28 Kids Yoga RSS feeds
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📡 Appleseed Yoga RSS feed
Appleseed Yoga's (AY) blog is a space for the exploration of ideas and thoughts relating to kid's yoga, mindfulness, and parenting. Often it is reflective of the personal journey of AY's Founder, Megan Snider. We specialize in yoga for kids and families and are based in Riverside, a neighbourhood in Toronto's downtown eastside.
URL: https://www.appleseedyoga.com/blog?format=RSS
📡 Children Inspired By Yoga Blog RSS feed
Children Inspired by Yoga was created by interactive designer, yoga-teacher and entrepreneur Sam Petter. Whilst on maternity leave Sam dreamt of a class for her baby son where the fun and magic of childhood were ignited whilst learning new skills for life and remaining true to her ethical principals
URL: https://childreninspiredbyyoga.com/blog/feed/
📡 Children's Yoga with Monique Lamore RSS feed
I teach yoga to children simply because I think that yoga is an amazing tool for taking care of oneself - physically, mentally and emotionally. And as children develop, learning the skills to build a strong foundation in these areas will undoubtedly serve them well as they experience and learn to understand, and operate in, the world.
URL: http://moniquelamoreyoga.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Eugene Imagination Yoga Blog | Yoga for Kids RSS feed
Imagination Yoga is a fun and engaging yoga program developed specifically for children. Read articles by Eugene Imagination Yoga about the many benefits of yoga for kids and how it can help them build important foundational skills.
URL: https://www.eugeneimaginationyoga.com/feed/
📡 Flow and Grow Kids Yoga RSS feed
We believe in creating yoga and mindfulness resources to inspire children to adopt lifelong healthy habits. We are on a mission to unlock the inner potential in every child through yoga, mindfulness and lifelong healthy habits.
URL: https://www.flowandgrowkidsyoga.com/blogs/news.atom
📡 Flow and Grow Kids Yoga - Kids Yoga Blog | Free tools & resources on mindfulness, poses, wellness RSS feed
Free yoga resources & tools, teaching ideas, interviews with important kids wellness entrepreneurs, insights, information on child development, and more!
URL: https://flowandgrowkidsyoga.com/blogs/news.atom
📡 Glow Yoga Kids RSS feed
Glow Yoga has been providing mobile yoga enrichment programs to Edmonton & area schools and groups since 2011. Our main goal is to uplift and empower children to feel happy, healthy and connected.
URL: https://www.glowyogakids.com/1/feed
📡 Kidding Around Yoga RSS feed
A kids yoga blog, featuring asanas, Ayurveda, benefits of yoga, books, breathing, camp around yoga, craft, karma yoga, kay music, meditation, nutrition, philosophy, science of yoga, yoga activities, yoga at home, yoga marketing, and yoga stories. Kidding Around Yoga offers online & live kids yoga teacher training.
URL: https://kiddingaroundyoga.com/feed/
📡 Kids Keeping Up! RSS feed
'Keep up and you'll be kept up' Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. A blog devoted to kids 'keeping up,' with yoga!
URL: http://kidskeepingup.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Kids Yoga Daily RSS feed
News, Views, and Product Reviews for Young Yogis
URL: http://kidsyogadaily.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Kids Yoga Stories RSS feed
Yoga books for kids, yoga poses for kids, and yoga cards for kids to get them moving, learning, and having fun
URL: https://www.kidsyogastories.com/feed
📡 Little Flower Yoga Blog RSS feed
LFY teaches yoga and mindfulness classes in school and youth organizations in New York, and offers a yoga alliance certified children's yoga teacher training in locations around the country. Our mission is to provide tools that help all children overcome physical, mental and emotional barriers to learning, empower them to make healthy choices and offer a space for experiencing joy
URL: https://www.littlefloweryoga.com/articles-practices/feed/
📡 Peace Play BLOG - Children's Yoga & Teacher Training NJ RSS feed
Bringing more peace to the world, one little yogi at a time. Yoga classes for kids ages 2-12 and Children's Yoga Teacher Training program in New Jersey.
URL: http://www.peaceplaynj.com/1/feed
📡 Positive Vibes Yoga for Children RSS feed
Positive Vibes blog has been set up to showcase some of the amazing things happening in our yoga classes. It is a blog of positivity and celebration.
