136 Gun RSS feeds
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📡 A Geek With Guns RSS feed
Blog by Christopher Burg. An advocate of self-defense online and offline. I'm a self-proclaimed geek, a stereotypical one at that. I like dinking with computers, watching and reading science fiction, and getting into long arguments about why operation system X is better than Y. Follow for more updates.
URL: https://blog.christopherburg.com/feed/
📡 A Girl and Her Gun RSS feed
Just the story of a girl and her gun...Blog by Shelby McKenzie.
URL: https://www.agirlandhergun.org/feed/
📡 AR Build Junkie RSS feed
News, reviews, deals and more for builders and shooters dedicated to the AR Platform. Whether your interest is buying, building or training to effectively use an AR platform weapon, you'll find we cover all those topics and more.
URL: https://www.arbuildjunkie.com/feed/
📡 AR-15 News RSS feed
Get the latest news and updates about AR 15 guns and rifles.
URL: https://www.ar15news.com/feed/
📡 AR15Vault RSS feed
Welcome to AR15Vault, the gateway to the AR platform. Browse our site for the latest AR-15 reviews, AR-15 news, and AR-15 information.
URL: https://ar15vault.com/feed/
📡 Accurate Shooter RSS feed
Provides definitive reloading data plus unbiased, authoritative gear reviews, and information about shooting and hunting. Accurate Shooter is the leading online resource for precision shooting, whose goal is to provide accurate, timely, and interesting information for serious shooters.
URL: http://bulletin.accurateshooter.com/feed/
📡 Alien Gear Holsters Blog RSS feed
Covers new products, resources, and holster reviews, best practices and other gun tips. Alien Gear Holsters has created some of the best concealed carry holsters on the planet.
URL: https://aliengearholsters.com/blog/rss/
📡 American Gun Facts Blog RSS feed
American Gun Facts (AGF) was established to help Americans cut through the partisan fog to present a fair and objective understanding of the facts surrounding issues related to gun ownership, gun usage, the Second Amendment, and the laws of the United States. We believe that an educated and informed public discussion best serves all Americans. To that end, we provide statistical, rhetorical, and individual perspectives on these issues throughout the United States and in different states where gun laws often diverge.
URL: https://americangunfacts.com/blog/feed/
📡 American Handgunner Magazine - Handgun RSS feed
From custom handguns, new factory models, competition, pistolsmithing, handloading and more, each issue continues to deliver the goods while staying on top of the rapidly changing world of handgunning. American Handgunner was introduced in 1976 as the first magazine devoted entirely to handguns. Just like a classic, it improves with age. Today it's still the first place handgunners everywhere turn for the latest and most reliable handgun news and information.
URL: https://americanhandgunner.com/category/handguns/feed/
📡 American Shooting Journal | Daily Gun Journal RSS feed
The American Shooting Journal is a new nationwide publication dedicated to bringing the best of the shooting industry to all gun enthusiasts.
URL: https://americanshootingjournal.com/feed/
📡 AmmoLand.com RSS feed
Covers articles about gun gear, ammunition, firearms, competitive shooting, gun rights, and shooting industry news. Ammoland is the leading Gun News Publisher for the Second Amendment, Firearms and Shooting communities.
URL: http://www.ammoland.com/feed/
📡 AmmoMan School of Guns Blog RSS feed
Welcome to the School of Guns. This gun blog is the place for ammunition tips, self-defense training ideas and all things shooting. Ammoman.com is one of the pioneers online - Aiming to provide affordable, accessible ammunition to shooters all over the country. Fast shipping, great selection, and free shipping with your order, you're bound to find the caliber you need. We specialize in bulk ammo orders and military surplus rounds.
URL: https://www.ammoman.com/blog/feed
📡 AmmoToGo.com RSS feed
AmmoToGo.com's blog about ammo, guns and shooting. Look for tips for the range here.
URL: https://www.ammunitiontogo.com/lodge/feed/
📡 Andrew Jayes RSS feed
A Personal blog sharing life experience living with a gun.
URL: https://andrewjayes.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Another Airgun Blog RSS feed
A blog about tinkering with airguns.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AnotherAirgunBlog
📡 Armory Blog RSS feed
Gun blog covering gun news, firearms reviews, accessories and the firearms industry.
URL: https://www.armoryblog.com/feed/
📡 ArmsVault Blog RSS feed
ArmsVault.com is the gateway to gun information, including gun-related product reviews and gun news. Gun owners and supporters of the Second Amendment, you've come to the right place! ArmsVault is your source for gun news, gun reviews, and gun information.
URL: https://armsvault.com/feed/
📡 Auction Armory | Firearm News and Reviews RSS feed
Auction Armory is a social marketplace dedicated to firearms. Connect with gun lovers from around the country and become a part of the largest online firearm community. Get gun news and firearm reviews by following this feed.
