108 Baby Boomer RSS feeds

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📡 50 Shades of Age RSS feed

HI I am Kathy.I decided to start up 50 Shades Of Age, a website where I could reach out to my sisters and tell them that their lives could be so much more. I wanted to be the voice for the new-age over 50 years old to empower and motivate them to feel worthy again! We have so much to offer.

URL: http://www.50shadesofage.com/feed/ 📑


📡 60 is the New 50 RSS feed

60isthenew50.com covers a broad range of topics including travel, men's fashion and skincare, women's fashion and beauty tips, health and fitness, retirement, downsizing, and more. We will refer you to a number of web sites that provide very useful information in the various topics covered and be an information catch-all for the broad spectrum 50 generation.

URL: https://60isthenew50.com/feed 📑


📡 A Baby Boomer Woman's Life After 50 RSS feed

Follow Judi's blog - A Baby Boomer Woman's Life After 50, She'll keep you young in mind, body and spirit. And, if you keep your chin up and are optimistic like Judi Boomer Girl, your neck will stay forever wrinkle-free.

URL: https://www.aboomerslifeafter50.com/feed/ 📑


📡 A Boomer's Memories RSS feed

A Boomer's Memories is a happy collection of short pieces about growing up a as a part of America's biggest generation and a view of life from a Baby Boomer's perspective.

URL: http://aboomersmemories.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 A Good Goodbye RSS feed

Gail Rubin, author, speaker, journalist and death educator, connects with Baby Boomers using humour, funny films and a light touch on serious subjects. At A Good Goodbye, we bring light to a dark subject, providing the information, inspiration, and tools to plan a meaningful, memorable end-of-life event.

URL: https://agoodgoodbye.com/the-family-plot-blog/feed/ 📑


📡 A Labour of Life RSS feed

A Labour of Life is my view of the world from a Boomer's perspective. Life begins at 50, a time where travel, food, wine, and fashion merge together guilt-free.

URL: https://www.alabouroflife.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Aging Like a Fine Wine RSS feed

Welcome to Aging Like a Fine Wine. My name is Teresa and I'm a baby boomer, wife, mother and grandparent. I blog about all things relevant to the second half of life.

URL: https://aginglikeafinewine.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Aging With Freedom RSS feed

Achieve High Wealth, High Health, High Purpose through smart questions and informed choice. Covers topic such as Personal Finance and Financial Independence, Senior Living, Retirement Communities, Health, Wellness and Travel. Aging with Freedom is a personal journey in successful retirement by a couple of trailing edge Baby Boomers 958 and 1961.

URL: https://agingwithfreedom.com/feed/ 📑


📡 An Empowered Spirit - Living a Healthy and Vibrant Life After 50 RSS feed

I'm Cathy Chester and my blog will empower you to live a healthy and vibrant life after 50. So let's talk about ability, gratitude, paying it forward, animal rights, books, films, and maintaining good health. I want to help you create a life that's filled with passion, purpose and a whole lot of laughter.

URL: https://anempoweredspirit.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Any Shiny Thing Life after 50 RSS feed

Welcome to AnyShinyThing, where aging and feminism intersect. If women could remember to do this one thing, and teach their daughters to do it, the pay gap could shrink and we'd have more money in our old age.

URL: https://anyshinything.com/feed 📑



Find all things baby boomer on Boomer World Blog.

URL: http://boomerworld.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑



BOOMERBROADcast is my platform for being the voice of Baby Boomers, women in particular. Baby Boomer's social commentary on life in OUR sixties for those who rocked life in THE sixties.

URL: https://boomerbroadcast.net/feed/ 📑


📡 Baby Boomer Bliss RSS feed

Julie Gorges, a baby boomer herself, has been writing professionally for more than 20 years. She writes about baby boomer humor, grandparenting, happiness tips, health, menopausal musings, retirement, travel and leisure on her blog.

URL: https://babyboomerbliss.net/feed/ 📑


📡 Baby Boomer Lifeboat RSS feed

Baby Boomer Lifeboat is dedicated to providing information, resources and opportunities to help Boomers like yourself. Tips for Baby Boomers Seeking to Retire on a Tight Budget or Social Security Alone.

URL: http://www.babyboomerlifeboat.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Baby Boomer Lola RSS feed

Baby Boomer Lola - still growing, still learning, not too old, pinches wiser, with youth in the heart.

