88 Alternative Medicine RSS feeds
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Elective prescription depicts any training that expects to accomplish the recuperating impacts of medication, however, which needs organic credibility and is untested or untestable. At times AM medications are demonstrated inadequate.
URL: https://alternativethera.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine RSS feed
AOMA's acupuncture blog serves as an educational resource for our community: students, patients, faculty, staff, and future students and patients. AOMA is one of the best graduate schools of acupuncture and Chinese medicine in the nation.
URL: http://blog.aoma.edu/blog/rss.xml
📡 About Meditation RSS feed
About Meditation provides you with resources for your meditation, whether you want to relax, stimulate creativity, gain enlightenment, or cultivate mindfulness and compassion.
URL: https://aboutmeditation.com/blog/feed/
📡 Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine College RSS feed
Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College, AIMC Berkeley is an accredited Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College with a unique approach to training students to become licenesed practitioners.
URL: https://www.aimc.edu/feed
📡 Acupuncture Health Insights RSS feed
An acupuncture blog featuring articles, tips, and information on Chinese medicine and acupuncture as a way to better health and well-being.
URL: http://acupuncturetwincities.com/feed/
📡 Alexander Teaching Studio Lauren Hill RSS feed
Lessons and group classes in the Alexander Technique in the Twin Cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota by Lauren Hill.
URL: https://alexanderteachingstudio.com/blog/feed/
📡 Alexander Technique Rachel Bernsen RSS feed
Rachel Bernsen is a nationally certified teacher, M.AmSAT offering The Alexander Technique lessons. It is a proven method for solving movement problems that can cause chronic pain and stress and enhances health and well-being with proven therapeutic results which include improved mobility, postural alignment, energy level, performance, effective relief from chronic stiffness, tension and stress.
URL: http://www.rachelbernsenat.com/feed/
📡 Allyna Steinberg - Blog RSS feed
Allyna Steinberg, Certified Alexander Technique Teacher, has over 15 years of experience and completed a 1600 hour teacher training at the Balance Arts Center. Allyna teachers in New York City and Stone Ridge, Mid-Hudson Valley, New York.
URL: https://www.alexandertechniqueforliving.com/blog?format=RSS
📡 Alternative Medicine Magazine RSS feed
Alternative Medicine Magazine offers information on natural ways of healthy living. Learn more about the science behind good health foods and natural therapies.
URL: https://alternativemedicine.com/feed/
📡 Alternative Medicine Now RSS feed
Alternative Medicine Now is your online resource for alternative therapy news and information. Read expert articles and find holistic practitioners near you.
URL: https://alternativemedicinenow.com/feed/
📡 Alternative Shrink RSS feed
Alternative Shrink is a blog on natural healing and growth, promoting mental and emotional health and well being.
URL: https://alternativeshrink.com/feed/
📡 Apitherapy News RSS feed
Apitherapy News - The Internet's Best Source of Information About the Medicinal Use of Bee Products.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/FjtSa
📡 Ayurvedic Talk RSS feed
The Ayurveda and Yoga Blog is designed to be a resource center. You will find a wealth of information on topics including Indian Ayurveda, Herbal Remedies, Ayurvedic Herbs, Natural Cosmetics, Rejuvenation Therapies, Herbal Diet, Meditation, Yoga Styles and more.
URL: http://www.ayurvedictalk.com/feed/atom/
📡 Balanced Women's Blog - Inspires Vibrational Energy Self-Healing Practices RSS feed
Velda Wilson is a Vibrational Medicine Practitioner, Certified Energy Therapist, Certified Gemstone Therapist, and Reiki Master. Her blog is dedicated to women wanting to become more self-aware in their personal healing journey and also promotes harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the body's natural ability to heal.
URL: http://balancedwomensblog.com/feed/
📡 Big Tree School of Natural Healing Blog RSS feed
Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Practitioner. Big Tree School of Natural Healing supports health practitioners by teaching Chinese Medicine to Massage Therapists and hands-on skills to Acupuncturists. We are dedicated to education that stretches the limits of what Acupuncture and Massage Therapy have to offer; an integrated approach called the meridian massage method.
URL: https://www.bigtreehealing.com/feed/
📡 Body Learning Blog RSS feed
This blog is about exploring the Alexander Technique and the Discoveries of F. Matthias Alexander. Robert Rickover teaches the Alexander Technique in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada, working with individual students and with groups.
