10 Fitness Over 50 RSS feeds
📡 Alicia Jones Healthy Living | Blog RSS feed
Alicia is a highly recognized health and fitness expert with over 11 years of experience working with 'REAL' women over 50. Through nutrition, exercise, and expertise I rejuvenate peoples lives and empower them to find their unique healthy lifestyle.
URL: https://aliciajoneshealthyliving.com/blog/feed/
📡 Boomer Fitness - YouTube RSS feed
Welcome to one of the fastest growing sources of expert health, fitness, and nutrition information for - you guessed it, BABY BOOMERS! Who says you can't make 60 the new 30? We're here to help you stay lean, mean, and at least 3 steps ahead of the grandkids.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=babyboomerfitness
📡 Fit Apprentice RSS feed
Welcome to getting fit after 50 with Hashi Mashi. A simple and effective get fit plan that helps men and women after 50 discover how to get back in shape, even if you think it is hopeless or too late!
URL: https://hashimashi.com/feed/
📡 Fit Is a Feminist Issue - Fitness RSS feed
Fit Is a Feminist Issue picks up on a conversation we Sam and Tracy have been having for over two decades about feminism and fitness. It started in 2012, two years before our 50th birthdays when we set ourselves a goal: to be the fittest we've ever been in our lives by the time we hit 50.
URL: https://fitisafeministissue.com/category/fitness/feed/
📡 Fit and Wellness Over 50 RSS feed
The information hub for real life experiences of health and wellness for people over the age 50.
URL: https://fitandwellnessover50.com/feed/
📡 Fitness Over Fifty RSS feed
My name is Chris Zaremba, and I have set up Fitness Over Fifty to provide information, ideas and inspiration to anyone who is over 50 and is looking to improve their level of fitness. Fitness is a major part of my life, I can honestly say I am now healthier and fitter at 59 than I was at 29. I've had a huge amount of fun on the way, and I am keen to pass these benefits to many others as possible.
URL: http://fitnessoverfifty.co.uk/blog/feed/
📡 Flipping 50 - Youtube RSS feed
Flipping 50 is the place to go to ditch diets, stop letting food and exercise run your life and start living life with energy and vitality. You can be in the best shape of your life, AND lose extra pounds and inches with Americas Boomer Babe's fitness exert and lifestyle coach Debra Atkinson.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=AllAgesFitness
📡 LivingBetter50 - Health & Fitness RSS feed
LivingBetter50 focuses on the positive attributes of aging and looks for opportunities to encourage women to make healthier choices through content, education, products, services and events.
URL: https://www.livingbetter50.com/category/health-fitness/feed/
📡 Over 50 And Fit | Fitness Tips For Seniors RSS feed
I'm Barrie. I'm an 84 year old who feels 48. I live in North Vancouver and am passionate about being active and helping others.I am fortunate to have led a fulfilling life of teaching, travelling, volunteering and fitness.
URL: https://www.over50andfit.ca/feed/
📡 Une Femme D'un Certain Âge - Style RSS feed
Hi, I'm Susan Blakey and I'm 64 and marrited. I am a former administrative executive who loves and writes about style, Paris, coffee, history, travel and more. This section of the blog covers style ideas and fashion for women over 50. How to evolve your personal style. How to build a cohesive wardrobe for any lifestyle.
URL: https://unefemme.net/category/style/feed