48 Journalism RSS feeds
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📡 Alan Geere online RSS feed
Alan Geere is a journalist, academic and international editorial consultant. His blog is a mix of reflections on the industry, international issues, and snippets of his life.
URL: http://alangeere.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Beyond Bylines - PR Newswire for Journalists RSS feed
Covering the Intersection of Journalism, Emerging Media and Blogging. Here you will find media industry news, as well as a selection of real-time headlines from PR Newswire.
URL: https://mediablog.prnewswire.com/category/journalists-and-journalism/feed/
📡 Bill Gentile RSS feed
Bill Gentile is a documentary filmmaker, who teaches at the American University in Washington, DC. He blogs about his work teaching 'backpack video journalism' around the world.
URL: https://billgentile.com/feed/
📡 BuzzMachine RSS feed
Authored by NYC insider Jeff Jarvis, BuzzMachine covers news, media, journalism, and politics.
URL: https://buzzmachine.com/feed/
📡 Caribbean Journalism RSS feed
Thoughts on a wide range of subjects relevant to Caribbean journalism.
URL: http://wesleygibbings.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Data journalism | The Guardian RSS feed
Latest US news, world news, sports, business, opinion, analysis and reviews from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice.
URL: https://www.theguardian.com/media/data-journalism/rss
📡 Digidave RSS feed
Digidave - Journalism is a Process, Not a Product.
URL: http://blog.digidave.org/feed
📡 Ethical Journalism Network RSS feed
The EJN (Ethical Journalism Network) strengthens the craft of journalism and promotes higher ethical standards in media through education, training & publication of useful research.
URL: https://ethicaljournalismnetwork.org/feed
📡 Free Press Fail RSS feed
So much for Objective Journalism. We shine a light on media failures to fight fake news, mock liberal-self righteousness, call out big tech censorship, and help you identify TDS.
URL: https://www.freepressfail.com/feed/
📡 Jim Romenesko RSS feed
American journalist Jim Romenesko provides daily news, commentary, and insider information about journalism and media on his blog.
URL: https://jimromenesko.com/feed/
📡 John Gordon Miller's Blog RSS feed
John Gordon Miller's unique experience makes him sought after as an expert witness on journalism issues like libel and protection of sources.
URL: https://www.thejournalismdoctor.ca/rss
📡 Jon Slattery RSS feed
A freelance journalist writing from the UK. Here he collects and shares his thought-provoking articles from around the web, and focuses on where the boundaries of journalism in the digital age are.
URL: http://jonslattery.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Journal of a Journalist RSS feed
Neal Ungerleider writes about technology and science for Fast Company. He posts a mix of original articles, links to other projects and job listings on his blog and has also launched a newsletter recently.
URL: https://journalofajournalist.com/rss
📡 Journalism and Communication RSS feed
Articles on human communication, art and visual aesthetic, general knowledge, life skills, media, law and much more.
URL: https://wecommunication.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Media Nation RSS feed
Media Nation by Dan Kennedy , the press, politics, technology, culture and other passions.
URL: https://dankennedy.net/feed/
📡 MediaShift RSS feed
Launched in 2006, MediaShift has become the premier destination for insight and analysis at the intersection of media and technology. MediaShift correspondents explain how traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, music and movies are dealing with digital disruption and adapting their business models for a more mobile, networked world.
URL: http://mediashift.org/feed/
📡 Mediaite RSS feed
Mediaite is a news and opinion blog and aggregator for the media industry. Coverage includes newspapers, magazines, online, and television. The power grid ranks
URL: https://www.mediaite.com/feed/
📡 Musings on Maps RSS feed
Daniel Brownstein blogs about data visualisation, with a focus on mapping techniques
URL: https://dabrownstein.com/feed/
📡 NYU Journalism RSS feed
NYU Journalism is dedicated to public knowledge, public information and public debate.
URL: https://journalism.nyu.edu/about-us/news/feed/
📡 Nieman Journalism Lab - Pushing to the Future of Journalism RSS feed
The Nieman Journalism Lab is an attempt to help journalism make the uneasy transition into the Internet age. We identify and promote innovation in how the news gets reported, shared, and consumed — whether that's at traditional news organizations, the new generation of online startups, or something in between. A project of Harvard University.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/NiemanJournalismLab
📡 One Man & His Blog RSS feed
One Man and His Blog is a blog about the intersection of digital technology, journalism and publishing strategy by Adam Tinworth.
URL: https://onemanandhisblog.com/rss/
📡 Online Journalism Blog RSS feed
The Online Journalism Blog publishes comments, analyses, and links covering online journalism and online news, data journalism, citizen journalism, blogging, vlogging, photo blogging, podcasts, vodcasts, interactive storytelling, publishing, Computer-Assisted Reporting, User Generated Content, searching, and all things internet.
URL: https://onlinejournalismblog.com/feed/
📡 OpenSecrets Blog RSS feed
OpenSecrets Blog, the latest in money-and-politics news and related investigative journalism.
URL: https://www.opensecrets.org/news/feed/
📡 Peace Journalism Insights RSS feed
Occasionally coherent pieces by Steven Youngblood about his experiences teaching Peace and Conflict Sensitive Journalism for the Center for Global Peace Journalism at Park University.