URL: https://www.bodylearningblog.com/feed/
📡 Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) Association Chiropratique Canadienne Blog RSS feed
Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) Blog helps Canadians live healthier lives. The Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) is a national, voluntary association representing Canada's licensed doctors of chiropractic and the 10 provincial chiropractic associations which are its charter members.
URL: https://chiropractic.ca/category/blog/feed/
📡 Carolina Integrative Medicine RSS feed
At Carolina Integrative Medicine, Dr. Duffy creates a partnership with her patients providing comprehensive care with a focus on Integrative Medicine. Integrative medicine combines the treatment and therapies of both conventional care as well as alternative medicine to provide the most comprehensive treatment for her patients.
URL: http://carolinaintegrativemedicine.com/feed
📡 Carolyn Simon Alexander Technique Teacher RSS feed
Stay poised, calm and pain-free with the Alexander Technique - the world-renowned approach to improving posture, co-ordination and freedom of movement, and escaping from back-ache, tension and stress.
URL: https://www.carolynsimon.com/1/feed
📡 CentreSpring MD - Holistic & Integrative Medicine by Dr. Taz RSS feed
At CentreSpring, we do medicine differently. Our focus is on giving you hope and your life back. We are dedicated to relentlessly pursuing your health until you have the answers that you deserve to change the trajectory of your health - and your life! And that is what medicine should be.
URL: https://centrespringmd.com/feed/
📡 Chris Kresser RSS feed
The blog covers articles relevant to healthcare.Blog by Chris Kresser, who shares evidence-based insights from trusted sources and world-renowned health practitioners and coaches-through his blogs
URL: https://chriskresser.com/feed/
📡 Crystal Healing Techniques | Blog and Vlogs RSS feed
Founder of Crystal Surgery, Vivien Schapera, shares her wealth of knowledge about Crystals and Healing. Topics range from tips and insights for beginners to advanced techniques for professional healers. Over 35 years of teaching experience contribute to a thoughtful presentation of original work.
URL: https://crystalhealingtechniques.com/feed/
📡 Daily Cup of Yoga RSS feed
Daily Cup of Yoga is a personal blog which documents the discovery of yogic arts. It also provides information on tips, tools, & wisdom on yoga, books, & technology.
URL: https://dailycup.yoga/feed/
📡 Dean Ramsden.com | Relational Energy Therapy RSS feed
Dean Ramsden is the creator of the field of Relational Energy Therapy, a synergistic approach combining energy healing, chakra development, chakra relational cords, and Astral energy healing.
URL: http://deanramsden.com/feed/
📡 Dr. Bargak - Acupressure RSS feed
This blog provides tips and knowledge on Treat Pain, Tension and Emotional Stress at Home, Medicine-Free, with Acupressure.
URL: http://www.drbargak.com/acupressure-blog-2/feed/
📡 Dr. Tori Hudson RSS feed
Dr. Tori Hudson is a Naturopathic Physician. A naturopathic physician, author, educator, and researcher, Dr. Hudson shares her wealth of knowledge with readers interested in living healthier, longer lives through natural approaches to health and wellness.
URL: http://drtorihudson.com/feed/
📡 DrHomeo | All About Homeopathy RSS feed
Dr. Vikas Sharma is a fourth-generation Homeopath. He is a homeopathic doctor in Chandigarh, India. At present, DrHomeo is delivering homeopathy treatment to patients from 45 different cities in India.
URL: https://www.drhomeo.com/feed/
📡 Ethan Kind RSS feed
Ethan Kind writes and published extensively on Alexander Technique. He teaches musicians, athletes, and computer operators how to stop hurting themselves, by showing them how to use their bodies with ease and coordination. He brings a unique perspective to his work, having been a musician and athlete all of his life.
URL: https://blog.ethankind.com/feed/
📡 Ethan Lazzerini | Crystal Healing Blog, Guides and Tips RSS feed
Crystal Healing Blog shares useful guides and tips for working with your crystals and creating sacred space.
URL: http://www.ethanlazzerini.com/feed
📡 Feel Better Osteopathy RSS feed
Osteopathy for adults, babies and children in Warwick, Leamington Spa, Kenilworth and Stratford-upon-Avon. From award-winning osteopath, Emma Lipson.
