26 Kinesiology RSS feeds

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📡 Amanda Adey | Auricfields Kinesiology RSS feed

Auricfields Kinesiology is here to help, support,empower and educate women, men and children of all ages to defuse any stress imbalances in the body, mind & spirit by using kinesiology techniques. Our ultimate outcome for you is vitality, wellness, truth, integrity and connection of who you are and how to reach your full potential of happiness and wellness.

URL: https://amandaadey.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Applied Kinesiology Center RSS feed

At Applied Kinesiology, we help you reach your highest possible level of health and happiness. We assist anyone in finding and maintaining higher and higher levels of health and performance so you can spend more time enjoying life! We encourage you to utilize the services which will aid you in your healing process.

URL: https://akdoc.com/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Applied Kinesiology Research RSS feed

The most updated Applied Kinesiology Research page in the world, with LINKS to every applied kinesiology paper included...!

URL: http://appliedkinesiologyresearch.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Brian Dorfman Kinesiology RSS feed

Brian Dorfman has been treating patients and teaching for over 25 years. He has extensive knowledge and instructional ability in the areas of kinesiology, anatomy, physiology and the biomechanics of movement. Follow the Dorfman Kinesiology Blog and stay up-to-date on the latest prevention and treatment options for your injuries.

URL: https://briandorfman.com/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Bristol Kinesiology ~ Tabitha Gale RSS feed

Blog by Tabitha Gale. My approach is 'kinesiology coaching'. I am passionate about getting people in touch with the power and healing resources that are within them to create positive outcomes and deep level change and sharing the tools to do so. Read about kinesiology, reiki, healing, health and well-being. Top tips for coping with stress and life changes and more

URL: https://www.bristolkinesiology.co.uk/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 College of Kinesiology RSS feed

Training in kinesiology, a holistic natural therapy that uses muscle monitoring as a biofeedback technique to access underlying causes of stress. Through this understanding of the deeper needs of the whole being, we are able to provide specific support and so create what we require for healing and transformation.

URL: https://kinesiologycollege.edu.au/feed/ 📑


📡 Gaia Awakening Kinesiology Brisbane RSS feed

Kinesiology works with the subconscious areas of the brain to release stress in order to bring the body into an optimal state of physical, mental and emotional health. Kinesiology works to empower people to gain a greater understanding about and insight into their dis-ease and unravel negative belief patterns and attitudes that may be holding them back from achieving optimal health and wellness.

URL: http://kinesiologybrisbaneclinic.com.au/blog?format=RSS 📑


📡 Holistic by Nature - Kate Pamphilon | Kinesiologist RSS feed

Kinesiologist, complementary medicine practitioner & published author sharing the love and wisdom of modern and ancient healing traditions. Blog by Kate.

URL: https://www.holisticbynature.com.au/feed/ 📑



Offering kinesiology & active rehab services (ICBC) in Kitsilano & Cloverdale areas. Also BCRPA courses - fitness theory, weight, PT, Group and Older Adult. A positive & dedicated team of experienced physiotherapists, kinesiologists and trainers.

URL: http://kinesiologists.ca/wp/kin-blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Kinesiology & Sport Review RSS feed

Dedicated to the Education, Development, and Service of undergraduate & graduate students in their quest to become Fearless Champions in the Kinesiology & Sport Industry.

URL: http://tsukinegradprogram.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Kinesiology by Zsuzsa RSS feed

WHAT IS KINESIOLOGY Kinesiology is based on the healing art of Ancient Chinese principals of healing using meridian pathways in the body. Each pathway correlates to an organ or system and a group of muscles. Kinesiology uses muscle testing to find stressors in the body on a mental, emotional, physical and environmental level.

URL: https://www.zsuzsatoth.com/blog-feed.xml 📑


📡 Learn Muscles Blog RSS feed

Best massage therapy blog for massage therapists with focus on orthopedic manual therapy and anatomy physiology.

URL: https://learnmuscles.com/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Medical Xpress - Sports Kinesiology News RSS feed

Featuring the latest news on sports medicine and kinesiology. Medical Xpress provides medical and health news with the most comprehensive coverage in the fields of neuroscience, cardiology, cancer, HIV/AIDS, psychology, psychiatry, dentistry, genetics, diseases and conditions, and medications.

URL: https://medicalxpress.com/rss-feed/sports-kinesiology-news/ 📑


📡 Melbourne Kinesiology and Detox Centre | MKNDC RSS feed

Sharon Tal is an experienced kinesiologist based in Australia. The Melbourne Kinesiology & Detox Centre Blog shares wellness insights to help you THRIVE. She is passionate about empowering people to change their lives and overcome difficulties that otherwise hold them back, using evidence based assessments and therapy.