URL: https://auctionarmory.com/feed
📡 Best Air Rifles & Scopes | Blog RSS feed
The best air gun/rifle scope reviews by experts. Buy the best rifle scope that serves your need at the best rate. Get the best value for money scope by our review.
URL: https://www.bestairriflescope.com/blog/feed/
📡 Bigfoot Gun Belts Blog RSS feed
Welcome to the Bigfoot Gun Belts Blog! While we love our gun belts, we talk about a lot more here. We cover topics like gun accessories, gun care, open carry, concealed carry, and so much more.
URL: https://gunbelts.com/blog/rss/index/store_id/1/
📡 Black Man With A Gun RSS feed
The Black Man With A Gun Show, formerly known as the Urban Shooter Podcast was created to fulfill a need to stay in contact with the gun community Kenn Blanchard has met as a rights activist along his journey since 1991. You'll hear defensive gun use, firearms training tips for the new shooter and reminders for the advanced.
URL: https://blackmanwithagun.com/feed/
📡 Black Skull Tactical RSS feed
Black Skull Tactical is dedicated to helping beginners learn more about shooting. We're a father/son team committed to helping make shooting more approachable and accessible. All reviews are 100% honest and genuine.
URL: https://www.blackskulltactical.com/feed/
📡 Blade City Blog RSS feed
Top-ranked gun and knife blogs showcasing new and featured products for hunting, tactical and fishing enthusiasts. Gun reviews from top brands including Glock, Smith & Wesson, Springfield, Sig Sauer & more. Knife tests and never before seen gear from Spyderco, Sog, Benchmade Knives, Gerber, Kershaw & Zero Tolerance. Blade-City.com carries more than 5000 knives from all the top knife brands including Benchmade, Spyderco, and Boker.
URL: https://blade-city.com/blogs/gun-knife-blog.atom
📡 Breach Bang Clear Guns RSS feed
Browse through the guns section to know more about various types of guns and firearms including pistol, shotgun and rifles. The Breach-Bang-Clear tribe wants you to think, train and be dangerous. We want to educate, edify, and entertain you.
URL: https://www.breachbangclear.com/guns/feed/
📡 Carteach0 RSS feed
A blog of shooting topics.
URL: http://carteach0.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Cash My Guns Blog RSS feed
KNow more about selling your guns at the right price, how to sell your firearm nd more! CashMyGuns.com is a safe, discrete and hassle-free way to sell and dispose of your firearms. We understand that not everyone is a hunter, collector or gun enthusiast. We also understand that not everyone wants a firearm in their home and many people would rather turn their gun into cash. We buy your new, used, broken and unwanted firearms
URL: https://www.cashmyguns.com/blog/feed/
📡 Cheaper Than Dirt RSS feed
Covering a variety of topics about range reports, rifle and handgun reviews, and giveaways for shooting and outdoor enthusiasts, as well as news every gun owner needs to read, written with the novice as well as the experienced outdoorsman in mind.
URL: https://blog.cheaperthandirt.com/feed/
📡 Civilian Gun Self-Defense Blog RSS feed
Documenting civilians using guns in self-defense. Largely because a well-known gun control activist insisted to me that defensive use of guns by civilians was very rare: 'maybe once in ten years.' Sponsored by the Firearms Policy Coalition
URL: http://gunselfdefense.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Coalition to Stop Gun Violence RSS feed
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence seeks to secure freedom from gun violence through research, strategic engagement and effective policy advocacy.
URL: http://www.csgv.org/feed/
📡 Dan's Gun Blog RSS feed
Blog by Dan. Our mission is to provide useful and entertaining tips, resources, and reviews for our reader from guns, to knives, cool gear, self-defense, Everyday Carry (EDC), and of course, survival and the ever-popular Zombie Apocalypse.
URL: https://dansgunblog.com/feed/
📡 David Freeman RSS feed
This site is a compilation of articles I have written as a firearms instructor, gun store owner, firearms collector, former hunter, and fledgling gun writer.
URL: https://texasgunpros.net/feed/
📡 Eagle Gun Range, Texas-Indoor Shooting Range-Best Dallas CHL Class RSS feed
Eagle Gun Range is a 24 lane, state of the art facility. Each lane is environmentally controlled with A\C and heat, as well as a high power air filtration system, and great lighting. Our mission is to foster the development of all shooting sports by providing opportunities for members and their families to receive shooting instruction; by providing a safe venue for shooting.
URL: https://www.eaglegunrangetx.com/blog/feed/
📡 EpicTactical - Firearm Reviews & News RSS feed
Providing gun enthusiasts a website with meaningful, yet simple, gun and gear reviews since 2009. EpicTactical has all the latest gun and industry news at your finger tips.
URL: https://epictactical.com/feed
📡 Everyday, No Days Off - Gun Blog RSS feed
Everything Gun, Firearm, Weapon, Shooting, Police, Law Enforcement, and Military Related, With Lots Of Humor.