URL: http://www.feelbetterclinic.co.uk/blog/feed/
📡 Feng Shui Blog Karen Rauch Carter RSS feed
Karen Rauch Carter's feng shui blog will teach you all you need to know about feng shui and her website is all about transforming your life - both inside and out - so you can live your fullest, most authentic life!
URL: https://karenrauchcarter.com/feng-shui-blog/feed/
📡 Feng Shui London, The Capital Feng Shui Expert Feng Shui Blog RSS feed
Jan Cisek is the top feng shui blogger posting top feng shui blogs who loves sharing feng shui knowledge and wisdom. Follow the blog to receive the latest feng shui news, feng shui tips and alerts about feng shui courses, feng shui videos and more.
URL: http://www.fengshuilondon.net/feng-shui-blog/feed
📡 Feng Shui Store Blog RSS feed
Feng Shui Blog is constantly updated with articles, tips, news, advice, and blog and offers the most extensive resource on Feng Shui in the world. We are not just another Feng Shui company; we are one of the longest established, specialist Feng Shui companies in the world that happen to have a website on the internet.
URL: https://www.fengshuiweb.co.uk/blog/feed/
📡 Freedom in Motion: Alexander Technique -- Back and Neck Pain, Stress Relief, Mindfulness RSS feed
Using a unique, hands on approach, certified Movement Efficiency Expert Jeremy Cohn will give you a personal guide to your movement and actual experience in how to change it for the better. It helps to achieve fuller, healthier lives by unlocking untapped potential held back by excess tension and stress, create long term, lasting solutions and community of people seeking self actualization.
URL: https://www.freedominmotionat.com/1/feed
📡 HeCares - HeCares Integrative Medicine Center RSS feed
At HeCares, we have the right knowledge, effective tools and rich experience to not only restore the free flow before reaching tenacious chronicity, but also effectively prevent such occurrences. Acupuncture Specialists for Primary Care, Sports Injuries, Cancer Support, Women's Health and more!
URL: http://www.hecares.net/1/feed
📡 Health On Herbs RSS feed
Health on Herbs is a blog to make awareness among peoples and the scientific community about the various medicinal plants and the latest research in medical science. we are here discussing various medicinal herbs and new technology in health science.
URL: https://healthonherbs.com/feed/
📡 Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy | Crystal Healing | Crystal Healer | Crystal Therapy RSS feed
Master the science, art and fun of crystal healing and therapy and know a unique perspective to the world of crystal healing by learning what they're capable of.
URL: http://hibiscusmooncrystalacademy.com/blog/feed/
📡 Hilary King's Blog RSS feed
Read more about the Alexander Technique including observations on more general topics that interest me, and notifications about my teaching timetable.
URL: https://www.hilaryking.net/feed
📡 Holistic Qi Centre Galway - Holistic Qi Health Centre RSS feed
Holistic Qi Centre Galway is your place to re tune and indulge your well being. Services offered are Massage Therapist, Reiki, spiritual healing, Aromatherapy, Naturopathy, flowers of Bach, Holistic, Spa, relaxing, Meditation, Ayurveda Remedies and more.
URL: https://holisticqicentre.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Holistyx - Massage, Aromatherapy & Reflexology in Lancaster RSS feed
Holistic Therapist practicing Swedish Massage, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology and Aromatherapy provider Ceri Turner of Holistyx in Lancaster, Lancashire, UK
URL: http://holistyx.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Home Remedies Blog - Alternative Medicine Hub RSS feed
Natural Home Remedies is Hub of Alternative medicine. We publish well researched articles to cure health problems at home. Learn more about Ayurvedic remedies and Yoga positions. Also find Ayurvedic medicine.
URL: http://www.homeremediesblog.com/feed/
📡 Homeopathic Family Medicine Blog RSS feed
Homeopathic Family Medicine - Owned & directed by Dana Ullman, is North America's leading resource center for everything homeopathic including books, tapes, research, medicines, medicine kits, software for the general public and the health professional), and correspondence courses.
URL: https://homeopathic.com/feed/
📡 Horizon Feng Shui - Feng Shui Blog RSS feed
This blog tells about Feng Shui Traditional: expertise, advice and training also learn about Well-being and harmony in your home or business: consulting, auditing and training in Feng Shui, interior design and decoration.
URL: https://www.horizon-fengshui.com/blog/feed/
📡 HuffPost | Alternative Medicine RSS feed
Alternative Medicine news, photos, videos, and opinion.