URL: https://babyboomerlola.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Baby Boomer Resistance RSS feed

Covers commentary on policies that Democrats oppose, strategies and solutions suggested to constructively resist Trump and his authoritarianism, written by a psychotherapist with decades of experience. Baby Boomer Resistance Blog is staunchly Anti-Trump Administration.

URL: https://babyboomerresistance.home.blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Baby Boomer Retirement RSS feed

Find the hundreds of useful articles on financial planning, Social Security, Medicare, where to retire, medical issues and travel. It is an award winning retirement blog where baby boomers share their retirement dreams and challenges.

URL: https://www.blogger.com/feeds/2608503664772109513/posts/default 📑


📡 Baby Boomster RSS feed

I am Rebecca Forstadt Olkowski, a purveyor of all things fun and a die-hard foodie. BabyBoomster.com is dedicated to all you fabulous women over 50 who want to enjoy life on every level.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/BabyBoomster 📑


📡 Baby to Boomer Lifestyle RSS feed

We are a family of moms and dads, singles and married couples, parents and childless-by-choice, and all ages. This is a lifestyle, travel & review blog from Seattle, specializing in parenting, technology, cooking, crafts, travel, and more.

URL: https://babytoboomer.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Badass Baby Boomer RSS feed

Baby Boomer speaks for itself. The blog is to help girls and women of all ages to become more confident in expressing who they are through the way they dress.

URL: https://badassbabyboomer.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Barbara Falconer Newhall RSS feed

Riffs on life from a veteran journalist Barbara Falconer Newhall.

URL: https://barbarafalconernewhall.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Better After 50 Magazine | An Online Magazine for Women Over 50 RSS feed

We are Better After 50, because we choose to be. Midlife Women talk about sex after 50, divorce, reinvention, fashion, menopause and more. We are better because we have each other; we are willing to share our experiences, our learnings, our concerns and our musings.

URL: https://betterafter50.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Blonde Brunette Travel RSS feed

American Baby Boomer sisters traveling internationally to bring you humorous, useful travel tales and advice.

URL: http://blondebrunettetravel.com/feed/ 📑


📡 BloomerBoomer.com RSS feed

For baby boomers and people over 50. Baby boomers are set to perform another transformative feat in the fashion that defined them from the beginning.A lifestyle website, focusing on diet, vitality, wellbeing, brain health, exercise, and second careers.

URL: https://bloomerboomer.com/feed/ 📑


📡 BoomSpeak RSS feed

BoomSpeak offers original content that is for baby boomers and by baby boomers. It's a website that appeals to the interests and changing priorities of baby boomers, including travel, culture, fiction, and personal essays. BoomSpeak is about possibilities and the vital and energizing things you can do with the rest of your life.

URL: https://www.boomspeak.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Boomer Bean & Cream RSS feed

Welcome to BoomerBeanandCream.com, a fun and informative lifestyle blog dedicated to baby boomers and beyond. Every Tuesday morning, look for articles on people, travel, dining and shopping centered near the Central Pennsylvania area. It's guaranteed to brighten your day.

URL: https://boomerbeanandcream.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Boomer Buyer Guides RSS feed

Boomer Buyer Guides covers topics that are important to Baby Boomers including money and health as well as reviews on product and services Boomers use.

URL: https://boomerbuyerguides.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Boomer Connections RSS feed

Boomer Connections provides a meeting place online for the Baby Boomers to share life experiences and stories, engage and connect with each other and their community, address challenges, stay informed, and become invigorated and enthusiastic about the future using a tool that is both fun and easy to navigate.

URL: https://boomerconnections.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Boomer Magazine | Richmond Lifestyle Magazine RSS feed

Boomer Magazine is Richmond's premier lifestyle magazine that engages readers with informative and entertaining articles on nostalgia, food, drink, travel, arts, entertainment, home, health, family and much more.

URL: https://www.boomermagazine.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Boomer Music Update RSS feed

A weekly catch-up for Boomers who want to keep in touch with today's music. We connect a song from back-in-the-day to a current hit that has a similar sound/content/style.

URL: https://boomermusicupdate.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Boomer Out RSS feed

Baby boomers are aging and beginning to leave the scene (finally, you say). What shaped us as a generation, and what impact did we have on the world? These and other questions about us will provide the grist for this blog.

