312 Book Review RSS feeds
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📡 (un)Conventional Bookviews RSS feed
Avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker, genre-omnivore |
URL: https://unconventionalbookworms.com/feed/
📡 99bookscart RSS feed
Buy used books and sell old books, second hand books online in India. 99bookscart is a platform where you can buy and sell your used books at the best price.
URL: https://99bookscart.com/blogs/readings.atom
📡 A Dream Within A Dream RSS feed
Avid reader. Book blogger - A Dream Within A Dream. Aspiring writer. Lover of chocolate and 90's music. Always looking to review new books.
URL: http://adreamwithindream.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 A Little Blog of Books RSS feed
A Little Blog of Books is focused around Clare's favourite genres - contemporary, literary and translated fiction. The blog has detailed reviews split by A-Z and year, a list of the books to be read, and a variety of literature news and feature pieces.
URL: https://alittleblogofbooks.com/feed/
Hello! Thanks for visiting my blog. I am an avid reader who enjoys reading fiction. I also read biographies as well as fiction and non-fiction books about the Holocaust and Civil Rights period ... and I've been known to read a blog or two! If you'd like me to review a book, please complete the contact form below my bio. I'll be in touch!
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/apagebeforebedtime
📡 A Simply Enchanted Life Happiness is a cup of coffee and a good book RSS feed
Addicted to lattes, reading and life. Nothing is off topic! This book reviewer is also an Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome awareness advocate, essential oil enthusiast, and a photography hobbyist.
URL: https://www.asimplyenchantedlife.com/feed/
📡 A Thin Slice of Anxiety RSS feed
Welcome to A Thin Slice of Anxiety. A blog detailing the chronicles of a book addict. Here you will find a collection of book reviews that will hopefully inspire you to lead a fuller life, to challenge yourself, empathize more with others, and grow stronger. I try to focus on unusual books, things you may have never heard of, or were too intimidated to read, either because of reputation or size.
URL: http://www.athinsliceofanxiety.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 AIM Away Message RSS feed
AIM Away Message is a kitschy, campy book blog featuring book reviews, book recommendations, and bookish conversations with a hint of nostalgia.
URL: https://www.aimawaymessage.online/blog?format=rss
📡 Adventures Thru Wonderland RSS feed
Blog mostly about YA, Middle-grade, and Fantasy titles, but you'll find little of everything. Follow along as Stephanie Lynn posts book reviews, book news, and deals from time to time.
URL: https://adventuresthruwonderland.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Advice books | Italian book promotion site RSS feed
The Italian book site with book reviews, book translations and book press releases in Italian and English to promote books internationally.
URL: https://www.advicesbooks.com/feed/
📡 Aestas Book Blog RSS feed
Aestas Book Blog gives Reviews of books that make my heart race, have a beautiful love story, and a happy ending.
URL: https://aestasbookblog.com/feed/
📡 Alexa Loves Books RSS feed
I'm Alexa! a resident of New York, lifelong reader & perpetual fangirl. This is her blog about books, life in NYC, travel adventures, and other things that catch her fancy.
URL: http://www.alexalovesbooks.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Ali - The Dragon Slayer | Book Reviews RSS feed
I'm aiming to incorporate my current cancer journey along with with my passions books/reviewing & competitions. My aim is to post relevant info on Leiomyosarcoma, any interesting competitions, books I'm reading plus reviews. Blog by Alison Drew.
URL: http://cancersuckscouk.ipage.com/category/book-reviews/feed/
📡 All By My Shelf RSS feed
Welcome to All By My Shelf, a blog for readers, writers, and people who like lists. Here you will find something that you can dip into every now and then to enjoy, share, and discuss.
URL: https://allbymyshelfblog.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Alli the Book Giraffe RSS feed
A book blog by Alli, a Book blogger, Kpop lover, and homeschooling momma from Indiana. You'll get the latest updates and book reviews.
URL: https://allithebookgiraffe.com/feed/
📡 Alys in Bookland RSS feed
Fall in this rabbit hole to bookland, a fantastic place full of amazing books.
URL: https://alysinbookland.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Amanja Reads Too Much RSS feed
I needed a place to talk about books. The books I read, that I want to read, that I couldn't finish reading. If you're a big reader who is tired of getting blank stares whenever you start talking about your latest adventure in literature you've come to the right place.
URL: https://amanjareads.com/feed/
📡 Amazing Distance | Basically, Books & Everything Nice RSS feed
The blog name indeed describes really well with the present contents as well as in the future contents. I hope with this new name will be a new beginning of me and my blog and I hope you will stay with me and enjoy reading all the contents I'm going to share in this blog.
URL: https://www.amazingdistance.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Amita's Pen RSS feed
A blog where i would write my views on books i read. Also, if any random thought come to my mind, now i have the platform to share it.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AmitasPen
📡 Anky's Book Bubble RSS feed
A blog about books, reviews, fun chats with authors, interesting guest posts and giveaways. I love reading books by new up-and-coming authors, Indie authors and of course the usual big-six books.
URL: http://ankysbookbubble.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Annabookbel RSS feed
Never leave home without a book. Book lover, blogging for nearly 9yrs at AnnaBookBel.
URL: https://annabookbel.net/feed
📡 Another Book Hangover RSS feed
Books are proof humans can do magic! I am a hard-working mom by day, an aspiring creative designer (in my dreams), and an avid reader. This site has become my little corner of the web where I can post about ALL the books I love. I love the bibliophile life. I like canceled plans and empty bookstores. I like rainy days and thunderstorms. And quiet coffee shops. I like messy beds and over-worn pajamas. Most of all, I like the small joys that a simple life brings. I have lived a thousand lives through books.
URL: http://anotherbookhangover.com/feed/
📡 Any Good Book RSS feed
Book Reviews, Thoughts on Reading, and More. Authored by JoAnne McMaster, a book blogger, and avid reader.
URL: https://joannesbooks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Author Anthony Avina's Blog RSS feed
I am a writer for the online company TheGamer, a video creator on YouTube and working towards being a full-time author. I write a variety of books, from YA and horror to science fiction and drama. I am working on my next self-published book and my first traditionally published book now.
URL: https://authoranthonyavinablog.com/feed/
📡 Author Unpublished RSS feed
Brutally Honest Reviews by Cary Morton, Writer, Artist, Copy Editor, and Review Blogger. Blog posts cover Book Reviews, Publishing News, Monthly Review Previews, Musings & Ramblings, and Writing Tips & Tricks
URL: https://authorunpublished.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Awful Library Books RSS feed
We are collection obsessed and love talking and sharing about libraries. Not all the books are necessarily 'awful', okay, some really are. This is a place where we can talk about library collections and share a few of the more absurd and out of date items hiding in libraries from all over the world.
URL: http://awfullibrarybooks.net/feed/
I love reading, I always have but my punctuation and grammar aren't the best but I do know a good book when I read it. That is what I review on the story.
URL: https://booksfromdusktilldawn.blog/blog/feed/
📡 Barbarian Librarian Book Reviews RSS feed
Book reviews and other things from the mind of a crazy bibliophile, Erin Cataldi. Erin is a crazy fun loving vegetarian who enjoys reading, shopping, getting tattoos, and just having a plain old crazy good time.
URL: http://barbarianlibrarian1.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Barnsey's Books RSS feed
I'm Lynne and if you love books as much as I do, welcome to my blog. I launched this site in 2016 to share my love of fiction. I can't think of anything more exciting than embarking on a fantastic journey from the moment I open a new book until its closing chapters.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/barnseysbooks
📡 Bea's Book Nook RSS feed
A space for talking about books. We talk about and review books of fairly broad genres, interview authors, do giveaways, and just have fun with books.
URL: https://beasbooknook.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Becky's Book Blog RSS feed
Hi! I'm Becky. I started this blog over my love of books and general nerdiness hoping to to find like minded people to share it with. I've been an avid reader since I was a child starting with the likes of Roald Dahl and Jacqueline Wilson, growing up with Harry Potter, and eventually moving on to more adult-style novels such as To Kill a Mockingbird. On this blog, I will mainly post book reviews based on both old and new books but it will also include lots of fun lists you can join in on and recommendations on my favorite series, ships, and authors.
URL: https://crooksbooks.blog/feed/
📡 Becky's Book Reviews RSS feed
Becky reviews all sorts of fiction ranging from classics to science fiction to young adult fiction.
URL: https://blbooks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Beth's Book-Nook Blog RSS feed
Book reviews and all things literary. My favorite genres are fiction, historical fiction, mystery, psychological thriller, cozies, YA, and Children's. I also read Romance, Christian/Catholic, cookbooks, and non-fiction.
URL: https://drbethnolan.com/feed/
📡 Between the Round and the Square RSS feed
A blog about books, music, food, and whatever else a non-practicing Ph.D. thinks about.
URL: https://betweenroundandsquare.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Betwixt the Sheets RSS feed
I've worked as a professional journalist for several years and have an innate love of great storytelling. I have high expectations, not only for a writer's ability to weave an interesting tale with some sense of eloquence but also for a writer's capacity for truly understanding the characters they create. I'm critical, but I reward a writer's ability to fulfill my requirements, with a long term commitment to the worlds they share with me
URL: https://www.betwixtthesheets.com/1/feed
📡 BigAl's Books and Pals RSS feed
Book reviews, news, commentary, and other fun stuff for readers and authors with an emphasis on the Kindle world and independent authors.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/BigalsBooksAndPals
📡 Birdie Bookworm RSS feed
One woman's thoughts on all things books and reading.
URL: https://birdiebookwormblog.com/feed/?x=1
📡 BiteIntoBooks RSS feed
A blog about books, books and more books! It contains reviews, memes, booktags, giveaways and all the other booklove you can think about.
