33 European Law RSS feeds

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📡 ACQUIS EU Law & Policy Blog RSS feed

Intelligence & Analysis from ACQUIS.Based on a strong professional track record and past performance, Acquis EU Law & Policy was established as an independent boutique firm with the ambition to create a truly collaborative international platform for our clients and professional partners. Our focus is on EU Law and policy, including the external relations of the European Union.

URL: https://www.acquislp.eu/blogs/analysis.atom 📑


📡 Despite our Differences RSS feed

A blog about European Law and European lawyers in dispute.

URL: https://despiteourdifferencesblog.wordpress.com/feed/ 📑


📡 ECHR Blog RSS feed

Antoine Buyse is the founder and editor of the ECHR Blog. He is a professor of human rights from a multidisciplinary perspective and the director of the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM), Utrecht University. Here, he writes articles about the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

URL: https://www.echrblog.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 EJIL Talk RSS feed

Blog of the European Journal of International Law. The European Journal of International Law was established in 1990 by a small group of distinguished scholars based at the European University Institute in Florence.

URL: https://www.ejiltalk.org/feed/ 📑


📡 ESIL - SEDI | European Society of International Law RSS feed

The European Society of International Law contributes to the rule of law in international relations and promotes the study of public international law.

URL: https://esil-sedi.eu/feed/ 📑


📡 EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy RSS feed

Articles on asylum, citizenship, detention, redfugees, visas, rights in exile, migration rights and more. EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy offers advices on legal matters.

URL: https://eumigrationlawblog.eu/feed/ 📑


📡 EU Law Analysis | Expert insight into EU law developments RSS feed

Updates on the EU Law Analysis blog and other EU law developments, offering expert insight into EU law.

URL: http://eulawanalysis.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 EU Law Enforcement | Central point of information, research and discussion RSS feed

This is the central point of information, research and discussion of the issues concerning enforcement of EU laws and policies. Every month, an expert in the field of EU law enforcement shares his or her knowledge and research via a blogpost. Furthermore, this website provides a publication list of books and articles regarding the enforcement of EU law.

URL: https://eulawenforcement.com/?feed=rss2 📑


📡 EUROPP | European Politics and Policy RSS feed

Posting articles every day, EUROPP is a multi-disciplinary blog covering all aspects of European life, governance and politics. EUROPP's central mission is to increase the public understanding of social science in the contexts of European governance and policy-making, both at the European Union level and at the level of countries across Europe and within its neighbourhood.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Europp 📑


📡 European Law Blog | News & Comment On EU Law RSS feed

The European Law Blog aims to highlight, and comment on, current developments in EU case law and legislation.

URL: https://europeanlawblog.eu/feed/ 📑


📡 European Law Monitor | Latest EU News RSS feed

European Law Monitor gives information about news and information on the EU, including latest Directives and Regulations., training and research and more.

URL: https://www.europeanlawmonitor.org/index.php?option=com_content&Itemid=1121&format=feed&id=69&lang=en&type=rss&view=category 📑


📡 European Parliamentary Research Service Blog | Empowering through knowledge RSS feed

The European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) provides comprehensive research and analytical support to the Members of the European Parliament, its parliamentary committees and the European Parliament as a whole. The EPRS philosophy is to provide independent, objective and authoritative information.

URL: https://epthinktank.eu/feed/ 📑


📡 European Patent Lawyers Association Blog RSS feed

EPLAW was formed in 2001 as a non-profit making Association of experienced patent lawyers in the European community with the aim of promoting the equitable and efficacious handling of patent disputes across Europe.

URL: http://eplaw.org/feed/ 📑


📡 European Sanctions Blog | by Maya Lester QC and Michael O'Kane RSS feed

We cover recent developments relating to sanctions, including new European sanctions measures, and cases in the European and United Kingdom courts.

URL: https://www.europeansanctions.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Gavc Law RSS feed

Hi! I'm Geert Van Calster. I am an independent, practising lawyer, member of the Belgian Bar. I offer advice independently, in the areas of conflict of laws/international dispute resolution; International and EU regulatory law (particularly environment); and International and EU trade law. This blog is not meant to be complete, evidently. It simply highlights recent developments which are relevant to my practice, teaching and research.

URL: https://gavclaw.com/feed/ 📑


📡 German Civil Procedure RSS feed

This german expert law blog explains German rules of civil procedure to Anglo-American lawyers and their clients. German civil procedure gives information about German court procedures and civil procedure rules in Germany.

URL: https://www.germancivilprocedure.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Greenberg Traurig Amsterdam Law Blog - EU RSS feed

Read news and legal insights on EU Law from Greenberg Traurig Amsterdam Law Blog. Greenberg Traurig Amsterdam was established in 2003. We advise established domestic and international listed and private companies, as well as startups and governmental bodies. Whatever the challenge, we are here to help and have the knowledge, experience, and network to do so.

URL: https://www.gtlaw-amsterdamlawblog.com/category/eu/feed/ 📑


📡 How to Crack a Nut | A Blog On EU Economic Law RSS feed

This is a blog about EU law, with a focus on free movement, public procurement and competition law issues. I use it to publish my thoughts on recent developments and to comment on selected Judgments of the Court of Justice of the EU.

