126 Homestead RSS feeds

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📡 15 Acre Homestead RSS feed

Covers Homesteading, Gardening, Animals, Health, Home Decor, and DIY. 15 Acre Homestead is a blog by Ann Marie, with a goal is to teach you how to use old-fashioned skills & eliminate the modern conveniences of today to start a successful journey towards complete self-sufficiency.

URL: https://15acrehomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 A Farmish Kind of Life RSS feed

Amy is a homesteader, author, podcaster, and thinker of deep thoughts. Through this blog, she writes about life stuff, homesteading, gardening, animals, and everything in between.

URL: https://afarmishkindoflife.com/feed/ 📑


📡 A Home Made From Scratch RSS feed

Hi, I'm Leilani A Home Made From Scratch, was started from my desire to connect. I want to help and learn with others who are also limited in time, money, and space. On my blog, you can learn about homesteading, cooking, crafting from scratch, and gradening.

URL: https://ahomemadefromscratch.com/feed/ 📑


📡 A Modern Homestead RSS feed

Learn how to homestead wherever you are with from scratch recipes, crafting patterns, gardening info, and canning recipes. Victoria created this blog to help others learn more about how to live a frugal & simple lifestyle while making money online.

URL: https://www.amodernhomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 A Simple Homestead RSS feed

A blog about our Christian family, our adventures in homesteading and DIY, and about knit and crochet design business. Authored by Carmen Nuland, a 40-something mom.

URL: https://asimplehomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Accidental Hippies RSS feed

Accidental Hippies is a debt-free, off-grid, cordwood homestead blog.

URL: https://accidentalhippies.com/feed/ 📑


📡 An American Homestead RSS feed

Modern Homesteading education from an off-grid perspective. Learn about family life, food preservation, chickens, livestock, solar energy, and land sustainability. An American Homestead is about two families that live off-grid in the Ozark mountains.

URL: http://anamericanhomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Audrey's Little Farm RSS feed

Here is your homesteading blog with all of the best homesteading related content! At Audrey's Little Farm, you will learn about raising chickens, growing a vegetable garden, preserving your own food, canning and baking.

URL: https://audreyslittlefarm.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Better Hens & Gardens RSS feed

Lesa Wilke writes 'Better Hens & Gardens' to help rural-minded folks transition to more self-sufficient, sustainable, lifestyles. Posts are in the categories of chickens, goats, farm, honey bees, garden, sustainable living, homemade, recipes, and pantry.

URL: https://www.betterhensandgardens.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Boots & Hooves Homestead RSS feed

Mary helps busy moms live a simple & natural life by making real food ingredients & non-toxic product swaps, without extra stress.Here at Boots & Hooves Homestead, you'll find a lot of information about making homemade meals made from scratch, growing a kitchen garden, and the farm life.

URL: https://bootsandhooveshomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Chasing Grace Homestead RSS feed

We are a homestead seeking self-sustainability, frugality and simple, clean living.

URL: https://chasinggracehomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Cold Antler Farm RSS feed

On the Cold Antler Farm, Jenna Woginrich writes about her adventures following her crazy dream life as a self-employed writer, homesteader, archer, falconer, equestrian, martial artist, hunter, spinner, brewer, geek, and real-life Game of Thrones Extra.

URL: https://www.coldantlerfarmny.com/blog-feed.xml 📑


📡 Common Sense Homesteading RSS feed

Common Sense Homesteading is all about using sound judgment to be more self-reliant. We cover topics such as Gardening, Food Storage, Preparedness, Home Remedies & Natural Health, Herbalism, Wildcrafting, Homesteading, Green Home Building & Remodeling, Book & Product Reviews, and Recipes.

URL: https://commonsensehome.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Country Living in a Cariboo Valley RSS feed

Gardening on a Zone 3 homestead in British Columbia. Vegetable gardening (and flowers too!), preserving food, raising cattle, pigs & chickens.

URL: https://countrylivinginacariboovalley.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Dandelion Roots Homestead Blog RSS feed

A growing urban homestead

URL: http://Dandelionroots.org/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Dogwood Pond Farms RSS feed

Experimenting with sustainability and trying to become as self-sufficient as possible on 26 acres in Missouri.