URL: https://www.biteintobooks.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Blue Rose Audiobook Review RSS feed
Audiobook Reviews. Genres: Adult, LGBT, M/M, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Time Travel, Erotica, Science Fiction, Fiction, BDSM, Mystery
URL: https://bluerosereview.com/feed/
📡 BooKecCenTric RSS feed
BookEccentric blog discusses book reviews, authors, the art of reading, the beauty in words, and the unconventional passion of the book-obsessed.
URL: https://www.bookeccentric.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Book Escapade | An adventure into the world of literature RSS feed
An avid readers guide to help you sort through a vast collection of books and pick what is right for you. Includes book reviews, reading tips and which translations of popular books to read etc.
URL: https://bookescapadeblog.wordpress.com/category/posts/feed/
📡 Book Geek Musings RSS feed
I am a Pinay (Filipina) book blogger whose goal is to make many people (especially Filipinos) be interested in reading books. That is a very ambitious goal, if I must say.
URL: https://bookgeekmusings.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Book Jotter RSS feed
Book Jotter Reviews, news, features and all things books for passionate readers.
URL: https://bookjotter.com/feed/
📡 Book Nation by Jen RSS feed
Jennifer's book reviews, recommendations and observations.
URL: https://booknationbyjen.com/feed/?x=1
📡 Book Riot RSS feed
Book Riot celebrates all things books. Find the best books for your next read or book club, including new books in all genres. Book Riot is the largest independent literary site in North America, bringing you news, bookish commentary, and recs for readers of all stripes.
URL: https://bookriot.com/feed/
📡 Book Room Reviews RSS feed
Hi! My name is Sarah and thanks for visiting bookroomreviews.com! I have a love for books and reading! I could be found sipping a latte, while browsing a bookshop looking for interesting and good books. I read a variety of books and look forward to writing reviews on many different books for this site!
URL: http://www.bookroomreviews.com/feed/
📡 Book Therapy Blog RSS feed
Helping others discover wonderful new books (and old) meant understanding their current needs. The books prescribed could be for a specific predicament they find themselves in (for example, struggling with bereavement, friendship breakups, ticking biological clock, fatherhood, redundancy, regret etc) or they could be a travel prescription for a holiday read.
URL: https://www.booktherapy.io/blogs/news.atom
📡 Book Vue RSS feed
Book Vue was born out of the restless reader in me that wanted to share with the world, thoughts and opinions of some of the greatest books that we have. With time, I found satisfaction and fulfillment as the honesty behind each review was appreciated, which is the essence of this blog.
URL: https://bookvue.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 BookPecker RSS feed
A book lover or rather a bookworm who tries to gather every minute to read about the books and their author. A blog about all the reviews on books that have something unique.
URL: https://bookpeckeroff.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 BookSpring RSS feed
BookSpring is the only Central Texas organization focusing on building literacy skills and the motivation to read through increasing home libraries and reading aloud activities for children. Working through education, healthcare, and the community, we build early literacy in children and families. We envision a world of families reading and succeeding together.
URL: https://www.bookspring.org/en/feed/
📡 BookTrib RSS feed
The #1 website for books to read. BookTrib is an online literary news magazine dedicated to providing great coverage for debut and well-recognized authors. The Leading Source For Book News & Reviews.
URL: https://booktrib.com/feed/
📡 Bookanista RSS feed
Bookanista is a continuously updated web magazine featuring author interviews, essays, new fiction, extracts, book recommendations, picture stories, diary pieces and blogs about the published word.
URL: https://bookanista.com/feed/
📡 Bookdwarf RSS feed
A frontlist buyer at the Harvard Book Store, this book lover writes reviews on literature, book covers, and much more on her blog.
URL: https://bookdwarf.com/feed/
📡 Booked On a Feeling RSS feed
I love to read and talk books. I prefer fiction and enjoy urban fantasy, mysteries, historical fiction, anything paranormal, general fiction, horror, fantasy, science fiction, and a good romance. I am willing to accept review copies in exchange for my honest thoughts on each book that I read.
URL: http://samsbookblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Bookgirl's nightstand RSS feed
I'm a bookworm who's taken her love for books further by studying the craft of making books. I. I enjoy reading mainly fiction and mysteries but like to read other genres as well, like YA, poetry, graphic novels, and non-fiction.
URL: http://www.bookgirl.net/feed/
📡 Bookhounds YA RSS feed
I love to read and collect books. My favorite things right now are Roamnce, Chick Lit, Memoirs, Paranormal / Sci-Fi and Young Adult, but I am pretty much open to trying anything.
URL: https://www.bookhoundsya.net/feed
📡 Bookish Brews RSS feed
A book blog that focuses on bringing attention and support to diverse books and authors only. Helping people diversify their reading one book at a time.
URL: https://bookishbrews.com/feed/
📡 Bookish Coven RSS feed
Covers the latest book reviews, interviews, cover reveal, book blog posts, and all things bookish. Written by Ari & Seelie, sisters and amateur book reviewers.
URL: https://www.bookishcoven.com/feed/
📡 Bookish Whispers RSS feed
My name is Kayla! I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. This is where I nerd out about the books I read, can't wait to read, and other bookish things I find interesting. So have a look around, never know what you might find!
URL: http://bookishwhispers.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Bookistic RSS feed
In this blog, you will find the latest and interesting book reviews and more. Stay up-to-date with our blog.
URL: https://bookistic17.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Booklist Queen RSS feed
Tired of wasting time on overrated bestsellers? Join Rachael, an introverted book blogger who shares book news and book recommendations. She started this blog to help others find more great books to read.
URL: https://www.booklistqueen.com/feed/
📡 Booklovers | David Callinan's' blog RSS feed
The voice of bestselling thriller and fantasy author David Callinan. This blog is intended to be a repository for my views and (especially) the views of other writers, would-be writers, publishers, reviewers and all those who love books, writing and are observers of the state of publishing.
URL: https://thebookwriters.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 BooklyMatters RSS feed
Covers book reviews with a difference - the essence of a book, with no spoilers ever. Terri reads and review most genres, Fiction and Non-Fiction, and she is always delighted to talk books.
URL: https://www.booklymatters.com/feed/
📡 Booknvolume RSS feed
For the Love of Words, Laughter, Inspiration (and the odd sexy split infinitive.)
URL: https://booknvolume.com/feed/
📡 Books Best Blog RSS feed
Follow this blog for reviews and opinions of the books of all types.
URL: https://ilikebooksbest.com/feed/
📡 Books Tea and More RSS feed
A bibliophile who is on a mission to convert all to avid readers by spreading the joy of reading. I believe in diversity in literature.
URL: https://booksteaandmorecom.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Books Tell You Why RSS feed
Learn about rare books, signed books, first editions. Bookbinding and Restoration. Stay informed with our blog.
URL: https://blog.bookstellyouwhy.com/rss.xml
📡 Books a Plenty Book Reviews RSS feed
A blog about book reviews. Subscribe to get the latest updates from this blog.
URL: https://booksaplentybookreviews.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Books and Bookends RSS feed
Book reviews, previews, and author interviews from an avid reader- Anna. She is a primary teacher and book blogger who has been reviewing books on NetGalley for over five years.
URL: https://booksandbookends.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Books and Prejudice RSS feed
I'm a fairly young woman from Europe. And I like to be mysterious, as you can see. I love, love, love, actually, I adore reading books. What I love maybe even more is critiquing everything I stumble upon. so it only made sense I start sharing my opinions on books. I am an art history student, which means there is one more thing I am painfully critical about.
URL: https://bookprejudice.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Books by Julia RSS feed
Book Review Blog by Julia King.
URL: http://www.booksbyjulia.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Books in Blankets RSS feed
Book reviews of almost every genre, classics, contemporary, sci-fi, fantasy, YA and others.
URL: https://www.booksinblankets.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Books of Brilliance RSS feed
This is a blog about the latest book reviews and book news. Books may get old but they never lose their magic. That is why the author recommends the best books from modern times and old times.
URL: https://booksofbrilliance.com/feed/
📡 Books'n'Stuff ~ Between the Lines RSS feed
Books have been a constant throughout my life and I love sharing those I've enjoyed with others. I've been writing reviews and blogging about those books I've enjoyed for a few years now and still find it very satisfying and pleasurable. Blog by Cathy Ryan.
URL: https://betweenthelinesbookblog.com/feed/
📡 Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! RSS feed
Stormi Johnson's book review blog where she helps authors promote their novels.
URL: https://www.booksmoviesreviewsohmy.com/feed/
📡 Bookstalling RSS feed
My name is George and I am a writer/reader from the North East of England. I post regular reviews of books I read, usually literary fiction or non-fiction. I have a particular fondness for twentieth century American writers like Saul Bellow and Philip Roth, though I am always trying to read new and different things. The main aim of the blog is to pay attention to language and how and why books work.
URL: https://bookstalling.com/feed/
📡 Bookstoker - Fuelling your mind RSS feed
On Bookstoker you'll find book recommendations on the latest fiction, the greatest classics, and the best non-fiction.
URL: https://bookstoker.com/feed/
📡 Bookwyrming Thoughts RSS feed
Bookwyrming Thoughts is a book blog aimed toward Young Adult, Middle Grade and New Adult reads since November 2012.
URL: https://bookwyrmingthoughts.com/feed/
📡 Bookzio RSS feed
BookZio is a free service that helps our readers uncover great deals on much-admired ebooks while offering publishers and authors with a way to drive sales, receive more reviews and find new fans.
URL: https://bookzio.com/blog/feed/
📡 Bound 4 Escape RSS feed
A book review blog where author Dawn shares a lot of interesting things about books and their reviews.
