May 4, 2011

Video overlay image quality | CyberSEO Pro | Support Forum


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Video overlay image quality
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December 28, 2023
1:17 pm
Forum Posts: 32
Member Since:
October 5, 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Problem solved: I simply disabled the “image overlay” setting.


Original post: I am using CyberSEO to post my recommended videos from YouTube to my site:

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On my custom archive page, I can choose different size images for the previews.

But if you go to a specific video, the preview is the thumbnail size and it looks pretty bad.

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It currently shows the “Featured Image” – am I using the wrong source for the image?

December 28, 2023
2:03 pm
Forum Posts: 3737
Member Since:
July 2, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

It seems the core of your issue is not with the CyberSEO plugin itself, but rather with how your WordPress theme or other settings are handling the images.

Firstly, it’s important to understand that the CyberSEO plugin uses the URL{ID}/maxresdefault.jpg to fetch thumbnails from YouTube. These images are typically of the size 1280×720, which is a standard for maxresdefault images on YouTube. The fact that your thumbnails are displaying at 480×360 indicates that this resizing is not done by the CyberSEO plugin.

The CyberSEO plugin merely calls a WordPress API function to generate the featured image. After this, the size and display of the image largely depend on your theme’s settings and WordPress configurations. Here are a few things you might want to check:

  1. Some themes automatically resize images to fit certain styles or layouts. This could be the case with your theme, especially if it’s resizing the images to 480×360.
  2. Check if there are any other plugins that might be interfering with the image sizes. Sometimes image optimization or media handling plugins can alter the sizes of your images.
  3. In your WordPress Dashboard, under Settings > Media, check if there are specific size limitations set for thumbnails. This might be affecting the size of your images.
  4. If the theme or another plugin is indeed resizing the images, you may need to add some custom code or adjust the theme settings to handle the images in their original size.
  5. Test by temporarily switching to a default WordPress theme and deactivating other plugins. If the issue resolves, then the problem is likely with your current theme or a conflicting plugin.
  6. If you’re not comfortable tweaking theme settings or code, consider reaching out to the theme’s support team for guidance.

The CyberSEO plugin is fetching the correct and largest available image size from YouTube. The resizing to 480×360 is happening elsewhere in your WordPress environment. I recommend investigating the above points to pinpoint and resolve the issue.

December 29, 2023
11:18 pm
Forum Posts: 32
Member Since:
October 5, 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hi, thanks for your reply.

I am a bit confused by your reply. Where do you see video thumbnails resized to 480×360?

If you refer to the video archive page, those images are simply shown using the Posts widget in Elementor Pro. These images are stored at full size by CyberSEO when the feed is pulled from YouTube, but I display them at 50% column width.

What I don’t understand is why I get smaller sized images for the actual video preview on the «video post» page.

That’s why I wondered if the «featured image» may be wrong option in the image source setting for the video overlay Elementor. I am not sure which field CyberSEO writes the full size image to.

I apologize if this makes no sense…

December 29, 2023
11:32 pm
Forum Posts: 3737
Member Since:
July 2, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I see the 480×360 images all over your site. For example:

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The plugin doesn’t write an image to a WordPress field. It stores the image in your media library using Login to see this link API functions. So there is no way to somehow resize the image using the CyberSEO Pro plugin. WordPress does it depending on your theme settings and WordPress configurations. Please be sure to check the API function descriptions above to make sure that these functions have no direct control over the image dimensions.

You said that the problem was solved by adjusting the “image overlay” option. The CyberSEO Pro plugin has no such option, so I assume it’s an element of your theme’s control panel.

January 9, 2024
7:57 pm
Forum Posts: 32
Member Since:
October 5, 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thanks. I am not sure why only the videos pulled using the CyberSEO feed is set to that size. It’s a mystery to me.

Thanks for your assistance.

January 9, 2024
8:48 pm
Forum Posts: 3737
Member Since:
July 2, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Try temporarily switching to a default WordPress theme and pulling the feed again.

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