URL: https://www.huffpost.com/topic/alternative-medicine/feed
📡 Inspire Health and Spirit RSS feed
Hi there, my name is Jennifer and I've been on this health and wellness, holistic, and spiritual journey for some time now. My career was in the medical field, for almost 20 years, specifically in the cosmetic industry. I began in Cosmetic Dentistry, moved on briefly to dermatology, and landed most of my career in Plastic Surgery.
URL: https://inspirehealthandspirit.com/feed/
📡 Jill's Home Remedies - Herbs, Home Remedies & Natural Health RSS feed
Jill is a herbalist, homeschool mom and a certified family herbalist that loves researching health and wellness and sharing with others the things she learn. Here you'll find ways to treat your family at home with natural remedies, as well as how to make herbal medicine in your very own kitchen.
URL: https://jillshomeremedies.com/feed
📡 KaivalyaDham Yoga Institute - Yoga. Teacher Certification. Ayurveda. Naturopathy. RSS feed
The oldest Yoga Institute in the world, founded by Swami Kuvalayananda. Yoga instructor course available with training and certification
URL: https://kdham.com/feed
📡 Kamwo Meridian Herbs RSS feed
Kamwo blog is the destination for natural wellness products, acupuncture supplies, chinese herb, and professional services. Kamwo meridian Herbs is the oldest Chinese herbal pharmacy in New York.
URL: https://kamwoherbs.com/kamwomg?format=RSS
📡 Lissa Rankin RSS feed
If you're looking for advice from a professional in the field of alternative medicine, then consider checking out Lissa Rankin's blog. In Rankin's narrative-style posts, she breaks down complicated issues into layman's terms on a variety of topics related to integrated medicine, body-mind practices, and the healthcare system.
URL: https://lissarankin.com/feed/
📡 Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine | Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Blog RSS feed
Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine's blog offers approved live & online continuing education (CEUs/PDAs) in acupuncture, Chinese herbs & Traditional Chinese Medicine.
URL: https://www.elotus.org/blog/feed
📡 Medicinal Herbals RSS feed
Medicinal Herbals is a website to inform, educate and empower you to take control of your health and well being through natural means. It is a Herbal encyclopedia and guide to Medicinal Herbs (Healing Herbs).
URL: https://medicinalherbals.net/feed/
📡 Meridian Acupuncture & Wellness RSS feed
Meridian Acupuncture & Wellness offers a number of services that suit your every need for health and wellness. Meridian Acupuncture & Wellness provides excellent acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Natural Medicine, nutrition, naturopathic, counseling, and massage services in a beautiful, professional, healing environment.
URL: https://meridianacupuncture.com/blog/feed/
📡 Michigan Associates of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine RSS feed
Michigan Associates of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine offers acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, naturopathic medicine, CranioSacral and massage therapy.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AcupunctureInMichigan
📡 Move Osteopathy RSS feed
Move Osteopathy is an allied health care clinic that focuses on solutions to musculoskeletal and spinal pain problems. We pride ourselves on our musculoskeletal assessment, examination and diagnostic skills.
URL: https://moveosteopathy.com.au/feed/
📡 Music Therapy Connections RSS feed
Music Therapy Connections, LLC was established in 2007 by Rachel Rambach. In 2014, Katey Kamerad joined forces with Rachel and became co-owner. Located in central Illinois, services are provided to children & young adults of all ages and levels of development. These services include individual and group music therapy, voice/piano/guitar lessons, and early childhood music classes.
URL: https://musictherapyconnections.org/news/feed/
📡 Music Therapy Research Blog RSS feed
MTRB was created for the working music therapy clinician in order to help with the goal of maintaining evidence-based practice. The purpose of this blog is to provide a resource for the music therapy clinician where you can find information on current research, ways to generalize findings into practice, and tips about maintaining an evidence-based practice.
URL: http://www.musictherapyresearchblog.com/feed/
📡 N. Brooke Lieb, Alexander Technique Teacher RSS feed
N. Brooke Lieb Nationally Certified Teacher of the Alexander Technique Director of Teacher Training, The American Center for the Alexander Technique You can let the pain go: Let me teach you what every Body should know.
URL: https://www.brookelieb.com/blog?format=RSS
📡 Natural Blaze - Alternative Health News & Natural Wellness Tips RSS feed
Natural Blaze tells about natural health, food freedom, organic living, alternative medicine and wellness.