URL: https://bound4escape.com/feed/
📡 Buried Under Books | Tales of a former indie bookseller RSS feed
Here you'll find reviews by me and some friends of books in many genres , thoughts about the bookselling business and guest blogs. Stay tuned also for some contests to win books and ARCs.
URL: https://cncbooksblog.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Burning Impossibly Bright RSS feed
Burning Impossibly Bright is a blog dedicated mostly to books run by Ambur, a Canadian girl with a BA in English who's addicted to books. It focuses mainly on young adult and romance with some additional genres thrown in. You'll find reviews, interviews, guest posts, giveaways, and other randomness.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Burningximpossiblyxbright
📡 By the letter book reviews Blog RSS feed
I have created this page to keep book lovers up to date with all my latest reviews from my blog. I love reading and reviewing, check out my blog for some great books, interviews and more.
URL: https://bytheletterbookreviews.com/feed/
📡 Caffeinated Book Reviewer RSS feed
Book reviews, news, author information, guest posts, blog tours and giveaways...and coffee lots and lots of coffee. I am an avid reader, audiobook junkie and coffee drinker. My fandoms include Dr. Who, Sherlock Holmes and Supernatural. I am a Howler & Ravenclaw.
URL: http://caffeinatedbookreviewer.com/feed
📡 Cameron Cowan RSS feed
Cameron Cowan, writer, thinker, human being. Read his lifestyle, politics, and music blog and find his books and other products here.
URL: https://cameronjournal.com/feed/
📡 Carole's Random Life in Books RSS feed
All things books! Reviews, New Releases, Giveaways!
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/carolesrandomlife
📡 Carries Book Reviews RSS feed
I'm Carrie and one of my favorite things to do is to read. I enjoy all kinds of books and have recently become hooked on writing reviews for them. I set up this blog to share my reviews.
URL: https://carriesbookreviews.com/feed/
📡 Charlesbridge | Children's Books Blog RSS feed
Charlesbridge publishes high-quality books for children, with a goal of creating lifelong readers and lifelong learners. Our books encourage reading and discovery in the classroom, library, and home. We believe that books for children should offer accurate information, promote a positive worldview, and embrace a child's innate sense of wonder and fun.
URL: https://charlesbridge.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Chat with Vera RSS feed
Articles from a Southern lady who shares bits 'n pieces of life who reviews books and products that she considers worthwhile.
URL: https://www.chatwithvera.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Chick Lit Cafe RSS feed
Get Reviewed & Get Discovered. We Do Powerful Engaging Book Reviews & Author Services.
URL: https://chicklitcafe.com/feed/?x=1
📡 Clive Fleury Writer's Blog RSS feed
Kill Code opens a near-future dystopian series set in a world facing climate catastrophe where nothing is what it seems. I hope you enjoy reading my latest venture, which was written in Miami where I live with my wife, teenage daughter, and cat Louis.
URL: https://clivefleurywriter.com/feed
📡 Comfy Reading RSS feed
The book blog for the comfy reader.
URL: https://comfyreading.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Compulsive Readers - Books, Books & More Books RSS feed
Welcome to Compulsive Readers. My name is Tracy Fenton and I love reading and author stalking, as well as Galaxy Ripples and Marmite crisps. I've set up this website so I can share my passion for books, and tell you all about MY favourite books.
URL: http://www.compulsivereaders.com/category/reviews/feed/
📡 Cozy with Books RSS feed
Happiness comes in a mug and a few inked pages. Hi there! My name is Esther. Welcome to my blog! I used to read tons of books as a kid, but then the adult world invaded most of what I have of free time.
URL: https://cozywithbooks.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Crossroad Reviews RSS feed
We are dedicated to books and authors. This site is for all ages! We read and review titles from children's to adult!
URL: http://www.crossroadreviews.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Cybils Awards Blog RSS feed
The Children's and YA Bloggers Literary Awards, the only book awards of any sort from the blogging community. Mission to award books that are not only written well, but books that kids will actually WANT to read.
URL: http://www.cybils.com/blog/feed?x=1
📡 Cyn's Workshop RSS feed
A place for readers to discover new books and find their next read with honest reviews & bookish love. Cynthia Bujnicki started this blog as a love of reading has now flourished into a full-fledged website dedicated to sharing her love of books.
URL: https://cynsworkshop.com/feed/
📡 Daily Dose of Books RSS feed
Book reviews, author interviews, and more. Authored by Lala, a bookworm. The genres covered are YA, historical fiction, contemporary romance, mystery and thriller.
URL: https://dailydooseofbooks.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Death by Tsundoku RSS feed
A collection of book reviews and other bookish things to help you sort through your gigantic To Be Read pile for the ones you really want to read. Authored by Jackie B, an avid reader.
URL: http://deathbytsundoku.com/feed/
📡 Descendant of Poseidon Reads RSS feed
A demigod reviewer who excitingly reads and reviews in his half-godly spare time.
URL: https://descendantofposeidonreads.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews RSS feed
We are Christie and Danielle, two ladies who love to read and share our passion of reading with others. We review a multitude of books: Young Adult (paranormal), New Adult (many different categories), Contemporary Romance (many different categories) Military Romance, Erotica (paranormal, BDSM, dark erotica) Romantic Comedies, Comedies, Suspense and Thrillers.
URL: https://devilishlydeliciousbookreviews.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Drizzle & Hurricane Books RSS feed
Welcome! We're Marie (she/her) and Nyx (she/her), two sisters screaming about books at each other and now with you, too. We love books, traveling and we're both marshmallows, basically.
URL: https://drizzleandhurricanebooks.com/feed/
📡 Dublin Review of Books RSS feed
The Dublin Review of Books publishes long-form essays and shorter book reviews, blog entries, and details on forthcoming literary events in Ireland.
URL: https://drb.ie/feed/
📡 Dyslexic Reader One Dyslexic women and lots of books to talk about RSS feed
I am 28 years old. I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was 10 years old, my parents were told that it would be unlikely I would leave high school with any qualification. I proved them wrong by getting my degree in drama studies with film and screen studies. I have always wanted to blog about my reading especially when I started Goodread and even more when I started their reading challenges last year. The challenge gave me the push to look for different authors and book series to read.
URL: https://dyslexic-reader.com/category/book-review/feed/
📡 Ecstatic yet Chaotic RSS feed
Ecstatic yet Chaotic features book reviews, personally curated book recommendations, author interviews, and Contemplation through words.
URL: https://ecstaticyetchaotic.in/feed/
📡 Elgee Writes - Review RSS feed
Gayathri loves reading, recommending books, and talking about bookish things in real life. Her blog is just an extension of that habit. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she freelances as a beta reader. She lives currently in Dubai.
URL: https://elgeewrites.com/category/review/feed/
📡 Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book RSS feed
Book Reviews, Book Tours, Book Recommendations & Giveaways too!
URL: https://www.escapewithdollycas.com/feed/
📡 Exclusive Books Blog RSS feed
More than a book store - we're the home of book lovers in South Africa. Exclusive Books is a cultural touchpoint with personality & authority made possible through passion & an undying love of literature
URL: http://blog.exclus1ves.co.za/feed/
📡 Fabulous Book Fiend - Audiobooks RSS feed
I am a busy teacher but just love to escape with a fabulous book and a cup of coffee. Before having my own blog I contributed to The Sweet Bookshelf Blog and then decided to start this baby!
URL: http://www.fabulousbookfiend.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Fafa's Book Corner RSS feed
Book reviews for Middle Grade, Young Adult, Adult Fiction, Chick Lit/Romance, Fantasy and Sci-fi.
URL: https://fafasbookcorner.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Fang-Freakin-Tastic Reviews RSS feed
This is all about books and scary stuff. I decided to start writing reviews when I realized that I have read so many good books, and have had so much to say about them, but no one to talk to with about what I've read.
URL: https://fangfreakintasticreviews.com/feed/
📡 Fantasy Thoughts from My Easy Chair RSS feed
M. K. Theodoratus, Fantasy Writer, muses about make-believe worlds -- real and fantastical. I also mutter about my own writing progress and, sometimes, include interesting links.
URL: http://kaytheod.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Feed Your Fiction Addiction by Nicole Hewitt RSS feed
Feed Your Fiction Addiction, Book blogger extraordinaire and freelance editor over at Feed Your Fiction Addiction. Loves books, her family and her dogs.
URL: https://feedyourfictionaddiction.com/feed
📡 Fictionophile RSS feed
Hello, my name is Lynne. I love to share reading with others and use my blog as a way of documenting my own reading and to serve as an additional online place where I can share my opinions about the books I read.
URL: https://fictionophile.com/feed/
📡 For the Love of Words RSS feed
A book review site featuring anything from Middle Grade, YA to Adult Fiction. Authored by Bonnie Goodyear.
URL: https://www.fortheloveofwords.net/feed/
📡 From the Book Reviewer's Desk RSS feed
My name is Destiny Bridwell. I have been a lover of the written word for all of my life. I do devour stacks of books like most eat popcorn at the movies. It is the characters and their worlds that would draw me in and never let me go. Even into adulthood, I could not say no to books. It is a passion that can't be denied. I know that I am not the only one in the universe like this. I am not sure who this blog will reach, but I am glad that you have found me and will be part of the journey I am going to be on.
URL: https://fromthebookreviewersdesk.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Fueled By Chapters RSS feed
Covers book reviews, raves and recommendations, film and tv reviews or recaps, as well as anything Pop Culture!
URL: https://fueledbychapters.com/feed/
📡 Gina Rae Mitchell RSS feed
I'm Gina, a book-obsessed Nana that loves to cook and create. I review books from nearly every genre.