URL: https://www.everydaynodaysoff.com/feed/
📡 Firearm Review RSS feed
Firearm Review's simple mission is to help you find your perfect gun (and gear and accessories). Find out Unbiased reviews that are straight to the point. Our own personal experiences with each product. No politics.. all we care is finding the best stuff out there.
URL: https://www.firearmreview.com/feed/
📡 Firearms Blog RSS feed
We provide you with exciting content, firearm legalities, gun rights, training, the newest firearms, their accessories, how (not) to use them and when (not) to use them. Firearms provides you with exciting news, blogs and updates on gun rights, firearm related news & training. Firearms.co.za is a firearm network, established to provide support for law-abiding citizens looking to be armed, or that are already armed in South Africa and even elsewhere. Firearms.co.za provides a network platform to gunowners or enthusiasts who like to catch up on firearm related news and training opportunities.
URL: https://firearms.co.za/feed/
📡 Firearms News Magazine - Guns RSS feed
Browse through our articles on guns for all the information you need on guns. Firearms News, formerly Shotgun News, is your source for the best 2A news, firearms reviews and the world's largest gun sales publication, covering military, vintage and contemporary firearms and accessories. Est. 1946. An Outdoor Sportsman Group brand.
URL: https://www.firearmsnews.com/RSS.aspx?websiteid=77508&listingid=77589
📡 Firearms Policy Coalition - FPC News RSS feed
The purposes and objectives of the Firearms Policy Coalition are: To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the People's rights, privileges and immunities deeply rooted in this Nation's history and tradition, especially the inalienable, fundamental, and individual right to keep and bear arms.
URL: https://www.firearmspolicy.org/news.rss
📡 Firearms UK RSS feed
Firearms UK is an Association campaigning for the protection of firearms ownership within the UK. Primary objectives are to encourage unity and positive action within the shooting community and to promote and defend individual firearms ownership and the shooting sports.
URL: http://firearmsuk.org/feed/
📡 First World Crusader RSS feed
First World Crusader is your news, entertainment, and resource website in the firearms community. We provide you with the latest breaking news and articles in the industry. Our aim is to be the ultimate guide for you.
URL: https://firstworldcrusader.com/feed/
📡 Florida Gun Supply | Get armed. Get trained. Carry daily. RSS feed
Florida Gun Supply is a 1st and 2nd amendment organization dedicated to making America a better, safer place to live. Our mission is to Get armed. Get trained. Carry daily.
URL: https://floridagunsupply.com/feed/
📡 Forgotten Weapons RSS feed
The Forgotten Weapons team is a small group of self-described gun nuts. We are passionate about firearm design, manufacture, and history. We travel the world studying rare firearms, and we would like to share our passion with anyone else who shares it.
URL: https://www.forgottenweapons.com/feed
📡 GAT Daily (Guns Ammo Tactical) RSS feed
Keep up with Gun, Knife, Gear Reviews and News.
URL: https://gatdaily.com/feed/
📡 GTA Guns and Gear Blog RSS feed
Explore articles on guns, maintenance, cleaning and more! GTA Guns are experts at finding the Top Value for your guns. We are an on-line and live auction company specializing in re-ownership of experienced firearms and related equipment.
URL: https://gtaguns.com/feed/
📡 Gears of Guns RSS feed
Gears of Guns is a gun blog dedicated to bringing information about everything in the Firearm industry. Gears of Guns strives to post the newest guns and latest gun related info we can.
URL: https://gearsofguns.com/feed/
📡 Georgia Gun Store Blog RSS feed
Keep up with our new arrivals and used stuff. Georgia Gun Store has the largest selection of firearms and the best prices around! We are family owned and operated.
URL: https://www.georgiagunstore.com/blog/rss/feed
📡 Gun Case HQ RSS feed
Gun Case HQ gives objective and in-depth reviews of firearms cases. We sample, test, and evaluate cases from just about every company we can to give you the most information to make an informed purchase.
URL: https://guncasehq.com/feed/
📡 Gun Culture 2.0 RSS feed
Through sociological study and personal experience, I am writing a book about the new American gun culture. Share your thoughts here and I will share mine. Blog by David Yamane.
URL: https://gunculture2point0.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Gun Digest RSS feed
Covers expert advice from the world's leading authorities on gun values, gun prices, gun history, gunsmithing, shooting and tactical gear. Gun Digest is the leading authority on guns and firearms, including gun articles, books, reviews, prices, concealed carry, and reloading.
URL: https://gundigest.com/tactical/feed
📡 Gun Free Zone RSS feed
A blog where a Redneck Jew and a Hispanic Catholic write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
URL: https://gunfreezone.net/feed/
📡 Gun Nuts Media Shooting sports news and info RSS feed
Gun Nuts Media: the leading online provider for information on the guns and gear of the action shooting sports!
URL: https://www.gunnuts.net/feed/
📡 Gun Owners of America (GOA) RSS feed
Bringing to you combined knowledge and experience on guns, legislation and politics. GOA is a non-profit gun-rights organization in the United States. From state legislatures and city councils to the United States Congress and the White House, GOA represents the views of more than two million gun owners whenever their rights are threatened.
