64 Java RSS feeds

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📡 A Java geek RSS feed

Nicolas Frnkel's blog. IT architect focusing on Java, Java EE, and their surrounding ecosystems. He is a trainer, book writer, speaker & blogger.

URL: https://blog.frankel.ch/feed.xml 📑


📡 Adam Bien RSS feed

Adam Bien's Software Engineering Weblog. Adam is a Freelancer, Author, JavaONE Rockstar Consultant, Java Champion and trainer.

URL: https://www.adam-bien.com/roller/abien/feed/entries/atom 📑


📡 Antonio's Blog RSS feed

My name is Antonio Goncalves, I am a senior software architect living in Paris. I've started working in IT in 1992. Initially focused in C and C development, I switched to Java in the late 1990s. This is my blog, mainly about Java.

URL: https://antoniogoncalves.org/feed/ 📑


📡 Arjan Tijms RSS feed

Musings of a Java EE developer. Explore articles on java, java EE

URL: https://arjan-tijms.omnifaces.org/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Baeldung - Java RSS feed

Baeldung helps developers explore the Java ecosystem and simply be better engineers. Java is the popular programming language that originated in 1995. Today, the Java ecosystem includes a very large number of specifications, libraries, frameworks, tools, as well as a thriving community. Take a dive through our collection of Java tutorials that cover a wide array of Java-related topics.

URL: https://feeds.feedblitz.com/baeldung 📑


📡 BenchResources.Net RSS feed

BenchResources.Net is an open source technology weblog on Java, J2ee, Spring, Web Service, Oracle SOA-OSB & Maven for sharing technical knowledge

URL: https://www.benchresources.net/feed/ 📑


📡 Cay Horstmann's unblog RSS feed

I am a professor of computer science and wrote many professional and college books on Java, Scala, other programming languages, and introductory programming. In this blog, I share the occasional tidbit of useful information or rant about the latest injustice in the worlds of Java and computer science education.

URL: https://horstmann.com/unblog/rss.xml 📑


📡 Code Complete RSS feed

Code Complete is a blog all about Java. Follow the blog for smart concepts, coding, best practices, tips and more.

URL: https://betterjavacode.com/feed 📑


📡 Codingface - Java RSS feed

Java is one of the most popular programming languages, known as the evergreen programming language. We have given the most important programs on Java. Codingface.com is one of the leading independent programming posting portal, specially designed for providing simple coding logic of programs in multiple languages like Java, Python, C, C , PHP and more.

URL: https://codingface.com/java/feed/ 📑


📡 Developer.com - Java RSS feed

Explore our Java resources. Developer.com features tutorials, news, and how-tos focused on topics relevant to software engineers, web developers, programmers, and product managers of development teams. In addition to covering the most popular programming languages today, we publish reviews and round-ups of developer tools that help devs reduce the time and money spent developing, maintaining, and debugging their applications.

URL: https://www.developer.com/java/feed/ 📑


📡 Dreamix Group - Java RSS feed

We believe that people can create value using Java & Oracle technologies.

URL: https://dreamix.eu/blog/category/java/feed 📑


📡 FlowerBrackets RSS feed

Covers articles about java programming, java examples, operators and tutorials.

URL: https://www.flowerbrackets.com/feed/ 📑


📡 FusionReactor Blog RSS feed

FusionReactor is an Application Performance Monitor for Java and ColdFusion, which goes beyond monitoring to actively minimize downtime and accelerate time to fix.

URL: https://www.fusion-reactor.com/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 GC easy Universal Java GC Log Analyser RSS feed

Need help with Scalability, Performance, Availability(SPA) problems?Need to train your team on performance engineering? You are at the right place.

URL: https://blog.gceasy.io/feed/ 📑


📡 How to do in JAVA RSS feed

Java blog for smart concepts and coding practices

URL: https://howtodoinjava.com/feed/ 📑


📡 InfoQ - Java Community Content On InfoQ RSS feed

InfoQ.com is a practitioner-driven community news site focused on facilitating the spread of knowledge and innovation in professional software development.

URL: https://feed.infoq.com/java 📑


📡 Inside.java RSS feed

Inside.java is a collection of curated content produced by the Java Platform Group at Oracle. Content includes blog posts, mailing list activity, conference talks, and more. It is a window into the world of the team that stewards the Java ecosystem.