URL: https://ginaraemitchell.com/feed/
📡 Girl Plus Book RSS feed
Girl Plus Book is a YA book blog specializing in young adult book reviews of Dystopian, Scifi, and Fantasy book genre. Two girls who want to share their love of reading and books with the world.
URL: http://girlplusbook.com/feed/
📡 Glass of Wine, Glass of Milk RSS feed
A mom and son's literary journey. This is a book review blog featuring thoughts from them both.
URL: http://glassofwineglassofmilk.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 GoodBooksToday | Book Club RSS feed
A place to find good books to read. A source for book reviews, daily deals, best sellers, and free offers for Kindle owners. Amazon, Kindle and the Amazon and Kindle logos are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
URL: https://goodbookstoday.com/bookclub/feed/
📡 Harriet Hunter RSS feed
Inspirational tips for living sober and serene one day at a time. Journaling tips, snippets from my book Miracles of Recovery and more! I am a member of Tallahassee's Writing Association; Florida's Writers Association, Florida Association of Publishers and Authors, Sisters of the Sentences Writers Group, (part of Fiction Among Friends group). I am a member of TWA and FWAs writing critique groups.
URL: https://harriethunter.org/feed/
📡 Heyit'sCarlyRae! RSS feed
Instafamous Book Blogger HeyitsCarlyRae brings you the trending reviews in the book world!
URL: https://heyitscarlyrae.com/feed/
📡 I Write. I Read. I Review RSS feed
I'm Shelley, a multi-genre author and award winning blogger. You'll find me sharing book reviews, author interviews, and chatting about books on my author blog.
URL: https://shelleywilsonauthor.com/feed/
📡 I'm Into Books | Book Tours & Reviews RSS feed
A book blog by Jody where you will find all things about books, book blog tours, and giveaways. Jody is a book influencer and he loves to read cozies, YA, Middle Grade, Mystery, Suspense, Women's Fiction, Romance, Literary Fiction, Psychological Thrillers, and Memoirs.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/imintobooks
📡 I'm Into Books | Book Tours & Reviews RSS feed
A book blog where you will find all things about books, book blog tours, and some pretty cool giveaways.
URL: https://www.imintobooks.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 In Bed With Books RSS feed
I am a 25-year-old college graduate living in Texas. Obviously, I spend a great deal of time reading and writing about reading. I review a variety of genres, including YA (male- or female-oriented), fantasy (traditional/high, urban/low), SF (hard and soft), horror, literary fiction, chick lit, general fiction, and select nonfiction (not memoirs).
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/InBedWithBooks
📡 Inconsistent Pacing RSS feed
Inconsistent Pacing is a repository for my short fiction and (more rarely) poetry. I also tend to write about things I've read, watched or played.
URL: https://inconsistentpacing.com/feed/
📡 Independent Book Review RSS feed
Independent Book Review is your source for the best new books by a small press and independent authors. Whether you're a reader looking for your next favorite read or a writer hoping to get your book reviewed, you've come to the right place.
URL: https://independentbookreview.com/feed/
📡 Indie Reader RSS feed
IR's launch in 2009, we have reviewed thousands of self-published titles. We have also seen most of the negativity directed to self-publishing disappear, to the point where indie books regularly make the major bestseller lists, win major literary awards, and sell hundreds of thousands of copies. Our Reviewers won't judge your book as compared to other self-published titles, but against other books, period.
URL: https://indiereader.com/feed/
📡 Inkish Kingdoms RSS feed
Covers articles about literature, essays and book reviews. Inkish Kingdoms is a small business that works with small and big authors. Inkish Kingdoms read and review books in multiple platforms.
URL: https://inkishkingdoms.com/feed/
📡 Jazzy Book Reviews RSS feed
Book-related posts, including reviews in various genres, thoughts, giveaways, as well as blitzes, cover reveals, and tours. Authored by Jasmine J, blogger, book reviewer, and fan of all things horror.
URL: https://www.jazzybookreviews.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Jean M. Roberts : The Books Delight RSS feed
Reviews and Ruminations of an Author and Book Lover. Books, Book Reviews, Historical Fiction, Romance, Authors, Writing, Reading, History, Novels, Interviews, Tips, Query, and Book Promotion.
URL: https://www.thebookdelight.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Jen Med's Book Reviews RSS feed
Musings and Ramblings of a Disorganized Book Blogger.
URL: https://jenmedsbookreviews.com/feed/
📡 Jen Ryland Reviews RSS feed
Your go-to source for great book reviews, best-of-book lists, bookish quizzes, and more!
URL: https://www.jenryland.com/feed
📡 Jersey Girl Book Reviews by Kathleen Anderson RSS feed
My name is Kathleen Anderson. I am an avid bookworm. I am a Virtual Book Tour Coordinator with Pump Up Your Book Publicity Services.
URL: https://jerseygirlbookreviews.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Jess Hearts Books RSS feed
Prone to stalking authors on Twitter and crushes on fictional characters. Mostly I just faff about on the internet and somehow manage to pass my life long work of trying to get people to read good books off as being a somewhat sane and professional book blogger.
URL: https://jessheartsbooks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Jessicamap Reviews RSS feed
I'm Jessica. I'm in my 20's and have always had a love for reading. I hope you enjoy my reviews and photos that I share on my blog. You'll see mainly genres that I'm in love with (thrillers, horror, suspense, historical fiction) because it's not entirely fair to review genres that I'm not the target audience for. You'll see some book mail and then book events that I can make it to.
URL: https://jessicamapreviews.com/feed/
📡 Jill's Book Cafe RSS feed
Books, Reviews and Random Ramblings.
URL: https://jillsbookcafe.blog/feed/
📡 Joelbooks RSS feed
We are a book-loving community with the sole purpose to share and spread the word about new books worth reading them. Find book reviews and articles on the best Sci-fi, Thriller, Fantasy, and Non-fiction Books.
URL: https://joelbooks.com/feed/
📡 Joy's Book Blog RSS feed
A librarian writes about books.
URL: http://www.joyweesemoll.com/feed/
📡 Kayla's Reads and Reviews RSS feed
I love to read and review any genre, but my favorites are YA, erotica, fantasy, and NA.
URL: http://kaylasreadsandreviews.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Kid Lit Reviews | Honest, Thoughtful Reviews RSS feed
Reviews of newly released children's and middle grade books. These are books for kids from birth to age 13. Many fantastic books not on the main radar. Also autor interviews, guest posts, and contest/giveaways.
URL: https://kidslitreview.com/feed/
📡 Kids Lit Book Cafe RSS feed
Providing parents with the very best books for their children of all ages to enjoy and have fun and adventure with. Encouraging a happy joyful life through the amazing reading experience
URL: https://kidslitbookcafe.com/feed/
📡 Kirkus Reviews RSS feed
Book reviews, recommendations, and the latest literary news from the most trusted voice in book discovery, Kirkus Reviews.
URL: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/feeds/rss/
📡 Kristopher Cook RSS feed
Here you'll find reviews, articles, essays and discussions about the worlds most transgressive & eclectic books.
URL: https://kristophercook.com/feed/
I am a traveller, seeker, foodie, and a bookaholic. Most of the times, you will find me reading a book. A brilliant, mind-twisting mystery keeps me going. So I have created this website that talks about my book collection and the books I love to read. The books that leave a lasting impression.
URL: https://ideasflyhigh.com/feed/
We post book reviews and author interviews. We love books and read constantly (it's an addiction).
URL: https://literarytitan.com/feed/
📡 LamonReviews RSS feed
Welcome and thank you for stopping by the blog. I am KDJ Lamon and I love reading, photography, hiking, and writing. Here you can find my book reviews and be up to date on recent book news.
URL: https://lamon.reviews/feed/
📡 Largehearted Boy RSS feed
Largehearted Boy is a literature and music website that explores that spot in the Venn diagram where the two arts overlap. In this blog, you will find Essays, book reviews, music reviews, book news, music news, and much more.
URL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/largeheartedboy
📡 Laura's Books and Blogs RSS feed
Writing tips, giveaways, reviews, essays, and more written by Laura Smith, a middle-grade author, blogger, freelance writer, book, and movie reviewer.
URL: https://laurasbooksandblogs.com/feed/
📡 Lazy Day Literature RSS feed
Stacy Renee, an American in her early 30's who loves to read. Her goal for this blog is to create a place where she can post her reviews and book lovers can come together to talk about books & trade recommendations.
URL: http://lazydaylit.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Linda's Book Bag | Loving books and reading RSS feed
My name is Linda. I'm a retired ex-English teacher, educational consultant, and inspector. I love reading and try to read as much as possible. Although I'm not particularly fond of horror, sci-fi, or fantasy I'm always willing to try a range of genres and love the privilege of having advance copies to review.
URL: https://lindasbookbag.com/feed/
📡 Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews RSS feed
Covers Book Reviews, Author Interviews, and Book Tours. Written by Lisa Haselton, an editor, book reviewer, and author interviewer - for all fiction genres, non-fiction, technical, & business.
URL: https://lisahaselton.com/feed/
📡 Lisa Loves Literature RSS feed
Lisa Loves Literature features quality book reviews based on titles, authors, ratings and for different genres. Lisa is a high school librarian, book blogger & former bookseller at Barnes & Noble.
URL: https://lisalovesliterature.bookblog.io/feed/
📡 Lisa's Reading RSS feed
Lisa shares family friendly book reviews.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/LisasReading
📡 LitBuzz RSS feed
A hive of book news and reviews you can really use, by a team of #Bibliobuzzers dedicated to honesty and fun! Follow for current honey.
URL: https://www.thelitbuzz.com/feed
📡 LitPick Book Reviews RSS feed
Covers book reviews by honest reviewers. LitPick encourages a lifelong love of reading by empowering people to share their opinions about books through a world-wide online social community.
