138 Oracle RSS feeds
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📡 A-Different-View by Joerg Sobottka RSS feed
I am Joerg Sobottka, working as a consultant focussed on Oracle databases. One of my big hobbies beside sports and travelling is photography. So this blog will focus on the topics I like most - photography and Oracle stuff.
URL: https://www.blogger.com/feeds/231611914574536972/posts/default
📡 ALL DBA RSS feed
The blog for Oracle Database Administration Including Data Guard, RAC, Exadata & GoldenGate.
URL: https://alldba.com/feed/
📡 APEX App Lab RSS feed
Covers articles dedicated primarily to Oracle APEX, but you can also find topics about Oracle Database, PL/SQL and other application development articles.
URL: https://apexapplab.dev/feed/
📡 APEX by G RSS feed
A blog about Oracle APEX.
URL: http://apexbyg.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 About Oracle and Oracle 'pks (#orclapex) RSS feed
I am an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) having 6.5 years of experience involving Oracle APEX Applications, holding a bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Experience on Oracle APEX 3.2/4.0/4.1/4.2/5.0/5.1/18.2/19.2/20 and I am well versed with RDBMS like Oracle 10g/11g including the technical design, development and documentation.
URL: http://orclking.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Adityanath's Oracle Blog RSS feed
I'm a Oracle DBA based in Mumbai, India with several years of experience managing UNIX plus Windows - based Oracle Databases from 8i to 19c.
URL: https://adityanathoracledba.com/feed/
📡 Ahmed AbdelFattah Blog ! RSS feed
I'm a Senior Oracle Technology Expert, I'm specialized in providing Expert Services for Oracle Core Technology products. Oracle Technology blog about Oracle Database, RAC, Visualization, Performance.. etc
URL: https://ahmedfattah.com/feed/
📡 Alfredo Krieg Blog RSS feed
IT Blog. Covers all things Oracle Database and Enterprise Manager.
URL: https://alfredokriegdba.com/feed/
📡 Anar Godjaev RSS feed
Oracle blog by Anar Godjaev.
URL: https://anargodjaev.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Andrejus Baranovskis's Blog RSS feed
A blog about ADF, JDeveloper, JET, Cloud, NetBeans, BPM, Mobile, MAF, SOA, WebCenter.
URL: http://andrejusb.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Being Piyush RSS feed
Covers articles about Oracle Application DBA where you can explore the concept of Oracle Database, Oracle Application Database & Cloud Technology like OCI, AWS.
URL: https://beingpiyush.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 BigDBA | Database & Devops Blog RSS feed
Keep up with articles from BigDBA.
URL: https://www.bigdba.com/feed/
📡 Blog dbi services - Oracle RSS feed
The dbi services blog represents the point of view of our consultants regarding various IT technologies mainly Oracle.
URL: https://blog.dbi-services.com/category/oracle/feed/
📡 Blog for DBA, RAC, EBS DBA RSS feed
This blog shares information about DBA, RAC, EBS DBA
URL: http://appsdba.info/feed/
📡 Brendan Tierney - Oralytics Blog RSS feed
Oracle, Advanced Analytics, Data Mining, Machine Learning, R, SQL, PL/SQL, Data Science
URL: https://oralytics.com/feed/
📡 Carlos Magno EzDBA RSS feed
Carlos Magno Experience of over 15 years as Oracle DBA on complex projects in countries such as Brazil, India, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France and Italy. Blog with useful information for Oracle DBAs , Oracle DBM, Infrastructure Admin etc. Information about Oracle DBs, Oracle EM, Cloud, Exadata, Sun Cluster, Golden Gate and etc. Cloud: Backup Database - Using Oracle Cloud Engineered Systems.
URL: https://ezdba.wordpress.com/author/cmagnojunior/feed/
📡 Carlos Sierra's Tools and Tips RSS feed
Follow this blog for Tools and Tips for Oracle Performance and SQL Tuning.
