4 Baton Rouge News RSS feeds

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📡 Baton Rouge Business Report RSS feed

Since its inception in 1982, the Greater Baton Rouge Business Report has been committed to delivering comprehensive, accurate, coverage of the Baton Rouge business scene. After many years and hundreds of issues, our publication not only continues its mission, but also has exceeded expectations by becoming a true partner to business and the community.

URL: https://www.businessreport.com/feed 📑


📡 Baton Rouge News.Net RSS feed

Baton Rouge news portal covering events and people around the capital. Includes coverage of Louisiana, links to local government sites, and The Advocate newspaper.

URL: http://feeds.batonrougenews.net/rss/3a72c8badb1b144e 📑


📡 Baton Rouge Weekly Press RSS feed

The Baton Rouge Weekly Press is considered to be the number one minority newspaper in The Greater Baton Rouge area and has served the public for over 40 years. The Weekly Press is distributed every week with a total circulation of 60,000 and has over 380 distribution points and growing every week. These distribution points include State and Local Government buildings, Banks, Churches, Louisiana State University, Southern University, schools and libraries in the East Baton Rouge Parish.

URL: https://www.brweeklypress.com/blog-feed.xml 📑


📡 WBRZ RSS feed

WBRZ News 2 is an ABC affiliate and Baton Rouge's only locally owned and operated television news source for more than 50 years. WBRZ provides coverage of local news, sports and community issues.

URL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/wbrz/news 📑


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