URL: https://litpick.com/blog/feed
📡 Liv The Book Nerd RSS feed
My focus on Liv The Book Nerd is to provide honest reviews of the books that I read. I'm a very enthusiastic reader and I love to share my thoughts and feelings with others. This is a multi-genre book blog, so my reviews will be varied. I accept requests for all genres, but mainly young adult.
URL: http://livthebooknerd.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Lori's Book Loft RSS feed
Welcome to Lori's Book Loft! It's a cozy space for the DEVOTED reader. Here, you'll find author interviews, book reviews, and get to tour charming bookstores.
URL: https://lorisbookloft.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Lost In A Good Book RSS feed
It's easy to get lost in a new favorite book. The problem is where do you find the next great read once you've finished and found your way back home? I hope that reviews of the books I've read will help others to find something new to love. My tastes vary but lately I've been into Fantasy, Women's Lit, Classic Lit, YA, Dystopian, and Children's books.
URL: https://lostnagoodbook.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Lost in a Good Book RSS feed
A librarian, a blogger, a reader, and a lover of books. Lost in a Good Book is a blog about books, reviews, and all things reading.
URL: https://lostinagoodbk.com/feed/
📡 MEReadALOT | | A Book Blog Between Friends RSS feed
A book blog between friends. We review whatever we're in the mood for. Young Adult, New Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Dystopian, Sci-Fi, etc.
URL: https://mereadalot.net/feed/
📡 Margie's Must Reads RSS feed
Margarita Longoria is a lifelong bookworm, book blogger, YA Book Maven, Diverse Books Pusher, and TX Librarian. Her book reviews cover genres like YA, Children's Books, Romance, Women's Fiction, Historical Fiction, and more.
URL: https://margiesmustreads.com/feed/
📡 Maryse's Book Blog RSS feed
Maryse's Book Blog is dedicated to ROMANCE books of ALL genres (especially contemporary romance, paranormal romance & urban fantasy books).
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Maryse
📡 Marzie's Reads RSS feed
Marzie's Reads is my personal blog, and other than the occasional guest blogger or 'buddy read', the only reviews that you will find here are mine and they will be honest, whether I bought the book or received it as an ARC from the publisher.
URL: http://marziesreads.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Michelle M. Pillow's Blog RSS feed
NY Times & USA TODAY Bestselling Author of Romance, Cozy Mystery, and Paranormal Women's Fiction (PWF). I write books. I take pictures. I heart my readers.
URL: https://michellepillow.com/feed/
📡 Milly Space RSS feed
Days are only as grey as you allow them to be.
URL: https://millyspace.blog/feed/
📡 Modern Mrs. Darcy RSS feed
Anne Bogel is an author, the creator of the blog Modern Mrs. Darcy. Modern Mrs. Darcy isn't strictly a book blog, Anne writes frequently about books and reading. Her book lists are among her most popular posts. She is well known by readers, authors, and publishers as a tastemaker. In 2016, she launched her podcast What Should I Read Next?- a popular show devoted to literary matchmaking, bibliotherapy, and all things books and reading. Her second podcast One Great Book launched in 2019. She also helps people learn to read better, together in Book Club.
URL: https://modernmrsdarcy.com/feed/
📡 Mr Ripleys Enchanted Books RSS feed
Reading, reviewing and collecting all modern children's books . . . from J.K Rowling to Philip Pullman, as well as up and coming authors. This is for like-minded enthusiasts, who are as passionate about modern day childrens' authors as we are. So enjoy, communicate and share the love of books with us. Our thirst for all things Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Horror.
URL: https://www.mrripleysenchantedbooks.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 My Friend Amy RSS feed
Books, television, and other pop culture and product reviews through the lens of a faith inclined wanderer.. I really am truly and genuinely interested in a wide variety of books and my tastes do change. I am primarily a lover of fiction.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MyFriendAmy
📡 My Peacock Books RSS feed
Books, Art, Poetry & Peacocks! A blog dedicated to honest book reviews, art and colouring, dark and light rhyming poetry, discussions on books and current affairs, writing tips & advice as well as wordpress know-how, animals and some humour too.
URL: https://mypeacockbooks.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 My Sentimental Library RSS feed
Jerry shares posts about the old books he collects and about the authors who wrote them.
URL: https://blog.mysentimentallibrary.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 NeverImitate | Trying to avoid society's pigeonholes RSS feed
Book Reviews, author interviews, guest posts and gig reviews, mostly written by Jackie Law.
URL: https://neverimitate.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 NewInBooks RSS feed
Answering the Age old question - What are you reading? NewInBooks finds the best new books and delivers them to your inbox for free. Never miss a hot newly released book!
URL: https://www.newinbooks.com/feed/
📡 Nocturnal Book Reviews by kara-karina RSS feed
Hi, folks! I talk about books on Nocturnal Book Reviews. Mainly steampunk, UF and historical paranormals in YA & adult fiction. Sometimes PNR & SF.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/NocturnalBookReviews/
📡 On My Bookshelf RSS feed
Reading is my passion so let's get to it... I have been passionate about reading and writing book reviews since I was very young. Blog by Janet.
URL: https://bookblog.gjmccarthy.co.uk/feed/?x=1
📡 One Book More RSS feed
Covers articles about all things bookish and includes reviews, author interviews, recommendations, memes, and more. Genres covered are romance, young adult, fantasy, science fiction, women's fiction, historical fiction and more.
URL: https://onebookmore.com/feed/
📡 Only Picture Books | The Weekly Rumpus of Picture Book Things RSS feed
Hi, I'm Ryan. My goal is to create and compile PB-related information that will be of value to writers, illustrators, teachers, librarians, agents, editors, publishers, and publicists who enjoy PBs are much as I do. In many ways, OPB is both a celebration of the picture book community and a curated resource, as well.
URL: https://www.onlypicturebooks.com/feed/
📡 Outset-Rakhi Jayashankar's blog RSS feed
\The array of thoughts channeled into a mold of words to let the readers feel the surge of satisfaction. A pitstop for books. Review of books and products, book tours n more
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Outset-rakhiJayashankarsUnassuagedPhantasm
📡 Owl Book world RSS feed
Covers book reviews, horror fan, movie reviews. Owl Book World is a blog geared towards books of most genres.
URL: https://www.owlbookworld.com/feed/
📡 Passionate Book Reviews RSS feed
Passionate Book Reviews is a blog about book quotes and Book reviews of Romance, Historical, ChickLit, Suspense, Young Adult, Classics, Self-Help, Business book reviews, and Features.
URL: https://www.blogger.com/feeds/1927110199054234363/posts/default
📡 Pearly Chit Chats' About Books RSS feed
Hi!! My Name is Pearly Williams, welcome to my bookish blog. Please feel free to browse. I'm an Accountant by training. An avid Reader and Book Lover. Been a fan of reading from a young age and love to explore and get carried away in the tales narrated by the author. My Journey of reviewing books started some time ago and have been enjoying it immensely ever since as it gives me an opportunity to share my thoughts.
URL: https://booksroundabout.weebly.com/1/feed
📡 Peeking Between the Pages RSS feed
My name is Darlene and I'm from Canada and I love, love, love to read. I read mainly contemporary fiction, literary fiction and historical fiction, women's fiction, Christian fiction, general fiction, but I also enjoy young adult, chick-lit, mysteries, thrillers, horror and cookbooks, along with some paranormal, fantasy, memoirs, or romance-depends on if it appeals to me or not.
URL: https://peekingbetweenthepages.com/feed
📡 Portobello Book Blog by Joanne RSS feed
I'm Joanne and I'm passionate about reading! I enjoy a wide variety of books but would say my favourite genres are contemporary fiction, historical fiction and I also enjoy a good love story. I really like uplifting and feel good books. I enjoy hearing about what others are reading and sharing what I have enjoyed reading.
URL: https://portobellobookblog.com/feed/
📡 Pretty Mess Reading RSS feed
This is not you're normal book blog, it gets pretty messy around here. fair warning!
URL: https://prettymessreading.com/feed/
This blog focuses on dark fiction books that are best read before night falls! These books are primarily from the horror genre, but mystery, thriller, and Nordic noir books are also available here. I share reviews and recommendations, as well as reading lists, essays, news, and other bookish information I find interesting.
URL: https://readbydusk.com/feed/
📡 RXTT's Intellectual Journey RSS feed
BOOK REVIEWS FROM A CURIOUS MIND: I read a lot. Books and the data/stories contained within them are my oldest friends. Working at the University of Houston allows me to use the M.D. Anderson Library. Awesome! My wife mentioned that I should write up short summaries/observations on the books I've been reading, since people might be interested in reading them, so I did.
URL: http://rxttbooks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Rain'n'books RSS feed
I am Farshana. The simple purpose of this blog is to write about all the books that I seem to devour and thus rain'n'books, well rains being the other favorite part of curling with a book and of course a cup of tea or coffee like we say in India 'garma garam chai' with 'samosas' on a rainy day...bring it on!
URL: https://rainnbooks.com/feed/
📡 Rambling Lisa's Book Reviews RSS feed
Book reviews and poetry along with whatever else springs to mind!
URL: https://ramblinglisasbookreviews.com/feed/
📡 Randy Kay RSS feed
Randy Kay is the best selling male author in USA of leadership books. These books covers all aspects of self care, be it physical, mental, or emotional.
URL: http://www.randykayauthor.com/feed/
📡 RatherTooFondofBooks RSS feed
An incurable bookaholic's ramblings.