URL: https://carlos-sierra.net/feed/
📡 Chaitanya Oracle Dba Blog RSS feed
My name is Chaitanya C. Divakala. I am working as Oracle Dba Consultant. Chaitanya Oracle Dba Blog is your number one source for all things Oracle, Asm, Rac, Unix, Linux, & Rman Backup & Recoveries. This Blog is useful for those who want to learn new technologies. We are here to provide all solutions in technologies. We are dedicated to giving you the very best of all things with a focus on Database, Storages, Networking, and Security.
URL: https://chaitanyaoracledba.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Connor McDonald's Oracle blog RSS feed
This is where my idle musings on Oracle over the years are posted.
URL: https://connor-mcdonald.com/feed/
📡 DBA Anderson Graf RSS feed
Oracle DBA, Bachelor of Information Systems, MBA in Oracle database management, OCA, OCP, OCE, OCS and OPNCS. Author oraclehome.com and OTN, founder of the Oracle Users Group of Santa Catarina.
URL: http://www.andersondba.com.br/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 DBA Republic | Oracle database tips, tricks and tutorial RSS feed
DBA Republic is a nation of citizens interested in Database where they stay connected and up to date in database technology.
URL: http://www.dbarepublic.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 DBA Rodrigo Jorge Oracle Dicas e Guias RSS feed
Blog About Databases and High Availability.
URL: https://www.dbarj.com.br/en/feed/
📡 DBA Solved RSS feed
This blog is intended to provide the reader with some knowledge that they can use in their every day applications as a DBA. Many of these posts will be technical in nature, but a few may be some rants or technical reviews I've read at some time.
URL: https://www.dbasolved.com/feed/
📡 DBA-010 RSS feed
Mariami Kupatadze currently works as a Senior Solutions Architect at FlashGrid Inc. She holds Oracle Database 11g Certified Master, Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Professional(Link), Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Associate(Link) and much more. Follow this blog where she shares her knowledge on Oracle.
URL: https://dba010.com/feed/
📡 DBsGuru RSS feed
DBsGuru is a group of experienced DBA professionals and serves the database and its related community by providing technical blogs, projects, training. Technical blogs are the source of vast information not about databases but its related product like middleware, PL/SQL, replication methodology, and so on. We are ready to accept all challenges.
URL: https://dbsguru.com/feed/
📡 Data Architecture & Databases RSS feed
Oracle ACE Associate. Databases with focus on DWH/BigData: Data Integration, DataVault, Analytics, Data Visualisation.
URL: https://www.buckenhofer.com/feed/
📡 Database Administration Tips RSS feed
A blog about oracle database administration tips, implementations, scripts and Linux script.
URL: http://dba-tips.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Database Administrator RSS feed
A blog about Oracle administrator and Linux design.
URL: https://www.dbatutorial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Database Star RSS feed
Practical advice for database developers.
URL: https://www.databasestar.com/feed/
📡 Database Tutorials RSS feed
Database Tutorials features articles on MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, DB2, Sybase, Teradata, Big Data, NOSQL, MongoDB, Couchbase, Cassandra, Windows, Linux and more...
URL: https://dbtut.com/index.php/feed/
📡 Developer Community RSS feed
Covers Oracle Digital Assistant, Developer Tools and Application Development Updates.
URL: https://developercommunity.blog/feed/
📡 Durham Oracle RSS feed
An eclectic view of the world of Oracle.
URL: https://www.durham.computer/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Dutra DBA Blog RSS feed
Oracle world an easy way.
URL: https://www.dbadutra.com.br/feed/
ELCARO is a place to find best oracle blogs.
URL: http://elcaro-se.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Easy to Learn Oracle Database and Solve Your Problem RSS feed
A blog about database administrator,pl sql,sql,oracle tutorial,sql programming,oracle certification path,oracle certification.
URL: https://rajiboracle.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Edward's Oracle Blog RSS feed
This blog is intended to keep you up to date on Oracle Sales Cloud and Business Intelligence.
URL: http://www.dewolf.net/feed/
📡 Erman Arslan's Oracle Blog RSS feed
This blog reflects experiences of Erman Arslan gained from various Oracle projects that he has been involved in.
URL: http://ermanarslan.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 FOEX Blog RSS feed
FOEX enables any developer with basic PL/SQL and #orclapex skills to build enterprise-level web applications fast and with ease.