URL: https://inside.java/feed.xml 📑


📡 Inspired by Actual Events RSS feed

Hi, I'm Dustin Marx. This blog about my observations and thoughts related to software development (general development, Java, JavaFX, Groovy, Flex, ...). These observations include tips and tricks that I have learned, solutions to problems I have faced, and other concepts I have found interesting and useful. This blog is intended to provide information to help other developers facing the same issues as well as providing me a method to document things in a well-known location for my future reference.

URL: https://marxsoftware.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 JBoss Tools Blog RSS feed

We provide Eclipse tooling for JBoss related technologies (Application server, Hibernate, Openshift, Seam, Drools, jBPM, JSF, EJB3, JPA, ESB etc.) Folow our blog to know more about the Jboss Tools.

URL: https://tools.jboss.org/blog/news.atom 📑


📡 Jakarta Blog RSS feed

Learn more about Jakarta EE, java open cloud and more! Jakarta Enterprise Edition (EE) is the future of cloud native Java. Jakarta EE open source software drives cloud native innovation, modernizes enterprise applications and protects investments in Java EE.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/jakartaeeblogs 📑


📡 Java AWS Developer Blog RSS feed

Updates on Java from the AWS Developer blog. Amazon Web Services offers reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud computing services.

URL: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/category/programing-language/java/feed/ 📑


📡 Java Advent Calendar RSS feed

Welcome to the Java Advent Calendar. Every year, you will find 24 fresh and sweet JVM related articles during the advent season. This project started in 2012 with the idea of providing technical content during the Christmas Advent period. So, 24 articles in each of the days in December.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/JavaAdventCalendar 📑


📡 Java Code Geeks RSS feed

Java Code Geeks is an independent online community focused on creating the ultimate Java-to-Java developers resource center; targeted at the technical architect, technical team lead (senior developer), project manager and junior developers alike. JCGs serve the Java, Scala, Android, SOA, Agile and Telecom communities with daily java news written by domain experts.

URL: https://www.javacodegeeks.com/feed 📑


📡 Java Concept Of The Day RSS feed

javaconceptoftheday.com started with an ambition to teach one java concept everyday to its users in simplest way possible. Concepts are designed in such a way that both beginners as well as experts will find it useful. Java beginners can use this site to learn java concepts from most basic concepts to advanced ones in an easy way. Java experts can use this site to fresh up their java basic skills. Job aspirants may also find this site helpful for quick recap of java concepts before attending an interview.

URL: https://javaconceptoftheday.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Java Deep | Pure Java, what else RSS feed

Javax0 is a technical Java oriented blog.

URL: https://javax0.wordpress.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Java Developer Central RSS feed

Java Developer Central has tutorials, informational posts on various topics on Java and is aimed to be a one-stop shop for Java programmers. I'm a Software Developer passionate about learning. I believe the most efficient way to learn is by practicing and by teaching or discussing with others the subject you are learning. I also write about design patterns which is language agnostic and will help all programmers. Also, I write about best practices and share my views, thoughts on subjects related to Java.

URL: https://javadevcentral.com/feed 📑


📡 Java Guides RSS feed

Guides and Tutorials on Java/Java EE, Design Patterns, OOPS, Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Hibernate Framework, Jersey, RestEasy, Maven, JUnit, Coding, Restful, Angular, React, Vue, Full Stack Java Development

URL: https://www.javaguides.net/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Java Hungry RSS feed

Java Hungry features Java developers tutorials and coding.

URL: https://javahungry.blogspot.com//feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 Java India Blog RSS feed

Get the latest updates,news related to java technologies and services. Java India offers high-quality Java Development services to clients with diverse requirements and from various industry verticals. We bring together the expertise and experience of seasoned Java developers to create applications that deliver excellent results for the client's business.

URL: https://www.javaindia.in/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Java Inspires RSS feed

Covers java code examples, java interview questions, java tutorials, java programs, and everything related to Java.

URL: https://javainspires.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Java Interview Questions and Answers RSS feed

This blog is Java interview questions and answers for helpfull to the job seeker,core java, j2ee, in core java , String, Collection, threading, Multithreading, OOPs Concept, JSP, Servlet, Struts , Spring and hibernate, Java interview questions and answers

URL: https://adnjavainterview.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Java Software Development Tutorials and Videos RSS feed

Java-TV.com (Java Tutorials and Videos) is a directory of videos, interviews and tutorials focused on software development activities with the Java programming language and the technologies that are associated to Java like Eclipse, NetBeans, Groovy, Grails, Spring, GlassFish, JBoss, Hibernate, JUnit, Struts, JavaServer Faces, JavaFX, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Hudson, Tomcat, Seam, FindBugs, Sonar, et.