URL: https://www.dogwoodpondfarms.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Dunlap Family Farm and Homestead RSS feed

Average family on the road to self sustainability. Here at Dunlap Family Farm, we are working toward a self-sustainable lifestyle.

URL: https://dunlapfamilyfarm.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Eight Acres Blog RSS feed

A blog by Liz Beavis. Sharing posts about self-sufficiency and permaculture in rural Australia including cattle, house cow, chickens, garden, farming, handmade natural soap, scratch cooking, and house renovation. Follow to get along with Liz and her life journey.

URL: https://eight-acres.com.au/blogs/news.atom 📑


📡 Family Food Garden Blog RSS feed

A permaculture, homestead, and gardening blog to help you grow food. Learn lots about garden planning, family gardening, herb gardening, and more!

URL: https://www.familyfoodgarden.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Fantail Valley Homestead RSS feed

Learn to homestead with Fantail Valley Homestead. Dana is a homesteading, homeschooling mom, shares articles on animals, gardening, food from scratch, green living, finance, and homestead anywhere.

URL: https://piwakawakavalley.co.nz/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Farm & Animals RSS feed

Farm & Animals is a homestead lifestyle blog run by Nicky & Sam, two farming enthusiasts, who try to provide useful tips to first-time farm owners & beginners. Blog posts cover Animals, Crops, Farm and Equipment.

URL: https://farmandanimals.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Farminence RSS feed

Farminence was founded as a way to educate people that are interested in becoming more self-sufficient. Shelby DeVore shares her 20 years of agriculture knowledge with you so that you can feel comfortable raising livestock, gardening, preserving food, and cooking delicious meals from scratch.

URL: https://farminence.com/feed/ 📑


📡 French River Co. RSS feed

The French River Homestead consists of tutorial and project videos, focusing on building and maintaining our homestead.

URL: https://frenchriverco.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Frenchie Farm RSS feed

Frenchie Farm is a health and wellness blog dedicated to homesteading. Follow along as we renovate our farmhouse and raise goats and chickens.

URL: https://www.thefrenchiefarm.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Gluten Free Homestead RSS feed

Discover delicious low-carb, paleo, gluten-free recipes that will delight your tastebuds! Also, stay up on fitness tips and strategies for aging well to help you live the healthy life you desire. Authored by Barbara Bianchi.

URL: https://glutenfreehomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Green Journal Homestead RSS feed

Trying to Homestead with little money and even less time.

URL: https://greenjournalhomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Grow Forage Cook Ferment RSS feed

Grow Forage Cook Ferment is a blog that teaches about all types of homesteading endeavors. We offer ideas for growing food & medicine; recipes & tutorials for cooking, fermenting, preserving the harvest; and easy homemade herbal remedies & body care products.

URL: https://www.growforagecookferment.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Grow Where You Sow RSS feed

Grow Where You Sow is all about helping you to achieve a fulfilled, successful life while homesteading. From gardening tips, livestock to homemaking and homesteading for beginners, Chelsea is here to provide the support you need.

URL: https://growwhereyousow.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Happiest Camper RSS feed

Covers tutorials on sewing projects, DIYs, family crafts, and lots more!

URL: https://happiestcamper.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Healing Harvest Homestead RSS feed

Heidi Villegas is a Certified Aromatherapist & Herbalist at Healing Harvest Homestead. Follow for her information & inspiration on natural home remedies, making DIY body products, handmade soap making, cooking from scratch preserving foods, fermentation, homesteading, gardening, raising poultry, preparedness, and other self-reliance skills.

URL: https://www.healingharvesthomestead.com/home?format=RSS 📑


📡 Hibiscus House RSS feed

Features Southern Traditions, Recipes, gardening, backyard animals, crafting, DIY, spotlight stories, and everything home. Authored by Dolly.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/HibiscusHouse 📑


📡 High Sierra Permaculture | Permaculture Blog for the DIY and Professional Permaculture Practitioner RSS feed

DIY and Professional Permaculture blog to help homesteaders, farmers, permaculture practitioners and more integrate permaculture into their lives and land.