URL: https://rathertoofondofbooks.com/feed/
📡 Rea Book Reviews RSS feed
Reader, reviewer, blogger, chocolate pincher! I have been reviewing for 5 years, won blog of the year 2015. I give honest opinion on latest book releases. I also will let you know of any book giveaways on my blog and on other blogs.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reabookreview
📡 Read This, Not That RSS feed
Hi! My name is Abby. Welcome to my blog. I live in Sacramento, California. When I'm not working, spending time with family and friends, cooking, or running, I'm an avid reader. Find Book Reviews, Quotes, and Musings from a Fiction Fangirl.
URL: https://readthisnotthat.blog/feed/
📡 Readability Australia RSS feed
My name is Fleur Morrison and I am a hopeless bibliophile. I read on the beach, in bed, on the train, in cafes anywhere and any chance I can get. I'm looking forward to sharing my thoughts, ideas and reviews with you and I hope you can share yours, too.
URL: http://readability.com.au/feed/
📡 Reader Voracious RSS feed
You will find bookish discussions, lists of upcoming releases, and guides & resources for readers/bloggers. As an advocate for reading diversely and all of my reviews will list representation in the book, as well as content/trigger warnings.
URL: https://readervoracious.com/feed/
📡 ReaderthenBlogger RSS feed
A blog about books and book-related feelings! Authored by Kala, a devoted bookworm writes book reviews through this blog.
URL: https://readerthenblogger.com/feed/
📡 Reading For Pleasure RSS feed
Hello my name is Bev and I'm an avid reader. I've loved reading since I was small and am never without a book to read or my trusty kindle no matter where I am. I enjoy reading crime; thrillers; biographies; true life crime and memoirs but am open to any book that grabs my attention.
URL: http://beveaves.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Reading For Sanity RSS feed
Covers book reviews and other book news.
URL: https://www.readingforsanity.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Reading Group Guides RSS feed
A site dedicated to book lovers providing a forum to discover and share commentary about the books and authors they enjoy. Author interviews, book reviews and lively book commentary are found here. Content includes books from bestselling, midlist and debut authors.
URL: https://www.readinggroupguides.com/blog/rss.xml
📡 Reading Inspiration RSS feed
Check out Reading Inspiration - full of book reading recommendations for grown-ups & kids. Find book reviews, fun ideas & reading tips here.
URL: https://readinginspiration.com/feed/
📡 Reading Is My SuperPower RSS feed
Books reviewed honestly and from the heart, written out of my love for stories and my knowledge of what makes good fiction. Interviews with some of my favorite authors. Giveaways of some of my favorite books.
URL: https://readingismysuperpower.org/feed/
📡 Reading Life Book Reviews. RSS feed
Covers book reviews on Literary Fiction, Paranormal Fiction, Romance, Thriller and Suspense, Dystopian Fiction, Mystery and Detective, Poetry and more.
URL: https://mihaibrinas.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Reading Matters RSS feed
Book reviews of mainly modern & contemporary fiction.
URL: https://readingmattersblog.com/feed/
📡 Reading Writings RSS feed
OneStopDestination comprises the personal writings and blogs at One Stop Destination. Platform used is Blogger. It also has Book Reviews with the blog version at Reading Writings. Platform used is Blogger.
URL: https://www.readingwritings.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 ReadingMaria RSS feed
Welcome to my blog! You can check out my latest reads, what I thought, and other fun stuff!
URL: https://readingmariabookblog.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Reads All The Books RSS feed
Hi, I'm Malissa. I am just an avid fangirling reader with an eclectic reading habit. This is my place to review books that could range from Children's books to Paranormal Romance and Biographies. A place for me to promote the books I have come to love and the authors behind them. Follow my blog feed, I hope you will find a home here in this comfy little place of mine.
URL: http://www.readsallthebooks.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Rebel Mommy Book Blog by Grace RSS feed
Book reviews and discussions from a wife, mom, book nerd, coffee addict, tv junkie, wine lover & yogi wannabe, rebelling against reality one book at a time. I started this blog because I love books and really just wanted to talk (or type if we are getting technical) about them.
URL: https://rebelmommybookblog.com/feed/
📡 Review Tales by Jeyran Main RSS feed
Jeyran Main - blogger, consumer reviewer, and a freelance book translator. Jeyran also guest hosts for blogs and writes articles for companies by request.
URL: https://jeyranmain.com/feed/
📡 Reviews By Martha's Bookshelf RSS feed
Reviews, Author Features, Book Giveaways.
URL: https://marthasbookshelf.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Rhapsody in Books Weblog RSS feed
Books, History, and Life in General. Written by a husband and wife team, this blog covers all sorts of fiction.
URL: https://rhapsodyinbooks.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Right Writing Words RSS feed
I'm a South African teenager who blogs about books she's read, things she thinks makes South Africa unique, and what writing a novel has taught her.
URL: https://rww.home.blog/feed/
📡 River of Reads RSS feed
I'm a literary addict who loves reading books, discussing books, recommending books, writing, movies, food, music, creating things, and more. I started this blog as a way to share discussions and reviews of books in my favorite genres, and keep track of my reads.
URL: https://riverofreads.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Rockstar Book Tours by Jaime and Rachel RSS feed
Jaime and Rachel, We decided to start Rockstar Book Tours because we love books, the authors behind the books - they are our rockstars - and blog tours. And we wanted to be able to provide a service - free of charge - that would allow us to promote the authors and books we love.
URL: http://www.rockstarbooktours.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Rose City Reader by Gilion Dumas RSS feed
Book notes from a compulsive list reader. This prolific reviewer also includes links to other reviews providing you with lots of information about books.
URL: https://www.blogger.com/feeds/4508267865632365231/posts/default
📡 Roses and Reviews RSS feed
Roses and Reviews is a book review blog that is committed to reviewing books by a diverse range of authors and genres. R&R features book reviews, author interviews, commentaries, book spotlights, unboxings, giveaways, and more!
URL: https://rosesandreviews.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Ruei's Reading Corner RSS feed
Hey guys and welcome to my blog! I'm Ruei and my top three fav things are cupcakes, washi tapes, and of course, books. I also love basically anything pink. I enjoy reading adventure/action, fantasy, detective, and mystery novels but as long as it's a good book, I'll read it! I love discovering new books, and I can't wait to share them with you guys.
URL: https://www.blogger.com/feeds/3361956696269975271/posts/default
📡 Ruei's Reading Corner RSS feed
Ruei, Just a teen who loves reading and writing! She is a Taiwanese American who enjoys reading YA contemporary, fantasy, and mystery books. Follow to read her latest book reviews.
URL: https://rueisreadingcorner.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Ruyi's World of Books and Stories. RSS feed
Tales in an ever-changing world. Writer of novels and short stories.
URL: http://omoruyiu.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
SKAVANSIEUR is a book review blog. Please refer to the menu for more information about the services provided, review policy and contact.
URL: https://skavansieur.home.blog/feed/
The real deal on books and reading.
URL: http://stackedbooks.org/feed/
📡 Seattle Book Mama RSS feed
Get the latest book reviews and recommendations. Over the years I've been rating and reviewing books, and more so since this blog has been up and running.
URL: https://seattlebookmamablog.org/feed/
📡 Shalini's Books & Reviews RSS feed
My first love has always been BOOKS. I have always been passionate about reading whether it is a journal, textbook, or novels. Though I prefer the novels. Thanks to eBooks, my favorite gadgets are my phone, kindle, laptop, and iPad.
URL: https://digitalreadsmedia.com/feed/
📡 Sharon the Librarian RSS feed
A blog about books from all genres, and for all ages. Through this blog, Author Sharon shares information about her latest reads and the best book-related Memes.
URL: http://sstwriting.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Shaz's Book Blog RSS feed
I'm a bookaholic... Love nothing more than sharing the love of great books with others.
URL: https://shazsbookblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 She Seeks Nonfiction | Skeptic's Quest for Science, Wonder, & Books RSS feed
Welcome to my blog! I'm Rebekah, a lifelong student, curious atheist, and creative introvert. I love to read and write about social justice, atheism, religion, science (especially human evolution), and the ever-inspiring words of Carl Sagan. Join me as I use skepticism and critical thinking to seek out that which is nonfiction while exposing fiction and pseudoscience for what they are.
URL: https://sheseeksnonfiction.blog/feed/
📡 Shhh!! ME Time!! RSS feed
A blog about adult books and opinions. Get regular articles on bookreview from Shhh!! ME Time!!
URL: https://www.shhmetime.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Simone and Her Books RSS feed
Simone and Her Books features articles on Books, Writing, and Content for your Reading life
URL: http://simoneandherbooks.com/feed
📡 Simone and Her Books RSS feed
I'm Simone and I like books. I'm a full time blogger living in Los Angeles, CA. I'm also a book reviewer for Publishers Weekly. A friend of mine once told me that you can't finish a book until you've written about it. This is where I have my bookish thoughts. You'll find book reviews, recommendations, fun bookish accessories, and thoughts triggered by what I read and see.
URL: https://simoneandherbooks.com/feed/
📡 Sincerely Stacie RSS feed
Stacie Gorkow is a married mom of 3 living in a small-town Iowa. On this blog, you will find book reviews of fiction, nonfiction, historical fiction and children's books, product reviews as well as tips and snippets from her life in small-town Iowa.
URL: https://www.sincerelystacie.com/feed/
📡 Smart Bitches, Trashy Books RSS feed
Smart Bitches, Trashy Books is a community of romance readers eager to talk about which romance novels rocked their worlds, and which ones made them throw the book. Also interested are the folks who are curious about all those fuchsia books with the tangerine skies and turquoise ruffles they used to see in the drug stores.
URL: https://smartbitchestrashybooks.com/feed/
📡 So Many Books by Stefanie RSS feed
The agony and ecstasy of a reading life
URL: https://somanybooks.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 So many books, so little time RSS feed
News and updates for the SMBSLT website. Pre-loved giveaways, reviews, challenges and all things books.
