29 Critical Care RSS feeds
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📡 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine RSS feed
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine publishes the most innovative research, highest quality reviews, clinical trials, guidelines, and statements in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep-related fields.
URL: https://www.atsjournals.org/action/showFeed?type=etoc&feed=rss&jc=ajrccm
📡 Anesthesia and Critical Care Reviews and Commentary (ACCRAC) RSS feed
My name is Jed Wolpaw. I'm an assistant professor of anesthesia & critical care medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. I'm board certified in anesthesia & adult critical care medicine. The aim of this podcast is to help residents who are reviewing for their board exams as well as to provide a forum for topics, debates & interviews in the areas of anesthesia & critical care.
URL: http://accrac.com/feed/
📡 Chacko's Critical Care RSS feed
Chacko shares articles related to current controversies in critical care medicine.
URL: https://criticalcareblogspot.com/feed/
📡 Critical Care Anywhere RSS feed
Bringing Evidence-Based Medicine to the ED and Prehospital Settings
URL: http://ccareanywhere.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Critical Care Bulletin RSS feed
A monthly current awareness service for NHS Critical Care staff, produced by the Library & Knowledge Service at East Cheshire NHS Trust.
URL: http://critcare08.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Critical Care Northampton RSS feed
Dr Jonny Wilkinson's main interest are #FOAMed / Research / ITU / Medical emergencies / ECHO. This site provide a very useful #FOAMed / #FOAMcc / #POCUS resource for anyone interested in all that is critical care.
URL: https://criticalcarenorthampton.com/feed/
📡 Critical Care Practitioner RSS feed
Critical Care Practitioner is a learning and research resource for Critical Care Practitioners by Jonathan Downham. Follow this blog for up to date information and research on all things related to Critical Care.
URL: https://www.criticalcarepractitioner.co.uk/feed/
📡 Critical Care Resources by Pharmacy Joe RSS feed
I'm Joe better known as 'Pharmacy Joe.' I am a Doctor of Pharmacy and Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist. I am also the author of A Pharmacist's Guide to Inpatient Medical Emergencies, creator of the Critical Care Pharmacy Academy and host of The Elective Rotation a critical care pharmacy podcast.
URL: https://www.pharmacyjoe.com/blog/feed/
📡 Critical Care Sonography RSS feed
Ultrasound is an essential tool for the critical care physician. It improves diagnostic accuracy. It greatly improves patient care. It can be a game changer in the critically ill enabling correct diagnosis within minutes. Ultrasound has become a skill the critical care physician can no longer go without.
URL: https://www.criticalcare-sonography.com/blog/feed/
📡 Critical Care and Shock RSS feed
Critical Care and Shock has its origin in the regular discussions of a small circle of intensivists from the US, Europe, Japan, and Indonesia who pioneered the international conference of critical care medicine, better known as the Indonesian-International Symposium on Shock and Critical Care, which is held annually in Indonesia since 1994.
URL: https://criticalcareshock.org/feed/
📡 ED ECMO RSS feed
EDECMO.org is designed to be the ultimate resource for background, logistics, and evidence for mechanical circulatory support in the arresting patient. The EDECMO Project is a partnership between Joe Bellezzo, Zack Shinar, and Scott Weingart. They want to be your source for resuscitative ECLS.
URL: https://edecmo.org/feed/
📡 EMCrit | Emergency Department Critical Care & Resuscitation RSS feed
EMCrit is devoted to Maximally Aggressive Care: Maximally Aggressive Curative Care and Maximally Aggressive Palliative Care. This blog & podcast for medical education on ED Intensive Care, Trauma, and Resuscitation.
URL: https://emcrit.org/feed/
📡 Essential Critical Care RSS feed
Essential Critical Care is a site dedicated to promotion of critical care excellence.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/essentialcriticalcare/DOMD
📡 ICU Revisited RSS feed
Critical Care troublemakers. ICU addicts. Late night shift sinners. Third world warriors.
