36 Marine RSS feeds
📡 Ahalya Arulnayagam RSS feed
Stories by Ahalya Arulnayagam on Medium
URL: https://medium.com/feed/@ahalarul
📡 Bureau Veritas RSS feed
Bureau Veritas gives us the daily news articles related to the marine industry, press, and conference in Paris. Follow to get more information related to marine news.
URL: https://marine-offshore.bureauveritas.com/rss/feed
📡 Cornwall Marine RSS feed
The Cornwall Marine Network is a specialist in marine business support. Discover more news articles by following this feed.
URL: https://cornwallmarine.net/feed
📡 Essien Oku INFOBEST RSS feed
Essien Oku INFOBEST is a blog site that is dedicated to the campaign against sea life exploitation and destruction. In collaboration with International and Nigerian local sea conservatory organizations, the blog aims at passing the information that OUR FISHES DESERVE TO LIVE. My name is Oku Essien, a proud African who is interested in the protection of African natural deposits, the positive utility of deposits for total development.
URL: https://essienessien.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 ForeCoast Marine RSS feed
ForeCoast® Marine, developed by @JBAConsulting, is the most comprehensive metocean risk management service available. Keep up to date with the latest news, events and software updates from the ForeCoast Marine team.
URL: https://www.forecoastmarine.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 Huntsman Marine Science Centre RSS feed
The Education Department of the Huntsman Marine Science Centre offers unique, hands-on marine field courses for students of all ages. Over 30,000 students have created life-long memories and friends through their experiences with us.
URL: http://huntsmaneducation.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Kasco Marine RSS feed
Kasco Marine provides world-leading aeration systems such as fountains, de-icers, circulators, aerators, diffusers, & biologics for aquatic applications. Follow this blog to get more updates.
URL: https://kascomarine.com/feed/
📡 MOPS Marine License Insurance Blog RSS feed
MOPS Marine License Insurance has been the leader in safeguarding licensed deck, engineering officers, state & federal pilots and certified tanker men since 1935. Get more information by following our feed.
URL: https://www.mopslicenseins.com/maritimes-a-mops-blog?format=rss
📡 MSDS Marine RSS feed
MSDS Marine is a marine and coastal contractor specializing in the management, execution, and support of marine archaeological projects. Follow this blog for more marine updates.
URL: https://msdsmarine.com/feed/
📡 MariApps Marine Solutions RSS feed
A Marine ERP software solution covering all aspects of ship management and ship owning. Follow this blog to get more articles related to marine solutions.
URL: https://www.mariapps.com/feed/
📡 Marine Coastal Cultures RSS feed
Marine Coastal Cultures is a space designed to foster conceptual and methodological pluralism that crosscuts range disciplines grappling with bridging the ubiquitous marine-terrestrial divide, including human geography, social and cultural anthropology.
URL: https://marinecoastalcultures.com/feed/
📡 Marine Conservation Philippines RSS feed
Volunteer in our non-profit, Marine Conservation Philippines and learn scuba diving, get involved in community projects, aid research, meet lifelong friends. Follow this blog to know more about marine conservation.
URL: https://www.marineconservationphilippines.org/feed/
📡 Marine Energy RSS feed
MarineEnergy.biz delivers expert coverage of the industry sectors that matter most to you and your business. This includes news and updates on projects, markets, vessels, equipment, turbines, research, contractors and the authorities dominating these markets.
URL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/MarineEnergy
📡 Marine Industry News RSS feed
Marine Industry News aims to inspire, inform and stimulate debate across the leisure marine market. Follow this blog for inspirational and informative news stories from across the marine leisure industry.
URL: https://marineindustrynews.co.uk/feed/
📡 Marine Insight RSS feed
Marine Insight gives us the day to day news articles and facts about Marine shipping. Get more information about marine shipping by following this feed.
URL: https://www.marineinsight.com/feed/
📡 Marine Log RSS feed
Marine Log is the source for online maritime news coverage and the industry's most respected monthly magazine. Follow for more updates.
URL: https://www.marinelog.com/feed/
📡 Marine Madness RSS feed
This blog was created to highlight the amazing array of marine life in our oceans and the key conservation news and threats that affect it. Exploring fun facts and important issues in the fields of Marine Biology & Conservation
URL: https://marinemadness.blog/feed/
📡 Marine Republic RSS feed
Marine Republic includes merchant navy India, marine engineering, seafarers, mariners, MMD examination, NCV coastal ships, jobs, shipping news and career in shipping. Follow for more updates.