URL: https://www.alwaysreading.net/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Socrates' Book Reviews by Yvonne Hering RSS feed
I'm married and live in New York with my husband and our two beautiful cats. I love to read all genres. I'm continually adding to my TBR and reviewing is a hobby of mine. I'm also an avid TV and movie fan.
URL: http://socratesbookreviews.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Square Books blogs RSS feed
Square Books is known for its strong selection of literary fiction, books on the American South and by Southern writers, a large inventory of reduced-price remainders, and its emphasis on books for children.
URL: https://www.squarebooks.com/blog/feed
📡 Star-Crossed Book Blog RSS feed
We are a group of women whose love of reading brought us together. We met on a site called Goodreads, where we each review, buddy-read, and most importantly: gush shamelessly over books. You will find an array of genres and categories being reviewed here from Paranormal, Dystopian, Contemporary Romance, Young Adult, New Adult, Adult, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Thrillers and more.
URL: http://starcrossedbookblog.com/feed/
📡 StorybookCat: Book Reviews RSS feed
Follow this blog to get best book reviews from science fiction enthusiast.
URL: https://www.storybookcat.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Strange Brew Reviews RSS feed
Keep up with articles from Strange Brew Reviews.
URL: https://strangebrewbookreviews.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Struck by Stories RSS feed
Julie is an 18-year-old book blogger, iced coffee addict, ailurophile, future teen/YA librarian, and Mary, a 17-year-old bookworm, anime lover, fan-fiction writer, graphic artist, and co-blogger of Struck by Stories. Follow this blog to get book reviews and information on the best books to read from Julie and Mary.
URL: https://www.struckbystories.com/feed/
📡 TLC Book Tours RSS feed
TLC Book Tours is a virtual book tour site. Virtual book tours are a promotional tool for authors to connect with readers via well-read book blogs and specialty.
URL: https://tlcbooktours.com/feed/
📡 TNBBC's The Next Best Book Blog RSS feed
The Next Best Book Club. Freelance Publicist. Small Press Junkie. Feeding the reading addiction, one book at a time.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/thenextbestbookblog
📡 Tales of a Book Addict RSS feed
I would like to say that I'm an eclectic reader, but I'm really not. I tend to stick with the mystery/thriller/suspense genre. I'm a sucker for book series. I prefer to collect as many books in a series before ever starting the series (and finding out if I even want to read the series)
URL: https://talesofabookaddict.com/feed/
📡 That Book Gal RSS feed
I review books on here. I'm not the best at it. I have a good time. Always non-spoilery. If there are spoilers, you have to highlight the spoilers to see them. I'm not about that spoiling life.
URL: https://thatbookgal.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 That's What She's Reading RSS feed
A book blog by Jen, an avid reader, former Army officer, and librarian. Here, you can discover your next great read-through reviews, recommendations, reading lists, and much more!
URL: https://thatswhatshesreading.com/feed/
📡 The BiblioSanctum RSS feed
A Book Blog for Speculative Fiction, Graphic Novels and more. Steff, Tiara and Wendy are proud moms, geeks, gamers and bibliophiles. We are always reading and yet, there never seem to be enough books.
URL: https://bibliosanctum.com/feed/
📡 The Bibliofile - Book Reviews, Books, Bestsellers, Literary Fiction RSS feed
The Bibliofile is a book review, summary and news site focusing on Bestsellers, New Releases, Popular Nonfiction, Literary Fiction and Mystery/Thrillers. Discover your next favorite read.
URL: https://the-bibliofile.com/feed/
📡 The Book Binder's Daughter RSS feed
Book Review Blog on various topics such as literary fiction, literature in translation, historical fiction, history, short stories and travel writing and poetry. The author also knows Latin and Ancient Greek so classics is her specialty.
URL: https://thebookbindersdaughter.com/feed/
📡 The Book Chic Blog RSS feed
Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are. In this blog, you will find new and interesting book reviews. Follow the blog to know more.
URL: https://thebookchicblog.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 The Book Nest RSS feed
The books here tend to more young adult and fantasy, but a wide range of other genres are also covered due to the many challenges and book tours in which Corinne participates.
URL: http://corinnesbookreviews.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Book Review Crew RSS feed
The Book Review Crew is a group of readers who have joined forces to bring you great reviews of a wide variety of genres, including fiction, nonfiction, mystery, and cookbooks.
URL: https://thebookreviewcrew.com/feed/
📡 The Book Review Directory RSS feed
Over 150 Book Reviewer Bloggers Listed, Gain exposure for your book with this free list of book review bloggers. Also find your next favorite read.
URL: https://bookreviewdirectory.com/feed/
📡 The Book Smuggler's Den RSS feed
The Book Smuggler's Den is an online literary platform that publishes book reviews, author interviews, flash fiction, short stories, personal essays, and poetry. We publish new and emerging writers in all walks of life.
URL: https://booksmugglersden.com/feed/
📡 The Book Smugglers RSS feed
Smuggling Since 2007, Reviewing Speculative Fiction and YA since 2008, and Publishing Diverse SFF since 2010. Book Reviews & Assorted Popgeekery.
URL: http://thebooksmugglers.com/feed
📡 The Book Trail RSS feed
Discovering the world, one book at a time.
URL: http://www.thebooktrail.com/feed/
📡 The Book View RSS feed
A book review blog for fellow book lovers. Ariel created this blog to write down her thoughts, feelings, and opinions all centered around books. Here, you'll get the latest reviews for recently released books and other book information.
URL: https://thebookview.com/feed
📡 The Book Wheel by Allison RSS feed
Book reviews and for the everyday reader with an emphasis on literary fiction and political non-fiction.
URL: http://www.thebookwheelblog.com/feed/
📡 The Bookish Context RSS feed
Features discussions, lists and reviews of books and Asian drama series. The Bookish Context is the center for all book and drama series related musings.
URL: https://thebookishcontext.com/feed/
📡 The Bookish Outsider RSS feed
Just a reader who reads what she wants when she wants no matter how old the book. Favorite genres are Fantasy, S/F, Horror, Mystery/Crime/Thrillers and YA. I occasionally delve in to historical fiction and non-fiction subjects such as mythology, legends and folklore, ancient & mediaeval history.
URL: http://bookishoutsider.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 The Bookkeeper's Apprentice RSS feed
The author is an avid reader, a former English major, and a Pre-K teacher. This is a collection of his thoughts on books, books read, books he wants to read, lists, and suggestions. He tends to read mysteries & true crime predominantly, though many other genres always find their way onto his shelves.
URL: http://thebookkeepersapprentice.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 The Bookynista RSS feed
My name is Satthiya Kandi. I live in Malaysia, a culturally diverse country. I enjoy reading plenty of genres as I believe that hidden gems are everywhere to be found.
URL: https://thebookynista.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 The Chocolate Lady's Book Review Blog RSS feed
For mostly adult, literary, fiction; focusing on historical, contemporary, biographical, and women. Hi, I'm Davida. I have been writing online content (reviews and articles of all kinds) since about 1998. In 2013, I began specializing in writing book reviews.
URL: https://tcl-bookreviews.com/feed/
📡 The Chrysalis BREW Project RSS feed
The Chrysalis BREW Project is a community of readers and writers helping each other and others grow. Here, you'll find book news, book awards, book reviews, book recommendations, and audiobooks.
URL: https://thechrysalisbrewproject.com/feed/
📡 The Deckle Edge RSS feed
A blog about books, libraries, book stores, and the ideas they contain.
URL: https://thedeckleedge.com/feed/
📡 The Eater of Books RSS feed
The Eater of Books is a book blog for people who need their daily dose of the printed word.
URL: http://eaterofbooks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 The Emerald City Book Review by Lory RSS feed
The Emerald City Book Review is an eclectic book blog, with a focus on classic and literary fiction, fantasy, children's books, and nonfiction.
URL: https://emeraldcitybookreview.com/feed
📡 The Faerie Review RSS feed
Book Review & Promo Blog with a Touch of Magic. Genres covered are Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Romance, Suspense, Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, and more. Authored by Liliyana Shadowlyn.
URL: https://www.thefaeriereview.com/feed/
📡 The Geeky Bibliophile RSS feed
Blog by Betty. I write about here on TGB is bookish in nature reviews of books I've read, author interviews (there's only one so far, but I'm planning to do more), and just about anything having to do with books and reading.
URL: https://thegeekybibliophile.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 The Guy Who Reviews Sports Books - Lance Smith RSS feed
Avid sports fan, reader and blogger...attempting to write. Even work for a living as well.
URL: http://sportsbookguy.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The IndieView RSS feed
The IndieView has links to indie reviewers and the latest indie book reviews. Author interviews, reviewer interviews, and quality indie books and their authors.
URL: http://www.theindieview.com/feed/
📡 The Introverted Reader RSS feed
Hey there. I'm Masha. 22, an avid reader, writer, polyglot, and well, the list goes on and on. Here on my blog, I will be posting stuff about books and everything books! Who knows, you might even find what to read next.
URL: https://theintrovertedreader.home.blog/feed/
📡 The Irresponsible Reader RSS feed
A blog by HC Newton who reads a lot and then Rant, Rave and maybe Review. All genres are covered, and heavy on the Mystery side. The idea here is to write about publishing/books/authors, books in general, and anything else that seems to fit.
URL: https://irresponsiblereader.com/feed/
📡 The Literary Edit RSS feed
I'm Lucy, an award-winning book blogger and writer with a passion for brilliant books, independent bookstores and literary festivals .
URL: https://thelitedit.com/feed/
📡 The Minireads RSS feed
Follow The Minireads for book reviews and more.