URL: https://permaresilience.com/permaculture-articles/feed/ 📑


📡 Hillsborough Homesteading RSS feed

Live your best life through self-sufficiency! Join Lauren as she shares fresh garden recipes, gardening ideas, herbal remedies, canning & foraging, and info for making homesteading easier for beginners & experts alike!

URL: https://hillsborough-homesteading.com/feed/ 📑


📡 HipChickDigs RSS feed

HipChickDigs is an online resource for modern homesteaders with posts about edible gardening, sustainable living, harvesting, craft, ecology, and backyard livestock. Authored by Renee Wilkinson.

URL: http://www.hipchickdigs.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Home and Gardening Ideas | Homestead RSS feed

The homestead category of the Home and Gardening Ideas blog provides home and gardening ideas for your homestead.

URL: https://www.homeandgardeningideas.com/category/homestead/feed/ 📑


📡 Home to Homestead RSS feed

Home to Homestead is all about composting, cultivating and cooking.

URL: https://hometohomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Home, Garden and Homestead RSS feed

Home Garden & Homestead is the guide to the best tips & products for homes and gardens. We produce stories that help you create a healthy home, grow a gorgeous & productive garden using eco-friendly methods, and create an independent and sustainable ranch and homestead lifestyle.

URL: https://homegardenandhomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Homegrown Self Reliance RSS feed

Hi! I'm Shawna! Homegrown Self Reliance is all about learning how to become more self reliant. We strive to help others become more self reliant. Learn to grow your own food, make your medicine, and more!

URL: https://www.homegrownselfreliance.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Homestead Fresh RSS feed

A lifestyle blog about a couple learning to become more self-sufficient using Tried-&-True methods they share with you while getting Fresh ideas from their readers. Follow along with our homesteading journey - pick up tips & tricks or share your ideas.

URL: https://www.homesteadfresh.com/blog/blog-feed.xml 📑


📡 Homestead Hill Farm RSS feed

Homestead Hill Farm is the life and livelihood of Tom and Barbara Womack. Growing healthy food for our own use has been a way of life for more years than we care to count. I love growing things, living on a small farm, and telling the stories of our life here in rural Virginia. Here's hoping you'll follow our blog as we continue to learn and grow here in our little corner of the beautiful Shenandoah Valley.

URL: https://homesteadhillfarm.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 Homestead Hill Farm RSS feed

Homestead Hill Farm is the journal of a small farm in the Shenandoah Valley of VA.

URL: https://homesteadhillfarm.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Homestead Houligan RSS feed

Building a homestead through creative sustainability.

URL: http://homesteadhouligan.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Homestead Lifestyle RSS feed

May Stew created the Homestead Lifestyle blog as a place to share helpful tips and information on homesteading, self sufficiency, living off the grid and sustainable living.

URL: https://homesteadlifestyle.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Homestead Wishing RSS feed

Kristi Wheeler is a cook, a crazy chicken lady, a gardener, and an avid crafter! She teaches people like you how to achieve your homesteading dreams. Her blog posts cover Recipes, Chickens, Gardening, Homeschool, and Survival Tips.

URL: https://homesteadwishing.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Homestead to Heaven RSS feed

Homestead to Heaven was originally created by a starry-eyed girl with big dreams in 2015. This was to be the place where I'd connect with others who had a dream to homestead (ie move to the country and raise our own food), while also raising generous, devout Catholic children with a strong trust in God. I thought I could be all things for all people while making some much needed extra income for my family through my blogging endeavors.

URL: http://www.homesteadtoheaven.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Homesteader Depot RSS feed

Homesteader Depot blog provides readers with a number of tips on homesteading.

URL: https://homesteaderdepot.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Homesteader Supply Blog RSS feed

Homesteader Supply Blog has been encouraging self sufficient, self sustainable living and homesteading of all varieties. The blog provides information on Homesteading supplies, tools, cheese making, kitchen gadgets, livestock equipment and preparedness items and much more.

URL: http://www.homesteadersupply.com/blog/feed 📑


📡 Homesteading Family RSS feed

Learn to Grow, Preserve and Thrive on your homestead, whether you are in an apartment or on 40 acres in the country, you'll get the practical education you need to grow your own food.

