17 Orienteering RSS feeds

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📡 City of Trees Orienteering Club RSS feed

Orienteering club in Boise, Idaho.

URL: http://ctoc-boise.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Curragh Naas Orienteering Club RSS feed

This is the web page for Curragh Naas Orienteering Club. The club is based in and around Kildare and Wicklow.

URL: http://www.cnoc.ie/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Dan Chissick's Orienteering Blog RSS feed

The author is a qualified orienteering instructor and coach and the founder and chairman of Galilee Orienteering Club. His passion includes orienteering competing, organising, mapping and coaching.

URL: https://dchissick.wordpress.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Devon Orienteering RSS feed

Devon Orienteering Club seeks to encourage and promote the sport of orienteering in and around the County of Devon. Established 35 years ago, Devon OC is a friendly forward-looking club, which organises orienteering activities all over the county.

URL: https://www.devonorienteering.co.uk/rss-news 📑


📡 Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club RSS feed

ESOC is a large and very active orienteering club in East Central Scotland. The club is affiliated to the Scottish Orienteering Association (SOA) and has club membership of British Orienteering, the UK's national governing body of orienteering.

URL: https://www.esoc.org.uk/rss-news 📑


📡 IOF Reflections RSS feed

The objective of this blog is to share thoughts, reflections, and ideas about the International Orienteering Federation, the governing body of international orienteering. Topics covered are Culture, Olympic Ambitions, Outcomes, and Strategy.

URL: https://iofreflections.blog/feed/ 📑


📡 International Orienteering Federation RSS feed

The International Orienteering Federation (IOF) is the international governing body of the sport of orienteering. The IOF governs four orienteering disciplines: foot orienteering, mountain bike orienteering, ski orienteering, and trail orienteering.

URL: https://orienteering.sport/feed/ 📑


📡 NI Orienteering Association RSS feed

NI Orienteering exists as an Association to provide leadership, support and technical supervision to individuals and orienteering clubs in Northern Ireland in order to maximize the quantity and quality of orienteering performance and participation in Northern Ireland.

URL: http://www.niorienteering.org.uk/feed/ 📑


📡 Northeast Ohio Orienteering Club RSS feed

Local orienteering club in the Cuyahoga Valley area / Northeast Ohio.

URL: http://neooc.com/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Orienteering Australia RSS feed

Orienteering Australia Inc. is the federation of the Australian State and Territory Associations. The primary objectives of Orienteering Australia are to encourage, promote and coordinate the sport of Orienteering in Australia.

URL: https://orienteering.asn.au/index.php/feed/ 📑


📡 Orienteering NZ RSS feed

Orienteering NZ (formerly known as the NZ Orienteering Federation or NZOF) is the national body representing the orienteering clubs of New Zealand. It primarily exists to promote and encourage orienteering, to support local clubs, as well as to as to govern and be the face of orienteering in New Zealand and to the rest of the world.

URL: https://www.orienteering.org.nz/feed/ 📑


📡 Orienteering Victoria RSS feed

Orienteering Victoria is the governing body for orienteering in Victoria and actively supports the many forms of this popular sport, enjoyed in a wide variety of locations across the State.

URL: https://www.vicorienteering.asn.au/news/feed/ 📑


📡 Orienteering in Ireland RSS feed

The Irish Orienteering Association is the governing body for the sport of orienteering in Ireland. The IOA has officers for education, communications, high performance, the junior squad, development and mapping.

URL: https://www.orienteering.ie/feed/ 📑


📡 Ramblers Orienteering Club RSS feed

Ramblers Orienteering Club organizes orienteering events in the Montreal Region.

URL: http://www.ramblersoc.ca/feed/ 📑


📡 South East Lancs Orienteering Club RSS feed

South East Lancashire Orienteering Club (SELOC) is an orienteering club based largely in the northern districts of Greater Manchester Salford, Wigan, Bolton, Bury, Rochdale, Oldham expanding west towards Liverpool.

URL: https://www.seloc.org.uk/wp/feed/ 📑


📡 South London Orienteers RSS feed

South London Orienteers (SLOW) are an orienteering and running club based in South London. We are affiliated to British Orienteering, the sport's national governing body, and are Clubmark accredited.

URL: https://slow.org.uk/feed/ 📑


📡 Team Canada Orienteering RSS feed

The Blog of Orienteering Canada's High Performance Program and National Teams.

URL: http://teamcanadaorienteering.blogspot.in//feeds/posts/default 📑


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