Duplicate Post Finder

Sometimes duplicate posts appear in any blog that importing the content from the XML/RSS and JSON feeds. There are many reasons for that, like incorrect GUID info in syndicating feeds, bugs in feed-pulling plugins etc. In any case, the blog that has duplicating posts is just begging Google to be penalized.

The CyberSEO Suite includes a special “Duplicate Post Finder” module which allows you to detect and delete all the duplicate content on your blog in a few mouse clicks. The Duplicate Post Finder script provides three different algorithms to compare the blog content for dupes:

  • search by post source
  • search by title
  • search by content

The most useful method is “search by post source” which will strictly compare all the existing posts. It will mark as dupes all posts that have a same source content URL.

When “search by content” is selected, only the posts with a 100% identical content will be marked as dupes.

The “search by title” method compares only the tittles of your posts. It will detect all the posts with identical titles as dupes, even if they have absolutely different content. Thus it’s not recommended to use this method excepting the cases when you’re absolutely sure on what you’re doing.