URL: https://homesteadingfamily.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Homesteading With a View RSS feed

One woman's journey of an off grid homestead; surrounded by beautiful landscapes, hysterical farm life and blessings.

URL: https://homesteadingwithaview.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Homesteading with Heart RSS feed

Jamie Marie shares her experiences as a busy Farmers wife, mother and a homesteader on her blog.

URL: http://www.homesteadingwithheart.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Homesteading | Spiraea Herbs RSS feed

Learn, explore & participate in herbal medicine & homesteading with Durham Region's traditional herbalist. Read our blog.

URL: https://spiraeaherbs.ca/category/homesteading/feed/ 📑


📡 Homesteadinʻ Hawaiʻi RSS feed

Aloha! I've been living Off Grid in Hawaii for over 18 years. I know all aspects of developing an Off Grid Homestead from Building a House, Installing Solar and Water Catchment and Raising or Hunting my Own Food. I hope to share what I've learned to help you do the same.

URL: https://www.homesteadinhawaii.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Imperfectly Happy Homesteading RSS feed

Sustainable Living, Self Sufficiency, Homeschooling, DIY, Backyard Farming, Preserving, and Vintage Skills for the modern homesteader. Authored by Tiffany Davis, a Phoenix-based backyard homesteader.

URL: https://www.imperfectlyhappy.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Innisfree Homestead RSS feed

This blog follows the journey of Mr BirdCat and myself (Mrs BirdCat) as we continue our path for a simple happy self-sustaining Permaculture life. We're living out a quiet peaceful life in a little town called Warrnambool in Australia.

URL: https://innisfreehomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 It's My Sustainable Life RSS feed

It's My Sustainable Life, a homesteading lifestyle blog. Find tips of simple approaches to homesteading, organic gardening, canning preserving, and food preparation, organic husbandry, ways of holistic healing & herbal remedies, exploring fiber arts, & discovering health of the body & mind through exercise, practice, and dedication.

URL: https://www.itsmysustainablelife.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Jolly Homesteading RSS feed

Jolly Homesteading is a journey toward self sufficiency through gardening, storing food, raising animals, and enjoying a simple life.

URL: http://www.jollyhomesteading.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Joybilee Farm Blog RSS feed

DIY, Herbs, & Gardening. Joybilee Farm helps natural moms grow their own food and medicine so that they can reclaim their power from corporations and create health and wellness for their families naturally.

URL: https://joybileefarm.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Just Dabbling Along RSS feed

Just Dabbling Along is all about homesteading, gardening, cooking from scratch, and lifestyle for modern homestead families.

URL: https://www.justdabblingalong.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Lady Lee's Home RSS feed

Find gardening tutorials, food preservation tutorials, homesteading tutorials, simple recipes, and more! Lee Traister, a.k.a Lady Lee helps homesteaders simplify their homesteading journey while still producing a ton of food!

URL: https://ladyleeshome.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Life At Cobble Hill Farm RSS feed

Simple living on a small homestead. Covers Recipes, Meal Planning, Homesteading, Gardening, and Frugal Living. Author Staci helps others learn to live a homemade & homegrown life.

URL: https://www.lifeatcobblehillfarm.com/feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 Lil' Suburban Homestead RSS feed

Lil' Suburban Homestead is a site where innovation & homesteading meet. Read current posts and latest homesteading information.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/lilsuburbanhomestead 📑


📡 Little City Farm RSS feed

The family at Little City Farm is an urban homesteading family of four trying to live simply and sustainably in a mid-sized city in southwestern Ontario. They have been living on 1/3 acre city homestead for 15 years, using the principles of permaculture as their guide, while trying to minimize their impact on the environment.

URL: http://littlecityfarm.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Little Hearth & Homestead RSS feed

On Little Hearth & Homestead blog, Lindsey Gallant has been sharing the warmth of her little homestead on the island.

URL: http://littlehearth.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Little Homestead In Boise RSS feed

Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting, and more.