URL: https://minireads.in/feed/
📡 The Neverending TBR RSS feed
Book review Blog by Jaymie Dieterle. Blog posts cover Adult Fiction & Nonfiction Reviews, Christian Fiction & Nonfiction Reviews, Teen/YA Fiction Reviews, Picture Book Reviews, and Early Readers Reviews. The mission is to connect readers with books so they never have to wonder what to read next.
URL: https://www.theneverendingtbr.com/category/book-news/feed/
📡 The New York Review of Books RSS feed
With a worldwide circulation of over 145,000, The New York Review of Books has established itself, in Esquire's words, as 'the premier literary-intellectual magazine in the English language.' The New York Review has continued to pose the central issues of American life and culture. By using writers who are themselves a major force in world literature and thought, the Review has explained the latest discoveries in science, reviewed major art exhibits, and has brought a remarkable freshness, clarity, and vision to current politics and the living dramas of the past.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/nybooks
📡 The Perpetual Page-Turner by Jamie Miller / Fantasy RSS feed
The Perpetual Page-Turner is a book blog that provides book reviews and recommendations of YA books and beyond from a 26 year old who writes book reviews that feel like sitting down and grabbing a margarita/coffee/tea and chatting about books.
URL: https://www.perpetualpageturner.com/category/books/feed
📡 The Picky Bookworm RSS feed
Covers book reviews and discussions about anything Book related. The Picky Bookworm enjoys all hobbies, new and old, so adds in discussions about a variety of topics.
URL: https://thepickybookworm.com/feed/
📡 The Quiet Pond RSS feed
Covers book reviews, recommendations, and author guest features! Discover new diverse and inclusive literature with The Quiet Pond.
URL: https://thequietpond.com/feed
📡 The Reader RSS feed
We're a national charity that wants to bring about a Reading Revolution, so that everyone can experience and enjoy great literature, which we believe is a tool for helping humans survive and live well. We work to bring about social change by sharing great literature, making it possible for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to engage with reading, improve well-being and build community. The Reader changes lives and strengthens communitiesby inspiring and supporting people to read aloud together.
URL: http://www.thereader.org.uk/feed/
📡 The Reading Diaries RSS feed
The Reading Diaries is a blog about books! I offer reviews, author posts, giveaways, and more!
URL: https://www.thereadingdiaries.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 The Rebel Scribe RSS feed
Book Reviews and Writing Blog.
URL: https://therebelscribe.com/feed
📡 The Tattooed Book Geek RSS feed
Fantastical Book Reviews, Poetry & Awesomeness by Drew Weldon.
URL: https://thetattooedbookgeek.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 The Tween Book Blog RSS feed
A blog about books, for all lovers of YA and Children's books.
URL: http://thetweenbookblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Vagaries of Us RSS feed
The Vagaries of Us offers reviews on a variety of Novels, Wine, and Maine venues and experiences.
URL: https://thevagariesofus.com/feed/
📡 The Wilde Author RSS feed
Website of Alexandra Wilde, Writer and Book Blogger.
URL: https://thewildeauthor.com/feed/
📡 The Wood Between the Worlds RSS feed
Dedicated to bringing you great book reviews and sometimes movie reviews & the occasional music reviews. If you are looking for your next favorite book, you can find it here.
URL: https://woodbtwntheworlds.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 The Write Path RSS feed
A children's, middle-grade and young adult book blog for both readers and writers.
URL: http://dorinewhite.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Writer's Life eMagazine RSS feed
Book publishing, book promotion, author interviews, books, book marketing tips. Our mission is to go beyond the what the author can do to promote his/her book.
URL: http://thewriterslife.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Thornfield Hall | A Book Blog RSS feed
Kathleen Adelaide, aka Kat, is a writer, a bicyclist, a lover of cats, and a classicist. Her favorite book is Charlotte Bronte's Villette. She also loves reading Latin poetry and Roman history.
URL: https://thornfieldhall.blog/feed/
📡 Thoughts in Progress RSS feed
A blog about books, reviews, authors, giveaways, and living life in general as we try to find ways to relax in this stressful world. Written by Mason Canyon who loves to read & share her thoughts on books.
URL: https://masoncanyon.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Tiggy's Books RSS feed
A website about book reviews, recommendations, information and more for book lovers from a book lover.
URL: https://tiggysbooks.com/feed/
📡 Tim Cagle Author RSS feed
'Tim Cagle brings it all together with this great story that demonstrates how love does conquer all. The characters truly pop off the page with the greatest sense of humor. Cagle is the master of creative and artistic similes that had me laughing out loud as well as feeling empathy for the values of friendship, justice, and the ability to rise above conflicts...' - Gene Schmidt
URL: https://timcagle.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Totally Addicted to Reading RSS feed
Covers book reviews, reading challenges and guest posts, by Nadene - an avid reader, book reviewer, book blogger and a compulsive book buyer.
URL: https://www.totallyaddicted2reading.com/feed
📡 TotallyBookedBlog RSS feed
Two book crazy girls who have forged an everlasting friendship through our shared love and passion for reading.
URL: https://totallybookedblog.com/feed/
📡 Travelers Wife 4 Life RSS feed
Hello Friends, my name is Kimmie, and I am a graduate of Liberty University, a Traveling Wife, and a Lover of Books. Here is a Place you'll find Book Reviews, Author Q&As, Great spots to Travel to, and if you need a website built or help with social media I am here.
URL: https://travelerswife4life.com/feed/
📡 Travelling Book Junkie RSS feed
Inspiring book lovers worldwide to pick up their passports and explore the world whilst focusing on their love of literature. We highlight the literary trails you won't want to miss. We explore locations that authors have visited and gained inspiration from.
URL: https://www.travellingbookjunkie.com/feed/
📡 Two Doctors Media Collaborative RSS feed
Reviews of books written by current up-and-coming independent authors. The Two Doctors Review analyzes books and board games of all shapes and sizes. We're fair yet critical, though we believe value rests in every story told and every game designed. Feel free to reach out to us for a review!
URL: https://www.twodoctorsmedia.com/home/the-two-doctors-review?format=RSS
📡 Up 'Til Dawn Book Blog RSS feed
Dedicated to the books that keep you up all night... reading 'til dawn.
URL: http://uptildawnbookblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Urban Life Experience Book Discussion Series RSS feed
Keep up with articles from Urban Life Experience Book Discussion Series.
URL: https://ulebds.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Utopia State of Mind RSS feed
My name is Lili and I am a scholar at heart, obsessed with SFF, and always carrying a book wherever I go. I am obsessed with enamel pins, discovering new tea flavors, and dabbling in makeup. I am committed to celebrating diverse books and using USOM to champion books I feel deserve more praise and attention (including smaller presses and indie authors).
URL: https://utopia-state-of-mind.com/feed/
📡 Varietats | A blog full of curiosities RSS feed
Maria Pujol is a blogger, reviewer and coffee lover! Follow to get posts from this blog to your inbox.
URL: https://varietats2010.com/feed/
📡 What's Hot? | Books RSS feed
Welcome to my blog! I'm Laura and I don't go anywhere without a book. I love to read and travel and over time What's Hot? has become a hub for fellow literary travellers. You'll find recommendations for what to read next as well as inspiration for your next adventure.
URL: https://whatshotblog.com/books/feed/
📡 Why Not? Because I Said So! RSS feed
I am a very busy, single Mom to my two great kids. I work full time teaching 2nd grade. I love to read and met my goal of reading 100 books last year. I am a Book Reviewer, writer and great lover of books: sharing her wonderful finds of fantastic authors, their books, writing tips, and also other things of interest to me and those following the blog. Thanks for visiting! Follow today and don't miss out on news of great new books and giveaways!
URL: https://whynotbecauseisaidso.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 WildBlue Press RSS feed
True Crime, Mysteries, Thrillers, Romance books, eBooks and audio books from top-shelf award winning, NY Times bestseller and Edgar award winning authors.
URL: https://wildbluepress.com/feed/
📡 Wishful Endings RSS feed
A book blog for YA, clean adult, and Christian romance reviews, features, and giveaways. Tressa Sherman, Book blogger & Bookstagrammer started this blog to share her love of reading with others.
URL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspottressaswishfulendings
📡 Wokeread RSS feed
I'm a lover of books and enjoy reading all sorts of books. From classics to thrillers, mysteries, historical fiction, literary works, romance and motivational books. I also love writing and sharing ideas about the books that have made a difference in my life, taught me something or touched my heart.
URL: https://wokeread.home.blog/feed/
📡 World of My Imagination RSS feed
Nicole Pyles started this blog to write about books, writing, and everything else that comes to her mind. If you love reading books, you've come to the right place.
URL: https://worldofmyimagination.com/feed/
📡 Zooloo's Book Diary RSS feed
I have started this blog as a place I can share my thoughts, opinions and non-biased reviews. Some of the books I will be reviewing have been given to me by authors for an unbiased review, some are freebies from websites and the rest have peaked my interest. I have very few books but thousands of ebooks.
URL: https://zooloosbookdiary.co.uk/feed
📡 chewietellsall RSS feed
Book reviews from chewietellsall.
URL: https://chewietellsall.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 endev42 | the meaning of life RSS feed
endev42 aims to provide answers to the deepest question of humanity, 'What is the Meaning of Life?'. Find out more by visiting the site.
URL: https://www.endev42.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 librorum in sempiternum RSS feed
Behind every word a story. Book Lover and Book Blogger.
URL: https://libroruminsempiternum.home.blog/feed/
📡 twirling pages by Alexandra RSS feed
A literary lifestyle blog, twirling pages is a blog dedicated to all things bookish lifestyle. there will be posts ranging from book reviews, hauls, latest obsessions, and more!
URL: https://www.twirlingpages.com/feed/
🏠 Home ◀ Boise ▶ Bookkeeping