May 4, 2011

New User: Where is the "Extract full articles" check box ? | CyberSEO Pro | Support Forum


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New User: Where is the "Extract full articles" check box ?
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March 24, 2024
3:05 pm
Thatcham Town Radio
West Berkshire, UK
Forum Posts: 14
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March 24, 2024
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I’ve just installed CyberSEO Pro on our radio station website.  In the old site (which had CyberSEO Lite installed) there was a tick box for “Extract full articles” and when it was ticked, it would put the full article into a new post.  Yes, I have read about the great new way of extracting posts from web sites which looks good but all I really want for now is the same RSS extractor that was in the Lite edition.

Can you please tell me where I can set up the old RSS full article extraction feature?

Do I need to download RSS Retriever to achieve this?

Thanks, Stephen.
Thatcham Town Radio

I am NOT a developer, just a journalist who knows a little about Wordpress!

March 24, 2024
3:08 pm
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Please check this manual: Login to see this link

Login to see the quote

March 24, 2024
3:40 pm
Thatcham Town Radio
West Berkshire, UK
Forum Posts: 14
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March 24, 2024
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Thanks for this.  I’m sorry but I’m not a web developer so please bear with me.

I’ve gone to the parameter that you indicated above which is currently blank.

But how would I know where the Full text extractor is or even if it is installed?  I simply don’t know.

Is there some way that this can be set up automatically?

March 24, 2024
3:42 pm
Forum Posts: 3736
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July 2, 2009
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To make sure the Full-Text-RSS script is configured correctly, open the URL from this box (the “Full text extractor URL” filed in the “General Settings” window) in your browser. You should see a “No URL supplied” message.

March 24, 2024
3:59 pm
Thatcham Town Radio
West Berkshire, UK
Forum Posts: 14
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March 24, 2024
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OK.  There was an option at the bottom of the General Settings which said something like ‘install the full text RSS module’ but this is not exactly what it said.

So I clicked that and then the full text extractor feed had this in it:

Login to see this link  I have deliberately replaced the hex characters with asterisks in case it is a security risk publishing it.

So I pasted that in my web browser and it says:

No URL supplied

Which is what we expected.

So all that is done, but the new posts are still only showing the excerpt and not the full article or the picture.

There is still no Extract Full Articles check box in the setup for each RSS feed that I have defined.

Would it be better if I had RSS Retriever?

March 24, 2024
4:03 pm
Forum Posts: 3736
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July 2, 2009
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Can you provide the URL of the feed you are trying to import? Maybe Full-Text RSS is unable to extract it.

Thatcham Town Radio said

Would it be better if I had RSS Retriever?  

You do not need to use RSS Retriever if you have CyberSEO Pro. The RSS Retriever is CyberSEO Pro with a lighter code and reduced functionality. It has no additional functionality.

March 24, 2024
4:15 pm
Thatcham Town Radio
West Berkshire, UK
Forum Posts: 14
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March 24, 2024
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Can I PM this to you as it is a private feed from our syndication partner?  I do know for a fact that it works as it is doing what I want it to do on our present web site which uses CyberSEO Lite.

If this is working properly, should I get an option for each feed to extract the full article text like what appears on CyberSEO Lite?

Please tell me how to PM you and I’ll send you the link.

March 24, 2024
4:17 pm
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You can send the link buy email. If you are not sure how to set up the plugin, you can also provide access to your WordPress dashboard so I can fix your settings.

March 24, 2024
4:24 pm
Thatcham Town Radio
West Berkshire, UK
Forum Posts: 14
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March 24, 2024
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What email address should I use?

March 24, 2024
4:27 pm
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Login to see this link

March 24, 2024
4:30 pm
Thatcham Town Radio
West Berkshire, UK
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The system should have emailed you admin login details.  Do you have it.

I will email you the feed which we’re trying to extract in full text.

Just to be clear.   The CyberSEO Lite plugin is running on our current website.  I am working on the new website on a different server and a different URL.  The new server has CyberSEO Pro.

March 24, 2024
4:39 pm
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I’m not sure what to check. I’ve opened your feed settings and I see the full-text version, as well as the “Use Full-Text RSS script” option in the “Extract full text articles” drop-down menu. Please describe your issue in detail, as I don’t see any problems with your settings.

March 24, 2024
4:44 pm
Thatcham Town Radio
West Berkshire, UK
Forum Posts: 14
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So when you go into Cyber SEO plugin, you'll see 2 feeds configured by myself.

If you look at the posts created by Radio News Hub (obviously in the Posts tab in WP) you'll see for example a post called

"Owl retiring after three decades at Warwick Castle" 

If you click to view the post, all you'll see is a page with the title of the article and the excerpt, not the full text of the article.

I hope this makes sense.

March 24, 2024
4:49 pm
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Yes it is, because the full text extraction is disabled in your feed settings:


You have to enable it using the drop-down menu shown at the image above. It’s located on the “Advanced” tab of your feed settings: Login to see this link

March 24, 2024
4:57 pm
Thatcham Town Radio
West Berkshire, UK
Forum Posts: 14
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Now I feel so stupid!  I hadn’t even noticed the tabs at the top.  The old CyberSEO Lite product had that option on the main page so I had no need to look at tabs ….

so this leads me to my next question.

Can you please tell me how I can force the system to refresh all of the previous posts to include the full text?

Also, when adding a new feed, how can I control how many historical posts it will download?


Oh yes!  It’s now working with full text extraction but I’m, getting the featured image twice!

Please look Login to see this link

Can you tell me how I can only get the picture once?

March 24, 2024
5:06 pm
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I would suggest that you simply delete any previously syndicated posts if they don’t contain the full-text versions. Just make sure they are removed from your trash box as well. After that, the plugin will generate them again.

The easiest way to delete them in a bulk is to select the feed and click the “❌ Delete posts syndicated from selected feeds” button.

March 24, 2024
5:13 pm
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Thatcham Town Radio said

Can you tell me how I can only get the picture once?  

Please read this article: Login to see this link

I suggest you check out all the other articles as well, because they contain a lot of really useful information and tutorials: Login to see this link

March 24, 2024
5:43 pm
Thatcham Town Radio
West Berkshire, UK
Forum Posts: 14
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March 24, 2024
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Thanks for pointing me to the article which has allowed me to stop the double posting of pictures.  Everything is now working on the new site as it is on the current site.  The cost of your PlugIn is worth every penny and I don’t know of any other PlugIn on the market that achieves what yours does without a heavy annual subscription to a cloud based aggregator.

I’m looking forward to learning about the premium features within your product and using them to provide the right content at the right time to our audience.

Yes, I can now take the time to read through your documentation now that you’ve helped me get the basics working which was what I needed to achieve right now.  I have to say that your responsiveness has been amazing and I am very grateful for your kind attention on a Sunday afternoon.

Thank You so much!

March 25, 2024
3:19 am
Forum Posts: 33
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March 3, 2024
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The best part of cyberseo pro plugin is his support :D

You will not be disappointed with the service

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