URL: http://littlehomesteadinboise.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Little Homestead in Boise RSS feed

Life on a little urban homestead is a blog about Nancy's life in Boise where she shares her journey in making, ideas for self-sufficiency, food preservation, chicken keeping, cookery, organic gardening, crafts, diying, thrifting, vintage stuff and much more.

URL: http://littlehomesteadinboise.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 Little Homesteaders RSS feed

We inspire people to challenge the mainstream way of thinking about food production, consumption, health sustainability, and self-sufficiency. Our goal is to help you learn to produce your own food in an urban context, be good stewards of our environment, learn ideas on how to cook from scratch and prepare yourself to be as self-sufficient as possible.

URL: https://www.littlehomesteaders.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Little House Living RSS feed

Find simple living ideas, frugal living tips, modern homesteading, recipes from scratch, gardening tips, canning recipes, and ways to live a simple life in a modern world. Authored by Merissa, a wife & mom, trying to make the most of what our family has.

URL: http://www.littlehouseliving.com/feed 📑


📡 Marblemount Homestead RSS feed

On the Marblemount Homestead blog, Corina Sahlin has been teaching and inspiring people to live more wholesome, healthy, simpler lives. Marblemount Homestead is a beautiful place in the North Cascade mountains, and the Sahlin family's homestead and sanctuary in the wilderness.

URL: http://marblemounthomestead.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Melissa K. Norris Blog RSS feed

Covers Food Preservation, Homestead-Life, Gardening, Natural Medicine Cabinet, Raising Your Own Food, Recipes, and DIY. Subscribe to get started on your health and self-sufficient journey with Melissa Norris.

URL: https://melissaknorris.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Misty Meadows Homestead & Apiary RSS feed

Misty Meadows Homestead & Apiary is a small homestead & apiary tucked beneath Mount Rainier in the beautiful PNW and provides info on things like foraging, wildcrafting, food recipes, everyday life, natural remedies, carpentry, beekeeping, and gardening.

URL: https://mistymeadowshomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Morning Chores RSS feed

Learn how to become self-sufficient by gardening vegetables, fruits, herbs and raising animals for food, saving money, and making your own stuff. We cover Homestead, Gardening, Animals, DIY, Food, and Frugal Living.

URL: https://morningchores.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Morning Homestead - Live A Homesteading Life RSS feed

Morninghomestead's vision: To provide thorough and comprehensive product guides. The goal is to make it easy for you to pick the best product and to help you be confident in your purchase decision.

URL: https://morninghomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 My Homemade Roots RSS feed

Covers articles about homemade recipes, ideas for a handmade home projects, garden tips, and tips for simple, frugal living.

URL: https://myhomemaderoots.com/feed/ 📑


📡 My Urban Homestead RSS feed

My urban homestead is about producing food on a city lot. Get our insights on cooking, fermentation, front yard gardening, herbs, preserving, urban farm animals, and more.

URL: https://albuquerqueurbanhomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Naturally Free Homestead RSS feed

Articles include advice and knowledge on modern homesteading skills including cooking, using natural remedies to get cured, and growing and raising your own food. Naturally Free Homestead provides simple, natural, and homemade solutions for Life on the Homestead.

URL: https://www.naturallyfreehomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 New Life On A Homestead RSS feed

An inspiring homesteading blog following one family's journey toward self-sufficient living. Get advice on homesteading life, raising chickens, gardening, food & recipes, learning herbal remedies, DIY, and homeschooling.

URL: https://www.newlifeonahomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Northern Homestead RSS feed

Northern Homestead is a blog about urban homesteading in a cold climate. We write about growing, raising, preserving, and preparing our own real food.

URL: https://northernhomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Oak Hill Homestead RSS feed

A homestead blog, encouraging you to live a simple, joyful life, no matter where you are! Written by Kathi, follower of Jesus Christ, gardener, horse-lover, and goat-keeper.

URL: https://www.blogger.com/feeds/28510823/posts/default 📑


📡 Off Grid, Self-Sufficient, Montana Homestead Life RSS feed

Steven Gregersen, the author of this blog, lives with his wife on a 20 acre (almost!) self-sufficient, off-grid homestead in the mountains of northwestern Montana. His goal is to be as self-sufficient as possible on our 20 acre homestead.

