May 4, 2011

Best approach when importing about 2000 blog posts with the gallery magic lite shortcode? | Freeware Plugins | Support Forum


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Best approach when importing about 2000 blog posts with the gallery magic lite shortcode?
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December 29, 2020
7:55 pm
Forum Posts: 84
Member Since:
August 26, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


When importing 2000 blog posts with the gallery magic lite shortcode with “draft” status and turn them to publish too fast (3 posts a minute) I get problems: Some galleries have missing images and often there are images that do not belong into the gallery. So, is it important not to import those blog posts too fast? what would be a good interval? And what might cause that problem, importing 2000 blog posts with the shortcode too fast or turning them to publish too fast? Or what else could cause the described problems?

December 29, 2020
7:59 pm
Forum Posts: 3737
Member Since:
July 2, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

That’s because you have to wait for the first gallery to be generated before to generate the second one. There is no such a thing as a good interval because it depends on the connection speed, the image sizes etc. I’d say 5 minutes will be enough for sure.

December 29, 2020
9:13 pm
Forum Posts: 84
Member Since:
August 26, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thanks for the answer!

Once the galleries are created and published, but the shortcode not transformed in the wordpress gallery code yet, is it a problem when those 2000 galleries get visited very fast by users? Because each (first) visit would create a gallery, correct? Or do I only get problems when adding those posts too fast to wordpress or set to publish too fast…

December 29, 2020
10:35 pm
Forum Posts: 3737
Member Since:
July 2, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Yes, the first visit transforms shortcode into gallery. I think problem can be solved if you set a time gap between posts (the “Frequency” parameter in the dump import settings).

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