URL: https://www.gunowners.org/feed/
📡 Gun Owners of California RSS feed
Lobbying organization for the Second Amendment Don't live in California? Visit Gun Owners of America, our affiliate organization which lobbies on the Federal level. Our mission is Crime control, not gun control.
URL: https://www.gunownersca.com/blog/feed/
📡 Gun Pro Plus | Gun News | Firearm Safety RSS feed
GunPro provides headlines of breaking news related to guns, laws, safety legislation and litigation. The credible source for personal protection and home defense products, hunting and tactical gear accessories, daily gun headlines, and breaking news from the firearms and self defense industries.
URL: https://www.gunproplus.com/feed/
📡 Gun Pros RSS feed
Whether you're a beginner or seasoned gun owner, GunPros has you covered with reviews, recommended products, and guides for all your firearm questions.
URL: https://gunpros.com/feed/
📡 Gun Safe Spot RSS feed
Here at Gun Safe Spot, We give guides on the most proficient method of safety tips while shooting, answer visitors inquiries, and reviews on the most recent
URL: https://www.gunsafespot.com/feed/
📡 Gun University RSS feed
Features articles on guns, ammo, scopes, and safe use. Includes courses and full guides to educate both novices and experts.
URL: https://gununiversity.com/feed/
📡 Gun VideoVault RSS feed
A collection of videos from the best gun video content creators. From gun reviews and how-to videos to new product announcements and shooting range demos.
URL: https://gunvideovault.com/feed/
📡 GunGunsGuns.net RSS feed
GunsGunsGuns.net is a family owned publication dedicated to providing our visitors with honest gun reviews, thorough gun descriptions, gun ratings and comments from our visitors, and current prices from online gun stores. Handgun reviews and ratings, descriptions, photos, specs, current pricing and comments for every handgun in production.
URL: https://gunsgunsguns.net/feed/
📡 GunHub RSS feed
Covers firearms news, reviews, guides and updates on changes in firearm laws. GunHub is where Australia Buys and Sells Used Guns.
URL: https://gunhub.com.au/feed/
📡 GunPoliticsNY.com RSS feed
GunPoliticsNY.com is about the politics affecting the rights of citizens to own, carry and use firearms for all lawful purposes in the state of New York. Newslinks to major and non-major news outlets, legislative notices, analysis and commentary on topical issues of interest to gun owners.
URL: http://www.gunpoliticsny.com/?feed=rss2
📡 GunPundit RSS feed
Shelby Murdoch's blog is all about gear, guns, and gun issues. GunPundit covers firearms and firearm news in the US and around the world.
URL: https://www.gunpundit.com/feed/
📡 Guns & Tactics Magazine - Information on Firearms, Rifles, Handguns and more! RSS feed
Guns & Tactics Magazine is a website destination featuring photos, videos and articles about all things guns and tactics. We're an online magazine experience for the gun culture. Veteran Operated and Second Amendment Supporters.
URL: https://www.gunsandtactics.com/feed
📡 Guns Holsters and Gear RSS feed
Guns Holsters and Gear provides comprehensive news & reviews on firearms, gun gear and holsters and related products. We cover all aspects of the firearms industry, with a special emphasis on concealed carry and the tactical markets.
URL: https://www.gunsholstersandgear.com/feed/
📡 Handgun Fever RSS feed
I wanted a place to discuss my handguns and firearms in general. Everyone seemingly has lots to say about guns, so I promise you this won't be a rant blog. This blog functions as a journal of my trials/tribulations with carrying concealed and range visits. I share my experiences with readers worldwide.
URL: https://itsallaboutthatgun.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Harrison Street Pawn and Gun Blog RSS feed
Explore our blog to know more about the pawning business in guns, guns in general and more! Since 1985, Harrison Street Pawn and Gun has been proudly serving the residents of Paola, KS and the surrounding areas as one of the premiere gun stores in Paola, KS. As a full service gun and pawn shop, we carry a vast line of new and used guns and offer a full array of other special and unique collectables.
URL: https://hspgunsolatheks.com/feed/
📡 Harry's Holsters RSS feed
We make industry-leading holsters but also do reviews of handguns and gun-related articles around concealed carry. With Harry's Holsters blog out number one priority is to provide you with informative concealed carry knowledge.
URL: https://harrysholsters.com/feed/
📡 Hell in a Handbasket RSS feed
This blogger is a professional self defense instructor. Helping innocent souls find peace of mind for over 20 years.
URL: http://hellinahandbasket.net/?feed=rss2
📡 How to Home Safety RSS feed
This site offers guidance and everything you need to know about gun safes as well as gun safe accessories. If you thought owning a gun was the end of it, well, there is much more to it. If you are looking to retain your gun's performance while at the same time, keep them safe, we are a lot in common. It is not just about what gun safe or its accessories that are here, but also about what you stand to gain with these products.
