73 New Zealand RSS feeds
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📡 Air New Zealand RSS feed
Welcome to the official Air New Zealand YouTube channel!As the national airline of New Zealand, we operate non-stop services to more than 20 domestic destinations as well as to international ports in Australia, the Pacific Islands, Asia, North America, South America and the United Kingdom.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=airnewzealand
📡 Ancoto RSS feed
We've rounded up the best money transfer services and apps you can safely use in 2018 and beyond. Read our reviews and comparison on fees, exchange rate, speed offerings and more.
URL: https://www.ancoto.com/feed/
📡 Anna Reeve RSS feed
This blog will have a little bit of everything in it, lifestyle, fashion, beauty and of course my thoughts on parenthood and all our favourite things that has and have made our life with twins just that little bit easier.
URL: https://www.annareeve.co.nz/blog?format=RSS
📡 Arty Green in Paradise RSS feed
A New Zealand blog about slow living, eco-living, green home, creative arts with gardening ideas and recipes
URL: https://artygreeninparadise.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Auckland for Kids RSS feed
Auckland for Kids is a trusted resource for families looking for things to do and places to go in Auckland, New Zealand with their children and teens. Founded by Carol Gernhoefer.
URL: https://www.aucklandforkids.co.nz/feed/
📡 Avatar RSS feed
Avatar is a New Zealand web design, web development, web marketing & SEO company based in Christchurch. We provide web solutions that deliver results.
URL: https://www.avatar.co.nz/blog/feed/
📡 Backyard Travel Family RSS feed
Practice Advice for Active Families with children travelling around New Zealand. We want to help you explore the beauty and magic of New Zealand.
URL: https://backyardtravelfamily.com/feed/
📡 Big Game Hunting New Zealand RSS feed
Big Game Hunting New Zealand is a hunting website, blog and youtube channel that features reviews, how to's, and real 100% free range hunting in New Zealand magnificent high country.. Please subscribe for more video's and check out the bgh website at www.bghnz.co.nz
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=BGHNZ
📡 Blogger at Large Travel - New Zealand RSS feed
Whether you're a visitor or a local, you'll find plenty of great suggestions and tips here to help you travel around New Zealand. Authored by Megan Singleton.
URL: https://www.bloggeratlarge.com/category/new-zealand/feed/
📡 CTANZ - DressAddress blog RSS feed
Costume and Textile Association of New Zealand
URL: https://costumeandtextile.co.nz/feed/
📡 Clickthrough | SEO & Digital Marketing Blog RSS feed
Read our range of blog articles for recent tips, advice and industry news on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), AdWords pay per click advertising (PPC) and Google My Business (GMB) local search.
URL: https://www.clickthrough.co.nz/feed/
📡 Deepweb Web Design RSS feed
Web design, email, hosting & domain names are some of the many services Deepweb provides to organisations. We have over 15 years of web experience
URL: https://deepweb.co.nz/blog/feed/
📡 Eco Beauty Editor RSS feed
Shannon Dunn - Journalist, passionate conscious-minded mama, holistic healer, and eco beauty editor. I started Eco Beauty Editor to show people that beauty was about so much more than looks, beauty products, and television commercials. I didn't realise, back then, that I was among the first online to write about beauty from a truly holistic standpoint, covering spirituality, self-work and whole-foods, alongside 100 percent natural skincare and makeup.
URL: http://www.ecobeautyeditor.com/feed/
📡 Eco Pippa RSS feed
A blog about eco living, zero waste, and self sufficiency.
URL: https://eco-pippa.com/feed/
📡 FashioNZ | New Zealand Fashion Magazine RSS feed
The latest in fashion news from New Zealand's first fashion website. We bring you fashion and beauty advice, new season lookbooks and an online store. FashioNZ is NZ's most visited fashion website - both a portal for the local fashion industry, representing designers and retailers, and a warm, accessible online magazine.
URL: https://fashionz.co.nz/feed/
📡 Georgieats RSS feed
Welcome to my foodie blog! I'm Georgie, a 25-year-old passionate foodie from Auckland, New Zealand. Check out my blog for Auckland eats, restaurant and cafe reviews, travel diaries, and recipes!
URL: https://georgieats.com/feed/
📡 Google New Zealand Blog RSS feed
Here you can find all the information related to new zealand.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/GoogleNewZealandBlog
📡 Greater Auckland RSS feed
Greater Auckland is an independent volunteer-run analysis and advocacy platform for improving the quality of our cities. Formerly transport blog, we provide evidence based debate on urban form, transport, housing, design, and public space. Our aim is to foster a greater Auckland for all.
