15 Music Composition RSS feeds
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📡 A Composer's Diary RSS feed
A blog about music, art and a composer's everyday life.
URL: http://ceciliadamstrom.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Arshak Andriasov RSS feed
Composer and Blogger, Arshak Andriasov tries to bring beauty to the world.
URL: https://arshakandriasov.com/feed/
📡 Composer Winifred Phillips RSS feed
Winifred Phillips is a composer of music for entertainment media. The blog posts focuses on music, video games and the convergence of the two.
URL: https://winifredphillips.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Eric Craven | Music Composer's Blog RSS feed
Eric Craven is a composer writing modern contemporary music with a particular compositional technique which he refer to as non-prescriptive.
URL: https://ericcravencomposer.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 James Kelly | Music Composer and Producer Blog RSS feed
James Kelly is a composer who shares his passion for music on this blog.
URL: https://eskimotion.com/music-composer-blog/feed/
📡 Music Composition Weblog RSS feed
Clark Ross is a composer of music for soloists, chamber groups, orchestra, voice, electronics as well as a guitarist and music professor. Follow this blog to get posts on music composition.
URL: https://clarkross.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Nicholas O'Neill | Music composition Blog RSS feed
Nicholas O'Neil is a composer and musician and also keyboards for JEBO and RetroChic. Follow this blog to get useful information and tips on music compositions.
URL: https://ukcomposer.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Oliver Thurley | Music Compositions RSS feed
Oliver Thurley writes music that is quiet and disquieting. Follow this blog to get useful information on compositions written by Oliver Thurley.
URL: http://oliverthurley.co.uk/blog/category/compositions/feed/
📡 Ralph Lewis | Music Composer Blog RSS feed
Learn music compositions for new and homemade instuments, historical instruments in new contexts, live and fixed electroacoustic media and alternative tunings and timbres.
URL: https://ralphlewismusic.com/feed/
📡 The Essential Secrets of Songwriting Blog RSS feed
The Essential Secrets of Songwriting Blog provides daily articles on songwriting by Gary Ewer.
URL: https://www.secretsofsongwriting.com/feed
📡 The Ethan Hein Blog RSS feed
Ethan Hein is a Doctoral fellow in music education at New York University and an adjunct professor of music technology at NYU and Montclair State University. Learn more about music composition from The Ethan Hein Blog.
URL: http://www.ethanhein.com/wp/category/music/composition/feed/
📡 The Music Composition Blog RSS feed
Follow this blog to get an in depth look at music theory, structure and composition.
URL: https://themusiccompositionblog.com/feed/
📡 The Rambler RSS feed
Blogging about modern composition and the music that others won't tell you about.
URL: https://johnsonsrambler.wordpress.com/feed
📡 a closer listen | Modern Composition Blog RSS feed
a closer listen is a home for instrumental and experimental music. Checkout this blog to get posts for modern composition.
URL: https://acloserlisten.com/category/modern-composition/feed/
📡 henningmusick | Music Composer RSS feed
Karl Henning is a music composer and holds a B.Mus. with double major in composition. Follow this blog to read beautiful compositions written by Karl Henning.
URL: http://henningmusick.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss