13 Macabre RSS feeds
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📡 Cultura Obscura RSS feed
Travel blog created by Dagney McKinney & Jeremy Paterson focusing on dark tourism, travelling the world seeking out macabre, weird and unusual destinations, and travel stories. Subscribe to keep track of all the destinations.
URL: https://culturaobscura.com/feed/
📡 Danse Macabre RSS feed
Danse Macabre designs is the brainchild, creative outlet and obsession of English artist Alice Durose. It came into the world as an idea, developing quietly within the brain, and eventually, it grew into what exists today. Follow the blog to get updates and notifications.
URL: http://www.dansemacabredesigns.co.uk/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Dark Art Movement RSS feed
We are the first art organization devoted to the Dark Art Movement. This page is created to promote the dark Macabre artworks and to support the community of artists. Follow the blog to get updates.
URL: https://darkartmovement.com/feed/
📡 Dark Tales RSS feed
Dark Tales features varied true stories of the dark, mysterious or macabre. Much of my writing focuses on my home county of Lancashire, although I cover stories worldwide. Follow to keep up with the blog.
URL: https://darktales.blog/feed/
📡 Diabolique Magazine | Indulge your Passion for the Macabre! RSS feed
Diabolique is a lavishly illustrated print and digital magazine exploring every aspect of a horror film, literature and art. The magazine brings a fresh perspective to subjects old and new, foreign and domestic - from ancient folklore and Gothic classics to contemporary film releases and modern literary gems. Follow for the latest coverage and insightful commentary, analysis and engrossing information.
URL: https://diaboliquemagazine.com/feed/
📡 Dracula for Doctors RSS feed
Fiona Subotsky enjoys exploring fictional and non-fictional medical connections of nineteenth-century Gothic and sensation fiction. Follow to find out more about the Medical Macabre from Fiona Subotsky.
URL: https://draculafordoctors.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Electric Spec RSS feed
From the editors of Electric Spec, an e-zine featuring shockingly good short works of science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre. Follow and keep up with the updates.
URL: http://electricspec.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Gleefully Macabre RSS feed
Gleefully Macabre is a blog by Jeff Strand, author of a great many delightful books for your reading ecstasy. Sometimes called the king of horror-comedy. Follow to keep up with the blog and stay updated via notifications.
URL: https://jeffstrand.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Joe Nazare | Dispatches from the Macabre Repulic RSS feed
I believe fate drew me to the macabre. Follow the blog to know more and get the updates and everything about the dispatches from the Macabre Republic.
URL: https://joenazare.com/feed/
📡 Macabre Bros & Brahs RSS feed
The Macabre Bros and Brahs love being scared stupid and talking about it afterward. But we also enjoy the technical and artistic flourishes that make horror one of the oldest, most malleable genres around. So. subscribe and get ready for a world of horror.
URL: https://macabrebros.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Me and Annabel Lee RSS feed
A Lifestyle Blog for all things gothic, victorian, macabre, & unusual. Follow for Goth-It-Yourself Tutorials, twisted holiday ideas, macabre parties, spooky recipes, wicked wedding details, dark & unusual must-have shopping lists and so much more.
URL: https://www.meandannabellee.com/feed/
📡 News & Macabre...ish Horror Movie Reviews RSS feed
Macabre...ish began and still reviewing macabre movies and has extended beyond that. Stay tuned with the blog and get updates along with gear and wear for horror, Halloween lovers and lifestylers, etc.
URL: https://macabreish.com/blogs/news.atom
📡 Unquiet Things RSS feed
Unquiet Things is a place for kindred glooms. Author, S. Elizabeth is a fancier of fine old things and nostalgic whimsies and magics both macabre and melancholy. Subscribe the blog and receive notifications of new posts at Unquiet Things!
URL: https://unquietthings.com/feed/