URL: https://www.greaterauckland.org.nz/feed/
📡 Greenpeace Aotearoa | News RSS feed
Greenpeace is the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful direct action and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and to promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.
URL: https://www.greenpeace.org/aotearoa/feed/
📡 Happy Mum Happy Child RSS feed
My name is Maria. I started this website to document the activities I did with my children. That was in 2014 - now it has turned into this wee community for parents to come and feel less alone in this parenting journey.In my blog, I talk openly about my post natal depression, and about the experiences I have with day-to-day parenting.The rest of my website is dedicated to helping parents: activities for kids, recipes, tips and tricks, and so much more.
URL: https://www.happymumhappychild.co.nz/feed/
📡 Home Grown Happiness RSS feed
Hi, I am Elien. Welcome to Home Grown Happiness! Here it's all about homegrowing and homemaking food. Sourdough, gardening, preserving, cooking and baking.
URL: https://homegrownhappiness.co.nz/feed/
📡 Hot Topic RSS feed
Global warming and the future of New Zealand
URL: https://hot-topic.co.nz/feed/
📡 Immigration New Zealand RSS feed
Immigration New Zealand contributes to New Zealand's economy, society and reputation through the well-managed entry and settlement of people. Subscribe us to get helpful information if you are interested in living and working in New Zealand.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=ImmigrationNZ
📡 JMI construction RSS feed
JMI Construction and Renovation Ltd is locally owned since 2009 specializing in new homes and renovations throughout the Canterbury and Southern Lakes.
URL: https://jmiconstruction.co.nz/blog/rss
📡 Khaki Specs | Seeking a road through the fog RSS feed
The blog deals with global affairs and New Zealand's involvement in them. Frequent topics are the rule of international law, global governance, the East/West conflict and conflicts in the Middle East.
URL: https://khakispecs.com/feed/
📡 Kiwi Mortgages RSS feed
Complete guidance for first home grant, life & medical insurance, refinance existing loan, property development, investment, self-employed loan, etc.
URL: https://www.kiwimortgages.net.nz/feed/
📡 Kiwiblog RSS feed
Kiwiblog is the personal blog of David Farrar.I blog on any issue or thing I find interesting. Now this is mostly politics, but also quite a bit on technology and the Internet.
URL: http://www.kiwiblog.co.nz/feed
📡 Leonie Wise RSS feed
I'm a travel, adventure and lifestyle blogger based on Waiheke Island, New Zealand. A small island that's a 40 minute ferry ride from downtown Auckland. We are far enough from the city to feel like we live in a remote getaway, and close enough to commute for work. Waiheke is an island of surprises, with more than 20 wineries, over 100km of walking trails, breathtaking views and safe swimming beaches.
URL: https://leoniewise.com/feed/
📡 Licenced To Retire RSS feed
The story of John and Sarah as they travel around New Zealand to explore the highways, byways, cycle trails and walking tracks in their Dethleffs motorhome.
URL: https://licencedtoretire.com/feed/
📡 Lost in Silver Fern RSS feed
A Yorkshire Gal in Wellington. Lost in Silver Fern is a blog about Wellington through the eyes of an expat. Find tips for moving to New Zealand, advice about visas, insights into the city and tips for things to see and do.
URL: http://www.lostinsilverfern.com/feed/
📡 Mortgage Lab Blog RSS feed
Helping Kiwi families finance their forever homes with less stress nationwide.
URL: https://mortgagelab.co.nz/feed/
📡 My Thinks | My Thinks Come From My Brain RSS feed
I'm a primary school teacher who used to be a comedian. My views are totally from my own head and are not representative of any place of work past or present. My Thinks Come From My BrainThis, usually satirical blog, seeks to identify and lampoon various aspects of the current governing coalition - a word I use in its broadest possible sense. A coalition of 60-odd then two other guys from different parties, what a joke.
URL: https://boonman.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Need A Break - New Zealand RSS feed
You'll find all the inspiration you need for your next getaway, from travel and well-being to food and wine.
URL: https://needabreak.com/category/new-zealand/feed/
📡 New Zealand Awaits Blog RSS feed
New Zealand Awaits is New Zealand's LGBT travel specialist. New Zealand's LGBT tour operator, proudly taking care of LGBT travelers seeking exceptional and unique experiences in New Zealand.
URL: https://www.newzealandawaits.com/blog/feed/
📡 New Zealand In Depth RSS feed
We are New Zealand travel specialists! Find your ideal New Zealand holiday from the UK, and also luxurious places to stay in New Zealand.