URL: http://www.naturalblaze.com/feed
📡 Natural Healers RSS feed
Since 2005, Natural Healers has been providing educational resources to help individuals pursue their passion. Natural Healers is dedicated to guiding you along your wellness journey whether you're just learning about alternative medicine or you can do crow's pose in your sleep. Find tips and advice on natural health and wellness careers and education. Includes the latest news, resources, and trends in holistic therapies.
URL: https://www.naturalhealers.com/feed/
📡 Naturments RSS feed
Naturments is driven by the passion to go back to nature to mend the body and mind. Our love for herbs and natural remedies was the start of it all. We believe in the healing power of nature and our mission is to make the purest, most potent herbal remedies available to people all over the globe.
URL: https://www.naturments.com/feed/
📡 Naturopathic Doctor News and Review RSS feed
The professional publication of Naturopathic Medicine in North America provides Naturopathic case studies, algorithms, commentary, news and more.
URL: https://ndnr.com/feed/
📡 Naturopathic Foundations RSS feed
Naturopathic Foundation's blogs are written by naturopathic doctors that work at Naturopathic Foundation's Health Clinic in Markham, Ontario. These blogs provide detailed information on how to prevent and treat disease.
URL: http://blog.naturopathicfoundations.ca/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 New Direction Natural Medicine - Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine RSS feed
New Direction Natural Medicine offers Acupuncture, customized Chinese Herbal Medicine and Functional Medicine to help our patients achieve a happy and healthy life. This blog serves people everywhere with timely, relevant news and advice on alternative health and wellness topics.
URL: https://www.newdirectionnaturalmedicine.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 Osteofm - Making Sense of Osteopathy in the 21st century RSS feed
This blog is one extremely average osteopaths attempt to make sense of what osteopathy is, what works and what is really going on in treatment rooms.
URL: https://osteofm.com/feed/
📡 Peninsula Integrative Medicine RSS feed
Peninsula Integrative Medicine is dedicated to providing compassionate, patient-centered care and cutting-edge integrative medicine for the Bay Area and beyond.
URL: https://peninsulaintegrative.com/feed/
📡 Pilatesology True to the Source RSS feed
Pilatesology blog offers hundreds of videos, from workouts to professional workshops, interviews, history, business tips, apparatus tutorials and more. Discover the source. Pilatesology is the only website offering video instruction solely dedicated to classical Pilates.
URL: https://pilatesology.com/blog/feed/
📡 Qialance - Taijiquan | Qi Gong RSS feed
This blog is all about Taijiquan and Qi Gong. Find book lists, my own thoughts, motivational posts, Taijiquan details, explanations of (Chinese) technical terms like 'What is Qi' etc.
URL: https://qialance.com/feed/
📡 Reflexology Live RSS feed
All about reflexology from authors Barbara and Kevin Kunz. 'Barbara and I have written 20 books on reflexology in 22 language editions with 58 foreign editions. We have been doing reflexology for over 35 years.'
URL: http://reflexologylive.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 ReflexologyUK by Teresa Rich RSS feed
Get Reflexology courses and workshops. ReflexologyUK.org based in Bournemouth provides ITEC A&P and Reflexology. CPDs in Baby, Maternity, Advanced, Hot Stone,Hand Reflexology with FREE DVDs.
URL: http://www.reflexologyuk.org/blog/feed/
📡 Reiki Rays RSS feed
Reiki Rays, your daily source of Reiki inspiration! Since 2012, we've published more than 1.500 valuable Reiki articles, written by experienced Reiki Masters from all over the world and get the best Reiki information.
URL: https://reikirays.com/feed
📡 Reiki, Medicine & Self-Care with Pamela Miles RSS feed
This blog offers Reiki practitioners resources and tools to present Reiki practice credibly to health care professionals and the mainstream public and empowering you to be happier and healthier, and to take better care of yourself.
URL: https://reikiinmedicine.org/reiki-blog/feed/
📡 Rest Relaxation Reiki RSS feed
We all want to be healthy, happy, and full of energy. With the assistance of Reiki, crystals, energy releasing techniques, and meditation we can overcome these obstacles and have a more fulfilling and enriching life. The goal of this channel is to share Reiki for free with all those who wish to experience this energy in their lives.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=RestRelaxationReiki
📡 Sacred Feng Shui Design RSS feed
Learn more about the practice along with geomancy, space clearing, and divination. Recent entries are on how to Feng Shui both office and home along with an astrological update. Carol Partridge is a Feng shui expert and a Feng Shui Consultant.
