ethical heart set firmly in the local community. It features cookery classes in oxford, corporate cookery events, cookery schools oxford.
URL: https://jerichokitchen.co.uk/feed/
📡 The Oxford Culture Review RSS feed
The Oxford Culture Review is dedicated to promoting arts and humanities events and research based in Oxford.
URL: https://theoxfordculturereview.com/feed/
📡 The Oxford Magazine RSS feed
The Oxford Magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine celebrating Oxford City and its surrounding towns and villages, the people, the places, the events, and the organisations that shape our lives.
URL: https://theoxfordmagazine.com/feed/
📡 The Oxford Student RSS feed
The Oxford Student is Oxford's one of the biggest student newspaper, produced by and for members of the University of Oxford. It provides articles on News, Entertainment, Culture, Sports and Reviews to the students of Oxford University.
URL: https://www.oxfordstudent.com/feed/
📡 The Oxford Times RSS feed
The Oxford Times is a weekly newspaper. Follow us to keep up with latest articles on news, sports, business, education and more.
URL: https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/rss/
📡 University of Oxford | News And Events RSS feed
The University of Oxford is one of the leading universities in the world. Follow us to keep up with articles on news and events from University of Oxford.
URL: https://www.ox.ac.uk/feeds/rss/news
📡 University of Oxford | Oxford Law Faculty Blog RSS feed
The Oxford Business Law Blog (OBLB) is a forum for the exchange of ideas and the reporting of new developments in all aspects of business law, broadly defined.
URL: https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/business-law-blog/blog/feed
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