URL: https://blog.foex.at/feed/
📡 Fernando Simon RSS feed
Fernando Simon's blog. DBA with practical experience in Oracle Exadata, MAA, DataGuard, Oracle RAC. Also in related infrastructure like Storage, Disks, VMware.
URL: https://www.fernandosimon.com/blog/feed/
📡 Fox Infotech RSS feed
Fox Infotech is Vinish Kapoor's Blog. It provides software, IT ebooks, code examples, images for website and blogs, templates for blogger and specially blog on Oracle plsql and Forms & Reports.
URL: https://www.foxinfotech.in/feed
📡 Fun Oracle Apps RSS feed
I am an IT professional with 11 years of experience as Oracle Apps DBA and Linux Admin. I am an Oracle Ace. I am a trainer on Apps R12.2/R12.1/OAM/IDM/SSO/Linux Admin/Shell Scripting and blogger. Expertise in Oracle Apps 11i, R12, and R12.2. I work on Implementation, Maintenance, Support, Troubleshooting Oracle Applications, and Databases. I provide end to end implementation support including Linux and Oracle Applications/Database.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/OracleApplicationDBA
📡 Fusion Cloud Applications RSS feed
Fusion Applications Functional Architecture and Technical Documentations Blog.
URL: http://appsfusioncloud.com/feed/
📡 GoSaaS RSS feed
Learn about the latest trends, insights, webinars, and news regarding Oracle Cloud PLM, Agile PLM, product development, quality management, and much more.
URL: https://www.gosaas.io/blog/rss.xml
📡 Grassroots Oracle RSS feed
Grassroots transmission of mainly oracle (typically apex, sql, pl/sql), sometimes interesting science, rarely polemical.
URL: http://www.grassroots-oracle.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 HeliFromFinland RSS feed
Heli's thoughts on Database Designing, Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler, User Groups etc.
URL: https://helifromfinland.blog/feed/
📡 Helios's Blog RSS feed
Posts in (E-Business Suite, Database General, Database Installation, Database Upgrade, Linux .. etc) in OTN Discussion Forum.
URL: https://heliosguneserol.com/feed/
📡 Hemant's Oracle DBA Blog RSS feed
Hemant K Chitale is an Oracle Database Specialist in Singapore.
URL: https://hemantoracledba.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 IDMFUN - More than just Identity & Access Management RSS feed
All about experience with Identity, Access and Risk management products in the industry
URL: http://www.idmfun.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 IT Tutorials RSS feed
English & Turkish Database, Application, Operating System, Network, Artifical Intelligence, Programming Languages Tutorials & Useful Scripts
URL: https://ittutorial.org/feed/
📡 Integrigy - Oracle Security Blog RSS feed
Integrigy Corporation is a leader in application security for enterprise mission-critical applications.
URL: https://www.integrigy.com/feeds/rss.xml
📡 Jaffar Oracle blog RSS feed
Whatever topic has been discussed on this blog is my own finding and views, not necessary match with others. I strongly recommend you to do a test before you implement the piece of advice given at my blog.
URL: http://jaffardba.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Jeff's PeopleSoft Blog RSS feed
Blog to share and discuss PeopleSoft knowledge.
URL: http://jeffpsb.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Jobacle RSS feed
A technical Oracle blog with licensing information.
URL: https://www.jobacle.nl/?feed=rss2
📡 Josip Pojatina Blog RSS feed
Performatune provides consulting in Oracle Retail Performance Tuning, Oracle & Java Performance Troubleshooting and Tuning, Design & Development of HA scalable systems based on Oracle and Open Source technology.
URL: https://www.josip-pojatina.com/en/category/blog-en/feed/
📡 Julian Dontcheff's Database Blog RSS feed
The good DBA is one who learns from his mistakes, the best DBA is one who learns from other DBA's mistakes.
URL: https://juliandontcheff.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 K21 Academy - Oracle Trainings Blog RSS feed
K21 Academy, Oracle Gold Partner specialized in Oracle Implementation & Training.
URL: https://k21academy.com/blog/feed/
📡 KT Experts RSS feed
This is Vinod Kumar having around 14 years of experience as Oracle DBA having exposure to RAC, Dataguard, RMAN, GoldenGate, DB Upgrades, Hadoop. Looking forward to sharpening my skill set and adopt new things. Worked for various industries like Banking, financial, Telecom, Product based companies, and retail, etc.
