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Fixing the feed settings
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December 31, 2023
6:13 pm
Forum Posts: 20
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December 29, 2023
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hi, I want to extract the full content with images from Bloomberg can you help me with how can I do that as I tried but not the full content extract. help me as I want to extract the following categories articles : Home, News, Business, Technology, Sports, Travel, Culture & AI

December 31, 2023
6:23 pm
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I would like to clarify that the CyberSEO Pro plugin is designed to import content from open sources, such as public RSS feeds, XML feeds, JSON, and CSV files. However, it’s important to understand that not all content providers offer full access to their articles or images through these feeds. In many cases, such as with Bloomberg, the content might be protected by copyright laws, and they may choose to restrict full access to their content for various reasons.

While my tool can help in importing available content from open sources, it cannot bypass restrictions set by content providers like Bloomberg. If they do not provide full versions of their articles through their feeds, it is likely due to copyright or other proprietary reasons.

I recommend checking Bloomberg’s website for any available options they might offer for content access or reaching out to them directly to inquire about legal and proper ways to access their full content. I hope this clarifies the situation.

December 31, 2023
7:14 pm
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Also the full text extractor not works also it not fair that you say we can extract any type of RSS feed now you are saying that there is a privacy

December 31, 2023
7:17 pm
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also, this is a public RSS feed link (Login to see this link) it also does not extract the full content not extract the images.

December 31, 2023
7:24 pm
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I want to assure you that we strive for fairness and transparency in all our operations. As outlined in our Terms of Service (TOS), which you can review here: Login to see this link, the plugin is designed to import content from publicly available sources. It does not support the import of copyrighted content unless it is made available by the content provider in a format that our plugin can process.

Regarding the full-text extractor, the functionality of this feature depends on the specific setup and the nature of the content feeds. If you’re encountering issues, I am more than willing to assist. Please provide the Login to see this link from your plugin’s dashboard, and I’ll guide you through the necessary steps to optimize its performance.

hnjila2 said
also, this is a public RSS feed link (Login to see this link) it also does not extract the full content not extract the images.  

I’ve checked the URL above, and it appears that when opened in a browser, this link does not display any content. This indicates that the source itself might be empty.

Since the plugin relies on the data provided in the RSS feed, it cannot import content from a source that is essentially zero-length or empty. I recommend verifying the RSS feed URL or contacting the content provider to ensure that the feed is active and properly formatted.

December 31, 2023
7:27 pm
Forum Posts: 20
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December 29, 2023
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then kindly provide me the rss feed for these categories  from any top website like CNN , CNBC e.t.c: Home, News, Business, Technology, Sports, Travel, Culture & AI

December 31, 2023
7:33 pm
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Here are the basic suggestions for finding RSS feeds:

  1. Go to the website of the news outlet (e.g., CNN, CNBC) and look for sections like ‘RSS’, ‘Feeds’, ‘Subscribe’, or similar terms. These sections often contain links to their available RSS feeds.
  2. Use search engines to find RSS feeds for specific categories. For example, you can search “CNN Business RSS feed” or “CNBC Technology RSS feed”.
  3. Websites like Feedspot or offer directories of RSS feeds categorized by topics and sources, which might help you find feeds from top websites in your desired categories.
  4. Some feed readers and aggregators list popular RSS feeds by category, which can be a good resource to find what you’re looking for.


Login to see this link

Login to see this link

Login to see this link

Login to see this link

Login to see this link

Login to see this link

Login to see this link

Login to see this link


I hope this helps you in locating the RSS feeds for your desired categories.

December 31, 2023
7:40 pm
Forum Posts: 20
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December 29, 2023
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I want to extract the full content you can also see this RSS feed has all the content but the plugin was not extracting the full content.

Login to see this link
January 1, 2024
6:59 am
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It’s important to note that articles from The New York Times are protected and accessible only to registered users. This is due to their strict policy regarding content usage and copyright protection.

As clearly stated in the description of our plugin, it is not designed or intended to bypass such restrictions or to provide unauthorized access to protected materials. CyberSEO Pro serves as an aggregator of content from open sources, which means it can only access and import content that is publicly available without restrictions.

The New York Times, along with many other reputable publishers, enforce these restrictions to protect their content and intellectual property. As a result, our plugin cannot extract content from sources where access is restricted to registered or paid users.

I hope this clarifies the capabilities and intended use of our plugin. Please remember to always respect copyright laws and the policies of content providers when using any content aggregation tool.

January 2, 2024
12:33 am
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Hi i need your help some time the plugin not fetch the title of the article so can you tell me why

or tell me how to delete the posts that not contain title 

January 2, 2024
6:50 pm
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To delete all posts without titles, make a copy of your WordPress database, then open the Login to see this link window and paste the following code into the text box:

Login to see the code

Now just click “Proceed” and wait for the posts to be deleted.

January 2, 2024
7:40 pm
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Hey, is there a way to make this command run automatically every hour?

January 2, 2024
7:42 pm
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No, there is no way to do that. With the correct settings, you should never get posts with empty titles. If you have them, something is wrong with your content source or your feed settings.

January 2, 2024
7:55 pm
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can you please provide me the template of the correct setting so I can use that

January 3, 2024
4:09 pm
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There is no such a thing as “correct setting”. Each content source requires its own settings according to its structure and your personal vision of how the generated posts should look like. The plugin has over 200 options to allow users to implement any strategy they choose. If you provide the RSS feed source you want to import, I will show you the settings to use to avoid empty titles. In 99% of all cases the default CyberSEO Pro feed settings will work correctly if they are not altered.

January 3, 2024
5:39 pm
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Hi, these are the feeds when I pull the content separately means one by one (manually) all the content is fetched but when the plugin tries to fetch the content on autopilot it misses the title of the posts. see these are all the RSS feed links that I use to fetch the content:

Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link l/topics/african-cultures-and-traditions-30318/articles.atom
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link nology/articles.atom
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link
Login to see this link

and I use this setting for all the feeds:
Login to see this link

January 4, 2024
1:29 am
Forum Posts: 20
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also, can you tell me that is I use that script through the cron job simply by creating a .PHP file and running the corn job, or if this script is not enough if the code needs some updating then kindly share the updated code so I fix the feed with no title issue.

if (!strlen($post->post_title)) {
  wp_delete_post($post->ID, true);
$post = false;
January 4, 2024
9:08 am
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The script can only be executed manually from your WordPress dashboard.

I checked a few of your feeds. They can be imported with the default settings and there are no problems with post titles.If you decide to change this or that option, be sure to read the documentation to be aware of the possible effects.

The plugin is running on more than 110 thousand websites, and there are no other threads in this forum about problems with post titles. So this is definitely not bug in the plugin, but it is possible that there is a conflict with some other script (plugin or theme) on your site. In any case, the key to this problem is in your Syndicator Log. If you see a new post being generated without a title, open your Syndicator Log, copy the report, and paste it into your next post.

January 4, 2024
12:01 pm
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Login to see the quote

January 4, 2024
12:17 pm
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1. You are trying to pull Login to see this link. This is some JSON file which contains this:

Login to see the quote

So apparently it can not be processed, because it has no data. Please make sure to check all the links your import in the browser.

2. Login to see this link” settings page or your API key is invalid.

3. Login to see this link can easily be imported with the default settings. Here is my log for it:

Login to see the quote

Since there is a title in the example above (“Hajj: Kaduna extends deadline on N4.5m deposit before Jan 31 – Daily Trust”), it seems that your settings are wrong, so I would suggest that you check the “Post title” option in the “Advanced” tab of your feed settings. It should not be blank. By default, there should be “%post_title%” in this field.

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