21 Microsoft RSS feeds
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📡 Abou Conde's Blog RSS feed
Abou is an IT professional with over 9 years of experience in the industry. He focuses on Microsoft technologies. Starting as a support engineer and Microsoft Certified Trainer at IPMC Ghana, he has worked up through the ranks of System Engineering, IT infrastructure Consultant and Cloud Solution Architect. He has deployed several complex solutions for Multi-national Corporations and Governmental Agencies.
URL: https://abouconde.com/feed/
📡 HypervLAB : Blogging about all thing Microsoft RSS feed
Hi, I'm Simon an IT Enthusiast, PowerShell Geek, Gamer, and Sound Engineer. The blog contributes to the IT Community about all this Microsoft.
URL: https://hypervlab.co.uk/feed/
📡 Jussi Roine RSS feed
I write about things that interest me, mostly about Microsoft, cloud technologies, productivity and being outside my comfort zone. I'm a Microsoft Regional Director and Most Valuable Professional, and I work with Microsoft technologies.
URL: https://jussiroine.com/feed/
📡 MetaOption LLC RSS feed
MetaOption is a leading Microsoft Dynamics ERP Partner company, specializing in Dynamics 365 Business Central and cloud solutions. We help mid-market and enterprise customers solve their business challenges through strategic consulting services, innovative offerings, and industry-specific solutions built on the latest technologies. Follow to get updates from this blog directly to your inbox.
URL: https://www.metaoption.com/blog/feed/
📡 Microsoft Azure Blog RSS feed
The latest Azure news, product updates, and announcements from Azure experts. Azure is an open and flexible cloud computing platform created by Microsoft.
URL: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/feed/
📡 Microsoft Blog RSS feed
At Microsoft, we're motivated and inspired every day by how our customers use our products to find creative solutions to business problems, develop breakthrough ideas, and stay connected to what's most important to them. Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.
URL: https://blogs.microsoft.com/feed/
📡 Microsoft Bot Framework RSS feed
Microsoft Bot Framework Blog. Azure Bot Service speeds up development by providing an integrated environment that's purpose-built for bot development with the Microsoft Bot Framework connectors and BotBuilder SDKs. Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.
URL: https://blog.botframework.com/feed/
📡 Microsoft Care GH RSS feed
MCGH - is an Online Tech Blog reporting the latest in Microsoft Technologies and Solutions. Through News, Reviews, Conferences, Community Events, Updates across the Middle East and Africa region.
URL: https://microsoftcaregh.com/feed/
📡 Microsoft Community at Perficient, Inc. RSS feed
Perficient is proud to be one of under 40 partners recognized as a Microsoft National Service Provider (NSP) Partner and one of only seven Global NSI Partners. Get perspectives on Microsoft Technologies for the Enterprise.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/perficient/microsoft
📡 Microsoft Dynamics Community RSS feed
A one stop shop where the Microsoft Dynamics ecosystem can learn, share, connect and network with others within the Community. Peer to Peer discussions , product demonstrations, blogs & videos.
URL: https://community.dynamics.com/b/mainfeed?Type=AllBlogs/feed
📡 Microsoft News RSS feed
The official page for Microsoft news. Get news, perspectives and press materials from Microsoft on news and events affecting the company and the tech industry in general.
URL: https://news.microsoft.com/feed/
📡 Microsoft Tech Community | Data Architecture Blog RSS feed
Data Architecture Blog by Microsoft Tech Community comprises all aspects of the database world.
URL: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/plugins/custom/microsoft/o365/custom-blog-rss?tid=-3510255867542948717&size=25
📡 Microsoft Windows Blog RSS feed
The official blog for Windows and Devices at Microsoft. Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.
URL: https://blogs.windows.com/feed/
📡 Nedim's IT CORNER RSS feed
My name is Nedim Mehic, Microsoft Certified Professional. Work as a Consultant for IXX, IT company located in Sweden. I am focused on Microsoft Technologies like Microsoft Windows Server, Sharepoint, System Center and Virtualization. I am also working with Veeam Backup. Follow this blog to know more about Microsoft Windows Server.
URL: https://mehic.se/feed/
📡 Techieberry RSS feed
In this blog, you will find information, News, and Tips on Exchange Online, Microsoft Teams, and Skype for Business. Follow the blog to know more.
URL: https://techieberry.com/feed/
📡 The Training Lady RSS feed
The Training Lady - Tips and Tricks for using Microsoft Office and Windows.
URL: https://www.thetraininglady.com/feed
📡 WMPoweruser RSS feed
MSPoweruser is one of the leading tech blogs focused entirely on Microsoft. It covers everything Microsoft - from Windows Phones, to Surface and Windows 10.
URL: https://mspoweruser.com/feed/
📡 WinBuzzer RSS feed
We provide the latest news about Microsoft, the world´s biggest software maker. We also keep an open eye on the rest of the tech-sphere and Microsoft´s key competitors.
URL: https://winbuzzer.com/feed/
📡 Windows Central RSS feed
Windows Central is a leading resource for those interested in all things Microsoft. The center of the Windows Universe featuring news, reviews, help & tips, buyer guides, forums and accessories.
URL: http://feeds.windowscentral.com/wmexperts
📡 Windows Command Line RSS feed
Check out the Windows Command Line blog of Microsoft Developer blogs. This blog provides info about Windows Terminal, Console and Command-Line, Windows Subsystem for Linux, WSL.
URL: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/feed/
📡 ZDNet | All About Microsoft RSS feed
Welcome to the new 'All About Microsoft' blog on ZDNet from Mary Jo Foley.On this new site, I will weigh in on Microsoft news of interest to businesses of all shapes and sizes. Expect to read about everything from Windows Vista and Office 2007, to Microsoft Dynamics and Microsoft 'Live.' This blog covers the products, people and strategies that make Microsoft tick.
URL: https://www.zdnet.com/blog/microsoft/rss.xml