URL: https://www.ktexperts.com/feed/
📡 Kamran Agayev's Oracle Blog RSS feed
Kamran Agayev is Oracle Certified Master and Oracle ACE Director with 7 years of experience managing UNIX- based Oracle Databases.
URL: http://kamranagayev.com/feed/
📡 Karan Tech RSS feed
This is a technical website in which you will get all the latest articles, scripts, reference books, and much more. In this website, you will get all the information related to Oracle technology. I have created this blog to share all the information, issues which I had faced in my past real-time scenarios. Through this platform, I will share all the relevant information with you guys, so that in case if you will face similar kinds of issues, so this blog will help you to resolve your issues at the earliest.
URL: https://theoraclejobsite.com/feed
📡 Know-Oracle RSS feed
I am Shivmohan Purohit, professionally working in areas of Oracle Applications, majority in Oracle Financials General Ledger, Oracle Payables, Oracle Receivables, Oracle Fixed Assets and many more other related modules and technical tool along with IT Projects and IT Governance Areas.
URL: https://know-oracle.com/feed
📡 Laurent Schneider Oracle Certified Master RSS feed
Laurent Schneider blog is all about Oracle.
URL: https://laurentschneider.com/feed
📡 Let's Develop in Oracle RSS feed
This blog provides useful information and Tips on Oracle database, Oracle SQL, Oracle PL/SQL, DBMS job scheduler, oracle performance tuning, Oracle SQL Query Optimization, Oracle Interview Questions, Various Oracle Error Codes, Oracle Regular Expressions and String Aggregation for Oracle DBA and Database Developers.
URL: http://nimishgarg.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 MacLochlainns Weblog RSS feed
This is the blog of Michael McLaughlin, a veteran of Oracle technology since Oracle 6 and an Oracle ACE since 2009.
URL: https://blog.mclaughlinsoftware.com/feed/
📡 Martin Berger RSS feed
Martin shares articles all about Oracle Cloud, Engineered Systems and other stuff.
URL: https://www.martinberger.com/feed/
📡 Mauro Pagano's Blog RSS feed
Mauro Pagano is a database engineer who likes performance, query optimization and SQL Tuning.
URL: https://mauro-pagano.com/feed/
📡 MiCORE Solutions RSS feed
MiCORE Blog - 'At the CORE of the Solution' regularly produces thoughts and information related to MiCORE, Oracle Consulting and the IT Industry. MiCORE Solutions is a leading provider of Remote Database Management, Support and Consulting Services, specializing in Oracle technologies.
URL: https://micoresolutions.com/feed/
📡 Mir Sayeed Hassan's Oracle Blog RSS feed
Mir Sayeed Hassan is an Oracle ACE , Oracle Certified Professional(OCP) for 9i/10g/11g/12c & Having 10 years of Oracle DBA experience at IT Industry. This Blog is to share his real-time experience & best practice for Oracle DBA Technology in various scenarios like Oracle DB Installation, Configuration, RMAN, Data-Pump, DB Upgrade, Data Guard, Performance Tuning, Cloning, Flashback, Migration, ASM, RAC, EM, OEM 12C/13C, OGG etc
URL: https://www.mirsayeedhassan.com/feed/?sdfgsdf
📡 Modern Oracle DBA RSS feed
Follow this blog to read articles on Oracle.
URL: https://sanjeevvellaisamydba.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Mufalani DBA (OCM) RSS feed
In this blog, you will find tips and tricks from a real-life DBA... DBA, Oracle Certified Master (OCM), Oracle ACE, Blogger, Rider, Husband, Father & LuxOUG Chairman.
URL: https://mufalani.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 OCP Technology RSS feed
Keep up with articles from OCP Technology.
URL: https://www.ocptechnology.com/feed/
📡 ODTUG : ODTUG An Oracle User Group Community Focused On Education RSS feed
ODTUG provides technical content and resources for developers working with Oracle tools and databases.
URL: https://www.odtug.com/f/bl/1
Welcome to our oracle learning world !