URL: https://boomerout.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Boomer Places RSS feed

Our mission is to connect with the Baby Boomer generation. This blog and website are dedicated to all people over 50 years of age, their golden years and have begun thinking seriously about living comfortably and actively in retirement. Best baby boomer places to live, find jobs, sites, travel, best movies, entertain, find retirement communities, boomer blogs and live the great boomers life.

URL: https://www.boomerplaces.com/feed/ 📑


📡 BoomerRising! RSS feed

Howard Fishman | Coach | Advocate | Writer | Keeping Boomers Relevant in the Workplace and Purposeful in Retirement

URL: https://boomerrising.com/feed/ 📑


📡 BoomerStartingOver RSS feed

Seriously, what can really be said about a late generational boomer rapidly approaching his 60's that hasn't already been said on any other blog, website, facebook post, tweet or magazine article? Probably nothing, except none of those were about me and my own life experiences.

URL: https://boomerstartingover.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Boomeresque RSS feed

Boomeresque is a forum for posts and discussions about Baby Boomer Travels for the Body and Mind.

URL: https://www.boomeresque.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Boomerrantz RSS feed

Hi, I am Pat. Welcome to my blog, a place where I can write, rant and rave into the blogosphere about the adventures and misadventures of everyday life. My mission here with boomerrantz is to express some ageing boomer opinions about how I perceive the world around me, in all its glory and carbuncles.

URL: https://boomerrantz.wordpress.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Boomers - A Trip Into the Heart of the Baby Boomer Generation RSS feed

Brent Green, author of books and articles about Baby Boomers and business, explores how 'Generation Reinvention' today is changing business, marketing, aging and the future. A Trip Into the Heart of the Baby Boomer Generation he covers Commentary about Media, Marketing, Advertising, Sociology, Culture, Politics, Aging, and the Future.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/typepad/wmvl 📑


📡 Born to Be Boomers RSS feed

My purpose of starting this site is to share our life experiences with you! I am recently retired and our passion is travel and food but this site will also include insights on family, health and general information about life over 50. Our wish is to be able to share our growing family, growing pains and lot of great times with you.

URL: http://borntobeboomers.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Career Pivot Blog RSS feed

Covers blog topics such as career change, job search, networking, career success, personal branding, entrepreneurship, social media and more. Founder Marc Miller is a career designer and he is passionate about his work and the clients he serves. He has taught in more than 35 countries and helped clients from many industries. Career Pivot is a career design firm for baby boomers like you who want a change, but know you can't just leap from one life to another.

URL: https://careerpivot.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Changing Aging RSS feed

Changing Aging is a multi-blog platform challenging conventional views on aging. They believe aging is a strength, rich in developmental potential and growth.

URL: https://changingaging.org/feed/ 📑


📡 Clark Norton RSS feed

Clark has chronicled the baby boom generation since the days he and many of his contemporaries were backpacking around Europe. Clark knows what attracts baby boomers to travel and make the most of it.

URL: http://www.clarknorton.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Contented Traveller RSS feed

Paula and Gordon of Contented Traveller, are Destination & Experience Marketers. This is a travel blog sharing how to get the best experiences when you travel; because you have worked hard and you've earned it.

URL: https://www.contentedtraveller.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Cresting The Hill RSS feed

A blog that celebrates Midlife because the best is yet to come. This is where I write about how great Midlife is. I'm a huge fan of the empty nest, and I love where I am in life at this moment in time. I share the lessons I've learned and my journey towards this point - because I want everyone to find the happiness that I'm experiencing

URL: http://www.crestingthehill.com.au/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Dare2go RSS feed

dare2go is the overland travel blog, written with regular tourists & overlanders in mind. We share our life on the road, beautiful photos, and advice from our experiences.

URL: https://dare2go.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Dear Baby Boomer.... RSS feed

Memories of simpler times growing up in the 50's and 60's filled my thoughts and my 'Dear Babyboomer' blog was born. And..through illustrating many of my posts my 'Dear Babyboomer' card series was born. I hope to introduce them here. I hope you will enjoy my memories and will feel free to share some of your own!

URL: http://dearbabyboomer.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Dear Jessica Brennan RSS feed

Sometimes poignant, often witty letters written to my daughter. Come on in and see what projects Jessica and I have on the go. Spoiler Alert: Having me for a mum isn't always easy!