URL: http://livinglifeoffgrid.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 One Ash Homestead RSS feed

One Ash Homestead is a community where everyone can share, learn, and improve their life. Whether it's from our recipes, Homemaking tips, our Christian book reviews, or our general Homesteading posts, we hope there is something here that you will find useful.

URL: https://oneashhomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Our Appalachian Homestead RSS feed

Covers articles about the journey to independence through homesteading. We are building our off-grid, self-sufficient homestead from the ground up, and covering prepping, gardening and more along the way!

URL: https://www.ourappalachianhomestead.com/blog-feed.xml 📑


📡 Our Inspired Roots - Homesteading RSS feed

Mindy Wood is the founder of Our Inspired Roots, the place to go for inspiration and instruction on homesteading and natural living for better health. Learn to grow and cook healthy food and rely more on natural medicine and remedies.

URL: https://ourinspiredroots.com/category/homesteading/feed/ 📑


📡 Our Simple Homestead RSS feed

Living a simple life in a modern world by preserving the art of homemaking, homesteading, and backyard farming at Our Simple Homestead. From country girl to the author, Tracy loves everything about simple living.

URL: http://oursimplehomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Outdoor Happens RSS feed

Outdoor Happens helps you create amazing backyard homesteads. Topics covered are raising animals for small farms, vegetable gardening, homesteading, outdoor cooking, and lifestyle.

URL: https://www.outdoorhappens.com/feed 📑


📡 Pioneer Settler RSS feed

Learn homesteading skills for everything from natural home remedies to growing produce and raising chickens! Key topics covered are emergency prep, defense & protection, gardening, farming, alternative energy & more! Authored by Riley Carlson.

URL: https://homesteading.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Real Food Homestead RSS feed

My name is Julie Gropp. My husband and I just moved into town (after living on a 4-acre plot of land) in Southwestern Colorado with our 3 teenage children. We love this part of the country with its mountain views and beautiful seasons. Why did you start this lifestyle?Homesteading is a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. On this blog I discuss homesteading, raising animals, homemaking, gardening, and much more.

URL: https://www.realfoodhomestead.com/feed/?format=xml 📑


📡 Reformation Acres RSS feed

Homesteading blog sharing tips and modern homestead skills so you can live your homestead dream of a self-sufficient life no matter where you call home! Quinn is a first-generation homesteader. She writes articles on gardening, livestock, herbal, and homestead management.

URL: https://www.reformationacres.com/feed 📑


📡 Rooted Revival RSS feed

Kaylee & Lindy - two girls on a mission to grow food, live simply, and cultivate happiness! At Rooted Revival, they write about gardening, recipes & food preservation, homesteading, livestock care, DIY projects, and their homestead life.

URL: https://rootedrevival.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Rural Dreams RSS feed

We're a couple of 30-something city kids trying our hand at homesteading in Saskatchewan.

URL: https://ruraldreams.ca/feed 📑


📡 Rural Sprout RSS feed

Grow your own food, become a pro homesteader and create a natural, happy home with expert advice from Rural Sprout. Rural Sprout's articles cover gardening, homesteading, and natural living ideas, inspiration, and advice.

URL: https://www.ruralsprout.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Salt In My Coffee RSS feed

Learn to use what you have, wherever you are, to live a more sustainable and self-sufficient life. From keeping ducks and chickens to non-toxic DIY homemaking to growing a garden, and cooking easy homemade recipes - wherever you're starting, we're here to help! Written by Anna Merhalski.

URL: https://saltinmycoffee.com/feed/ 📑


📡 ShippReak Mini Farm RSS feed

Keep up with articles related to homesteading from ShippReak Mini Farm.

URL: https://shippreak.home.blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Suburban Homesteading RSS feed

Suburban Homesteading is all about the simple life through suburban homesteading.

URL: http://www.suburbanhomesteading.com/feed 📑


📡 Taylor-Made Homestead RSS feed

Working To Provide For Ourselves On Our Homestead. Created by Tammy Taylor, Taylor-Made Homestead shares posts on recipes, gardening, food preservation, and treading gently on this big blue planet we call earth.