URL: https://oracle-learn.com/feed/
This blog help Oracle DBA to oracle installation, backup, recovery, performance, patching, upgrade, data guard, RAC, RMAN, oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c/18c.
URL: https://anuragkumarjoy.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 ORACLE-HELP - Oracle DBA and Cloud Articles RSS feed
Oracle-Help.com is website for sharing knowledge in Oracle Databases and Oracle Cloud.
URL: http://oracle-help.com/feed/
Veeratteshwaran Sridhar shares articles all about Oracle GoldenGate.
URL: https://www.oracle-scn.com/feed/
📡 One Oracle Developer RSS feed
Covers code snippets, tips and tricks and thoughts for Oracle developers, SQL, PL/SQL, APEX, clean code, certifications.
URL: http://www.oneoracledeveloper.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Ontoor Solutions Blogs RSS feed
Ontoor Solutions is a place where you can find open-source project, APEX plugins, Articles Etc.
URL: https://blogs.ontoorsolutions.com/index.xml
📡 Oraask RSS feed
Oraask is a question and answer site for professional programmers. Oraask was built by programmers, for programmers, and we hope to help each other. Oraask is free to join and open to everyone to ask a question related to any programming languages or to help others by answer questions asked by users so with Oraask you will never be stuck again.
URL: https://www.oraask.com/feed
📡 OraclExuberance RSS feed
Articles on Oracle DB, defragmentation, performance improvements, installation, termination and many more.
URL: https://maazdba.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Oracle RSS feed
Oracle unleashes innovation by simplifying IT. Find out how by watching latest videos, including customer stories, Oracle Team USA and the race for the America's Cup, and videos showcasing Oracle technology.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=Oracle
📡 Oracle Blog RSS feed
The official blog of Oracle Corporation. This blog shares News from Oracle's Database Team. They use this space to tell you the latest about the #1 database in the industry helping you optimize your move from on-premises to the cloud.
URL: https://blogs.oracle.com/rss
📡 Oracle Blog RSS feed
My name is Caglar Polat. I am an Oracle Developer & DBA. I have been using Oracle technologies for more than 10 years. In this blog, I write about SQL, PL/SQL, and APEX technologies.
URL: https://www.oracleplsqltr.com/feed/
📡 Oracle Blog | Observability RSS feed
Latest insights, trends, and updates on on-premises, hybrid, and multi-cloud observability and management.
URL: https://blogs.oracle.com/observability/rss
📡 Oracle Cloud Blog RSS feed
I am Richard Garsthagen. I work for Oracle as Business Development Manager for the Oracle Cloud in EMEA. On this blog I like to share my experiences with the Oracle Cloud, Scripts / tips and Tricks and of course interesting news.
URL: https://www.oc-blog.com/feed/
📡 Oracle DB Development RSS feed
Changing the world, one line of code at a time.
URL: https://oradbdev.mathiasmagnusson.com/feed/
📡 Oracle DBA RSS feed
Oracle DBA , This blog lets you know about Oracle DBA activities, issues, concepts, etc.
URL: https://www.blogger.com/feeds/9145754559533452707/posts/default
📡 Oracle DBA Place RSS feed
A blog about Oracle database on Linux environment. Oracle ACE Associate, Chief Database Architect, Oracle DBA with 20 years of experience and a blogger Yossi Nixon.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/OracleDbaPlace
📡 Oracle DBA Quick Notes RSS feed
Articles on database general, interview questions, cloud infrastructure, migration, auditing, performance and much more.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/KKPLP
📡 Oracle DBA Resource RSS feed
Oracle Database Administrator with nearly 16 years of rich experience in Core Oracle Database Administration, Oracle Administration for Core Banking, Telecom Billing Applications. Proficient at conducting Oracle installation, database creation, Performance Tuning, consolidation & configuration and up-gradation of Oracle Server Software & Fusion Middleware.
URL: https://deepakba.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Oracle FAQ blogs RSS feed
Home page of The Oracle Frequently Asked Questions Website. A valuable resource for all Oracle professionals!!! You may not get the Oracle company line, but you will surely get an answer to just about any question concerning the software giant and its products.