URL: https://positivevibesyoga.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Pretzel Kids Yoga Blog RSS feed
Looking for the best kids yoga online course? Pretzel Kids yoga offers an affordable yoga teacher training course plus kids poses, classes and more. Want to learn how to teach kids yoga classes and run a childrens yoga business? Our kids yoga blog offers you free tips, tools and advice to start teaching kids yoga today!
URL: https://blog.pretzelkids.com/feed/
📡 Shining Kids Yoga Blog RSS feed
Shining Kids Yoga was founded by local parent and yoga teacher, Andrea Creel, in 2014 as a way of bringing yoga, mindfulness, and relaxation to children through after-school yoga enrichment programs.
URL: https://shiningkidsyoga.com/blog?format=RSS
📡 Teaching Children Meditation RSS feed
Sharing good practice, ideas, and offers about teaching young people meditation.
URL: https://teachchildrenmeditation.com/feed/
📡 The ABCs of Yoga for Kids RSS feed
Learn about yoga poses, asanas for kids on Yoga for Kids
URL: https://www.abcyogaforkids.com/feed/
📡 The Kids Yoga Resource RSS feed
The online resource for yoga for kids! Teacher tips, trainings, kids yoga product reviews, yoga in schools and classrooms, yoga and parenting, and kids yoga community sharing. Our mission is to promote resilience, positive perceptions, good health habits and mindful awareness through yoga and mindfulness education, empowering children to excel at school, at home and in life.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ChildLightYogaBlog
📡 Twist Kids Yoga | Yoga & Mindfulness For Children RSS feed
Twist Kids Yoga is a registered children's yoga school in Charlotte, NC. Our mission is to educate young minds in mindfulness, yoga postures, compassion and relaxation with the goal to create a more balanced and loving world.
URL: https://twistkidsyoga.com/feed/
📡 Well-Bean Kids Yoga Blog RSS feed
Well-Bean is committed to enriching the lives of youth by providing resources that nurture their mental and emotional health and needs.
URL: https://www.wellbean.us/blog/feed
📡 Yo Re Mi | Musical Yoga for Kids RSS feed
What's happening Your stories, our stories and stories from around the world! Bringing music and yoga classes to children throughout New York City.
URL: https://www.yoremikids.com/news?format=RSS
📡 YoPlay Yoga for Kids RSS feed
YoPlay Yoga For Kids incorporates playful yoga poses, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques helping children learn to stretch and strengthen their bodies, be mindful, release stress, feel better about themselves and calm their emotions - all of which makes them healthier and happier
URL: https://www.yoplayoga4kids.com/feed/
📡 Yoga with Ms. Brandon RSS feed
Covers articles about the life and experiences of a kids yoga teacher rebranding herself and finding new ways to teach yoga to children. Ms. Brandon shares her thoughts and insights learned from a long yoga journey that continues to evolve.
URL: https://www.yogawithmsbrandon.com/kids-yoga-blog?format=rss
📡 Young Yoga Masters RSS feed
Focuses on kid's yoga activities, tools, and safety tips. Young Yoga Masters offers comprehensive Kids Yoga Teacher Training exceeding the Yoga Alliance industry standards.
URL: https://youngyogamasters.com/feed/
📡 Zenergy Yoga RSS feed
Important and relevant topics on the benefits of yoga for children and teens. Zenergy provides yoga programs for schools and conducts training courses on how to teach yoga to children. Zenergy Yoga is the premier provider of training on how to teach yoga to children and teens. Discover the privilege and opportunity of impacting the lives of children and teens through yoga.
URL: https://zenergyyoga.com/feed/
📡 Zensational Kids Yoga - Breath | Movement | Mindfulness RSS feed
We believe that every child has unlimited potential, no matter what circumstances have crossed their path or diagnosis they have been given. We help educational communities unlock that potential through the implementation of evidence-based yoga and mindfulness practices that build social and emotional learning, coping skills and self-regulation strategies.
URL: https://zensationalkids.com/feed/
📡 yogeesyoga4kids RSS feed
Expand your child's enrichment with yogees yoga 4 kids. Children will learn, develop self awareness, and have fun in a supportive nurturing Yoga environment.
URL: https://www.yogeesyoga4kids.com/blog-feed.xml