May 4, 2011

How to remove gaps in posts created by CyberSEO Pro | CyberSEO Pro | Support Forum


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How to remove gaps in posts created by CyberSEO Pro
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March 24, 2024
9:03 pm
Thatcham Town Radio
West Berkshire, UK
Forum Posts: 14
Member Since:
March 24, 2024
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

So first of all I just want to say that I know that the PlugIn isn’t creating in the gaps created in the posts when it takes an xml feed and turns it into a post.  And I get that the gaps are there anyway but I’m trying to figure out what these gaps are and how to remove them so all I have left is the text and the pictures for the news story in the xml feed.

Here is an example Login to see this link of a page created by the CyberSEO Pro plug-in.

If I could understand what the gaps between paragraphs are, maybe I can begin to configure the system to remove/ignore them.

Can you please take a look at this page which is typical of the ones from this site that show a picture, include the full text but have gaps. Somehow I am looking for an automation to remove these gaps as the xml is being taken in and the post is being creaated.

March 24, 2024
9:07 pm
Forum Posts: 3737
Member Since:
July 2, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I don’t see any gaps. I see a blank space where there should be an image, which is seems to be broken. I can’t answer your question without reviewing a full Syndicator log for this particular post.

Login to see the code

March 24, 2024
9:12 pm
Forum Posts: 3737
Member Since:
July 2, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

And there are no gaps between paragraphs. Check the HTML code of the generated post. These “gaps” are displayed by the CSS style of your theme:

Login to see the code

No single gap there.

Please always check the HTML code of the generated post. Only there you can see its real structure. A screenshot of a page rendered by your theme does not contain any useful information. Your theme may display it in any possible and impossible way – change its CSS and the post will look completely different. The spacing between paragraphs can be 0 pixels, 1000 pixels or even negative. Your theme determines how the post looks, not the plugin.

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