May 4, 2011

Database error MySQL server has gone away | CyberSEO Pro | Support Forum


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Database error MySQL server has gone away
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December 13, 2011
8:32 pm

Hello Admin,

I'm having issues running the CyberSEO consistently from one site to another. One site is running great while others have stopped running. I am able to run the jobs manually, but through CRON just showing showing Next Update “ASAP” and not progressing further.

And the logs appear to show SQL queries timing out (plus 'class-http.php' warnings):

[13-Dec-2011 15:00:37] WordPress database error MySQL server has gone away for query INSERT INTO `wp_postmeta` (`post_id`,`meta_key`,`meta_value`) VALUES (‘1′,’cyberseo_rss_source’,’’key=20’hash=6f543c0ccaea71d6ca59611abb15d00a653e7258’max=7’links=remove’exc=1’what=auto’#039;) made by shutdown_action_hook, do_action, call_user_func_array, cseo_update_feeds, CyberSEO_Syndicator->syndicateFeeds, CyberSEO_Syndicator->parseFeed, CyberSEO_Syndicator->endElement, CyberSEO_Syndicator->insertPost, add_post_meta, add_metadata
[13-Dec-2011 15:19:42] PHP Warning:  parse_url(://RPC2/) [<a href=’function.parse-url’>function.parse-url</a>]: Unable to parse URL in /home/seohost2/public_html/ on line 120
[13-Dec-2011 15:19:42] PHP Warning:  parse_url(://RPC2/) [<a href='function.parse-url'>function.parse-url</a>]: Unable to parse URL in /home/seohost2/public_html/ on line 120

Can you make any sense here?

Note: I've switched the post filter over to regex expression (could this be the issue causing the timeout);

Login to see the code


December 13, 2011
8:38 pm
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Here is the explanation of your error message: /forum/support-eng/getting-cannot-insert-into-wordpress-database-error-log-sample/

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