URL: https://dearjessicabrennan.com/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Digital Savvy Granny RSS feed

Hi, my name is Ruth Coetzee and I am just an ordinary 50 something granny that loves reading, my electronic devices and expanding my knowledge in many diverse fields. I have an insatiable curiosity, a bucket list that is a mile long, enjoy spending time with family and friends and every now and then 'pushes the envelope' by doing things that society says I cannot do. 'Says Who?'

URL: https://digitalsavvygranny.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Elaine Ambrose RSS feed

Elaine is an award-winning author, syndicated blogger, speaker and retreat organizer. Elaine professes that laughter with wine is the best medicine and continues to entertain her audiences in her blog.

URL: https://elaineambrose.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Enjoying the Second Half of Life RSS feed

Enjoying the Second Half of Life is a blog targeted to the baby boomers generation and features info & stories on how to be happy, healthy, fit, dating, traveling, laugh, positive, and frugal.

URL: https://enjoyingthesecondhalfoflife.com/feed 📑


📡 Everything Zoomer RSS feed

Everything Zoomer is a 'Baby Boomer with Zip'. It is the lifestyle site for the discriminating, with features ranging from food & entertaining, style & fashion, arts & entertainment, sex & relating, health, finance, travel and spirit.

URL: https://www.everythingzoomer.com/feed/ 📑


📡 FabOverFifty RSS feed

When I was born on March 8, 1947, I was one of the first babies who were later designated 'boomers.' I wanted to create a website where our dynamic generation of women could share our singular style, exceptional experiences, and brilliant recommendations. FabOverFifty is the world's first website for smart, stylish, successful women over 50.

URL: http://www.faboverfifty.com/geri/feed/ 📑


📡 Feisty Side of 50 RSS feed

Hello and welcome to THE FEISTY SIDE OF FIFTY, the site that celebrates a truly remarkable generation of women. We alpha boomers, now fifty plus but nowhere near matronly, are rockin' on and still flaunting our famously bodacious spirit and style.

URL: http://feistysideoffifty.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Getting On Travel RSS feed

Welcome to GettingOnTravel (GOT)! An online magazine for the 50 luxury traveler. We feature eye-opening explorations by award-winning travel writers.

URL: https://gettingontravel.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Grandma's Briefs RSS feed

Hi, I'm Lisa. I'm a grandma, a mom, a wife. I write on the good, bad, humorous and heartwarming of being a baby boomer, grandparent, parent to adult children, wife and writer.

URL: http://www.grandmasbriefs.com/home/atom.xml 📑


📡 Green With Renvy | Travel & Lifestyle in Sustainable Shades of Green RSS feed

Baby Boomer and founder Alison Abbott has been a multi discipline designer for all of her adult life. She is a serious adventurer, content creator and small business strategist, who is enthusiastic about keeping it local whether at home or abroad. Alison shares the experience of eco-friendly travel and lifestyle through Green With Renvy.

URL: https://greenwithrenvy.com/feed 📑


📡 Happily Rewired RSS feed

Happily Rewired is a blog for boomers/seniors who want to rewire instead of retire. It offers active and engaged bloomers information they need to ignite the spark in life's second half whether it's starting a small business, embarking on an encore career or giving back

URL: https://www.happilyrewired.com/index.rdf 📑


📡 Hole In The Donut Cultural Travel RSS feed

My name is Barbara Weibel and I'm the person behind Hole in the Donut Cultural Travel. My mission is to Long-term travel to learn about other cultures and bring this information to readers through narrative articles on my travel blog.

URL: https://holeinthedonut.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Honey Good RSS feed

Susan Good, a cool 21st-century grandmother, inspires women over 50 to take a big bite out of life with her inspirational stories, hands-on tips, and relentless spirit.

URL: https://www.honeygood.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Hybrid Boomer RSS feed

Have you recently transitioned to working from home? Welcome to Hybrid Boomer, an online blog dedicated to helping and entertaining baby boomers who've just shifted from office work to working from home.

URL: https://hybridboomer.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Kaboomers RSS feed

Thriving and Striving into your 90s. Keep up with articles from Kaboomers.

URL: https://wellpastforty.com/feed/ 📑



Welcome to L Fair Quilts! I am a wife, mom, quilter and pattern designer for Black Cat Creations. Following a 41-year career with local government, retirement has now afforded me time for new quilting adventures. Much to my surprise, the transition has been easy.