URL: https://www.java-tv.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Java at Microsoft RSS feed

Follow for weekly news, updates, and insights for Java development with Microsoft tools, Azure services, and OpenJDK.

URL: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/java/feed/ 📑


📡 Java tutorial for beginners RSS feed

A blog on core java, android, data structures,web services and various frameworks like struts 2,spring,spring mvc,hibernate and various java design patterns

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/arpitmandliyasblog?alt=rss 📑


📡 Java, SQL and jOOQ. RSS feed

Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Writing Awesome Java and SQL Code. Get some hands-on insight on what's behind developing jOOQ.

URL: https://blog.jooq.org/feed/ 📑


📡 Java67 RSS feed

Java Tutorial Example program tips homework assignment solution, interview question answers eclipse debugging unix linux sql xml blog.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Java67 📑


📡 Javarevisited RSS feed

To become goto place for Java Programmers, Interview question, SQL developer and anyone who wants to become better software programmer. Authored by Javin Paul.

URL: http://javarevisited.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 Let's talk about Java RSS feed

A Java blog about things related to the quality of the code and ways of improving it. Authored by Sebastian Malaca, a Agile maniac and OOP fanatic, Leader, developer, Blogger and speaker.

URL: http://letstalkaboutjava.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Make & Know Java RSS feed

Want to master in Java!! make yourself Observer and make this blog observable (A Javaonfly Production). A blog on detailed discussion on Java/ JavaEE/Spring/Microservices,Agile also included Interview questions.

URL: http://javaonfly.blogspot.in//feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 Minborg's Java Pot RSS feed

This is my Java blog with various tips and tricks that are targeted for medium and advanced Java users.

URL: http://minborgsjavapot.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 Oracle Blogs | The Java Source RSS feed

Java powers more than 4.5 billion devices including 800 million computers and 1.5 billion cell phones. If you love Java, this is the blog you must follow.

URL: https://blogs.oracle.com/java/rss 📑


📡 Oracle Java Certified RSS feed

Oracle Java Certified Blog by Keturah Carol. Features articles on Core Java, Oracle Java Programming, JDK, Java IO, Java Applet, Java OOPs, Oracle Java Database, and more.

URL: https://oraclejavacertified.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Oracle SOA and Java Blog RSS feed

Articles containing tips, tricks and nice to knows related to IT stuff I find interesting. Also serves as online memory.

URL: https://javaoraclesoa.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 PrepBytes Blog - Java RSS feed

Know more about Java, get interview and test prep material, questions and more! PrepBytes is an initiative to help students in their placement preparations targeting Software development/engineering, Analyst & Product based roles in IT/Internet/Analytics companies.We are a team of graduates from IITs/NITs having work experience in fast paced start-ups & top companies across the globe.

URL: https://www.prepbytes.com/blog/category/java/feed/ 📑


📡 Programming for beginners RSS feed

Programming Languages ABAP C# Groovy Haskell Java JavaScript Julia Kotlin Prolog Python R Tutorial Esoteric Program...

URL: https://self-learning-java-tutorial.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Random Thoughts on Java Programming RSS feed

Trying to define some of my thoughts on Software Design.

URL: http://randomthoughtsonjavaprogramming.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Reza Rahman's Java Blog RSS feed

My ramblings on Java EE, Java SE and the crazy World of technology in general.

URL: https://reza-rahman.me/feed/ 📑


📡 Stacktraceguru RSS feed

This blog walks you through various features of Java 8 with lucid examples which will be helpful for beginners as well as experienced developers

URL: https://stacktraceguru.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Tech Stack Journal RSS feed

My name is Srinivasa Akundi, I'm in Software Development Industry from the last 14 years. I have started my career with Java. During my professional journey, I have learned about various other technologies too. I always wished to share my knowledge, but tight project schedules kept me busy. Finally, I've started Tech Stack Journal and started posting the Core Java concepts and Node.Js concepts. Hopefully, I'll be able to complete them soon and proceed with other advanced concepts.

URL: https://techstackjournal.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Couchbase Blog - Java RSS feed

Learn more about the best practices and tutorials for the category Java. Couchbase is the modern database for enterprise applications.

URL: https://blog.couchbase.com/category/java/feed/ 📑


📡 The Java Programmer RSS feed

TheJavaProgrammer.com is a programming and development blog that provides free tutorials, programs, projects and interview questions for technologies related to Java programming language. It is an all in one blog that will definitely help beginners and experts for enhancing their knowledge of Java programming.