URL: http://www.orafaq.com/blog/feed
📡 Oracle Learning Library RSS feed
Free training content from the world's largest enterprise software company produced by the Oracle product development and curriculum teams.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=OracleLearning
📡 Oracle Ride RSS feed
Riaz Ahmad Ansari is an Oracle Consultant & Corporate Trainer. He is famous by Ahmad nick name in the IT industry. He has 20 years of IT experience. From the last 10 years working as a production Oracle DBA managing all operating system based Oracle Databases. He has 10 years experience as an Oracle Database Corporate Trainer.
URL: https://www.oracleride.com/feed/
📡 Oracle Scratchpad - Jonathan Lewis RSS feed
One of the best at solving Oracle performance and optimization issues.
URL: https://jonathanlewis.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Oracle Sean RSS feed
Sean shares articles about Oracle and other related technologies. He is an Oracle Database Reliability Engineer with interests in Real Application Clusters, Exadata and Engineered Systems, Trace File Analyzer, Oracle Cloud, and performance tuning.
URL: https://oraclesean.com/blog?format=rss
📡 Oracle Solutions RSS feed
Oraclesolutions intends to share all the valuable knowledge and keys to relevant products of Oracle Especially Databases and ERP.
URL: https://oraclesolutions.pk/feed/
📡 Oracle Technologies Cedric Leruth RSS feed
Cedric Leruth is an IT Engineer passionate about the growing influence of IT. He graduated with Engineering and Management degrees in IT and Network.He has worked on full stack leading technologies, SOA, SCM, CRM, transformation and innovation missions with several clients from different sectors including Telecommunication, Finance, Advertisement and IT Expertise.
URL: https://cedricleruth.com/category/oracle/feed/
📡 OracleDBPro - Pini Dibask Blog RSS feed
Pini Dibask Oracle Database Blog shares Articles, Tips & Tricks, Sample Code, Videos and more.
URL: http://oracledbpro.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Oracledbwr RSS feed
Articles on Database Architecture, Real Application Clusters, Performance Tuning, Backup and Recovery, Disaster Recovery, Dataguard, GlodenGate, Cloud DBA and much more.
URL: http://oracledbwr.com/feed/
📡 Oraclewizard RSS feed
Veteran Owned HUBZONE Certified Small Business, Oracle Database Security and Performance. Winner of the 2015 Oracle Developers Choice Award for Database Design and Oracle ACE
URL: http://oraclewizard.com/Oraclewizard/feed/
📡 Osama Mustafa Oracle Blog RSS feed
Osama Mustafa is a database specialist, Oracle ACE Director , Certified Oracle Professional (10g, 11g), Certified Ethical hacker (Penetration testing), and Sun System Administrator.
URL: https://osamaoracle.com/feed/
📡 PaaS Community Blog RSS feed
Covers Oracle Integration & Process & Cloud Platform posts by Jrgen Kress
URL: https://paascommunity.com/feed/
📡 PeopleSoft Oracle RSS feed
Oracle PeopleSoft Videos and Webcasts developed and delivered by the Oracle PeopleSoft Development and Strategy Organization.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=PSFTOracle
📡 Pete Finnigan's Oracle security weblog RSS feed
PeteFinnigan.com's weblog is the only weblog dedicated to Oracle security.
URL: http://www.petefinnigan.com/weblog/entries/petefinnigan.rdf
📡 Real Tri Geek RSS feed
Sarah Craynon Zumbrum is an Oracle ACE Alumni (Director) and an Oracle Certified Implementation Specialist. She is currently a Public Sector Business Intelligence and Analytics Sales Engineer for Oracle.
URL: https://realtrigeek.com/feed/
📡 Ric Ramblings RSS feed
Ric Van Dyke is an Oracle Ace with over 30 years of experience in the IT industry. Coming from a 3GL programing back ground he started working with Oracle Version 6 as a developer with Forms 2.3 and became a DBA at Ford Motor Credit.
URL: http://ricramblings.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Richard Foote's Oracle Blog RSS feed
Focusing Specifically On Oracle Indexes, Database Administration and Some Great Music.