URL: https://www.howtocrackanut.com/blog?format=RSS 📑


📡 Human Rights in Ireland RSS feed

Get updates about News from the Human Rights Unit in the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Human Rights in Ireland is a group blog focusing on human rights issues in Ireland and abroad and on Irish scholarship about human rights.

URL: https://humanrights.ie/feed/ 📑


📡 Hunton Privacy - European-Union RSS feed

Read articles on European-Union in this section of Hunton Privacy. Since 2001, the firm has been home to the Centre for Information Policy Leadership, a privacy think tank that provides strategic consulting services and works with industry leaders, regulatory authorities and policymakers to develop global solutions and best practices for privacy and responsible use of data to enable the modern information age.

URL: https://www.huntonprivacyblog.com/category/european-union/feed/ 📑


📡 International Law Blog - EU Law RSS feed

Read posts about EU Law written by International Law Blog, Daria Sartori, and Elena Borsacchi. An International Law Blog is a project launched in September 2014 and aims to provide students, junior lawyers and scholars at different stages of their professional and academic careers with a platform to discuss issues related to international, transnational, European and comparative law.

URL: https://internationallaw.blog/category/eu-law/feed/ 📑


📡 KSLR EU Law Blog RSS feed

The KSLR EU Law Blog is an academic platform managed by King's College London law students to discuss EU law-related topics.

URL: https://blogs.kcl.ac.uk/kslreuropeanlawblog/?feed=rss2 📑


📡 Kluwer Arbitration Blog - EU Law RSS feed

This section of the Kluwer Arbitration Blog is dedicated to articles on EU Law. Kluwer Arbitration Blog is a publication of Kluwer Law International providing information and news on international arbitration. We have gathered together leading experts from law firms, arbitration institutions, and academia to report on the latest developments. They in turn have enlisted professional colleagues of diverse backgrounds to offer both established and new voices into the mix. The result is a fresh, high-quality, and timely examination of the world of international arbitration.

URL: http://arbitrationblog.kluwerarbitration.com/category/eu-law/feed/ 📑


📡 Kluwer Copyright Blog RSS feed

Kluwer Copyright Blog (KCRB) is a publication of Kluwer Law International, providing information and news on European copyright law. They have assembled a group of leading experts, comprising practising lawyers and academics to report on the latest developments.

URL: http://copyrightblog.kluweriplaw.com/feed/ 📑


📡 LSE BREXIT | UK and European law RSS feed

LSE Brexit is a multi-disciplinary, evidence-based blog run by the London School of Economics and Political Science. Our aim is to inform the debate in the aftermath of the referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union with accessible commentary and research.

URL: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/category/ukeuropeanlaw/feed/ 📑


📡 Leiden Law Blog RSS feed

The Leiden Law Blog is part of the Leiden Law School, Leiden University. The blog stands out by reacting to the latest news while at the same time touching on the research being performed within our faculty. Leiden Law School is an internationally orientated law school offering a wide range of high quality law programmes, offered both in Dutch and English.

URL: https://leidenlawblog.nl/feed 📑


📡 On Secessions, Constitutions and EU law RSS feed

Nikos Skoutaris is a Senior Lecturer in EU Law at the University of East Anglia. His research interests lie in the intersection between EU law, comparative constitutional law and conflict resolution theory. He gives information about the same in this blog.

URL: http://www.skoutaris.eu/blog?format=RSS 📑


📡 Recent developments In European Consumer Law RSS feed

Find Recent developments in European Consumer Law on this blog. Joasia Luzak is the author of this blog and she is Associate Professor at University of Exeter Law School.

URL: http://recent-ecl.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Regulating for Globalization | EU Law RSS feed

Regulation for Globalization is a Kluwer Law International blog, and it is designed to address the significant changes taking place that are changing the rules of international business, especially (1) trade law, (2) EU law, and (3) labor law. These forces are dramatic and the blog will highlight developments and opinion on the topics.

URL: http://regulatingforglobalization.com/category/eu-law/feed/ 📑


📡 Safeguarding the Rule of Law in the EU Blog RSS feed

The Meijers Committee is an independent standing committee of legal experts that provides technical-legal commentary on EU policy documents and legislative proposals. The Meijers Committee's new project 'Safeguarding the Rule of Law in the EU' addresses these threats to the rule of law. As an independent committee of Dutch legal experts, we provide comments and recommendations on EU legal initiatives and policies.

URL: https://euruleoflaw.eu/feed/ 📑


📡 The Platform Law Blog RSS feed

The Platform Law Blog is a blog by Geradin Partners dedicated to digital platforms and the issues they raise for competition policy, regulation, and privacy.

URL: https://theplatformlaw.blog/feed/ 📑


📡 UNIO Blog RSS feed

UNIO aims to publish texts which significantly contribute to the understanding of European Union law and enhance the expansion of knowledge in this area, effectively working to promote and disseminate the work of Portuguese researchers abroad, as well as to publish the works of researchers from different parts of the world, especially from Lusophone countries.

URL: https://officialblogofunio.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Verfassungsblog | On Matters Constitutional RSS feed

Verfassungsblog is a forum of debate on topical events and developments in constitutional law and politics in Germany, the emerging European constitutional space, and beyond. It sees itself as an interface between the academic expert discourse on the one hand and the political public sphere on the other.

URL: https://verfassungsblog.de/feed/ 📑


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