45 Devotional RSS feeds
📡 (in)courage - find yourself among friends RSS feed
Daily devotional for women. Find yourself among friends. A place where you're always welcome, just the way you are. This is a space in the middle of the everyday chaos. A space to breathe. A space to connect. A space to listen. And a space to hear from the God who names us His daughters. Thousands of women gather here daily.
URL: https://www.incourage.me/feed
📡 A Peace Of Heaven Blog RSS feed
Keep up with articles from A Peace Of Heaven Blog.
URL: https://apeaceofheavenblog.com/home/f.rss
📡 Berry Bunch RSS feed
Covers writing and recording material to help & inspire others to their own creative best for God's kingdom, and to serve others. BerryBunch is about worshipping together and doing all they can to encourage families to get to know Jesus, together.
URL: https://www.berrybunch.family/feed/
📡 Bible Resources RSS feed
BibleResources.org has online Bible study resources, a Bible Q&A with an astounding 71,000 pages of Bible information & Daily Devotionals based on God's Wisdom. Christ Unlimited Ministries provides the Bible in different languages and popular translations, as well as Bible Answers, Bible Devotionals, Bible Searches, Bible Tools for Mobile Devices, Bible Teaching Aids, Bible Stories etc.
URL: https://bibleresources.org/feed/
📡 Circle of Hope RSS feed
We are one church in Philadelphia and South Jersey with four congregations and dozens of cells (small circles of ten). We create an environment where people can connect with God and act for redemption.
URL: https://www.circleofhope.net/feed/
📡 Conversations with God RSS feed
Our desire is to share God's Word with as many people as possible, and share daily life application inspired by His Word. We can still experience joy, peace, and blessings, even in the midst of trials, and challenges.
URL: https://conversationswithgod777.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
Welcome to daily devotional, where you can read devotionals written by great men and women of God. Daily devotionals can bless your life , transform you and even give you steps ahead your day,reading devotionals daily also increase your spiritual life in God brings you closer to God and we pray as you continuously read devotionals you will be bless daily in JESUS NAME 'AMEN' .
URL: http://dailydevotional.com.ng/feed/
📡 Daily Devotionals by Peter Kennedy RSS feed
Each day Devotional.com posts Christian devotionals. You can sign up to receive these devotionals in your email. Each short devotion contains Bible verses, an illustration, and a quotation.
URL: https://www.devotional.com/BlogFeed/Devotionals/
📡 Daily Dews of Hope RSS feed
Daily Dews of Hope posts devotionals to help you refresh, refocus, and renew your faith and hope in Jesus Christ.
URL: https://dewsofhope.ca/feed
📡 Daily Hope with Rick Warren - Devotional RSS feed
Daily Hope with Rick Warren's blog features articles on belief, faithfulness, forgiveness, God's Will, Gratitude, Guilt, and Pray. Rick is an innovative pastor, renowned author, and global influencer.
URL: https://pastorrick.com/category/devotional/feed/
📡 Deep Thoughts With Doctor Tanya RSS feed
I am Tanya. As a psychologist and stay-at-home mom with a husband who has a crazy work schedule and kids to transport to various activities, I felt a good way to use my psychology background, my Christian knowledge and insight, my love of writing, and a lifetime of experiences was to write a devotional and motivational blog.
URL: https://tanyathedoc.com/f.rss
📡 Desiring God - From the Ministry of John Piper RSS feed
Find your joy in God with sermons, books, podcasts, video, and daily articles from the ministry of John Piper.
URL: http://www.desiringgod.org/blog.rss
📡 Devoted Heart RSS feed
Get up to date posts on devotion from Devoted Heart.
URL: https://www.blogger.com/feeds/8624558549600959394/posts/default
📡 Devotional Blog | Herb Flanders RSS feed
No Matter Where, by Herb Flanders, is a devotional blog featuring Christian inspiration.
URL: https://www.herbflanders.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 Devotional Treasures RSS feed
Christian devotional reading, Bible discoveries, Gems from the Word of God for everyday life.