URL: https://howtohomesafety.com/feed/
📡 Impro Guns RSS feed
Stay up to date with all the information on guns from worldwide. Impro Guns is the International Ghost Gun Intelligence Database.
URL: https://homemadeguns.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 John Lott's | Wars on Guns RSS feed
My commentary on a broad array of economics and crime related issues. Blog by John R Lott.
URL: http://johnrlott.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 John1911.com Gun Blog RSS feed
The John1911.com Gun Blog page. It's all about shooting guns & having fun.
URL: https://john1911.com/category/all/feed/
📡 Johnsons Gun Depot Blog RSS feed
Explore our blog to learn more about guns and tips for shooting, gun maintenance an more! At Johnson's Gun Depot, our team of firearm specialists is among the best in the business, and they will happily assist you with whatever it is that you are looking for!
URL: https://johnsonsgundepot.com/feed/
📡 Just Air Guns RSS feed
Whether you are looking for an air gun for target shooting or hunting, we have an option suitable for you. See the latest air gun news and shooting information on our blog pages. You will find information on the top-ten air pistols and rifle, together with helpful information on choosing the right rifle scope and how to set it up for your style of shooting.
URL: https://www.justairguns.co.uk/feed/
📡 Just Airsoft Guns Blog RSS feed
Welcome to the Just airsoft guns blog page. Here you can find all the information about airsoft guns, gear, how to maintain etc. We are leading retailer of Airsoft Guns offering rifles, pistols, and accessories at discounted prices.
URL: https://www.just-airsoftguns.com/feed/
📡 Just BB Guns Blog RSS feed
Take a look at the Just BB Guns Blog for the latest information about Airsoft and Airsoft Products inclouding Airsoft Guns and Pistols. We are a leading retailer of UK legal 2 Tone BB Guns and Black Pro Airsoft BB Guns, BB Pellets, and Accessories! With tens of thousands of happy customers plus over 120 thousand visitors a day Just BB Guns is the trusted BB Gun and Airsoft Gun brand.
URL: https://www.justbbguns.co.uk/blog/feed/
📡 Kingler RSS feed
Follow to get updates from this blog.
URL: https://www.discretegunshop.com/feed/
📡 LDS Gunsite RSS feed
The only LDS gun site on the web! Your home for everything gun, defense/security and preparedness related with an LDS/Mormon perspective. We were Preppers when they were called Nuts!
URL: http://ldsgunsite.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 LoadDevelopment.com RSS feed
A blog dedicated to load development, and reloading ammunition for precision rifle shooting. Find the perfect load for your rifle and shoot accurately.
URL: https://www.loaddevelopment.com/feed/
📡 LooseRounds | Gun blog RSS feed
Looserounds.com is a website created by two friends to talk about guns, gear, training and the gun life style. Here you will find valuable thoughts and experience on shooting, training and personal defense.
URL: https://looserounds.com/feed/
📡 Los Ranchos Gun Shop Blog RSS feed
Learn more about gun shopping, various types of guns, shooting techniques, safety measures and more! We're a knowledgeable, full-service gun shop and gunsmithing business in the North Valley. Whether it's purchasing your first firearm, finding the best gun for self-defense, or improving your marksmanship, we've got you covered at Los Ranchos Gun Shop.
URL: https://www.losranchosguns.com/feed
📡 Lucky Gunner Lounge RSS feed
Reliable shooting advice for regular people. Training ideas, reviews and expert curated content for shooters from the folks at Lucky Gunner. We have a lot of fun helping fellow shooters find the right ammunition and we wanted to create a place to talk about more than just the latest stuff we have in-stock, so we set up the Lounge. Our goal is to create a hub for education, entertainment, and discussion on the shooting topics you care about.
URL: https://www.luckygunner.com/lounge/feed
📡 Military Arms Channel RSS feed
The Military Arms Channel is a YouTube channel dedicated to the shooting community and bringing our viewers current information about firearms, gear, and more. A reviewer of military style firearms and gear on the worlds best television network,Follow us!
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCZ-qxagOkAmCEP-Tu6YliUQ
📡 My Gun Culture RSS feed
My Gun Culture is a half-cocked but right-on-target look at the world of shooting and all things related. If you want to learn, with a laugh, about guns, shooting products, personal defense, competition, industry news and the occasional Second Amendment issue, Follow us for more information.
URL: https://mygunculture.com/feed/
📡 My Gun Diary - Gun Blog RSS feed
Just your every day, average gun enthusiast. The First and Second Amendment live here.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/eogdf
📡 No Lawyers - Only Guns and Money RSS feed
'Send lawyers, guns and money. The shit has hit the fan.' - Warren Zevon
URL: http://onlygunsandmoney.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Parker Arms and Gunsmithing Blog - Gun RSS feed
Get the latest updates on guns and ammo inventory, products reviews and more!