URL: http://stevenyoungblood.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Pew Research Center's Journalism Project RSS feed
The Journalism project of the Pew Research Center publishes research on who is reporting the news and what new players are emerging; what is being reported on
URL: https://www.journalism.org/feed/
📡 Poynter RSS feed
Founded in 1975, Poynter is an inspirational place but also a practical one, connecting the varied crafts of journalism to its higher mission and purpose.
URL: https://www.poynter.org/feed/
📡 Press Gazette | British Journalism News RSS feed
Press Gazette has been reporting on British journalism without fear or favour since 1965. Our mission is to provide journalism news and information service which helps the UK journalism.
URL: https://www.pressgazette.co.uk/feed
📡 Press Think RSS feed
PRESSTHINK is a project of the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University. It is written and edited by professor Jay Rosen, who has taught at NYU since 1986. The blog is about the fate of the press in a digital era and the challenges involved in rethinking what journalism is today. It presents essays, press criticism, interviews, and speeches. PressThink does not accept advertising.
URL: https://pressthink.org/feed/
📡 Quill RSS feed
When you read Quill, the Society of Professional Journalists' national magazine, you have your finger on the pulse of American journalism - its challenges, opportunities and responsibilities. For more than 90 years, Quill has been a respected and sought-after resource for journalists, industry leaders, students and educators on issues central to journalism.
URL: https://www.quillmag.com/feed/
📡 Rhetorica RSS feed
The Rhetorica Network offers analysis and commentary about the rhetoric of journalism, politics, and our culture. This site features the Rhetorica web log, a rhetoric primer, a primer of critical techniques, and information for citizens.
URL: https://rhetorica.net/feed/
📡 Richard Kendall RSS feed
A blogs about 'one man's ever-changing journey through digital news'.
URL: https://richardkendall.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Robb Montgomery RSS feed
Mobile journalism expert Robb Montgomery gives useful tips and advice on visual storytelling by reviewing the latest mojo equipment, apps and technology.
URL: https://robbmontgomery.com/feed/
📡 Scripting News RSS feed
Scripting News is the longest running weblog on the internet. Dave Winer, a software developer and writer, explores developments in the journalism, as well as a range of other issues that ignite his interest.
URL: http://scripting.com/rss.xml
📡 Silicon Valley Watcher RSS feed
Silicon Valley Watcher - reporting on the business of innovation at the intersection of technology and media.
URL: https://www.siliconvalleywatcher.com/feed/en-us
📡 Simon Rogers RSS feed
This blog covers a variety of areas within journalism, with information for those starting out, as well as more experienced journalists.
URL: https://simonrogers.net/feed/
📡 Telling The Story RSS feed
Video journalist Matt Pearl takes a continuing look at how journalists tell stories, aiming to offer commentary, links to great stories, reflections on deeper issues, and thoughts on his own work.
URL: http://tellingthestoryblog.com/feed/
📡 The Authentic Storytelling Project RSS feed
The Authentic Storytelling Project features stories that help you find customers, connect with customers, donors, advocates and others. This blog is a guide for newbie marketers and and answers their basic social media queries.
URL: https://authenticstorytelling.net/feed/
📡 The Buttry Diary RSS feed
His blog offers great tips for journalists as well as media commentary on topics including paywalls, mobile strategy, entrepreneurial journalism, ethics and accuracy.
URL: https://stevebuttry.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 The Editor's Desk RSS feed
A discussion of writing and editing, with an emphasis on U.S. newspapers, news websites and social media.
URL: https://editdesk.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 The Functional Art RSS feed
This blog is by Alberto Cairo, discusses data journalism in general, with a focus on visualisation and infographics.
URL: http://www.thefunctionalart.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Richard Jones Journalism Blog RSS feed
Thoughts and resources on journalism by Richard Williams.
URL: http://richardjonesjournalist.com/feed/
📡 The Rural Blog RSS feed
A digest of events, trends, issues, ideas and journalism from and about rural America, from the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, based at the University of Kentucky.
URL: http://irjci.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 The Slow Journalism | Delayed Gratification RSS feed
Delayed Gratification is the world's first Slow Journalism magazine, a beautiful quarterly publication which is proud to be 'Last to Breaking News'.
URL: https://www.slow-journalism.com/blog/feed
📡 The Unimportant Things RSS feed
Keep up with posts from The Unimportant Things.
URL: https://system1letschat.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Western Journal RSS feed
Western Journalism is a news company that drives positive cultural change by equipping and informing people with truth. Western Journalism has a distinguished team of journalists and support staff who work together to achieve common goals. It is committed to its founding principles, which are honesty, integrity, and meticulous work ethic.
URL: https://www.westernjournal.com/feed/
📡 Youth Journalism International RSS feed
Youth Journalism International is an educational public charity that connects teen writers, artists and photographers with peers around the globe, teaches journalism, fosters cross-cultural understanding, and promotes and defends a free youth press.
URL: https://youthjournalism.org/feed/
📡 Youth Ki Awaaz: Citizen Journalism & News, Voice Of Youth. RSS feed
Stories that matter, contributed by you: YKA covers India, news, politics, pop culture, gender, human rights, LGBT issues, music, arts and world events.
URL: https://www.youthkiawaaz.com/feed/
📡 Zombie Journalism RSS feed
Creating hope for the future of journalism and dropping some knowledge on journalists everywhere. Dispatches from the living amongst the media's walking dead
URL: https://zombiejournalism.com/feed/
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