URL: https://babyboomerquiltingbee.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Legging It RSS feed

We are Ron and Michele, an Australian couple from Perth who have decided not to wait until we retire to travel the world but get out there and embrace life while we are still young. We hope our blog inspires you to step out of your comfort zone and do something different to live the life you love be it travel, study, work or your relationships.

URL: http://www.leggingit.com.au/feed/ 📑


📡 Life Part 2 | Retirement Travel Adventure Blog RSS feed

In 2011 Jonathan Look sold everything he owned, took early retirement and began travelling the world. He started this blog to demonstrate to his fellow baby boomers that the world is not some scary place and it is still open and available to those who are motivated and curious enough to go out and see it for themselves.

URL: https://lifepart2.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Luggage and Lipstick RSS feed

I am a Baby Boomer. Not a senior yet, but definitely in mid-life and loving it. And Luggage and Lipstick is my boomer travel blog with loads of tips.

URL: https://luggageandlipstick.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Made You Smile Back RSS feed

A blog dedicated to Baby Boomers as they smile back as life progresses.

URL: https://madeyousmileback.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Mamal Diane RSS feed

I'm a mamal (grandma) blogger who loves talking about her grandkids, dogs, traveling, Disney, food recipes and keeping my life simple. I am pursuing a life of simplicity and self sufficiency. I enjoy cooking, gardening, sharing ideas and spending time with my grand children. I also love giveaways and contests. Blog by Diane.

URL: https://mamaldiane.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Mature Marketing Matters RSS feed

Creating Results helps organizations increase sales from Baby Boomers and seniors through integrated, strategic marketing. Creating Results partners with clients in senior living, healthcare, travel, financial services, real estate and more to motivate Baby Boomers and Seniors.

URL: https://creatingresults.com/feed/ 📑


📡 More Time to Travel RSS feed


URL: https://www.moretimetotravel.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Mudje | Website for Baby Boomers RSS feed

A website for baby boomers seeking kindred curmudgeonly souls. Opinions. Creative tendencies. Kvetch Korner. Fake news. More.

URL: https://www.mudje.com/feed/ 📑


📡 My Itchy Travel Feet | The Baby Boomer's Guide To Travel RSS feed

At My Itchy Travel Feet, baby boomers will find inspiration and advice to help plan their next adventure. Baby boomers Donna L. Hull and Alan Hull travel the world recording their experiences with words, photos and videos so that you'll know exactly what to expect.

URL: http://feeds.feedblitz.com/myitchytravelfeet 📑


📡 National Association of Baby Boomer Women RSS feed

The National Association of Baby Boomer Women (NABBW) is a United States-based membership organization primarily focused on serving Baby Boomer Women. Through our programs, benefits, communications and services, the NABBW is passionately dedicated to uniting, supporting, advocating for and educating Baby Boomer Women living in North America and throughout the world.

URL: https://nabbw.com/feed/ 📑


📡 NotDunRoamin | Travel blog RSS feed

Travel blog with ideas, information & reviews for the older, active traveller - from Australia to Zululand!

URL: https://notdunroamin.com/feed/ 📑


📡 On the Way RSS feed

Sometimes it's the little things, On the Way through life, that get forgotten and they can be the most important.

URL: https://ontheway.scot/feed 📑


📡 Possess The World | Travel Blog RSS feed

We are Cath and Ian, an Aussie couple who love food, wine and travelling. Over the last 5 years we have traveled together, starting with a few weeks at a time until 2017 when we are travelling for 12 months. This is our travel blog to inspire you to take up travelling independently. Subscribe us for tips and tales from our travels to help and inspire you to Possess the World.

URL: https://possesstheworld.com/feed/ 📑


📡 RainbowKinect RSS feed

The RainbowKinect® company and logo is a symbol for unity, 'kinection' and today's modern family. If you are a baby boomer with adult children, grandparents raising grandchildren, a same-sex couple with or without children or living in a multi-generational home, RainbowKinect® epitomizes YOU! RainbowKinect® is an interactive forum where today's Modern Families can come together, exchange ideas, disseminate information, share best practices and continue life's journey together.

URL: https://rainbowkinect.blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Reinvention Career Coach RSS feed

John Tarnoff provides career coaching to help you create your dream career over 50 and earn income beyond traditional retirement.