URL: https://richardfoote.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Rittman Mead RSS feed
Rittman Mead consults, trains, and innovates within the world of Oracle Business Intelligence, data integration, and analytics.
URL: https://www.rittmanmead.com/blog/rss/
📡 Ron Ekins RSS feed
In this blog, you will find various thoughts on Oracle, Enterprise Architecture, Cloud Computing, Kubernetes and everything Storage.
URL: https://ronekins.com/feed/
📡 Root Fan RSS feed
Covers articles related to Apache, Firewall, Linux, Oracle, Postfix, Security, and Ubuntu. Root Fan is a Oracle High Availability and Linux Blog.
URL: https://rootfan.com/feed/
📡 Run like Hell RSS feed
Blog include articles on Oracle, linux and many more technology Topics.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/idXZd
📡 SOAIS : Enterprise IT Solutions RSS feed
SOAIS is an enterprise IT solutions provider which offers a full spectrum of technology solutions in the arena of PeopleSoft, Worksoft, SAP, Oracle Fusion.
URL: https://www.soais.com/feed/
📡 SQLMaria RSS feed
SQLMaria blog, which shares what's new with Oracle Database and the best practices for incorporating it into your environment.
URL: https://sqlmaria.com/feed/
📡 Sasank's PeopleSoft Log RSS feed
A blog aimed at PeopleSoft Knowledge Sharing and Discussion.
URL: https://pe0ples0ft.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Soumya's Database Blog RSS feed
A blog related to Different Databases i.e. Oracle, SQL Server , Mysql , Postgresql , Mongodb , Hadoop.
URL: https://dbasoumya.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Steven Feuerstein on Oracle PL/SQL RSS feed
This blog is all about Oracle PL/SQL. PL/SQL Evangelist at Oracle Corporation Lives in Chicago, IL, United States.
URL: http://stevenfeuersteinonplsql.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Striving for Optimal Performance Blog RSS feed
This blog is all about Oracle Database.
URL: https://antognini.ch/blog/feed/
📡 Sultan DBA RSS feed
Welcome to Sultan Dba, We're dedicated to providing you the very best of information and troubleshooting scenarios on the database, with an emphasis on Oracle database, Goldengate, RAC.
URL: https://www.sultandba.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Sun Oracleworld RSS feed
Expert Database Consultancy & Solutions. All the post in this blog is my own opinion and all the steps are tested in test environment. Kindly review and test it before implementing in production. This Blog is intend to share & gain the knowledge of Oracle Technologies.
URL: http://sunoracleworld.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
Group created to share knowledge about IT through various blogs that are part of it. Our focus are database and operating system.
URL: https://www.techdatabasket.com/feed/
📡 Tales From A Lazy Fat DBA RSS feed
A blog covering all about Databases & their performance, troubleshooting & much more. Prashant Dixit is a long-time Oracle Database Guy and his sole purpose in reserving this space is to share what he'd learned and experienced while working on complex database performance issues, optimization, tuning, and troubleshooting.
URL: https://fatdba.com/feed/
📡 Tales from the Datacenter RSS feed
Erik is currently an Oracle ACE Director and VP Enterprise Transformationas a lead strategist for Federal, State, and Local Government and Commercial customers throughout the United States.
URL: http://talesfromthedatacenter.com/feed/
📡 Talip Hakan Ozturk's ORACLE BLOG RSS feed
I have fully dedicated to Oracle Database technologies like RAC, Data Guard, RMAN, ASM, Grid Control, Performance Tuning, and Security. I like to learn new technologies and teach others. I have presented at several University and Oracle user Group seminar and have an active Oracle blog to share knowledge and experiences. Blog by Talip Hakan Ozturk's.
URL: https://taliphakanozturken.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Technology and Oracle solutions RSS feed
The Blog about Oracle database, APPS, weblogic and LINUX.
URL: https://dba4oracleapps.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 ThatJeffSmith RSS feed
ThatJeffSmith blog is about tips and tricks for Oracle SQL Developer, SQLcl, SQL Developer Data Modeler, and Oracle REST Data Services. My primary goal is to help you save time when working with Oracle Database. If I can ALSO make what you're currently doing a little more fun, then that's a big bonus for me.