URL: https://www.parkerarms.com/taxonomy/term/7/feed
📡 Pennsylvania Law Abiding Gun Owner Blog RSS feed
Federal Firearms License Attorney McShane is a trial attorney who protects FFLs who are subject to BAFTE Industry Operations (IO) auditing or actions as well as BAFTE Criminal Enforcement actions. He also protects law-abiding citizens investigated or accused of crime by the government. He owns an 8-attorney law firm focusing on firearms law, criminal defense.
URL: https://www.pennlago.com/feed/
📡 Personal Defense World RSS feed
Covers gun news, gun reviews, and self defense tips for gun owners and gun enthusiasts. Personal Defense World offers viewers a clear and concise guide to not only the newest and best firearms and equipment available today, but also how to use them.
URL: https://www.personaldefenseworld.com/feed/
📡 Pew Pew Tactical RSS feed
Provides beginner's guides, gunsmithing tutorials, how-to guides, and gun gear reviews. Pew Pew Tactical will take you from gun noob to tactical operator in no time with their definitive guides, gun and gear reviews, and daily deals!
URL: https://www.pewpewtactical.com/feed/
📡 Point Blank CHL RSS feed
Point Blank CHL offers the best concealed handgun classes in Wichita Falls, Texas. Our Texas CHL classes are fun and easy. New shooters are welcome. Our blog is concealed carry and firearms training related.
URL: https://pointblankchl.com/feed/
📡 Precision Rifle Blog - A DATA-DRIVEN Approach to Precision Rifles, Optics & Gear RSS feed
Blog by Cal Zant, the shooter/author behind Precision Rifle Blog. As I started getting into long-range rifle shooting, I was trying to learn as much as I could and quickly noticed that the collective knowledge of the shooting community was primarily contained in forums threads spread across the internet.
URL: http://precisionrifleblog.com/feed/
📡 Precision Rifle Blog RSS feed
I started this blog to document things as I learned, in hopes that it might help others trying to get into this sport. My name is Cal Zant and I'm the shooter/author behind PrecisionRifleBlog.com. I am a life-long learner, and I love to help others get into this sport that I'm passionate about. I have been a hunter my entire life, but in 2009 I started getting interested in long-range shooting.
URL: https://precisionrifleblog.com/feed/
📡 Precision Rifle Shooting RSS feed
Precision Shooter is non-profit organisation focused on building a community. Follow this site where Vera Carter as a precision rifle shooter wants to share his passion with you, the tricks and tips from the shooting range-applicable to many shooting disciplines. The things he has learned from watching and asking, making mistakes, and achieving success.
URL: https://precisionshooting.com/feed/
📡 Prince Law Offices, P.C. Firearms Law RSS feed
Firearms Industry Consulting Group (FICG), a division of Prince Law Offices, P.C., provides zealous Federal and International representation of FFLs (dealers, manufacturers and importers) and individuals in all firearms-related matters. Posts about Firearms Law written by Jeffrey A. Franklin, Esq., Adam Kraut, Esq., and Joshua Prince, Esq.
URL: https://blog.princelaw.com/category/firearms-law/feed/
📡 Pyramyd Air Blog RSS feed
Covers daily airgun news, maintenance, accessories, ammo reviews and deals on air guns, pellet guns, and airsoft gun. Pyramyd Air Report is your one-stop shop for everything airgun related!
URL: https://www.pyramydair.com/blog/feed/
📡 Recoil - Gun RSS feed
RECOIL is a firearms lifestyle publication for the modern shooting enthusiast. Every issue features the latest guns, gear, accessories, technology, plus reviews and buyer's guides. RECOIL's gear coverage includes everything from watches and survival equipment to vehicles that appeal to the modern shooter's lifestyle.
URL: https://www.recoilweb.com/feed
📡 Remington 870 RSS feed
My name is Vitaly I started this blog and forum to share information, tips, photos, and advice about the Remington 870 shotgun, accessories, and upgrades.
URL: https://www.rem870.com/feed/
📡 RevolverGuy.Com RSS feed
Welcome to RevolverGuy.com, the blog for people that love revolvers! There are a lot of gun blogs on the internet. But there aren't many that primarily cover revolvers. Not finding what I wanted, I decided to make it myself!
URL: https://revolverguy.com/feed
📡 SK Guns Blog RSS feed
Read more about our custom guns, features, history of guns and more! SK Guns has been the industry leader of uniquely custom limited edition, high-end and custom-made firearms for over 20 years.
URL: https://www.skguns.com/feed/
📡 SayUncle RSS feed
Remember, I do this to entertain me... not you. Posts from a gun blog. And not much more.
URL: https://www.saysuncle.com/feed/
📡 Shady Oaks Gun Range Blog RSS feed
Explore our blog for the latest news in shooting industry, shooting tips, our inventory updates and more! Shady Oaks Gun Range offers the best indoor gun range facility and staff in the greater Austin area. From state-of-the-art equipment and air filtration systems to our certified and knowledgeable staff, we cater to all gun owners. Shady Oaks is your source for group classes and private instruction in pistol, rifle and shotgun from beginner levels up to advanced.