URL: https://www.mkndc.com.au/feed/ 📑


📡 MindFitBody Chiropractic & Kinesiology Sydney CBD RSS feed

MindFitBody uses the latest in Integrative Natural Healthcare to help you get well and stay healthy. Principal Practitioner Dr Mark Symonds is a Natural Integrative Wellness Practitioner, Chiropractor and Kinesiologist in Sydney CBD. Focusing on stress reduction, pain management and the latest in nutritional and functional DNA testing.

URL: https://mindfitbody.com.au/blog?format=RSS 📑


📡 Mrs. P's Sport Science/kinesiology Blog RSS feed

Blog by Jennifer Potter. Find post on Sport Science or kinesiology.

URL: https://mrspkinesiology.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 O'Neill Kinesiology College RSS feed

Begin your life-changing journey today with Kinesiology, a holistic approach to long-lasting health and vitality. We deliver World Class Kinesiology Training by ensuring that our delivery is aligned with the latest research and developments in the Kinesiology Industry. Our aim is to raise the standards of practice and qualifications of registered Kinesiologists.

URL: http://www.oneillcollege.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Open to Life Holistic Kinesiology RSS feed

Blog by Karlie. I help women reconnect with themselves, bringing balance to body and mind, so they can experience the greatest version of their lives, turning visions into reality. The aim of each kinesiology session is to build your connection to yourself and your own wisdom & guidance, trusting yourself so life becomes beautiful and feels easy!

URL: http://www.opentolife.com.au/blog/feed 📑


📡 Rachelle Hickson Kinesiology RSS feed

Rachelle offers Kinesiology and Energy Balancing sessions tailored to your personal needs and desire for growth and wellbeing. Mission is to empower each individual I work with to find their best state of being. Physically, Mentally and Emotionally. Inspire passion, ignite positive action, achieve best health.

URL: https://www.rachellekinesiology.com.au/news?format=RSS 📑


📡 RockTape Canada RSS feed

We help people of every walk of life go stronger, longer with the best kinesiology tape, cutting-edge education, and fitness support products. We want people to move more, and move better. Similar to the Kinesiology tape in the Olympics and that Lance Armstrong wrote about in 'Every Second Counts', ROCKTAPE is used by professional and amateur athletes everywhere.

URL: http://www.rocktapecanada.com/blog/feed 📑


📡 RockTape | The World's Best Kinesiology Tape RSS feed

RockTape is the world's best kinesiology tape. It can be used to treat sports and non-sports injuries, including shin splints, plantar fasciitis, runner's knee and back pain.

URL: https://www.rocktape.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Rocktape Australia RSS feed

RockTape is a kinesiology tape which is used by practitioners to treat muscle and joint injuries and postural issues. Athletes use Rocktape to shorten rehab times, increase endurance and enhance recovery. Stay up to date with everything going on in the world of RockTape!

URL: https://rocktape.com.au/feed/ 📑


📡 Rocktape UK - Kinesiology Tape and Education for Athletes RSS feed

Rocktape UK is the only Kinesiology tape engineered to meet the performance demands of endurance athletes. Rocktape helps athletes maintain form, prevent injuries and perform better.

URL: http://www.rocktape.co.uk/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology | TASK RSS feed

The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology (TASK) were the first and are the longest running school in the UK teaching authentic, reproducible systematic kinesiology. Leading the way since 1985, we teach high-calibre foundation and advanced Kinesiology courses. We thrive by using our different strengths and we are focused on making your learning a unique and fruitful experience.

URL: https://kinesiology.co.uk/category/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Yasmin Darwish Kinesiology RSS feed

Yasmin Darwish Helping change people's lives through Kinesiology & Mindset Techniques, Workshop Facilitator & Speaker. I work with high achieving, high performing woman who feel stuck in either work, business or personal life. I empower them to achieve their goals so they can live the life they truly desire.

URL: https://www.yasmindarwish.com/blog?format=RSS 📑


📡 painPRO | Vancouver RMT, Physiotherapy, Kinesiology & Chiropractors RSS feed

painPRO Clinics offers Registered Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, Chiropractic and Kinesiology professionals. Our focus is to provide effective manual therapy treatments in a comfortable and relaxed environment. We also go out of our way to show you how much we appreciate your business.

URL: https://painproclinics.com/blog/feed/ 📑


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