URL: https://texashomesteader.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Tenth Acre Farm | Permaculture for the Suburbs RSS feed

The author of the Tenth Acre Farm, Amy, is a teacher turned suburban homesteader. She shares homesteading tips that saves time and money in the garden, kitchen, and home.

URL: https://www.tenthacrefarm.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The (mis)Adventures of a Homesteadin' Mama RSS feed

The knowledge, skills, and encouragement to homestead where you live. Down to earth and full of humor!

URL: https://homesteadinmama.com/feed 📑


📡 The 104 Homestead RSS feed

Covers a range of homesteading topics, with a focus on Backyard Garden, Homestead Animals, Real Food Recipes, and Simple Living Skills. Authored by Jessica Lane, a homesteader from Maine.

URL: https://104homestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Cape Coop RSS feed

Backyard homesteading - raising chickens, ducks, Angora rabbits & a huge vegetable garden from our suburban backyard farm! We are suburban homesteaders from New England.

URL: https://thecapecoop.com/category/blog-hops/feed/ 📑


📡 The Elliott Homestead RSS feed

Covers articles related to beekeeping, poultry farming, gardening, and reviews touching on gardening, farming and homesteading.

URL: https://elliotthomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Elliott Homestead RSS feed

It's not always glamorous or clean, but at least life on the farm is entertaining, beautiful, and oh-so-delicious. Follow along as author Shaye Elliott blogs about recipes, dreams, clothes, and confessions, and garden growing here.

URL: https://theelliotthomestead.com/feed/?format=xml 📑


📡 The Farm Wife | Living a Simple Life on the Farm RSS feed

Welcome to the Farm Wife! I am Julie, and I live on a 60-acre farm in Louisiana with my husband, cows, chickens, cats, and dogs. I am a writer, speaker, and teacher on all things living a simple life. I am the author of The Farm Wife - Living a Simple Life on the Farm.

URL: https://www.thefarmwife.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Farmer's Lamp RSS feed

Read our articles on homestead living, recipes, and healthy living. We at The Farmer's Lamp, share old-timey knowledge while striving to offer encouragement & strength to anyone seeking to live a more self-sustaining lifestyle.

URL: https://thefarmerslamp.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Farmer's Lamp RSS feed

Covers articles about homestead living, healthy living, easy recipes, and homesteading journey. The Farmer's Lamp shares old-timey, down-to-earth, common sense knowledge, and experience.

URL: https://www.thefarmerslamp.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Fewell Homestead RSS feed

Blog posts cover Chickens, Homemaking, Herbs, Recipes, and Devotionals. Written by Amy Fewell, a homesteading wife, mama, podcaster, author, herbalist, and an average farm girl.

URL: https://thefewellhomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Geek Homestead RSS feed

The Geek Homestead is all about suburban homesteading, homeschooling, and baking.

URL: https://www.thegeekhomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Giles Frontier RSS feed

The Giles Frontier homeschool adventures take you outdoors and into your community. Share in their adventures and be encouraged on your homeschool journey.

URL: https://www.thegilesfrontier.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Homestead Survival RSS feed

Inspiring readers about Homesteading. Get tips on Emergency Preparedness, Homesteading, Knife Skills, Wild Food Foraging, Medical Skills, Self-sufficiency, Recycling, Disaster Reality, Reusing, Canning, Recrafting, Gardening, and Natural Herbal Remedies.

URL: https://thehomesteadsurvival.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Homesteading Hippy RSS feed

Living life on the rural side! Covers Homesteading, Gardening, Cooking, Natural Living, Pets, and DIY. Heather hopes to encourage you to start where you are at, and just do what you can do.

URL: https://thehomesteadinghippy.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Kinnard Homestead RSS feed

The Kinnard Homestead gives you a glimpse into the happy farm, homeschool, retreat, and residence for our seven-member family. Based in Little Rock, Arkansas, Tim & Amy try to balance all the responsibilities that come with the farm as well as the creation of homemade soaps & other handmade crafts.

URL: https://www.thekinnardhomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Old Walsh Farm RSS feed

Learn 52 homesteading skills in ONE year. Become more self-sufficient.