URL: https://www.shadyoaksgunrange.com/category/blog/feed/
📡 Shall Not Be Questioned RSS feed
Shall Not Be Questioned is a blog on firearm public policy, and the Second Amendment, with a Pennsylvania focus, but covering the whole nation. The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.
URL: https://www.pagunblog.com/feed/
📡 Sniper Country RSS feed
Focuses on providing high-quality information about firearms, ammunitions, hunting gears, and everything in between! Sniper Country is your one-stop shop for Firearm Reviews, Guides & News.
URL: https://www.snipercountry.com/feed/
📡 Sporting Systems Blog RSS feed
Read Sporting Systems Blog to find out the latest on firearms, ammunition, customization, and firearm related news. We've got what you want to know. Sporting Systems is here to serve you! Offering a wide variety of common and specialty firearms for the new and seasoned shooting enthusiast, our shop is tailored specifically to your needs. We welcome visitors of all levels of experience and are happy to help you handle our products, use our workbench and tools, or just browse and ask questions!
URL: https://sporting-systems.com/feed/
📡 Tactical Life - Firearms RSS feed
Check out firearm news and reviews for firearm enthusiasts, military, and law enforcement from the experts at Tactical Life. Tactical-Life.com is your source for guns, gear, and expert tactics. Bringing together gun tests and reviews from more than a dozen publications, Tactical-Life has the most in-depth firearms videos you'll find on the Internet. Our authors provide detailed analysis of rifles, handguns, shotguns, knives, gear, and equipment, ranging from .22s to 20mms, and everything in between.
URL: https://www.tactical-life.com/category/firearms/feed/
📡 Targets4Free RSS feed
Targets 4 Free offers high-quality free printable shooting targets! Free silhouette targets, hunting targets, zombie targets, and much more! Print your own shooting targets for free!
URL: https://targets4free.com/feed/
📡 Texas Gun Club Blog RSS feed
Learn more about guns, safety and shooting tips and techniques. Texas Gun Club is the Premier Shooting Sports Experience in the Houston area with retail space, VIP lounge, classes led by expert trainers and state-of-the-art 25 and 50 yard indoor lanes.
URL: https://www.texasgunclub.com/category/blogs/feed/
📡 The Armory Life RSS feed
The Armory Life provides firearms-focused video content, industry insight, and articles with expert commentary on a wide range of topics from home defense, concealed carry, survival, training tips, situational awareness, and preparation.
URL: https://www.thearmorylife.com/feed/
📡 The Explora - Gun & Rifles RSS feed
Welcome to The Explora, the world's premier online journal for field sports enthusiasts and admirers of the finest guns, rifles, leather goods and sporting attire. Read the latest news and insight here. Manufacturers of bespoke hand made sporting shotguns and rifles since 1812. Inventors of the patent Hand Detachable Lock action, the Droplock. Suppliers of used sporting guns, ammunition, clothing and agents for Courteney boot Co.
URL: https://www.westleyrichards.com/theexplora/category/guns_and_rifles/feed
📡 The Firearm Blog RSS feed
Covers all things firearm related, information about AR-15 and AK carbines, skeet shotguns, self defense pistols and hunting rifles. The Firearm Blog has been reporting on the latest firearm, hunting, military, and defense news for over a decade, and is the first English language publication to break news about consumer firearms and military small arms.
URL: https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/feed/
📡 The Firearms Guide RSS feed
Understanding firearms can go a long way toward gun safety. Most people who fear guns do so because of a lack of knowledge about them. Nothing can be more frightening than the unknown. So, one thing I'd like to accomplish with this site is possibly help just a few people overcome their fear of firearms.
URL: http://www.thefirearms.guide/feed
📡 The Gun Blog Black List RSS feed
The Gun blog Blacklist is a directory of the latest firearms news from around the internet.
URL: https://gunblogblacklist.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Gun Collective RSS feed
This is the internet's new home for firearms news, gun porn, and the highest quality gun content around. We cover just about everything in the gun industry, from new products to gun laws and everything in between.
URL: https://theguncollective.com/category/articles/feed/
📡 The Gun Writer RSS feed
Covers the firearms industry news, new products, and other news of interest to gun owners. Authored by Lee Williams, Recovering Newspaperman, Gun Columnist, Tactical Rifle Connoisseur, and Army Veteran.
URL: https://thegunwriter.substack.com/feed
📡 The Hub Blog RSS feed
Our firearm blog publishes gun reviews, gun tips & tricks, and different news related to the firearm industry. Read our blog for more gun-related information. At Our firearm blog publishes gun reviews, gun tips & tricks, and different news related to the firearm industry. Read our blog for more gun-related information.