URL: https://devotionaltreasure.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Erika Owens | Mom's Devotions Blog RSS feed
Hi, I'm Erika. On this blog, I share my journey through the Bible. God shows me so much as I dig into His word! Key topics covered are Christian living, God's eternal plan, God's help & intervention, faith, and evangelism.
URL: https://erikaowenswrites.com/feed/
📡 Everyday With God RSS feed
Daily Devotionals from Grace Church helping people to grow spiritually by letting the word influence their way of thinking.
URL: https://everydaywithgod.com/feed/
📡 Faithcreed RSS feed
I'm Elijah Ezekiel Arke, A freelance, writer, web developer, Content writer, Singer, songwriter, Music Producer.
URL: https://thefaithcreed.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Flatimes RSS feed
Open Heavens and Daily Devotionals, Inspiring Articles...Service to God and Humanity.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Flatimes
📡 God Thinking Daily Devotional RSS feed
I delight in sharing my inspirational work. I write essays, stories, commentaries, poems, proverbs, lists and song material.
URL: https://godthinkingdailydevotional.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 I SHINE WITH GLORY - Daily Devotionals RSS feed
A christian ministry seeking to strengthen your faith and relationship with the risen Lord.
URL: https://www.ishinewithglory.com/1/feed
📡 Immanuel United Church of Christ - Devotional Blog RSS feed
The mission of Immanuel United Church of Christ is to present God's love to all people, to invite everyone to respond to this love with faith and commitment to Jesus Christ, and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit to educate, encourage, equip, and empower people to make a positive difference in our world.
URL: http://www.ucc-immanuel.org/devotional-blog-by-pastor-tj/feed
📡 Jentezen Franklin RSS feed
Jentezen Franklin is the Senior Pastor of Free Chapel, a multi-campus church with a global reach. His messages impact generations through various outreaches and his televised broadcast, 'Kingdom Connection.' Jentezen Franklin is also a New York Times best-selling author and he speaks at conferences worldwide.
URL: https://jentezenfranklin.org/daily-devotions.rss
📡 Jordan Smith Blog RSS feed
The blog focuses on the goodness God.
URL: https://jordansmith.blog/feed/
📡 JumpstartCPC RSS feed
The devotional blog of Center Point Church. Our mission is to take everyone we meet one step closer to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
URL: https://jumpstartcpc.com/feed/
📡 Kent Crockett's Devotionals RSS feed
Kent Crockett is a Bible teacher with a passion for making disciples and the author of 9 Christian books. Here you will find bible studies, devotional and videos by Kent Crockett.
URL: https://kentcrockett.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Kristi's Morning Devotional RSS feed
Hello and thanks for visiting my Morning Devotional Blog! My name is Kristi I'm a wife, mother, grandmother and a devoted Christian. I hope you enjoy my quiet morning thoughts as I absorb inspiration from the beautiful world surrounding our Arizona home.
URL: http://www.arizonakristi.com/blog/feed/
📡 Lakisha Johnson RSS feed
A daily devotional to encourage you on the days or nights when you feel like giving up or giving in because neither one is an option! The enemy wants you to quit but get your faith up, look him in his funky face and let 'em know, 'I didn't come to lose today!'
URL: https://authorlakishajohnson.com/feed/
📡 Larry Clements RSS feed
A Devotional blog sharing encouragement through application and experience with God's Word. Larry is a follower of Christ, fortunate to be husband to Pat, father of 5, grandfather of 12, writer, associate pastor of Pauline Baptist Church.
URL: https://larryclements.blog/feed/
📡 Living in the Light of Eternity | KP Yohannan RSS feed
Dr KP Yohannan blogs about practical insights on living our lives in the light of eternity. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world.