URL: https://johntarnoff.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Retiring Not Shy! | Retirement Lifestyle | Articles, information, insights & strategies RSS feed

Blog by Rowan Rafferty and Jan Wild are Australian baby boomers, who wanted to explore new horizons whilst re-wiring towards a fulfilling retirement. Retired or planning retirement? Follow our lifestyle blog and join our community to share information, ideas, inspiration and explore possibilities.

URL: https://retiringnotshy.com.au/feed/ 📑


📡 Rock The Wrinkle RSS feed

Rock The Wrinkle is for everyone 50 who wants to start over, recharge, retire, keep working, be healthy and get the most out of life! Fun, facts and things boomer. Really enjoy your 50 life!

URL: http://feeds.feedblitz.com/rockthewrinkle 📑


📡 Sensational Baby Boomers RSS feed

Both called Anne, we have been friends for more than 40 years. We created this site because we firmly believe that our 60s are our new 40s - we still love fashion and style, relish clothes shopping, adore travelling and enjoy feeling good for our ages.

URL: http://sensationalbabyboomers.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Sightings from 60 RSS feed

A blog by A Baby Boomer who looks at health, finance, retirement, grown-up children and ... how time flies. Covers topics such as Boomernomics, Children, Investing Strategies, Health, Living Arrangements, Planning for Retirement, Retirement Activities, Travel and more.

URL: http://sightingsat60.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default 📑


📡 Silvernest Living RSS feed

Silvernest is a unique roommate-matching service for boomers and empty nesters who have space to share.

URL: https://blog.silvernest.com/rss.xml 📑


📡 Sixty and Me RSS feed

Sixty and Me is an online magazine about life after 60. Topics range from makeup for older women and senior dating to retirement advice and senior travel. Helping boomer women to live healthy, independent and financially secure lives.

URL: https://sixtyandme.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Solo Travel Girl | Traveling alone, not lonely RSS feed

Blog by Jennifer Huber, and I am just your average forty-something-year-old gal who travels solo. Empowering others to travel alone, not lonely.

URL: https://solotravelgirl.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Southeastern Bound RSS feed

Two Boomers travel the USA looking for realistic, low-cost places in interesting and historic places. The have traveled from the Atlantic to the Pacific finding hidden, less-known sites that inspire stories and pictures.

URL: https://jdbyous.net/feed/ 📑


📡 Squared Away Blog | baby boomers RSS feed

This blog is for practitioners in the field of financial literacy, including financial advisers, employers, government and foundation officials, and researchers. Squared Away will cover anything that might help them do a better job of helping Americans of all ages act in their own financial best interest and help them get their all-important financial matters 'squared away.'

URL: https://squaredawayblog.bc.edu/tag/baby-boomers/feed/ 📑


📡 Stilettos Not Required RSS feed

Stilettos Not Required is a blog about life of a baby boomer.

URL: https://mitternightstilettos.wordpress.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Still the Lucky Few RSS feed

Reflections on Life as a Senior. In this Blog, I write about what made our generation unique and why our place in history is so important. And how, even though our children dwarfed our numbers, and rolled right over us, we were influential, and some of us still are.

URL: https://www.stilltheluckyfew.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Aging Female Baby Boomer RSS feed

A blog written by a retired woman who is just trying to figure things out.

URL: https://agingfemalebabyboomer.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 The Baby Bloomer Blog RSS feed

The Baby Boomer is a place for women who travel or who dream of traveling. We share funny and inspiring stories, ideas for solo/friend/group travel, advice about where to go, and reminiscences for Boomer women and those who love them.

URL: https://thebabybloomer.blog/feed/ 📑


📡 The Baby Boomer Entrepreneur RSS feed

Andrea Stenberg, The Baby Boomer Entrepreneur helps business owners, consultants and entrepreneurs get new clients with social media.

URL: https://www.thebabyboomerentrepreneur.com/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 The GypsyNesters RSS feed

David & Veronica are experiencing the collision of Baby Boomer and Empty Nester. David and Veronica James chose to look at this next phase of life as a beginning instead of an ending. Most importantly, they rediscover in themselves the fun-loving youngsters who fell in love three decades prior.

URL: https://gypsynester.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Healthy Golden Years Blog RSS feed

Living a happy and healthy life sometimes takes a little effort, this sites #1 goal is dedicated to that purpose.