URL: https://newzealand-indepth.co.uk/blog/feed/
📡 New Zealand Labour Party RSS feed
Videos from the New Zealand Labour Party.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=NZLabour
📡 New Zealand Police RSS feed
Welcome to the official YouTube channel of New Zealand Police where you can watch videos about our work, news, campaigns and appeals.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=policenz
📡 New Zealand Rent A Car RSS feed
Unique co-operative of locally owned and operated Rental Car Branches throughout New Zealand
URL: https://www.nzrentacar.co.nz/category/blog/feed/
📡 New Zealand Technology Industry Association RSS feed
The New Zealand Technology Industry Association represents over 300 tech companies, universities, polytechs and government agencies.
URL: https://nztech.org.nz/news/feed/
📡 Obstacle Racers NZ RSS feed
Obstacle Racers NZ (ORNZ) is your premiere resource for all things obstacle course racing and mud running in New Zealand! On the Obstacle Racers NZ website you will find: New Zealand's most comprehensive calendar of obstacle events New Zealand's most comprehensive news hub for obstacle sport news: obstacle course racing, mud running, parkour and freerunning, Ninja Warrior, adventure racing, and more.
URL: https://www.obstacleracersnz.co.nz/feed/
📡 Offsetting Behaviour RSS feed
Chief Economist at the NZ Initiative. Adjunct Senior Fellow with the Department of Economics at U Canterbury.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/OffsettingBehaviour
📡 Open Parachute RSS feed
Scientist comments on science, philosophy, religion and human rights Lives in Hamilton, New Zealand
URL: https://openparachute.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Otago Daily Times RSS feed
Welcome to the Otago Daily Times Online, home of the latest Otago news. We will update breaking news LIVE to your feed as it happens.
URL: https://www.odt.co.nz/news/feed
📡 Pundit RSS feed
Pundit is an online current affairs and culture blog hub—entirely Kiwi-made—offering you smart take on what matters in New Zealand and around the world.
URL: https://www.pundit.co.nz/content?format=rss
📡 Queenstown Life RSS feed
Queenstown Life is a lifestyle blog covering everything Queenstown, Wanaka, Beyond. Telling stories about brands and business alongside beautiful photography, quirky, fun language and making people feel local very very quickly.
URL: https://queenstownlife.com/feed/
📡 RWA People - Under the hood RSS feed
RWA harnesses experience, energy & resourcefulness to deliver results for both clients and candidates. We like to call it Professional IT Recruitment Expertise.
URL: https://www.rwa.co.nz/blog/category/under-the-hood/feed
📡 Radio NZ- Health Search RSS feed
Our Changing World covers topics across all scientific disciplines, natural history and environmental issues, and developments in health as well as exploring the human side of science and the personalities behind it.
URL: https://www.rnz.co.nz/rss/national.xml
📡 Sarah Sees The World RSS feed
Blog by Sarah, a New Zealand Travel Blogger who also enjoys good coffee and wine and exercise. Sarah Sees The World is my outlet as I dream of travelling the world full time and a space on the internet to inspire others in the same position to make the most of every trip.
URL: https://sarahseestheworld.com/feed/
📡 Scoop - New Zealand News RSS feed
Scoop.co.nz is an independent news website reaching more than 500,000 readers a month. Scoop's focus is on publishing important political and local content rather than clickbait.
URL: https://www.scoop.co.nz/storyindex/index.rss?s.c=GE
📡 Shared Kitchen RSS feed
Real food from scratch. Shared Kitchen is an ongoing collaboration between longtime New Zealand food personality Julie Biuso and upstart food blogger Ilaria Biuso.
URL: https://sharedkitchen.co.nz/feed/
📡 Stolen Inspiration RSS feed
A fashion, style and inspiration blog; curated by Kendra Alexandra. Get your weekly fix of fashion, beauty and lifestyle from New Zealand including outfits, travel guides and beauty reviews.
URL: https://www.stoleninspiration.com/feed/
📡 Stoppress RSS feed
Marketing, advertising & media intelligence from NZ Marketing magazine. StopPress provides essential industry news and intelligence, updated daily.
URL: https://stoppress.co.nz/feed/
📡 Study in New Zealand RSS feed
New Zealand is one of the world's best places to live and study. Discover more about studying in New Zealand & incredible lifestyle. The Study in New Zealand Youtube channel is the official Government site for advice on studying abroad in New Zealand. Search courses, universities, institutes, schools, student stories and living costs.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=RealStudentsNZ
📡 Stuff.co.nz | Latest breaking news NZ RSS feed
Breaking news and videos of today's latest news stories from around New Zealand, including up to date weather, World, sport, business, Entertainment, Technology Life and Style, Travel and motoring.