URL: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/kpyohannan/feed/
📡 Max Lucado - Daily Devotionals Archives RSS feed
Max Lucado is a preacher with a storyteller's gift — a pastor's heart and a poet's pen. Max's message is simple: God loves you; let him. Max serves the people of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas, where he has been on staff since 1988. He preaches and writes to the hurting, the guilty, the lonely, the discouraged.
URL: https://maxlucado.com/feed/custom
📡 Northstar Community Devotionals | A faith-based recovery blog RSS feed
NorthStar Community (NSC) is a Christ- centered ministry focused on addressing the spiritual component of a well-rounded recov- ery program. NSC gathers people together to seek healing in community from the ways we've suffered emotionally, physically, and spiritually. We believe that God is present with us in our suffering and desires to heal, renew, and restore us.
URL: https://www.northstarcommunity.com/devotionals?format=RSS
📡 Par 3:16 RSS feed
Daily Bible devotion centered around the game and Savior we love!
URL: https://par3sixteen.com/feed/
📡 Pastor Kerry's Daily Devotional RSS feed
Pastor Kerry's Daily Devotional shares important life lessons in a real, relevant manner using biblical principles. Kerry Shook is one of today's most gifted communicators offering a clear, contemporary, and creative teaching style.
URL: https://www.kerryshook.org/blog?format=rss
📡 Pause, Reflect, Act RSS feed
My name is Helen Lewis. I live in Alberta, Canada. My objective in doing this blog is to show how the decisions we make in our daily lives can affect our spiritual growth and change the lives of others. As a believing and practicing Christian for decades, I frequently pause to reflect on the love, grace, and mercy of God. Looking back over the years, I am amazed and humbled at how my faith in God has guided me in the education, business, and volunteering endeavors I undertook.
URL: https://pausereflectact.net/feed/
📡 Pen The Truth RSS feed
This is a christian blog that focuses on daily devotionals,bible study,Christian teachings and relationships.
URL: https://penthetruth.com/feed/
📡 The Devotionals RSS feed
The Devotionals is the website to find and read top, refined and spirit-filled daily devotionals by leading Christian teachers and spiritual leaders across the globe. TheDevotionals publishes daily, about 19 devotionals from selected authors worldwide.
URL: https://www.thedevotionals.com.ng/feed/
📡 The Good News Herald | Proclaiming Good News of inspiration and hope RSS feed
Keep up with articles from The Good News Herald.
URL: https://thegoodnewsherald.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 The Praying Woman RSS feed
Christian prayer and devotional blogs for women written by female bloggers. Daily devotions, relationship advice, encouragement, and more!
URL: https://theprayingwoman.com/feed/
📡 The Preaching Platform RSS feed
The light of God's life-giving Word radiating from the beautiful island of Sri Lanka.
URL: https://www.preachingplatform.org/feed
📡 Thoughts about God Daily Devotional RSS feed
The goal of Thoughts About God is to help people grow in their relationship with God. We recognize that every person is at a different place in their spiritual journey--our prayer is that the content on this website, our mentors and our prayer partners will help you have a closer walk with God.
URL: http://thoughts-about-god.com/blog/feed
📡 Today Devotional RSS feed
Today Devotional is produced by ReFrame Ministries, a global mission to reframe lives with God's story through indigenous teams that produce media in ten major world languages. For more than 80 years, we have worked to share the gospel, disciple believers, and strengthen the church through media. Our blog helps God's people refresh, refocus and renew their faith through Bible reading, reflection, and prayer.
URL: https://todaydevotional.com/feed/podcast
📡 Today God Is First RSS feed
Today God Is First, is a daily devotional email which combines Bible teaching with practical insights for your work and life.
URL: https://todaygodisfirst.com/feed/
📡 Women of the Word RSS feed
We are taught from the Bible - the Word of God - to stand fast on His Word. His promises. The devotionals, inspirations, and prayers are written to inspire, uplift, support and teach women from all over the World about His word.
URL: https://womenoftheword712913662.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 rccgonline.org RSS feed
Read open heavens daily devotional written by pastor e a adeboye.
URL: https://rccgonline.org/feed/