URL: https://www.thejavaprogrammer.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The JetBrains Blog - Java Annotated RSS feed

A solid portion of JVM news, presented in a handy way - pressed specially for you. Java News Java Tutorials & Tips Languages, Frameworks, Libraries, and Technologies Intell. At JetBrains, code is our passion. Ever since we started, back in 2000, we have strived to make the strongest, most effective developer tools on earth. By automating routine checks and corrections, our tools speed up production, freeing developers to grow, discover and create.

URL: https://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/tag/java-annotated/feed/ 📑


📡 TheServerSide.com RSS feed

TheServerSide.com is the world's largest online community for enterprise Java architects and developers. If you're interested in learning more about Java database connectivity (JDBC), J2ME, or Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), you will discover a wealth of unbiased coverage, tutorials, definitions, and discussion forums about these topics and many other relevant areas of Java development and architecture. Our team offers news, features, and conference coverage to keep you as up-to-date as possible on everything new in the world of Java.

URL: https://www.theserverside.com/rss/ContentSyndication.xml 📑


📡 Thorben Janssen Blog RSS feed

Read in-depth articles and get regular updates to stay up-to-date with JPA, Hibernate and microservice-related persistence topics. Hi, My name is Thorben Janssen. I'm the author of this blog and of the Amazon bestselling book Hibernate Tips - More than 70 solutions to common Hibernate problems. For the last 15 years, I have been using Hibernate and JPA in all kinds of projects. From small ones with very aggressive timelines to huge projects that had to handle thousands of users.

URL: https://thorben-janssen.com/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Thoughts on Java | Java Language Writing Blog RSS feed

My name is Thorben Janssen and I live and work in Dresden, Germany. I am an independent trainer and author and work as a senior developer and software architect. I develop Java EE applications since 2001 and focus on the business logic and persistence tier of the application. These are also the main topics of my conference talks, workshops and this blog.

URL: https://thoughts-on-java.org/feed/ 📑


📡 Top Java Blogs RSS feed

Top Java Blogs is a Java blog aggregator (with English-written blogs only) focused on Java SE, Java EE, Framework Spring and Hibernate.

URL: https://www.topjavablogs.com/news/feed.xml 📑


📡 Vanilla Java Blog RSS feed

This blog is all about Understanding how Core Java really works can help you write simpler, faster applications. Find tutorials and guides on core java, news and updates and more!

URL: http://blog.vanillajava.blog/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Vlad Mihalcea's Blog | Teaching is my way of learning RSS feed

On Vlad Mihalcea's blog, you can find a lot of articles about Hibernate, Relational Databases, No SQL, Spring, Caching, and other Enterprise-related topics. Vlad is the author of High-Performance Java Persistence https://t.co/QeuIiJjLbQ

URL: https://vladmihalcea.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Xperti Blog RSS feed

Xperti Blogs section is your one stop solution to learn how to become a top talent for top IT Projects. Xperti, an Arthur Lawrence company, pairs top tech experts with the right projects at the right time.

URL: https://xperti.io/blogs/feed/ 📑


📡 codeforhunger RSS feed

Codeforhunger is a easiest way to learn programming languages, learn C and Java with lot of practical example's and their solutions, learn C programming language , interview question's, coding tips and more. I am writing this blog to share programming knowledge with beginners and for those who are hungry to learn programming. In hope that it might be helpful to learners like me.

URL: https://www.codeforhunger.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 dev cases | Java development tutorials RSS feed

In this tutorial you will know, how you can organize efficiently your dependencies in project with multiple modules.

URL: https://devcases.com/feed/ 📑


📡 foojay - JavaFX RSS feed

Welcome to Foojay, a central resource for the Java community's daily information needs, a place for friends of OpenJDK, and a community platform for the Java ecosystem - bringing together and helping Java professionals everywhere.

URL: https://foojay.io/today/category/javafx/feed/ 📑


📡 javatechonline Blog RSS feed

We will keep updating with the best materials possible on the latest on-demand technologies. Even we will use the latest APIs as per industry standards as much as possible and avoid outdated concepts & APIs to make you updated with the latest trends in the industry. I have been working in Java/J2EE technologies from more than 14 years. During this journey, apart from Core java, Servlets, JSP etc. I also worked on various frameworks such as Struts, JSF, Spring, Hibernate, Spring Boot, Microservices.

URL: https://javatechonline.com/blogs/feed/ 📑


📡 nipafx RSS feed

I'm nipafx, but you can call me Nicolai, a Java enthusiast with a passion for learning and sharing, online and offline. If you want to sharpen your Java skills, follow this blog feed.

URL: https://nipafx.dev/feed.xml 📑


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