URL: https://icurevisited.com/feed/
📡 Intensive Care Network RSS feed
The Intensive Care Network (ICN) has been developed to educate, link and stimulate healthcare professionals involved in critical care. Intensive Care Network is a site run by Oli Flower and team as an educational and networking resource for critical care. #FOAMed
URL: https://intensivecarenetwork.com/feed/
📡 Journal of Neurocritical Care RSS feed
Journal of Neurocritical Care is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal whose major goal is to disseminate innovative knowledge on all aspects of neurocritical care. It is directed towards neuro-intensivists, intensivists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, researchers, and critical care physicians and nurses treating critically ill patients with acute neurological disorders.
URL: https://www.e-jnc.org/journal/rss/make_xml.php
📡 Leeds Adult Critical Care RSS feed
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is one of the largest and busiest acute hospital Trusts in the The LGI is a specialist centre for a number of services, including the Major Trauma Centre and hand transplants.
URL: https://leedsicu.com/blog/feed/
📡 Mastering Intensive Care RSS feed
The Mastering Intensive Care podcast was created to help and inspire intensive care clinicians. Andrew Davies is an intensivist from Frankston Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. It is a podcast that focuses on coversations to inspire intensive care clinicians to become the best they can be in the practice of intensive care.
URL: http://masteringintensivecare.libsyn.com/rss
📡 Medical Anthropology Quarterly | Critical Care RSS feed
Medical Anthropology Quarterly is an international journal published by the Society for Medical Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association. The journal publishes research and theory in all areas of medical anthropology.
URL: https://medanthroquarterly.org/category/critical-care/feed/
📡 Medscape | Critical Care RSS feed
Medscape is the leading online global destination for physicians and healthcare professionals worldwide offering the latest medical news and expert perspective. Follow this blog for Critical Care medical journal articles, Critical Care medical news, Critical Care conference coverage and comprehensive drug information.
URL: https://www.medscape.com/cx/rssfeeds/2670.xml
📡 Paediatric Intensive Care Society RSS feed
The Paediatric Intensive Care Society (PICS) was founded in 1987 as a multidisciplinary forum for those involved and interested in paediatric intensive care
URL: https://picsociety.uk/news/feed/
📡 Pondering EM RSS feed
My name is Robert Lloyd. I'm an Emergency Medicine trainee in Essex, UK. 'Pondering EM' is my passion project. I use it as a platform for reflection, idea-sharing, and clinical discussion. I'm particularly interested in performance, metacognition and digitalhealth in the context of EM/critical care.
URL: https://www.pondermed.com/feed/
📡 PulmCCM RSS feed
PulmCCM launched in 2012 as a solution to these related problems of information overload and journal fragmentation. And staying up to date in pulmonary & critical care is nearly impossible today in the traditional way. With hundreds of articles published in dozens of journals, we all miss important findings every month. PulmCCM helps doctors keep up with new findings in pulmonary & critical care.
URL: https://pulmccm.org/feed/
📡 R.E.B.E.L. EM | Critical Care RSS feed
R.E.B.E.L. EM stands for Rational Evidence Based Evaluation of Literature in Emergency Medicine. They cover a myriad of topics, primarily focusing on evidence-based clinical topics, ECG cases, and high-yield exam review.
URL: https://rebelem.com/tag/critical-care/feed/
📡 SSAI (Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine) RSS feed
The mission of SSAI is to promote safe, modern and effective care for our patients needing the competences of the specialty Anesthesiology and Intensive care. In SSAI the five Nordic nations with shared values and preferences, work together to harmonize the work of the five national societies, based on high Nordic ambitions and expectations in health care and our specialties.
URL: https://ssai.info/news/feed/
📡 The Bottom Line RSS feed
The Bottom Line (TBL) has been built to create a compendium of all the landmark papers which are shaping the way we manage our critically ill patients.
URL: https://www.thebottomline.org.uk/category/blog/feed/
📡 The Journal of Critical Care Medicine RSS feed
The Journal of Critical Care Medicine is an official Journal of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Tirgu Mures, Romania, and is published quarterly. The Journal of Critical Care Medicine is an international journal dedicated to publishing high-quality peer-reviewed articles about critical care medicine.
URL: https://jccm.ro/feed/
📡 The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) | Youtube RSS feed
The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) is the largest multiprofessional organization dedicated to ensuring excellence and consistency in the practice of critical care.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=SCCM500
📡 Thinking critical care RSS feed
A blog for thinking docs: blending good evidence, physiology, common sense, and applying it at the bedside!
URL: https://thinkingcriticalcare.com/feed/