URL: https://thehealthygoldenyears.com/index.php/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 The Roaming Boomers Blog RSS feed

We are a Online luxury travel magazine offering destination information, travel news, travel gadget reviews, and more. All delivered with stunning photography and informative videos. Our mission is to inspire you to get out there and explore the wonders of our world.

URL: https://www.theroamingboomers.com/feed/ 📑


📡 The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide RSS feed

Rita Robison Shares information to help baby boomers make smart consumer choices.

URL: https://boomersurvive-thriveguide.typepad.com/the_survive_and_thrive_bo/index.rdf 📑


📡 The Travelling Boomer RSS feed

The Travelling Boomer is a travel Blog aimed at the older traveler, with information on great destinations, cruising notes, and travel tips.

URL: http://travellingboomer.com/feed/ 📑


📡 To Travel Too RSS feed

Welcome,we are a travel forum by Baby Boomers for Baby Boomers. We share our Baby Boomer travel experiences, thoughts, aspirations and intentions as we travel. Age is not a barrier when it comes to travel.

URL: https://www.totraveltoo.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Tracey Barnes Priestley in the Second Half RSS feed

Tracey Barnes Priestley enjoys a career as both a writer and life coach. Tracey is launching The Boomer Troupe, an ensemble of writers and performers, all over fifty, who will perform variety shows in small theaters, schools, and senior facilities.

URL: http://www.thesecondhalfonline.com/blog/feed/ 📑


📡 Travel Notes & Beyond RSS feed

Information about beautiful vacation spots, good eats, and interesting places around the world written by Anda Galffy. Anda is an Award-winning travel writer and passionate photographer based in Southern California.

URL: https://travelnotesandbeyond.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Travel Past 50 RSS feed

We're Kristin Henning and Tom Bartel. In 2010, we sold our business, our home, our possessions, and gave away our dog.We've been traveling the world ever since. Travel Past 50 offers encouragement, entertainment, and information, with sharp writing, personal tales, and professional photography, for travelers over the age of 50.

URL: https://travelpast50.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Travel Younger RSS feed

This blog is committed to inspiring and showing you how to travel more affordably, with less stress, and more adventure, especially for the so-called older demographics! We can learn much from the younger crowd who travel with more ease and more adven.

URL: https://travelyounger.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Traveling with Sweeney RSS feed

Catherine Sweeney brings you the best of Europe and North America travel destinations by seizing every travel opportunity she can. She's a boomer woman travel enthusiast with a lifelong passion for going places.

URL: https://feeds.feedblitz.com/travelingwithsweeney 📑


📡 Travels With Carole RSS feed

Travel the world with travel writer and blogger Carole Terwilliger Meyers. This travel blog uses short descriptions with plenty of images.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/bGtU 📑


📡 Until the next time . . . RSS feed

Until the next time... is a blog usually focused on writing, music, and travel to places near and far. It concerns some of the things I've learned and some of the things I've messed up through the years. The blog also appears at www.michaelembry.com/blog.html.

URL: http://michaelembry.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📑


📡 Wandering Rose Travels RSS feed

Wandering Rose Travels is the story of a couple of baby boomers, living the dream of exploring the world and being active outdoors. This blog is our perspective on traveling, from the seat of a bicycle to the top of a mountain. It's staying in unique places and sampling local food and drink. It's rambling through quaint Alpine villages, the Florida Keys, and a little bit of everywhere in between.

URL: https://www.wanderingrosetravels.com/feed/ 📑


📡 What Boundaries? Live Your Dream! RSS feed

Enjoy the adventures of Cheryl and Lisa as they travel the world and share great travel tips and destination information. Learn how you can Live YOUR dream!

URL: https://whatboundariestravel.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Writer To Writer RSS feed

Covers rants, raves, joys and regrets, blocks and breakthroughs as Victoria writes her book and you write yours, and we all find the courage to keep on telling the truth.

URL: https://northberkeleywriters.wordpress.com/feed/ 📑


📡 Yesterday | A Baby Boomers Rite of Passage RSS feed

Keep up with articles from a Baby Boomers Rite of Passage

URL: https://swingingsixties.travel.blog/feed/ 📑


📡 next for me RSS feed

next for me publishes news and resources for 50 generation.

URL: https://nextforme.com/feed/ 📑


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