URL: http://marinerepublic.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Marine Science Blog RSS feed
Marine Science Blog provides insight and updates on the latest research and developments in marine and freshwater science from across government. Follow for more updates.
URL: https://marinescience.blog.gov.uk/feed/
📡 Marine Scotland RSS feed
The Scottish Government is the devolved government for Scotland and has a range of responsibilities that include: the economy, education, health, justice, rural affairs, housing, environment, equal opportunities, consumer advocacy and advice, transport and taxation. Follow this blog for more updates.
URL: https://blogs.gov.scot/marine-scotland/feed/
📡 MarinersPoint RSS feed
Mariners Point is a leading web platform which provides the complete solution for the mariner. We work for your education and happiness.
URL: https://marinerspoint.in/feed/
📡 National Marine Educators Association | NMEA News RSS feed
National Marine Educators Association (NMEA) -be a part of a professional network of marine and aquatic educators from around the world and help promote ocean and climate literacy. Get more information by following this feed.
URL: https://www.marine-ed.org/news?format=rss
📡 National Marine Life Center RSS feed
The National Marine Life Center (NMLC) is an independent, non-profit marine animal hospital and science and education center. We rehabilitate and release stranded marine mammals and sea turtles in order to advance science and education in marine wildlife health and conservation.
URL: https://nmlc.org/feed/
📡 Old Salt Blog RSS feed
The Old Salt Blog is a virtual port of call for all those who love the sea, whether from the deck of a ship or boat or from the pages of a novel. Pull up a chair by the fire and make yourself at home.
URL: http://www.oldsaltblog.com/feed/
📡 Panbo RSS feed
Panbo is proud to be an independent source of news and opinion about marine electronics. Panbo blog is operated by two Bens who are obsessed with marine electronics, and trying to make a living out of it!
URL: https://panbo.com/feed/
📡 Sandboxx RSS feed
Sandboxx connects our military community, making service members and their supporters more mission-ready than ever before. Follow this blog to know more about marine corps.
URL: https://www.sandboxx.us/feed/
📡 Scientists@Sea RSS feed
Follow this blog to get the facts, and recent researches done on marine life and much more.
URL: http://scientistsatsea.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Ship Connector RSS feed
Everything about merchant navy- focuses on in depth knowledge on different fields of the marine globe and attempts to carry forth the wonders.
URL: https://shipconnector.in/feed/
📡 ShipFever RSS feed
ShipFever brings quality content to you. The content written here cannot be found in any Marine Book, and are work of experience, with simplified diagrams explained in simple term.
URL: https://shipfever.com/feed/
📡 Smart Sea School RSS feed
A marine science and technology partnership program for the island of Ireland providing practical sea-going training for students and scientists. Follow this blog for more updates.
URL: http://smartseaschool.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 The Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC) RSS feed
The Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC) is a non-partisan think tank incorporated as a non-profit in the state of Maryland. It was formed in 2012, and as of 2018 has over 800 members in more than 30 countries. Follow this blog for more updates.
URL: https://cimsec.org/feed/
📡 The Marine Detective RSS feed
Join me in the cold, dark, life-sustaining NE Pacific Ocean to discover the great beauty, mystery, and fragility hidden there. Discover more articles related to marine life by following this blog.
URL: https://themarinedetective.com/feed/
📡 The NCLOS Blog RSS feed
The NCLOS Blog, the blog of the Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea, provides commentary on court and tribunal decisions as well as treaty and policy developments in the law of the sea. Follow this blog for more updates.
URL: https://site.uit.no/jclos/feed/
📡 The Side-Power blog RSS feed
Side-Power blog about the world's most comprehensive line of thrusters for leisure boats and smaller commercial boats. Get more information by following our feed.
URL: https://blog.side-power.com/en/rss.xml
📡 Van Oord.com RSS feed
Leading international contractor specializing in dredging, marine engineering and offshore projects (oil, gas, and wind). Follow for more updates.
URL: https://www.vanoord.com/news/rss.xml
📡 gCaptain RSS feed
gCaptain's blog is the source of news and articles written by the leading maritime and offshore experts. Get more information about marine news by following this feed.
URL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/gcaptain