URL: https://www.stuff.co.nz/rss
📡 Superior Renovations RSS feed
Whether you are planning a renovation, gathering ideas to start, or you just have an interest in the home design field, check our Superior Renovations blog.
URL: https://superiorrenovations.co.nz/feed/
📡 The 13th Floor | Your Entertainment Source RSS feed
The 13th Floor is New Zealand's entertainment source, concert, album, theatre and movie reviews, photos, interviews, video sessions and more.
URL: https://www.13thfloor.co.nz/feed/
📡 The BD Ladder RSS feed
Business Development and Marketing insights. Brought to you from the NZ based Business Development and Marketing agency, the BD Ladder.
URL: https://bdladder.com/feed/
📡 The Best Nest | New Zealand Mommy Blogger RSS feed
This blog is a record of our daily stories, my obsessive picture taking and life with Ethan (13) & Nixon (4). I blog about being a woman post-35, with kids, dogs, appliances, a large vehicle and never enough time!
URL: http://www.thebestnest.co.nz/feed/
📡 The Daily Blog RSS feed
Covers articles that provide the other side of the story on today's news, media and political agendas, by the country's leading left-wing commentators and progressive opinion shapers.
URL: https://thedailyblog.co.nz/category/daily_blogs/feed/
📡 The Diary of an Isolated Salesman RSS feed
Stories of the Covid-19 lock-down from a small-time salesman and his dog.
URL: https://isolatedsalesman.blogtown.co.nz/feed/
📡 The KitchenMaid RSS feed
Welcome to The Kitchenmaid. This blog consists of food, recipes, meal inspiration, and stories from award-winning New Zealand journalist and food writer Lucy Corry.
URL: http://www.thekitchenmaid.com/feed
📡 The Lilly Mint RSS feed
A lifestyle and personal style blog by Sarah Lilly. Sarah is a Kiwi solo mama successfully juggling motherhood, running her own business, and life - all while trying to remain sane (and stylish!)
URL: https://thelillymintblog.com/feed/
📡 The Moreish Life RSS feed
Food, travel lifestyle blog. Do MORE of the things you love!
URL: https://www.themoreishlife.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Residents RSS feed
Lifestyle blogger, showcasing the very best people, places, brands and venues that make Wellington the fantastic city it is.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/squarespace/BjHO
📡 The Wardrobe Blog RSS feed
The Wardrobe Blog showcases the best of NZ creative talent. Curated by photographer Katherine Ann-Marie Tuenter.
URL: http://www.thewardrobe.co.nz/home?format=RSS
📡 This is Meagan Kerr RSS feed
You'll find lots of fashion and style related posts such as body image skincare, travel, tips on where to shop, as well as discount codes and where to find the best plus size sales. Meagan, a plus size fashion writer from Aotearoa New Zealand started this blog in 2012 where she talks about fashion and beauty.
URL: https://www.thisismeagankerr.com/feed/
📡 Toyota New Zealand RSS feed
Welcome to Toyota New Zealand's official YouTube channel.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=ToyotaNZ
📡 Waikato Foodbasket RSS feed
Welcome to the Waikato Foodbasket! This is a blog about celebrating and showcasing the delicious abundance of the Waikato region. Authored by Alice Bulmer.
URL: https://www.waikatofoodbasket.co.nz/feed
📡 Wairarapa Bush Rugby - Latest News RSS feed
The Wairarapa Bush Rugby Union was formed in 1971 with the amalgamation of the Wairarapa Rugby Football Union and Bush Rugby Football Union.
URL: http://waibush.co.nz/wp/latest-news/feed/
📡 Westpac New Zealand's latest news - Rednews RSS feed
Welcome to REDnews, Westpac NZ's digital news source, delivering insights, opinions and practical, helpful stories from subject matter experts and well known New Zealanders.
URL: https://www.westpac.co.nz/rednews/rss
📡 You Stupid Boy | Free Speech Zone RSS feed
You Stupid Boy offers freedom of speech as well as insights, news and information about New Zealand politics.
URL: https://ysb.co.nz/feed/
📡 Young Adventuress RSS feed
Hi, I'm Liz, and I got my first taste for traveling when I was 16 years old. On my own, 12 years and 50 something countries later, my wanderlust has only grown and the list of countries I want to visit longer. After living in Spain for the past few years and returning home for a stint, I then quit my job and moved to New Zealand and I've been here ever since. Follow my misadventures as I wander, eat, and photograph my way around the world
URL: https://youngadventuress.com/feed
📡 chasingcait.com RSS feed
Chasing Cait is a Auckland-based personal styling business and everyday style blog helping you create confidence through style.
URL: https://chasingcait.com/blog/feed/