URL: http://www.thatjeffsmith.com/feed/
📡 The /* Go-Faster*/ Oracle Blog RSS feed
This blog contains things about PeopleSoft, mostly performance-related, that DBAs might find interesting. The Non-PeopleSoft Oracle stuff is at blog.go-faster.co.uk.
URL: https://www.blogger.com/feeds/14654018/posts/default
📡 The Oracle Tales: Source for Oracle (eBS) professionals RSS feed
Welcome to the Oracle Tales. This website will mainly contain blog posts about Oracle, Oracle eBS, SQL (PL/SQL) and a bit about the Relational Data Model. Since I am an Oracle eBS DBA and developer, most items will be from a technical point of view. But every now and then something else might show up. …
URL: https://www.stijf.com/wordpress/feed/
📡 Unirac Technologies RSS feed
Best Oracle DBA Training Institute: Unirac is the best Oracle DBA Training Institute in Hyderabad. Real Time Oracle DBA Training by 15 yrs Expert from MNC.
URL: https://unirac.in/blog/feed/
📡 Upgrade your Database NOW! RSS feed
Mike Dietrich's Blog About Oracle Database Upgrades... Mostly. Based in Bavaria, Germany. >25 years IT experience. Database Upgrade and Migration specialist, currently in the role of a Master Product Manager working for Oracle for over 20 years.
URL: https://mikedietrichde.com/feed/
📡 Venkanna Mittakanti's ORACLE ERP Blog RSS feed
This is Venkanna Venkat Reddy / Venky Mittakanti from Houston,TX. Welcome to my Oracle blog! I am certified as an Oracle ACE by Oracle Corporation. I have over 21 years of experience working with Oracle EBS and Oracle technologies, specifically focusing on implementing, designing, developing and maintaining of Oracle EBS since 2002.
URL: https://www.vm-oracle.com/feed/
📡 Vineet's Oracle Blog Spot RSS feed
Follow to get updates on Oracle,Performance Tuning, Parallel, LOB, Index, 12C, Feature, Parameter,1 1G, Datapump, SecureFile, Insert, Update, feature, stats, Issue, create, table, database.
URL: https://vineetsoracleblogspot.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Zed DBA's Blog RSS feed
The Oracle DBA Specialist - OCM, OCP, OCE, OCS.
URL: https://blog.zeddba.com/feed/
📡 clouddba RSS feed
This blog is for collaborating knowledge on different topic like Oracle DBA,Linux,AWS,Cassandra and other databases.Please subscribe below to get update on my blog.
URL: https://clouddba.co/feed/
📡 dbaonTap RSS feed
The DBA On Tap blog is intended to provide readers with information surrounding problems I encounter on a daily basis in support of Oracle tools and applications.
URL: https://dbaontap.com/feed/
📡 dbapath RSS feed
The idea of dbapath.com is to provide technical information on various database administration tasks which include Oracle 11g, 12c, Rac, and Data Guard.The content is organized in such a way that the topics are segregated under the various categories like Oracle 11g, Oracle 12c, ORA-Errors, interview questions etc.
URL: https://www.dbapath.com/feed/
📡 dbgenre RSS feed
Focuses on sharing technology knowledge on Oracle, MongoDB, Redis, etc database platforms.
URL: https://www.dbgenre.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 oraHow - Howto Guides & Software Tutorials RSS feed
oraHow is an Oracle Database and Linux tutorial blog which provide articles on, 11g, RHEL, Oracle scripts, Dumps, issues, Guides, Backup and Recovery.
URL: https://orahow.com/feed/
📡 oraQBA RSS feed
Jakub is an Oracle DBA, Linux Admin Oracle 11g OCM Exadata 11g Certified Implementation Specialist. Follow to get updates.
URL: http://oraqba.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 svenweller Notes about Oracle SQL, PLSQL and APEX RSS feed
I am a professional software developer working with Oracle Databases for more than 15 years. I am strongly passionate about performance tuning and about rapid application development with Apex. My real strength is in depth analysis of problems. That helps a little when finding new ways to tweak and twist SQL and PLSQL. More recently focused on APEX and BI integrations.
URL: https://svenweller.wordpress.com/feed/