URL: https://thehubaz.com/feed/
📡 The Liberal Gun Club RSS feed
The mission of The Liberal Gun Club is to provide a voice for gun-owning liberals and moderates in the national conversation on gun rights, gun legislation, firearms safety, and shooting sports.
URL: https://theliberalgunclub.com/feed/
📡 The Machine Gun Nest Blog RSS feed
The Machine Gun Nest is a mission-based company changing minds on guns and gun ownership one experience at a time. We strive to keep the public updated on the ever-changing legal and cultural landscape of firearms ownership.
URL: https://themachinegunnest.com/feed/
📡 The McCluskey Arms Company | Gunsmithing Blog RSS feed
The McCluskey Arms Company is the full service gunsmithing company in Eugene-Springfield. Our content features how to's, our favorite Cerkote jobs, custom guns, and even gun history. Follow The McCluskey Arms Company Blog for the gunsmithing Feat of the Week.
URL: https://www.themccluskeyarmscompany.com/feat-of-the-week-gunsmithing-blog?format=rss
📡 The Orlando Gun Lawyer RSS feed
This blog lists items of interest on Florida and Federal legal issues concerning firearms, weapons, and self defense.
URL: http://orlandocriminallawyer.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Range 702's Gun Blog RSS feed
The Range 702 is the premiere indoor shooting range in Las Vegas with a variety of machine gun shooting packages and experiences for types of enthusiasts.
URL: https://www.therange702.com/blog/category/education/feed/
📡 The Truth About Guns RSS feed
Covers gun reviews, gear reviews and facts about guns. The Truth About Guns is all about exploring the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.
URL: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/feed/
📡 The View From North Central Idaho RSS feed
Ramblings on explosives, guns, gun rights, politics, and sex by a redneck Idaho farm boy who became a software engineer living near Seattle.
URL: http://blog.joehuffman.org/feed/
📡 The War on Guns RSS feed
David Codrea is a long-time gun rights advocate and writer.
URL: http://waronguns.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 The Weapon Blog RSS feed
The Official Weapon Blog..Follow our post to know more.
URL: http://www.weapon-blog.com/?feed=rss2
📡 TheGunBlog.ca RSS feed
TheGunBlog.ca aims to be a hub for information, facts, data, news, analysis and opinion for anyone and everyone wanting to learn about guns in Canada. News, Analysis & Opinion about Firearms in Canada.
URL: https://thegunblog.ca/feed/
📡 Traction Control RSS feed
The only spin here is provided by the rifling og the barrel.
URL: http://tractioncontrol.well-regulatedmilitia.org/feed/
📡 TruArmed RSS feed
TruArmed is a everyday carry blog that aligns with the options of Pro-2A gun owners. This website will host news, opinions and reviews of multiple categories of gear to carry and protect yourself with.
URL: https://www.truarmed.com/feed/
📡 Ultimate Reloader RSS feed
Ultimate Reloader is all about providing the best information available pertaining to ammunition reloading, ammunition reloading presses and equipment, ballistics, load development, shooting, gunsmithing, optics, and guns in general. I started Ultimate Reloader because I agonized for literally months when I was trying to figure out which reloading press to buy.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ultimatereloader
📡 Utah Concealed Firearm Permit Training - Utah CCW Carry RSS feed
Utah Concealed Firearm Permit - Includes all required fingerprints, photos, and paperwork as well as delivery to BCI. Our courses are presented by NRA and Utah BCI certified instructors.
URL: http://www.utahccwcarry.com/feed/
📡 View From The Porch RSS feed
The right to buy weapons is the right to be free. Blog by Tamara K.
URL: https://booksbikesboomsticks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Vuurwapen Blog | guns and stuff RSS feed
I discuss firearms from a rational, realistic, and informed viewpoint. If you identify as a thinker, I welcome you to my den of iniquity. Blog by Andrew Tuohy.
URL: https://www.vuurwapenblog.com/feed/
📡 Widener's Shooting, Hunting & Gun Blog RSS feed
Features tips for shooting, self-defense, hunting, guns history, Ammo guides, and competition shooting. Wideners.com is a reloading gear and ammo supplier based in Tennessee with great customer service and fast shipping.
URL: https://www.wideners.com/blog/feed/
📡 Wilshire Gun | Oklahoma's Best Gun Range, Retail and Cafe RSS feed
Let us guide you through a world-class experience at Wilshire Gun with our date night and group packages. All packages come with everything you need! Food, targets, firearms, ammo, basic training on firearms handling, drinks after and a personal concierge to guide you through High Caliber Entertainment.
URL: https://www.wilshiregun.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 pistol-training.com RSS feed
These articles are for teachers and students of the pistol. Learn everything you need to wield a pistol correctly and efficiently with our expert articles. Created by Todd Louis Green, Pistol-training.com is a site dedicated to firearms and training.
URL: https://pistol-training.com/feed/
📡 rifleshooter.com RSS feed
This is Bill Marr's journal of shooting, reloading and gunsmithing.
URL: https://rifleshooter.com/feed
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