URL: https://theoldwalshfarm.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Peasant's Daughter RSS feed

Covers traditional real food recipes that focus on nutrient density. The Peasant's Daughter is a homesteader journey through the women and stories that came before me. Modern self-sufficiency and health based on ancestral principles.

URL: https://thepeasantsdaughter.net/feed/ 📑


📡 The Prairie Homestead RSS feed

Homegrown inspiration for those who dream of farm animals, hoard mason jars, and crave dirt under their fingernails. Jill, the Homestead Mentor, has been living homestead life for 10 years & passionate about helping others return to their roots.

URL: http://www.theprairiehomestead.com/feed 📑


📡 The Rat Farm Homestead RSS feed

Rat Farm is a 10 acre homestead in Northern Minnesota, started May 2009. Growing Zone 4B.Original content documenting the journey & sharing what we learn. Self-reliance advocates, farm punks, occasional witchcraft & heavy metal.

URL: https://ratfarm.tumblr.com/rss 📑


📡 The Restoring Simple Homestead RSS feed

The Restoring Simple Homestead is all about Husband & wife homesteading in rural Colorado. 

URL: https://therestoringsimplehomestead.tumblr.com/rss 📑


📡 The Rustic Elk RSS feed

The Rustic Elk is all about homesteading, self-sufficiency, natural remedies, eating real food made from scratch, hard work, making beautiful handmade items, and really just living simply. Authored by Danielle.

URL: https://www.therusticelk.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Self Sufficient HomeAcre RSS feed

A cornucopia of very useful gardening & homesteading tips with a lot of delicious recipes & some fun crafts thrown in. We also cover gardening, raising chickens, foraging, preparedness, and preserving the bounty.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheSelfSufficientHomeacre 📑


📡 The Thrifty Homesteader RSS feed

Your guide to self-reliant living. We are here to share ideas on living a cheaper, greener, happier, healthier life. Author Deborah Niemann discusses gardening, cooking from scratch, and raising chickens and goats.

URL: https://thriftyhomesteader.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Tropical Homestead RSS feed

The Tropical Homestead explores abundance in paradise.

URL: https://tropicalhomestead.tumblr.com/rss 📑


📡 Tiny House Homestead RSS feed

The Tiny House Homestead is all about living large while living tiny. Downsizing your living space and up-sizing your life.

URL: http://www.tinyhousehomestead.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Tiramar Farms Homestead RSS feed

On the Tiramar Farms Homestead blog, you will find the homesteading experiences of the author, Rachel.

URL: https://tiramarhomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Unexplained Underfoot Objects RSS feed

Everyday homestead life with eye-witness accounts, official musings, best practices in the kitchen, stay-at-home Dad realities, and gardening tips.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/UfosTheParanormalAndUnexplainedEvents 📑


📡 Urban Homesteading Blog RSS feed

Downtown Homestead is proud to bring you our Tumblr page, where we will share with you tips and tricks on how to lead a sustainable lifestyle in a concrete jungle.

URL: https://downtownhomested.tumblr.com/rss 📑


📡 Wandering Hoof Ranch RSS feed

Learn how to start homesteading on a tiny budget with our gardening, recipes, and DIY content. Founded by Diana Bouchard, Wandering Hoof Ranch is a place to be if you're interested in learning more about raising farm animals and how to start making money from your homestead.

URL: https://www.wanderinghoofranch.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Wheaton Mountain Farm RSS feed

Our journey through homesteading life. Provides local agriculture, events, and homesteading tips. Wheaton Mountain Farm connects farms, families, and communities in Maine who have an interest in the modern homestead and backyard farmer movement.

URL: http://www.mainehomesteadmagazine.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Whole-Fed Homestead RSS feed

Whole-Fed Homestead is all about living Close to the land & thriving on real food.

URL: https://wholefedhomestead.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Yellow Birch Hobby Farm | Self-Reliant Homesteading RSS feed

Yellow Birch Hobby Farm blog is all about living a self-sufficient homestead lifestyle by means of gardening & canning, chicken & duck keeping, raising meat rabbits, and cooking from scratch.

URL: http://www.yellowbirchhobbyfarm.com/feed/ 📑


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