URL: http://sacredfengshuidesign.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Sage Integrative Medicine Clinic - Primary Care | Natural Medicine RSS feed
Sage Integrative Medicine Clinic provides primary care, naturopathic medicine, anti-aging, vitamin infusion. Using traditional procedures, combined with natural therapies, Sage Integrative Medicine Clinic (SIMC) treats immediate ailments and help you live a healthy life.
URL: https://sagemedclinic.com/feed/
📡 San Francisco Integrative Medicine RSS feed
Dr. Laurie Terzo, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, incorporates massage, cupping, guasha, functional medicine, and Chinese herbal medicine into your acupuncture treatment when warranted and explain how each addresses your particular condition.
URL: https://www.integrativemedicinesf.com/1/feed
📡 ScienceDaily -- Alternative Medicine News RSS feed
From yoga to acupuncture and herbal supplements, learn all about alternative therapies, medicines and nutrition.
URL: https://www.sciencedaily.com/rss/health_medicine/alternative_medicine.xml
📡 Shiatsu Trish RSS feed
Trish Dent provides her readers with news of my Shiatsu massage practice in Suffolk, exercise classes and cooking workshops, some views on events and happenings locally and abroad and more.
URL: https://shiatsu-trish.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Simple Health Exercises RSS feed
Way Of Life Changes Healthy Way of Life Changes Online diet programs are the most hassle-free method to manage your new weight-loss resolution.
URL: https://simplehealthexercises.com/feed/
📡 Tamara TCM - Acupuncture & Herbs RSS feed
Tamara is a type of fruit tree and means giver of life. TCM means Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is a complete system of holistic medicine. TCM includes; Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Nutritional therapy, Moxibustion, Cupping, Gua Sha, Electro-acupuncture, Tai Na, Tai Chi, & Qi gong.
URL: https://tamaratcm.com/blog/feed/
📡 Tao of Wellness - Acupuncture | Chinese Medicine | Nutrition RSS feed
Tao of Wellness is a premiere Chinese medicine center in Southern California. It provides holistic health, Wellness, & Fertility center using Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.
URL: https://www.taoofwellness.com/blog?format=rss
📡 The Essential Herbal Blog RSS feed
The Essential Herbal Blog is filled with information, recipes, lore, and crafting ideas and instructions for using herbs and making them a part of your life everyday. The Essential Herbal Magazine is a print magazine by, for, and about herbie people and the things they love about herbs.
URL: http://theessentialherbal.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Guardian | Alternative medicine RSS feed
Latest news and features on alternative medicine from theguardian.com, the world's leading liberal voice.
URL: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/alternative-medicine/rss
📡 The Tao of Dana Feng Shui 101 RSS feed
Feng Shui 101 will give you a good concept of feng shui terms like the bagua, yin and yang, the five elements and other 'technical' feng shui terms.
URL: https://www.fengshuidana.com/category/feng-shui-101/feed/
📡 UnorthoDocs RSS feed
A Western Trained Doctor's Encounters with the World's Unproven Therapies.
URL: http://unortho-docs.com/feed/
📡 Vitalia Natural Medicine RSS feed
Vitalia Natural Medicine is dedicated to the art and science of naturopathic medicine, a unique and comprehensive approach to healing based on the idea that the body has the ability to heal itself.
URL: https://www.vitalianaturalmedicine.com/blog/feed/
📡 WorldwideHealth | Alternative Medicine, Resource & Complementary Health Directory RSS feed
World Wide Health offers complementary and alternative health resources including a health directory of therapists and products accompanied by a library of articles written by health professionals.
URL: https://www.worldwidehealth.com/rss/articles.xml
📡 Yoga Basics Yoga Blog RSS feed
In our Yoga Blog we report on yoga news, trends and happenings throughout the world. You will also find opinions and personal discoveries sprinkled throughout our yoga articles and a yoga resource for the exploration of yoga postures, meditation techniques, pranayama, yoga therapy, and the history & philosophy of yoga.
URL: https://www.yogabasics.com/connect/yoga-blog/feed/
📡 Zapper_Dave RSS feed
Alternative treatments, natural cures, health care, life extension and improvement, plus electro therapy.
URL: https://zapperdave.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss